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ZuluFoxTrot's Zombie Apocalypse Mod HELP Please


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Alright so I have recently downloaded the Zombie Apocalypse mod. I know for a fact that I have installed it correctly, I followed every instruction to the dot. But when I open up the launcher and check the data file, the game crashes as soon as I start it up. I am using a couple mods, but only ones that were specifically listed as recommended and compatible. I even tried removing the other mods and running it separately and it still just crashes. I am using nvse and I've tried running it through there like I normally would with large mods like this, and running as the game is supposed to without nvse. But still,....it crashes :dry: I have even made sure that I have the proper version and latest updated version for it, unless by some odd means a new update came out minutes after downloading. (EXTREMELY unlikely however) Does anyone know what the heck is going on here??

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