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Stardew Valley

Am I stupid? I can't seem to figure out how to crete collision detection.


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So....for fun I was trying to make my own "adult" themed event. I actually DL the Xtardew thing but I fixed nearly all the ohodavi anime portraits for all the characters...(was thinking about uploading them but i have spent so much of my day failing at tiled that I dont want to look at my damn computer) If my dabbling creating something for peolple to get their rocks of too, I was going to attempt learning how to make extra maps and cities for the game. Anyway, Tiled is a POS or maybe im just dumb. I put down my png's on the layers they are supposed to for the "event" area, but its all just fluff, like a png rug. Where is the collision detection, how to I cut off certain areas to walk? Is there a youtube video out there where someone breaks down how to program and create a map the way misscoral does for npc creation. Maybe I'm just an idiot who should have spend his time better with his thumb up his butt for 12 hours than trying to figure out something that doesnt have any controls. If these are just "walking rugs" then ill just stick to PS.


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