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Need help to incompatible plugins


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Those weather mods have always been mostly incompatible with each other. I believe you can get patches for True Storms and some of those weather mods.


If you read the description page on Vivid Weathers and scroll down to "Compatibility" it states quite clearly that Vivid Weathers is not compatible with other weather mods. This includes "ELFX Weathers" and "Obsidian Weathers"

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The AE update has screwed everything, even Nexus.

I updated and nothing would run until I dumped it all out, scrubbed it clean, re Installed and ran outside of the Nexus Mod Man.

Took three hair pulling days to figure out the problem.

Bottom line is that until Vortex itself is updated to run on the new Skyrim update it won't run at all.

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