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Follower script for dual handling bound weapon.


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Hello. So im on my way to make a new follower but ive had had stuck into a smaller problem. He is refusing to use the script which i wrote to him.


Scriptname DualSunSwords extends Actor
{Xu's double bound sword}


SPELL Property XuBoundSwordSP Auto
SPELL Property XuBoundSwordSL Auto


Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState)
if aeCombatState == 1
XuBoundSwordSP.cast(self, self)
XuBoundSwordSL.cast(self, self)


the thing is.the script succeeds in ck but in game he does nothing :(

maybe im missing something?

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He is allowed to use dual wielding in the combat style of his.

also Melee 3, ranged 0, magic 3, rest is 0.


AI, well. he is using SandboxAndGuard as template. but i havent touched anything in the flag beside allowed him to wander around, ride a horse and swim. I was thinking maybe i should add UseMagic as a different package. But im not sure about that. after all. the script is doing it. not the package.


Last time i remember my khajiit follower also refused to use the weapon even if the code was right. She could not use the spell. but now there are two spell. One is left handed the other is right handed. Both is correctly set up and i can use them in game if i check them.


So. care to tell the ways to do? Surely one way is OnCombatStateChanged the other is when they not use spell correctly and the weapon suddenly shows up in their hand. id prefer the first option. once its worked. now its not want -.-

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The AI in the game can be finicky on stuff like this, and also the 3D with one of the swords may not always appear. They will def dual wield the bound swords though, just tried it out worked fine


I just made it one spell. Lesser Power Voice. Put two effects on it. One for right one for left. The left being first looked more immersive IMO. For the left effect I made a copy of the actual weapon weapon and changed it to lefthand-only


I gave him the forswornberserklow CS and yeah, when he script-casts that spell while in combat he whips them both out and hacks away


For the 3D thing, I had an issue with the right hander reliably being seen, so I put in a 0.2sec wait after casting, then proceed to have him script-equip the righthand bound sword again which will refresh its 3D. Works great

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