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Eagle made of stone? Cool. Eorlund Gray-Mane? Awesome! Excellent view of Skyrim and Whiterun? Fantastic! Complete forge with smelter, tanning rack and workbench? No. Um, other cool hidden stuff that should be around this ancient forge of awesomeness? No. Well this sucks!

Anyone know of a mod out there that changes the Skyforge into an awesome, epic forge that it should be? Even Jeek of the River must weep in Sovngarde seeing how pathetic and sad the Skyforge is! The Skyforge in Whiterun should be teeming with pure epic, Nord AWESOMENESS!!!

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There are tons of Skyforge mods out there. Nothing I found with "hidden stuff" but still, some decent ones nonetheless.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23737/? This one is pretty cool as it adds a statue of Ysgramor and a wall of honor to the companions training yard in addition to the essential forging items near the forge itself.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54544/? This one adds the smithing essentials to the forge and even a mine in the underforge with ore you can mind and use for your crafting.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56639/? This one is a beautifully done Whiterun overhaul which changes the look and feel of the entire city. Although much larger than what you're probably looking for, this mod makes some really cool changes to the Skyforge in addition to adding the smithing essentials. This mod actually feels like it's Eorlund's work area.

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