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War of the Grand Council: The Lost Documents


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"I've been in that area before... I might be able to try and find a pass through some of the hills. I had to hunt a were-man through that terrain once. Got paid real good too."


(Eiade, do you suppose you could send me a complete copy of the paper map, or tell me where you are pulling these attachments from? My parents threw away the box for morrowind, along with the manual and map inside it. I need a replacement... Furthermore, is it too late for the rest of us to have a birthsign influence things?)


(Edit: Dibs on the atronoch! Does wonders for the already resistent to magic nord, and in addition, it's what my game-winner (who wren was based on) had.)

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"Only if your willing to get some." Isaac replied with a smile. "I dont need any more water on my equipment, and I wouldnt be able to keep up with the boat.


Isaac was now examining his staff with one hand, the other guiding the oar.


"Im not sure what I can make with pearls anyway. I dont usually use them that much..."

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"I'm feeling a bit dry, and I think I saw some Kollops down there. I'll be able to keep up with the boat easily. (Eiade, is this correct?) I seem to recall hearing something about pearls being able to remove spells, but you'd likely know better than me."


If Cloaked-at-Night is correct about the speed, he slips over the side, and begins looking for kollops, and pearls.

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OOC: Yeah about the birthsigns, since I didn't really ask for them in the character layout, I don't think we'll be using them. Most of them are pointless anyways, like 10 sanctuary or like no mana regeneration or whatever. I assume that we rest well enough between battles that we don't need to really think about it. Maybe next time though. Oh yeah, and does anyone else need a map? It's a really good thing to have, especially for this RP, what with all the traveling and such.




"I have been to the Tomb before, but of course we traveled from Suran to Molag Mar, and then Molag Mar to the Tomb by boat because of the extremely rocky terrain. It might be hard to travel once we get with in half-a-mile of the Tomb. In fact, Wren, you might need to take off your armor before we take on such a hike."


Tylen watched the reptilian humanoid slip into the water, and disappear into the murky blue. He gave his arms a rest for a few moments, and enjoyed the nice breeze. The sun was completely out of sight and night began to take over the sky. Tylen brought his hand up to the neck of his shirt, took his amulet in his hand, and began to rub his hand over its glossy surface. It began to glow a very faint lavender color. He quickly became concsious of what he was doing, and immediately shoved the amulet back under his shirt, nervously eyeing the others, who seemed to think nothing of it. (on the outside)


About ten minutes later, Cloaked-at-Night popped his head up out of the water and held aloft his bag, in which he excitedly claimed to have found 5 pearls. He was helped back onto the boat, and began to snack on some raw clam meat, as a personal reward for his finds. He then offered to paddle for Daric, who gratefully handed over the job. The two made a joke at Isaac and playfully called him lazy.


An hour passed, and the party in their canoes now came upon Lake Masobi, and the lights of Suran reflected off of the calm waters. Noises of night life could be heard from the town, coming from the tavern undoubtebly, and of course, from the famous Desele's House of Earthly Delights. Tylen had never gone there, nor did he want to. He was convinced that only low-lifes and lonely perverted men would go to a place like that.


“Hmm,” said Tylen. “It’s getting dark. We might want to find a place to set up a camp and sleep. We can’t go to Suran, because Dren might be informing all of House Hlaalu of us, so we must sleep in the wild. Should we find a small island?"

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"Camping sounds good to me. It's getting a bit late." Wren yawned and stretched her arms. "Or, we could take shifts sleeping, and the ones who are awake could row. (IS there enough room in the boat for someone to sleep in either end, and two people to row from the middle?)


OOC: Eiade, has it occured to you that we are passing remarkably close to a daedric shrine? For that matter, we could circumvent most of the hills, if we went closer to it... Or would this cause problems?)

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"Well, sleeping and rowing in turns would be good if we had a farther distance... We could keep going till we get to the land but I dont want to sleep on that rocky soil... hmm, i think our best bet is to find a small island..."


Daric reaches out for the map from Tylen and begins to look over it...


"Unfortunatley, the closest 'safe' island is about another hour away... Maybe we should camp on the land across from Suran? (look at pic)"

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"I don't think a distant firelight would be in the least bit suspicious. Plus, the guards of Suran have better things to worry about than a light. The Ascadian Isles are heavily populated, and I'm sure thats lights are quite normal. And we'll be far enough that all they will see will be a speck of yellow light. We aren't that close."


With that, the party steered their canoes off to the south, came upon the grassy bank, and pulled their canoes up out of the water.


"I will go ahead and gather some firewood and tinder," said Tylen, and he unsheathed his sword and walked off. The party could hear him a few moments later hacking away at some dry dead bushes and dead trees.


He returned in a few minutes, and arranged the wood and tinder in a way so that the tinder would catch easily and spread to the wood. As soon as Tylen stepped away from his creation, Isaac threw a fireball into it and it caught immediately. Tylen slouched.


"Well I guess it didn't really matter," he said, and chuckled at himself. The fire was nice and warm, and Tylen sat down on the ground shortly became hypotized by the flames. He pulled some scrib jerky out of a sack, and began to tug off chunks of the stuff. It was salty and well-seasoned, which was to be expected from the Ules Manor food. He sighed to himself and tried to clear his mind of all that was going on. His head hurt, and he rubbed his temples. Too much. This has all happened too fast. Nevana... Tylen quickly became angry and frustrated, let his hand fall to the ground, palm down. He clenched his fist which caused him to pull up a patch of grass. In his head he repeated many curse words, then took a deep breath and tried to relax.


OOC: Hmm... may I request some longer posts? Tyjet3's last post is what to strive for in length at least.

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