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Not sure where to post this question! (screenshot questioN)


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On the normal Nexus page that has the skyrim mods and screenshots. I see some ppls screenshots *which are awesOMe* that are not just 1 picture. When you click the one picture, you can scroll down and see like 5 or 6 that they have taken that are all most of the time of the same character the inital picture was that I clicked. How do they do that?

Hope i explained that right, fer instance....



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**The additional images below the main image, the ones that link to somewhere else, such as Flickr or whatever, are already uploaded elsewhere, and simply placed into the description. You do this by typing something like [url=Link]Image[/ img][/ url], where Link is the link to the page you want the image to link to, and Image is the link to the image itself (actual image, like .jpg, or .bmp, or whatever). Just don't put the spaces in the tags like I did here.**

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