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Smithing Perk apply Resist Frost to specific Armor Material?


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I tried to create a Smithing perk called Insulated Armor with the idea that when wearing warm-looking armor (via ArmorMaterial keywords) the player receives a frost resistance bonus (20%). I created a Spell Ability and Magic Effect with Resist Frost, and in the Magic Effect I put conditions for some keywords like ArmorMaterialSteel. I added this ability to the perk, but unfortunately it doesn't work; the resist frost is applied but is always there regardless of armor (or lack of).


Any ideas how to go about this without scripts? I'd like to create similar perks for fire and shock too.

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Conditions put in magic Effect is checked only once whenever the effect is applied, conditions put in actual spell/ability are checked for as long as the effects present, if you want to make it provide protection only when wearing certain armor, you need to put conditions in the ability.


If the effect presents regardless of armor, it seems the condition is set incorrectly. Could you give more specific information of the condition you set?

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