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MCM(related) and Nevada refuse to work -.-


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i kinda have a problem running anything that Include MCM.
MCM or P Nevada(wo MCM) crashes my game on load/new game..
i recently fixed my initial problem with the game and steam and hoped it would work now.
but it kind of doesnt.
Mods installed besides PN and MCM is Darni, oHud and iHud.(and all dlc)
was kinda useless to get more as long as the basics doesnt work -.-
im not getting any crash report. just a notice that it crashes -.-
wo these mods everything runs perfect on high presets,

any ideas what i could try?

Edited by byblik
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yeah... turns out i got the nogore version. at least that one (mcm-verion) works. but Nevada doesnt have that kind of fix and it keps crashing -.-
how i hate this steam-country related bshit -.-
installed mcmnogore -> oHud -> iHud -> everything works fine...
installed PN -> mcmnogore -> oHud -> iHud -> crash on load...
installed mcm nogore -> PN -> oHud -> iHud -> crash on load...
however i could not find any "PN nogore" verions/patches and i doubt it could cause this problem...

startin to hate this gaming stuff -.-



We're living in pieces. I want to live in peace.

gota get myself a peacekeeper if this goes on like that -.-

Edited by byblik
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