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lefoucious - BANNED

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lefoucious banned.

Multiple account abuse as evidenced by site usage data and profile information
Aggressively criticising another member’s content via multiple accounts solely based on personal dislikes and mod description
Submitting a file report on the said content (not downloaded) via an alternate account
Provoking an angry response by another member via an alternate account
Reporting on the said response via the said alternate account in conjunction with an offensive remark about about the other member

lefoucious, join date 02-February 2022, 1:07PM, last active 05 Feb 2022, 4:39PM
is the alternate account of
NeartLawt, join date 27-September 2020, 2:14PM, last active 04 Feb 2022, 2:53AM

The alternate account was created in order to circumvent the ban from a specific mod imposed on the account NeartLawt. The user claimed NeartLawt to be a friend’s account.

Comments on the pertaining mod (not downloaded)

Comment via the account NeartLawt:

01 February 2022, 1:11PM
why buy this game ? if you plan to kill this game ? 1 of the easy monster hunter game with ultra easy cheat so noob ? go online kill player game ? good job kill more monster hunter sale make capcom no more money to built another monster hunter on the future , love to kill any game ? go for it why not kill all mmo that hard to hack more challenging for you try to kill more gaming company go ahead we support you to kill all the mmo than this

Comments (in response to post #105107268. #105126648, #105183323, #105206583, #105209153) and reports via the account lefoucious

Comments excerpts

- than why u ban my friend or other that complain on u site -
- before you ask people to get a life go behave yourself first that you are so self-centered selfish -
- I don't know you at my life I never meet a jerk at my life -
- also find a morality friend that not act as a jerk or self center is not easy for example –

Entire comments

02 February 2022, 1:23PM
you cant stop people cheating to destroy other player playthrough experience , you don't get to control people when you just release a weapon that damage everything for them , my friend just tell the fact what mod will be problem and he get ban by you funny . is too late to stop them now i yesterday just saw a damage mod cheater at my game destroy all our hunt and fun the virus already spare you cant stop them.

04 February 2022, 3:18AM
than why u ban my friend or other that complain on u site , they also just want to protect the game you should just remove all ban to other you did to them if you don't like what they say just ignore them , you knows the feeling you game playthrough mass up by people you actually will lose a mood to play in a day or some will just quit the game and after you ban my friend for this series mod on nexus and he tolling by different random cheater mass up his game 4 times with the different guy ,then he direct uninstall mh rise never touch it again , even not you fault of everything but you should be responsible for something just remove all ban u series did to people and if can try create a anti cheat mod for auto disconnect cheat player code when they join anti cheat player room or game

05 February 2022, 4:08PM
@*username* is not you problem does not mean not my problem is just ruin my playthrough my friends playthrough that enough to become problem for us , before you ask people to get a life go behave yourself first that you are so self-centered selfish . also you have a bad eye go get yourself some glasses I was write our playthrough get ruin that enough to be problem , btw who is your dude don't act like you are my friends I don't know you at my life I never meet a jerk at my life as a friends i don't know you never want to know you anyway.

05 February 2022, 4:10PM
@*username* you cant expecting every friend will be online in the moment you play or my friend online i might be at job so sometimes will still be random team at the end ,also find a morality friend that not act as a jerk or self center is not easy for example , you see the guy leave a comment up there ask people go get the life like he know people no life or what act so rude like a kid, we don't want to risk to add such a person as a friend to make my friends party group go fight at the end to destroy happiness ruin everyone mood to enjoy the fun together .

05 February 2022, 4:17PM
@*username* I remember there are UI for demo check all player damage at MHW can check who on cheat , at rise this mod not yet release at lest this will help a bit or a mod that will UI demo player with mod code show up that can know who use any mod like you mod it will be great help too . actually MHW is almost perfect for now most 1 hit kill mod will be auto disconnect or the game not even run when people have those damage mod on it capcom do update a file to defend those mod

File report 04 February 2022, 07:18 AM

Report reason: Illegal content
Report: this mod will ruin other player gameplay at coop my friend just complain on his mod comment and he just ban him for all the series of the mod , and all i receive was he keep giving excuse and think he was right to do everything that ruin other player mood at game , my friend is a good victims example , wish i can send image to report so i can show how rude and how unforgivable this series mod authors , how does the one that ask for protect the gameplay experience was the wrong one and who give him right to cheat at coop ruin other player game , all this is non sense and no moral is illegal , please do something about this .

he already make my friend uninstall the game never touch it anymore because he not just ban my friend also his mod already make a lot player ruin our gameplay at coop my friend could not take this no moral no law thing anymore friend did nothing wrong and ban by him and he mod just ruin my friend day so please do really take this 1 serious

Report 05 February 2022, 04:39 PM
act rude , act as a jerk to gopi people

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Moderation Policy (excerpt) - https://help.nexusmods.com/article/27-moderation-policy
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The efficiency of our moderation approach and moderation tools is dependent on the principle of each user being linked to a single account. It is therefore forbidden to register or use more than a single account per user without pre-approval by staff. Users with multiple accounts may have one or all of their accounts suspended. In the event of alternative accounts being used to evade a ban or restrictions on a main account, all accounts belonging to the offending user are subject to suspension (i.e. a ban) and any (pending) unban appeals are forfeit.

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• Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.

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