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WIP - New female body replacer *nudity*


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While I can see a lot of work has gone into this, I do not like it. While I am judging it from the leather armor pictures you put up above (since we can't see the other screenshots till they are posted up again), they look very anorexic, and I personally think that sort of thing doesn't look good at all. Just don't take my opinion harshly, I think most different to other people anyway, and since you put in a lot of hard work, some people might want a change.


It really does, but the lines look 10x better than the vanilla ones.


It reminds me of the version of HGEC I use, which is the small fight version with an A cup, I believe.


All in all, it looks good.

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I'm actually going to agree with them, now that I have seen a side view in leather armor. The frontal images seem fine and proportions are pretty correct for a petite female, but, in particular the picture of her sneaking, the models seem a little /too/ thin, even considering the aims for an petite look.


I like the frontal view proportions though, as I didn't notice the problem from that angle.

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OK, ImageShack seems to have deleted all the nude pics. Too bad. Different hosting-service this time. Hope this lasts longer.


I didn't even have the original pictures anymore, so I made new ones:


















While I can see a lot of work has gone into this, I do not like it. While I am judging it from the leather armor pictures you put up above (since we can't see the other screenshots till they are posted up again), they look very anorexic, and I personally think that sort of thing doesn't look good at all. Just don't take my opinion harshly, I think most different to other people anyway, and since you put in a lot of hard work, some people might want a change.


That's fine, you don't have to like it. But it's not really anorexic, just pretty slim. It's just supposed to be another alternative to other replacers. If you don't like the body-type, well, there are plenty of others out there, and they are all pretty damn good. But I do appreciate that you speak your mind. Everyone likes to be praised a lot, but without opposition, what's it worth?

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Uh, I can't see any of the links nor images, it only says "403 FORBIDDEN" on the site. . .



Nevermind I noticed new pictures added. I can say I like it :) Looks nice, but honestly I think the legs are a little thin and the head is a little big for the body, otherwise all good! :D

Good luck on this, I'll try to remember testing it out once I can get my hands on it.

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Looks nice, but honestly I think the legs are a little thin and the head is a little big for the body, otherwise all good! :D

Yeah, maybe I'll put some more effort into the legs, but that's a big IF.

As for the head: I know, but I can't do anything about it, as that would basically mean changing the head. I just not up for the task.


The shoulders look a little large compared to the hips imo. Looks good so far though

The shoulders really cannot be changed. This is kind of a limitation that comes from the skeleton.



Thanks for the feedback!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been testing/playing with the body for a little while now Phil and I have to say, the Mesh is very good. I agree with Suilebhain, petite describes it perfectly. I wouldn't change a thing as far as the mesh is concerned. Any word on when the new textures are going to be finished?
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I've been testing/playing with the body for a little while now Phil and I have to say, the Mesh is very good. I agree with Suilebhain, petite describes it perfectly. I wouldn't change a thing as far as the mesh is concerned. Any word on when the new textures are going to be finished?

Thought this topic was dead. Glad it isn't.


Well, as far as textures go.... I have no idea how long Luchaire will need. But you know how it is. There's something called RL and everyone has to deal with it.

We'll see....


Thanks again for testing it, Harvey. And for the kind words.


Here's another screenie:



(Thanks for the tip, Buddha)

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