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War of the Grand Council: The Lost Documents


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Daric looked over at Isaac, he was stomping the deck hard to try and smother the flames... it wasn't working. Daric quickly yelled to Isaac one word and and they instantly knew what they had to do. "Ice!!!"

Isaac and Daric quickly started casting frost spells at the deck. Meanwhile crew on the ship were pulling up buckets of water from the sea to throw on the arrows. Their systematic apporoach worked but there were too may arrows. Another wave of burning arrows hit the deck, each one making a thud like a hammer on wood. Fortunatly no one had been hit yet. It's almost like they were missing on purpose... They just wanted to bring the ship down. They didn't care about whether we lived or not... the ship was their goal, not the crew.

Daric and Isaac continued to cast their spells of ice, a lot of the deck was now covered in a thin layer of ice. All arrows that landed in it were immediatly exstinguished. It made things easier... but far from comfortable. Suddenly, another wave came... This time they weren't flaming arrows, but ebony arrows. This time, they weren't aiming for the ship...

Arrows came down incredible close to the group. Just as Daric started puting out another fire, an arrow came down and went through on of his robe's arm sleves. Daric thought to himself, Great, now i need a new robe...

Being resourceful, the group started to grab the tops of the surronding crate to use as cover. Suddenly a great scream was let out. One of the crewman had jus been hit in eye with an arrow. Blood rolled down the man's cheek as he continued to scream... He fell to the ground and a few of the other crewmen pulled him to a safer place.

Daric thought about Isaac's ideas... well, if we try to get away, they will just continue to follow us... until they complete their mission. But, if we stop and let them board, then we have a whole new set of problems...

"I personally think it would be better for us in the long run to let them board or at least let them get close enough for us to attack them. The more time we spend here, the less time we have to stop the other events. We need all the time we can get." Daric yelled across to the team. "We need to tell the captian what to do!"

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*growling, low voice* "Let them come. WE will take them all. But don't make it to obvious that we want them here." Wren pulls out her crossbow, and begins to load for a counter-attack. "Let them pull in closer, but keep them from boarding as long as possible."


Wren turns her head, and says "Vallrey, can you find someplace (semi-)safe to use your bow? We can give them a distraction for the others!"


Wren then begins to edge herself behind a stack of crates to use as cover while she shoots.


OOC: (The crates could be cargo, food, whatever. This is a common appearance in the world of morrowind. So i figured there would be some. If there's not ANYTHING for cover on the deck of the ship, i will retract this. DM's?)

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OOC: That's fine, Crim.




After the volley of ebony arrows, none of the Hlaalu guards were injured, because of their massive bonemold tower shields. The guards had drawn their weapons and were standing on the boat, waiting in exciting anticipation for the Indoril to board.


Tylen drew his weapon. And allowed the others to do what they had to. All he was was a fighter. Melee was his specialty.


The Indoril boat was gaining very quickly. They were approaching 50 yards now. But the problems seemed to be getting worse and worse. The cloudy sky now began to issue forth a light sprinkle, which turned into a moderately heavy rain. At least they wouldn't have to worry about the ship catching fire.


Vallrey: In the back of the boat, their is a storage room, with windows that open up to the outside. This is your best place for cover. Besides that there are a few barrels and crates on the deck, and the mast pole might provide sufficient cover.

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When the rain began to fall, Isaac and Daric saw no more need to keep freezing the already wet deck. Once The Indoral boat got close enough, the fighters for indoral and Hlaluu would engage in combat and the arrows would cease. Isaac pulled off his torn robe, only wearing a glass curiass, glass greaves, and glass boots, with torn pants and shirt beneath them. Isaac drank a restore magic potion, and tossed one to Daric. He proposed a toast to a lucky fight.
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Wren reaches into her pack, and pulls out 2 potions, a standard restore fatigue potion, incase she ends up in close combat, and a fortify agility potion, to aid her shooting skills. She quaffs the agility potion, and tucks the restore fatigue into her belt, so as to be available when (or if) she should need it. She then takes careful aim, and manages to drop one of the guards on the indoril ship, although she can't tell if he was dead or merely injured, as he dropped behind a stack of crates, and can't see the body.
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The guard that was hit gets right back up, the arrow having simply ricocheted off of his cuirass and knocked him over. He was not injured.


OOC: Sorry for not informing anyone yet, but for trained and experienced enemies like this, killing them will not be as easy as killing the cliff racers. The only reason I let you guys go ahead and just write out a battle and defeat your opponent is because cliff racers are quite weak, and a very common occurance, anyone can defeat them.


For such an opponent as an Indoril fighter, we're going to try a new fighting system. You will tell us how you will attack/defend from/whatever your enemy (shoot an arrow, cast a certain spell, engage in melee combat, whatever you want), and the DM's will tell whether or not your attack is successful, and will probably add some things to it. Whenever you see anything in italics, it means that the players addressed are in "battle-mode." In italics, things will be written to descibe your situation, which will tell what you can do and cannot do, and any opportunities that your character sees.




Wren: From your vantage point, you can only get a decent shot at then people on the front of the Indoril boat, however, they are in good cover, so trying to hit them would be a gamble. You might try to wait until they are closer. Firing at them does do a deal of good though, since it makes them keep their heads down.

All others: There is nothing yet to do but wait for an opportunity.

Vallrey: Find yourself a place to fire from.

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OOC: Sorry Eiade. Didn't really think that through. The important part of the post was that i tucked the potion in my belt, and drank the other to enhance my archery. Wasn't TRYING to kill the indoril, it was really just filler to avoid a 1-liner post. I knew it wouldn't be easy, so i left it up to the DM to decide. I decided a while back, that if i didn't know whether something was acceptable or not, it would be left to the DM. That saves me from TOTAL embarrasment at least... ;) Won't do it again, promise! So am i okay with what i have here?


Edit: Just how fatiguing is using a crossbow supposed to be. I use a mod in MW that fatigues you (like running) to hold the string back, which is stronger on crossbows because of having to reload. How is that managed in here?


IC: Wren reloads, and continues to harass the indoril with crossbow fire.

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OOC:Uh, just to tell you, I can't post very much since my internet seems to have started a war against my computer and it lets me log on like once every day.


IC:Vallréy looked around to find a good firing spot when he spotted a room at the back of the boat with some windows to fire from. Vallréy ran towards the open door and jumped over a few barrels on the deck as arrows flew past him. When he got close enough, he dove forward and rolled into the wall at the back.


Quickly getting to one of the windows, Vallréy pulled his bow and an arrow out from underneath his cape, took aim on the easiest hit on the other boat and let the arrow fly.

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Vallrey's arrow found a target, being an Indoril fighter. The group that he had fired upon hadn't counted on being attacked, so they weren't really in cover. Once the bosmer's arrow struck home and killed one of theirs, they decided it was time to get into cover.


It was time for the Indoril to retaliate against all this harrassing fire. They unleashed a hail of crossbow fire to Vallrey's window. He ducked just in time, but one bolt grazed that tip of his ear, and made a minor slice that bled down the side of his head.


Tylen was full of adrenaline, and he gripped his sword a little too tightly. The rain soaked his jet black hair, and it stuck to the side of his face.


The boat approached within the 20 yard range, and the Indoril were out of bolts and arrows. The two sides waited for the battle...

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:: Shaking with fear, Harver quietly quivered behind a small stack of crates near the stern. He clutched his spear to his chest tighter as a small volley of arrows thumped on his cover. This was the first time that Harver had ever seen true combat. ::
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