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Making NPCs use Custom Conjuring Spells?


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Hey guys, relatively new modder here.

I was wondering if there is a way to make NPCs (existing and/or custom) use custom conjuration spells? I've tried everything I can think of beside scripting (no idea how) that will allow this. The NPC just runs around with the spell equipped in their hand and seem to have had their combat ability disabled. I have searched the forums for an answer but came up empty. If anyone knows how to do this, or can point me in the direction of a previous thread I might have missed, that would be great. Thanks.

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You have to make sure the NPC has a high enough conjuration stat to use the spell. I achieve this by setting The NPC's conjuration bonus to 100 in the race menu(you may have to make a new race for the NPC). Also make sure in the actor, AI data that the NPC's combat style is set to mage/sorcerer type.

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