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quick question about my gold


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im just wondering why i can only pick up more then one gold/any item from my inventory or a dead person has. it used to give the option of how much of an item to pick up but then it just stopped. i checked my options and there seems to be nothing there to fix it...........ahhh plz help me its so annoying picking up 500 separate gold to steal


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I have not heard of this before but usually when these strange bugs begin to appear it is because of a mod. If you have any loaded you will need to isolate which one is causing the problem. You could also give a couple more bits of information. Have you completely lost the option to 'take all' from a chest or barrel or is it only when you want to select part of a specific item?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I know holding SHIFT down after opening a container lets you take all of an item without getting the dialogue box, and CTRL takes only one. Maybe the game thinks you're hitting Control? (Note: If you held down CTRL while opening the container/body, the game *should* ignore it. Try both ways, maybe. Also, experiment while shopping. No chance of a crime.)
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