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Speed up Gulum Ei through the warehouse


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Talk about slow. Ok, so you have to follow Gulum Ei until he *finally* makes it to the Brinewater Grotto. Having done this quest before of course, I know where he is going so I use this time to go run up to the office to fetch the map. And then from there, you get the excellent view of the slowest NPC in the game taking the grand tour of the place until eventually getting to the door. I suppose I could just hit the wait button and wait for an hour, but it sure seems like we could make things move along a little faster.


  1. Make Gulum Ei walk a little faster. He doesn't have to run, but please a little bit faster?
  2. Make him take a direct path to the door. He doesn't need to take that little excursion all the way around the place and loop back.
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