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True Enclave

Gafgar Adolis

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I was indeed planning on including the classic FO2 Advanced Power Armor Mk II, provided I receive permission from the guy who modded it in. I also have plans to explain the differences (visual and otherwise) between the FO2 and the FO3 armors as the two being different versions of the Advanced Power Armor Mk II, the FO3 version sacrificing ability (hell, it's weaker than the T-51b) for cost and ease of manufacture, a necessity after the Enclave's loss of their facilities in California such as Navarro and the Oil Rig. One plan I had for True Enclave was to include a quest where Enclave soldiers can be upgraded to use the APA Mk IIa rather than the weaker APA Mk IIb if the player helps retake the facilities required to produce the costlier and more complicated Mk IIa.


In other news, the GECK managed to corrupt my Fort Darius.esp just as I was adding the finishing touches, so I've had to start over from an earlier version. Thus, I'm having to redo the lighting and cluttering all. Over. Again. VGS.


I've also begun writing up an outline of the quests I intend to eventually add, provided of course I can either learn to code them or find someone who can, and indeed whether they can be pulled off at all! I've already written the first and last quests - the beginning and end of the questline, essentially - and have shared my plans for the opening quest below.


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The GECK suddenly seems to hate me. It's corrupted two different versions of Fort Darius and one version of True Enclave so far, each when I've tried to save changes made to the esps. I've got backups, fortunately, but I can't make any progress or restore what's been lost until I figure out what's going on.


Don't expect any updates anytime soon.

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Uninstalling and reinstalling the GECK seems to have fixed things. Work on True Enclave is continuing and I've been adding some new items to the game for testing (such as the Advanced Power Armor Mk IIa, the Classic APA, which Lexx was quite kind enough to permit me to use). Fort Darius, on the other hand, has fallen well behind schedule and I may just release it as-is - without any lighting or clutter - as a modder's resource. We'll see how things go.


I am, by the way, looking for someone to create some new layouts, clutters and textures for part of Fort David, the revised version of Fort Darius that will be appearing in the main mod. I will say only that these will require a certain Presidential flavor and should be large enough for a certain behemoth-sized member of the Secret Service to move about in.

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  Gafgar Adolis said:
behemoth-sized member of the Secret Service to move about in.


I'm going to assume you're talking about Frank Horrigan... although that wouldn't make much sense since he was killed in 2242...

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  essi2 said:
  Gafgar Adolis said:
behemoth-sized member of the Secret Service to move about in.


I'm going to assume you're talking about Frank Horrigan... although that wouldn't make much sense since he was killed in 2242...


I've said it before, i'll say it again: this game only makes sense if you imagine it occuring at the same time as the original Fallout, or slightly after. I always mentally amend the dates when I play so as not to break my suspension of disbelief. :biggrin:

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