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A Necromancer Special Death Skill Idea


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A necromancer skill idea.

Im currently rolling a Necromancer bone summoner. I can only use boneman, wrathman, and a modifed ritual stone skill. Basically a death army build.


But to compensate with the skill I permanently have 50hp and 50 stamina. Which still leads me to dying a lot since enemies prioritize me instead of my summons... (. _. )


So as a necromancer I think death isnt suppose to be the end






=Basically when your character dies, it will trigger an auto summon a modified Mistman(make it blue-sh ghostly looking or another special ghost mob?)


=Instead of frost skills it uses that vampiric drain skill.


=All health it gains is transfer on your character after 15secs to revive you.


=This mistman is immune to damage for its duration


=Can only be used once a day


=If there is no enemy on the area / or fails to drain hp, your character will just revive with 1 hp after 15 sec.





=Mistman is controllable?


=Your character revives using the reanimation animation?


=HP / MP penalty once the skill is triggered until cooldown of the skill is finished.



Thanks for reading!

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