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Hilarious Things in MW

Jenlyn Fayre

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You do know there is a quest about her and her pillows, do you?


Unfortunately it's bugged and probably not playable on x-box. For those on PC get the pillow invoice from the shipwreck near Vas use the addtopic function to add "pillow shipment" and talk to her.


You get a little reward that will greatly appeal to all you fetishists out there.


BTW there is also a mod that tweaks the quest a little and relates it to the eec in Ebonheart.

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You do know there is a quest about her and her pillows, do you?


Unfortunately it's bugged and probably not playable on x-box. For those on PC get the pillow invoice from the shipwreck near Vas use the addtopic function to add "pillow shipment" and talk to her.


I didn't know that so I went and tried it....much to my dismay this little quest don't work on my PC game..... :(

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I have never attempted to collect everyone of one thing before but let me tell you, I would not reccomend going for EVERY pillow in the game. theres ALOT of pillows in MW and i guess it would be funny to see how many you could possibly get but still, all of them? where would you put them?


I would only collect the fluffy white pillows. As for where to put them, I don't know if I should keep them all in one spot, (maybe I'll fill up a mine-- hee hee, a pillow mine! Or maybe fill Ghorak Manor with them, just to be mean, or cover an island with pillows) or just place them randomly throughout out MW in silly spots. I might do that. Place a few on some islands, in tombs, on top of towers, try to put them in the sea-- wacky, stupid places where a pillow doesn't belong! Maybe I'll even leave pillows at a shrine as an "offering." It would be my "calling card," I guess. I think it would be hilarious to return to some places later on in the game and be able to laugh and say "Hey! Here's one of my pillows! I didn't know I put one here!"


I wish I could give them to people in the game. Could you imagine?


"In appreciation for your X, please accept this soft, luxurious pillow..." Then the character could look at me and say, "Oh...um... thank you."


Hm. I wonder if you could enchant a pillow? That would be hilarious! Enchant a pillow with a destruction spell and then throw it at someone and they'd lose health! A deadly pillow fight! Or put a "calm create" spell on it. Throw it at them and they fall asleep!

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Another funny thing I've seen in MW is what I like to call an "NPC jam." That's when a bunch of NPCs are trying to go across a narrow space from opposite directions (like a bridge), and they end up just endlessly walking into each other.


I see that and I say out loud:


"Ha ha! NPC jam! NPC jam!"


Sometimes I wish they would start shoving each other and have a fight!

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Jenlyn Fayre, for your putting pillow evrywhere, try making a pillow path! like between Balmora and Caldera that would be cool, or try giving evrybody DOUBLE pillows on their beds! They would call you a god! lol


LOL! Yeah-- instead of the yellow brick road, it would be the fluffy white road!

I'm going to put them at the top of mountains, too! Anywhere that's wierd!

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okay... this is officially disturbing... and i checked up on it. I KNOW you can build a bunker out of books (if you know what you are doing) and can even use books as stepping stones to cross lava! (havent tried... i just levitate!) maybe pillows work the same way?
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Another funny thing I've seen in MW is what I like to call an "NPC jam."  That's when a bunch of NPCs are trying to go across a narrow space from opposite directions (like a bridge), and they end up just endlessly walking into each other. 


I see that and I say out loud:


"Ha ha!  NPC jam!  NPC jam!"


Sometimes I wish they would start shoving each other and have a fight!

Yeah you right about that! But don't you know that the good and decent, wellbehaving people of Morrowind would never start a fight on their own!

Now this always amazes me they never get angry they never fight they sort of never lose their temper unless provoked by ME? Otherwise the fight was allways just over when I got there and I missed out on it! Did anybody ever see an actual fight between NPC's?

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More ODD than hilarious:


I've collected every movable light source I can find in the game. I put them in the big room at the Ald-Ruhn Fighters Guild. Walking in the room is like casting a high point light spell.


While sneaking behind a Spriggan in Solstheim I discovered they have quite an attractive sway in their hips. (somebody needs a date eh?) :lol:

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  Did anybody ever see an actual fight between NPC's?


In the helm of Tohan official plug-in there is a fight between NPCs. In the main game there are fights in Ald Daedroth but that is with Ordinators and maybe that doesn't count.


There are several mods where 'boxing' is added.

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