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need help fixing mage guild quest


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my problem is: one of the mods i added added milita to the towns and adventures to wilderness. one adventurer i killed had archmage robes and a 'Mages Staff of Shock'. when I looted the staff the quest completed window for the 'getting my mages staff' quest poped up.( i reason that the same would happen if someone used the spawn item cheat fora 'mages staff or spell'). I then went and played the shivering isles adventure. now i done the mages guild hall quests and got the robe of the apprentice from Polus.


Now the real problem comes in. when I talk to Polus agian he says "you should be getting your mages staff by now", then goes the the dialogue options where I can choose 'Advancement' and he tell me i'm a journeyman now. big woop, there is not option for the next quest, even when I reintiate a talk with him or leave the building and go back in. Then I tried to go do the quest but at the WellSpring Cave there are no mage bodies, just necromancers, and no quest pop-up windows. then at the end the door is locked, unpickable. using a cheat i unlocked it and the two mages are live and well alone on the island. when I looked for the unfinished staff in the chest it was empty. I then tried to talk with Polus with the 'mages staff' I looted but he says the same thing.


then I tried the consule command 'setstage' but all that does itput the entry in the completed quest log with the first entry(which the last enrty of the quest). I tryed the first entry to start the quest, (it was in the completed quest log) and went to WellSpring Cave and there was no change. though I havn't put in all the stages this way, because after 2 or 3 my game freezes.


I don't know what to do, besides load the game before I looted the adventurer(but that was long ago adn I really don't want to redo everything) I also looked for a consule command to remove the quest from my characters journal, but couldn't find one.

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