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Quick question


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As you may guess by the nature of this question, I'm pretty new to modding, but:


How do I include other resources (modder's resources to be specific) into my own plugin? I seem to be able to load them both and build with them, but once i save the plugin, the other resources disappear and have to be added again.


It's probably something simple that I'm missing. If so, just point me at the answer and I'll shut up.



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yeah, in a sense. I'll give an example:


say i'm trying to make a vault, but i don't want to use the numbered doors provided in the vanilla FO3 game. So, i do a search, find a blank vault doors plugin and want to use those. I build my map, having loaded both that esp and my own esp. hit save. when i load it in game or in geck again, those doors are absent.


that's the main problem. merging several plugins would probably solve that, but if there's a different way, i wouldn't be opposed to hearing it either.

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