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SSF:AE character meshes/textures in Skyrim?


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I own both games, and was wondering if anybody would be willing to do the footwork to make the characters from Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition playable in Skyrim, maybe as individual races. I can send the character meshes and textures somehow, or deposit them on Google Drive for download by any modder willing to take this on. Thanks, folks. :smile:

Edited by HallLytton
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I own both products. It wouldn't be illegal for me to use assets from one product to add content to another. I wasn't suggesting mass distribution, I was merely requesting a hand in merging the two properties for my own enjoyment. Of course, it wouldn't be illegal for the person assisting me to merely edit the assets involved.

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I own both products. It wouldn't be illegal for me to use assets from one product to add content to another. I wasn't suggesting mass distribution, I was merely requesting a hand in merging the two properties for my own enjoyment. Of course, it wouldn't be illegal for the person assisting me to merely edit the assets involved.


That would still be illegal.

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