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Hilarious Things in MW

Jenlyn Fayre

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Yeah i know FB... about all of it, the member (sorry, couldnt resist poking fun at him... probably get flamed if he ever finds it...) and i knew you were joking about the nutjob. (Heck, i put the thing up there... i am a nutjob!)


ummmm... yeah, i knew about vivec. This is general discussion, and not everyone knows that you are supposed to meet with vivec, or even where he is. This is not the spoilers forum. I picked up this habit as a result of Neil on the TOME forums. BIG fanatic about always keeping spoilers out of other topics. No offense to him, though, he's at least partly right. The hard part is drawing the line on a spoiler and some info.


New funny thing to do. Be a racist cop (im practically asking for a flaming here... but im NOT a racist. EVER) and plant moon sugar ALL OVER a redguards shop. OR anyones shop for that matter!!! :D


Or leave a trail of moon sugar and skooma to the home of a khajitt.


Put a giant pile (some 75, maybe 100) of moon sugar in the middile of a town. (put down 1 piece at a time... you're literally swimming in it!!!!!!!) and see who trys to take your stash.


yes i know, they're all drug related. No offense on the topic, but this is what came to mind... i currently have over 146 SEPERATE pieces of moon sugar in one shop. not to mention the skooma stored around vivec! (can you drug someone else up????)


slightly OT: Can you infect other NPC's and turn them into vampires if you are one yourself? Dont know as i havent tried yet, but infect as many NPC's with vampirism as you can, then go sleep for 3 days. All glory to the Berne!!!!!! (imagine an entire town the size of vivec full of nothing but vampires!!!!!) (without a mod of course... it's a disease, so can you spread it?)


Spell the word "S.O.S." with various clutter you stole.


Sell ALL your best equipment to some merchant (no killing equipment of course, just drop those. in other words, drop script/enchant-to-kill items.)

After he wields Chrysamere, wears the lords mail, boots of the apostle, some feather 100 point belt, fort strength spells, a ring with constant chameleon 20-50 percent, a dwarven crossbow, silver bolts (about 100), the fists of randagulf (left and right), and every other ULTIMATE artifact you can get your hands on. (he should look just like you after you are done. or the way you looked before you sold everything.)

Now wait 24 horus. (dont have to sleep, just use the same command in front of the clerk... this is why we dont use those script to kill items.)


He has now regenerated all his gold. Taunt him into a fight, and see if you can beat him in hand-to-hand with no armor. If you do, then you deserve everything you sold back, as well as some new gold! YAY! (i have actually done this)


See how long you can survive in unarmored combat against a single hostile gaurd, without attacking him. (just run! How long can you keep it up?)




Get a stopwatch. Time yourself. How long does it take you to RUN coast-to-coast (no fast travel, no levitation. You can swim across rivers or lakes, but not across the ocean just to circle the whole island) Time it for a north-south run (optional: with GOTY, see how long it takes to run a lap around Soltheim) and a east-west run. no entering 'shortcut dungeons', or tunnels.

Then start posting records on the forums to see who can win!!!!

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slightly OT: Can you infect other NPC's and turn them into vampires if you are one yourself? Dont know as i havent tried yet, but infect as many NPC's with vampirism as you can, then go sleep for 3 days. All glory to the Berne!!!!!! (imagine an entire town the size of vivec full of nothing but vampires!!!!!) (without a mod of course... it's a disease, so can you spread it?)

No, you can't infect others but there is a mod called Vampire Embrace that lets you turn the whole kit and caboodle into vampires. Or so I am told. I have it but haven't played it yet.


No good if you are on xbox of course.

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I came across a pair on gar with one sniffing the other's butt

I think it was gar maiting season! I have a pic of it.

Post the pic-- I want to see some horny guars!





Martha Says:


It's easy to set an elegant table in MW to entertain your guests in style. First,

get yourself some lovely place settings-- all in silver. Use netch leather napkins for a special touch or just use cloth. Be sure to place them correctly with the silverware.


Next, create your centerpiece. Lay some cloth down in the center of the table and place a decorative bowl of your choice on it. Fill the bowl with stoneflower petals or an interesting arrangement of objects. Flowers and Kwama eggs are a stunning arrangement.


Add some silver candlesticks down the center of the table.


Next comes the actual meal preparation. Fill plates with servings of muck pate', crab meat croquettes, fresh bread and other foods. Be sure to give each guest a plate for their bread! Garnish dishes with stoneflower petals.


Lastly, scatter the table with Gold Kanet flowers and you're ready for an elegant evening of entertainment! Relax and enjoy-- it's a good thing!

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As any knowledgable barbarian will tell you...."Wild guard are encountered in the wilderness; they're usually quite peaceful."


Scroll of Daerir's Blessing resembles a bulleted list.


I found Dwemer Boots of Flying in a -guarded- room in Gnisis. Didn't try taking them to a certain Mage, though.


Golden Saints are an excellent source of shields....Glass, Daedric, Ebony, Assorted enchanteds, and----Netch Leather?


Offending Moderators is a bad idea, but offending Ordinators is quite profitable.


Apparently, "supernatural" consists of +5 skill, +5 stat.


P.S. I attacked V. once, and he just ran away and made Daedroth noises...

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Selling vendors drain health clothing articles...always good for a laugh


Repeatedly killing the Daedra at the Maar Gaan Temple for some reason is good for giggles.


The dissappointment I experience when I'm running around the grazelands and battle music comes on; I frantically look around only to discover a slow ass rat decided it was a good day to die. Same with kwama foragers, who are the kidding, seriously?

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