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Trouble with making a new ability


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I'm trying to make a new spell.


Name: Spirit Link

Description: The mage creates a link through the fade for all party members, distributing 50% of incoming damage to other party members. Damage received through this link is never fatal, instead dispelling the effect for that party member.


Source of idea: Warfraft 3

Mechanics: Exactly as in W3


And I cannot get it to work.

Problem of course being handling the damage!

The one option I tried is - using the "event manager", I listen for the "EVENT_TYPE_ATTACK_IMPACT" event.


However, whichever handler executes second, well... does not execute really.

If I put my function call before in the event manager(which right now is just a couple of floaty messages), then attacks never(or rarely) do any damage.

If it's the other way around I get no floaty messages, but the attacks work normally.


So can anyone suggest a fix or another venue for implementing this spell?

Edited by martixy
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