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Your Help for fixing a neck broken problem


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Hi Everyone


I would like to find a master to help me deal with the problem of the broken line between the neck and body, like the picture:





It seems a big problem to me, and it is very complicated because the Texture I used is used for the mod of "Lover Lab (Advanced Animation Framework)", which contains two files: 1. MaleBody.nif and 2. MaleBody.tri .


The file "MaleBody.tri" is a nude body with a normal penis, like all the other mods


The file "MaleBody.tri" is a nude body with an erect penis, and it will be activated when a sexuality happens.


The two files must be used together.


Mod has been uploaded to the web here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iS0nlkeF907bWR2qeK3Kx7x7Ix_msr5Y/view?usp=sharing


I had tryed to fix the problem by BodySlide several times, but it didn't work. So I hope someone can help fix it, or give me some advices.




Edited by zjn1090
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