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Game does not detect my GPU


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Searched internet for this, but was unable to find any solution so far, though there were same problems. I have a laptop. Integrated visuals are intel HD4000 and discrete nVidia 675m. Problem is that New Vegas just dont see my descrete videocart. In launcher I always get intel HD4000 and cant change it to 675m. This result in very bad perfomance. I tried to force my nvidia gpu through nVidia panel and 3d manage settings, like I did with other games, but still no result. I even tried to disable my integrated card and this just crashes the game. To New Vegas I have no GeForce 675m. Period. Please help me.

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Steam shows that I have GTX675M

Documents\My Games\Fallout3\RendererInfo.txt <---what is written in there?

" " " \FalloutPrefs.ini <---what is written in there?


these are important places, you should see (intel HD4000) Or (intel HD4000 GTX675M nVidia 675m) if you are reading the systems spec's correctly?

GTX675M That should be in there, and if it's not ? you need to find out what the data can not talk to the chip set.


the more I think about this, the more I wonder of the game and steam are installed correctly? it may infact be a really bad install. Steam? installs all data and contain all information in a blob file for your system, that includes the rendering parts too, it is their version of a config file for the whole thing.

good luck.


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