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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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What's the benefit of going premium?


Im kinda curious now. :smile:

Here is the exact quote from the store page where you would purchase the premium.


About Premium Membership

Premium Membership provides users of the site with an improved experience over normal (free) users of all the Nexus sites. By rights, all content on the Nexus sites is freely available for all users however Premium Membership provides an improved service including an ad-free browsing experience, uncapped downloads and the ability to download files faster by multi-threading your downloads, Premium-only file servers, your full download history (even from before you were a Premium Member) and increased private message capacity. Premium Membership is not required to use the Nexus sites, and you should only pay if you would like these added benefits.

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I pulled the trigger last year after several years of enjoyment here. I've got a powerful addiction and this site has fed it for a long time now. For me it's taken a series of games and made them new again, over and over.


This isn't just another modding site, it's a community and a large one at that. The individuals that bred it, maintain it and continue to carry it forward have made an incredible commitment and more than a few sacrifices along the way to do so. I appreciate that and since I was able to at the time, I donated a few coins to say thanks. Just one way to give back to the community to help ensure it continues to thrive for some time to come.



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What's the benefit of going premium?


Im kinda curious now. :smile:

Here is the exact quote from the store page where you would purchase the premium.


About Premium Membership

Premium Membership provides users of the site with an improved experience over normal (free) users of all the Nexus sites. By rights, all content on the Nexus sites is freely available for all users however Premium Membership provides an improved service including an ad-free browsing experience, uncapped downloads and the ability to download files faster by multi-threading your downloads, Premium-only file servers, your full download history (even from before you were a Premium Member) and increased private message capacity. Premium Membership is not required to use the Nexus sites, and you should only pay if you would like these added benefits.



But the real point is not what you get, it's that you give to support these sites. The benefits are just a way of saying thank you!

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In response to post #9034119. #9035089 is also a reply to the same post.

Thing is, though, that would mess up large single mod downloads. Do you really want to spend 17 hours downloading Interesting NPCs?

There's no good way to limit people except just limiting their download rate. Limiting # of mod downloads would make downloading smaller mods/fixes a chore, limiting size of mod downloads would make downloading larger files extremely arduous.

Mods are just way too varied to put those kinds of limits, because that'll just prioritize one mod over another (if you instituted a # limit, for example, everyone would start asking mod authors to consolidate all their files into one download-- even optional files, because optional files would now be just another # towards their limit).
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Wealth has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Prices for a premium membership are going up and some people don't like or agree with it, while others are fine because they understand why it's necessary. Those that choose to pay for premium are doing so because they want to give back to help keep the nexus running. If one doesn't want to contribute and prefers to use the free services then that is fine too, you just don't get any perks.


What get's me though is not that people are complaining about the price increase, it's when they complain about it and then say they can't afford it for whatever reason, jobless, medical, hard times etc.. Working harder to get ahead or to provide may not be possible for some and I understand that. Complaining on the internet that you can't afford something that others have (for whatever reason), screams of a sense of entitlement and laziness. People that do need to look hard in the mirror and decide what their priorities are.

That said if you are complaining that you can't afford to upgrade an already free service to download mods for a $60.00 video game, that you play hours on end on a $500-$1500 computer that you are also using to post said complaints and can barely buy food or pay rent then I'll call you out every time. Internet, video games, computers, i-phones and game mod downloads are all luxuries, they are not necessities.


But I digress, where I come from you do not complain about something you do not have or can't afford. You either humbly accept it or you work towards achieving that which is out of your reach.


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