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War of the Grand Council: The Lost Documents


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Daric: The guard's steel longsword wriggles and shakes in his hand, and he is forced to let it go. Once the sword is completely within your control, you use a little extra mana to 'throw' it 20 meters away into the lake.

Isaac: The fire blast erupts between the two guards. It singes the disarmed on and catches the one to the far left on fire. He drops his sword and shield and sprints off to the lake, all the while letting out a blood-curdling scream. He is obviously in a lot of terrible pain.

Cloaked-At-Night: The two canoes are ready for use, each with two paddles. They are wide and stable, and suprisingly finely crafted. You look back at the fight behind you near the manor. The party seems to be successful with the guards in front of them. But Dren and four of his own guards were now jumping off the second-story patio, and starting to run to the fight. There must be a way for you to help or warn them...


"Ah! I said to disable them!" Tylen yelled. "Why are you setting them on fire?!"


After being disarmed and singed, the guard closest to Tylen was a bit dazed. But he was well-trained, and used his huge tower shield to bull-rush Tylen before he could use his sword. The guard's charge knocks Tylen over and makes him drop his sword. Out of anger, he then drops his shield, and grabs Tylen around the neck to choke him! Tylen is trying fight him off with all his strength...

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Cloaked-at-Night points and calls: "Serjo, don't jump! You have all your life ahead of you, don't waste it now!" He tries to say this quietly enough that Dren and his bodyguards don't hear it, but loud enough that the group (and maybe the gourds they're fighting) does. If he errs, it will be too loud, rather than too quiet.


OOC: Dunmer aren't much affected by fire. If anything is burning, it's likely their clothes. And don't worry about hitting me with poison, either :)

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OOC: *cough* Sorry for not being here Eiade... I've been sick... (Flu) I feel like a corprus stalker right now...

Anyway, given that Cloaked-at-night's warning gets through.... does that mean that Dren is jumping down as well? Maybe... would his gaurds care enough about his life for a hostage situation to work? (This is the second time this has come into my mind..., but who wouldn't be afraid for their life wiht a crossbow pressed against their skull? Thought it worth trying since i cant do anythign else.

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''Bah...'' Isaac groans as Tylen complains about his display of pyrotechnichs.(sp?) Isaac had witnessed Darics Burden spell earlier, but for some reason, Isaac did not think it would last long enough. He then thought of another cruel, but not fatal way to disable the guards. The spell in his mind was simple enough described, Damage Health. Isaac had always thought the name did the spell no justice, as the spell caused the person that it was cast upon to be under incredible pain. Unfortunatly, Isaac could not cast the spell from a distance, so he had to touch a guard with either his hands or his staff. His staff armed, Isaac prepared to hit one of the guards in front with his staff...
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Isaac: You run up to the guard who is choking Tylen, raise your glowing red staff over your head, and bring it down with all your might. It didn't seem to matter whether or not you had cast damage health spell, because the guard is knocked unconscious by your blow.


Tylen pushed the unconsious guard off of him, and gets up and grabs his sword.

"Come on! Run!" He yells.


The party does not hesitate and takes off for the docks. Dren and his men are about 20 meters behind them. They reach the dock, where canoes are already prepared, and the four begin to hastily board with the new Argonian helping them. Dren and his guards are now about to charge and stop the boats.


Cloaked-At-Night: Your action only draws a few odd looks from random people who don't seem to really care, and simply go back to whatever they were doing. You see the party running toward you being followed by Dren and his men. But it takes several seconds for someone to safely board a canoe, and they don't have those seconds. You frantically look around you, searching for something, anything that could give them time. A few barrels, an anchor, thick rope... and a fishing net!


OOC: If anyone wants to try to stop Dren, feel free, but I think I've given Abramul a sufficient hint as to how to stop them for a bit.

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Cloaked-at-Night whirls the net, and throws it at Orvas Dren. Once the party is in the canoes, he pushes them off, and dives into the lake.


Those clowns with their heavy armor can't outswim even the clumsiest Argonian. My new friends can get far enough out to be safe, and I'll swim to meet them. I'll have to finish my business here later.


It may be best if I board in the shallows opposite, but with wide canoes, I should be able to get in well enough in the middle. Relevant stats: Speed 60, Agility 50

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OOC: I'll let it pass for now, but remember Abramul, the player tells the action, and the DM tells the results of the action. It would've been better if you had simply said that you had thrown the net and left it at that, allowing the DM decide the action. I know it sounds kind of pointless in this context since I was planning on you succeeding, but in other contexts, it stops the players from telling their own story about things.




The party pushes off from the dock paddling as hard as they can in two canoes, Tylen and Wren in one and Daric and Isaac in the other.


Dren yells a series of obscenities, and knocks out one of his guards out of anger with the blunt end of his ornate ebony spear.


"You will not escape for long!" He yelled. "The reach of Hlaalu's power is not to be underestimated! We will find you, kill you, and our own men will get to the documents before anyone! It is the only way to prevent war!"


The party continues to paddle quickly, and once they were out of sight of the plantation, Isaac and Daric helped a very wet Argonian onto their boat. Tylen and Wren steer their boat so that the two are traveling side by side.


"I sincerely thank you for your efforts and your help!" Said Tylen, waiting for a response.


OOC: Character interaction with the newcomer is encouraged. Writing first impressions would also be good.

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"I wish we could have met under better circumstances, Argonian." Isaac hastily said as he helped the Argonian get comfortable by moving his legs. The canoe seemed stable enough with 3 people hastily stuck in it, and Isaac continuted to fidgit untill he was comfortable. "I mean no offence by asking this, but are you an escaped slave? Or were you once a slave? I just noticed the bracers you wear..."
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"Yes, I was a slave...or would have been. Perhaps you have heard of a cavern by the name a Addamsartus? The slavers there made a mistake when they took an assassin captive...one of them does not regret it." Cloaked-at-Night chuckles, an odd sound to anyone who is not used to Argonians. "A friend of mine, Gah Julan, had been sold earlier, and I heard rumors that the Dren Plantation was a centerpoint in the slave trade. While I was by the docks, I found some crates of Moon Sugar. It seems that Dren has his fingers in more than one mudhole. I intend to rescue Gah Julan, but it seems I've worn my welcome out for now." He contemplates..."What exactly is the legal status of one who was intended to be a slave, but commited no crimes and was not born in Morrowind?" (Can one be sold into slavery for crimes?)


"What, exactly, is your quarrel with Dren?"



OOC: Sorry about the misstep, Eiade...my mistake. If one of you could briefly outline the current situation, I know what's going on, but my char doesn't.

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The others begin to tell the Argonian the whole story about the Ules Manor and the assassin, the note they found, the battle on the Hlaalu ship and the feast, and how they were now on their way to the Hlaalu Ancestral Tomb to stop it from being completely destroyed.


"The bad thing is," began Tylen. "I don't think anyone is on our side. Indoril is trying to stop us from stopping them, and Hlaalu wants us dead so that noone else finds out about the documents. I think that the House Hlaalu might have a point. If the revealed truth, whatever it is, will only start a war, is it really worth knowing? Then again, a war is inevitable anyways. What am I supposed to think?"

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