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How hard would it be...


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To make a mod for coop multiplayer. It would be a good idea but probably really hard!

Like only 2 - 4 people and when vats come on it just pauses for the other players? Or they go into VATS aswell. And then there would be really be dungeon like levels for coop play. It would be cool. And probably a lot more people creating levels for it as well.

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Practically impossible. There was a project (or two?) working on this for Oblivion but, as far as I know, they never got very far. The engine has been designed and created for single-player play, and to make multi-player play possible you'd have to do some pretty crazy things. I'd be very surprised if this is ever achieved, and if no one ever attempts it I wouldn't be particularly surprised.



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On the contrary the oblivion projects did get quite a bit done and one of them is still going. I have played it with other people. In its current state it isn't the most enjoyable experience but in the next update not only will you be able to play but they are going to have players clothes, weapons, actions, and NPC's all synchronized. I believe they use a method that creates an NPC of one player in the game of other players.


I think it would be completely possible considering the games similarity with oblivion. Of course you would most likely have to disable VATS or make it slow mo for everyone or something.

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