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Need some help with Papyrus script


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I don't want this to be some kind of "I can't do it myself! Please do it for me!" request, but I am afraid I'll need a bit of hand holding right now. So far I've only done some basic scripting in Papyrus but now I try to do something a bit more complicated and I've run into a wall.

The problem is this.. I have an item which adds a spell when equiped. The spell added is different for Vampires and non-vampires. Basicly (in common language) it would look like this:


Event OnEquipped (Actor AkActor)

if AkActor == {Vampire}

Before I break my head on finding the solution, I'd like to ask if it's even possible what I'm trying to do here.
-Is there a way to make the script check if the actor equiping the item is a vampire (maybe by checking if the actor has the vampire disease)?
-Also, I'm not totally sure if the OnEquipped event can apply to any actor or only to the player. I'd want to apply this effect to any actor equiping the item.

If somebody could help me out here a bit that would be awesome.
Thanks a bunch in advance!

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