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atmic bombs


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Im not talking aboout putting atomic bomb in the middle of the tenpenny backyard.

Im talking about putting bombs in the middle of the road, probably being moved by a track, and also make them destroyable. and also make the ones in the depot or warehouse destroyable.




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Lmao, detonating all the bombs in Fort Constantine together would erease the whole Wasteland. Sadly, when bombs are stored, they're kept unarmed, so people can make sure that no bomb will go boom boom by accident (or worse).


Well, the Megaton bomb detonation is a very special event. The explosion, in game engine terms, doesn't even exist, it's just eyecandy, and eventually a world cell that changes.


[Explosives] Anyway, blowing up things is always fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Lmao, detonating all the bombs in Fort Constantine together would erease the whole Wasteland. Sadly, when bombs are stored, they're kept unarmed, so people can make sure that no bomb will go boom boom by accident (or worse).


Well, the Megaton bomb detonation is a very special event. The explosion, in game engine terms, doesn't even exist, it's just eyecandy, and eventually a world cell that changes.


[Explosives] Anyway, blowing up things is always fun.


actually u are kind of wrong, because we tested by adding another bomb ion the middle of nowhere, the script is added to the bomb, there is not preordered scripture, evey object has its own scripts.


see we tested an atomic bomo by puting it in the middle of nowhere.


1. there is an action to activate it.

2. it will detonate when triggering the bomb from megaton

3. you can blow it by making enough damage to it if you make it explosive

4. the explosion wont kill you unless you set it to do that on geck


you can trig it to another detonator

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