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Removing parts of an armor meshes (personal use)

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Hello :3


I have been modding Oblivion for a while now but only did it on the CS : changing some values, names, copy/paste some scripts etc etc. I am not a veterant in modding at all, just a noob knowing a few tricks ^^


My latest project is to edit meshes from different armors coming from different mods, I will not be posting any of my work as it is for personal uses only, nor try to take any credits from the amazing work from their creators.


My question is, how should I proceed to open an armor meshes (let's say a gauntlet), and remove a part of it ? The meshes in question add a beautiful piece of armor but there is a couple things that bugs me and want gone.


Thank you very much for reading, I hope someone wil read this and be able to answer me. English is not my mother tongue, if you did not understand me, please feel free to ask any questions.


Have a great day !

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If you want to "remove" an entire mesh from a NIF (one NIF can consist of multiple meshes), you should rather right-click and use "remove branch", to remove the entire NiTriStrips/Shape branch as a whole, instead.

Knowing the game I don't want to know what everything (un-)imaginable the engine actually still does with size 0 meshes inside its rendering pipelines. I'd rather not want to risk it to begin with.


But more often than not you'll run into large singular meshes where you want to cut a piece away from rather. This, however, will require use of a modeling app, as the otherwise invaluable NifSkope can't work down to that detail of changes.

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Thank you both for your replies. I actually had to use both of your advices since when removing part of the meshes, it made the hands of my character disapear in game (the gauntlet does not cover all the skin), so I just reduced the size of some meshes to 0 and it seems to work fine now.


I have never used Nifscope before, and it looks really good but a tad complicated. I'm sure with a bit of practice, I will be able to create something decent haha.


Thank you again â¥

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