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DragonQuest Dai no Daibouken


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Hello, first, sorry for my english, that is not my native's.


Well, i recently tried to make followers, and god that was awefull, so i decided to post here in case someone wanted to take the idea.

So, if you do not know Dai no Daibouken, it's a manga, an old one, inspired by the Dragonquest Rpg series.

The main caracter is a DragonKnight who ignore himself, let us say, as a Dragonborn, anf have to fight an evil army under the control of six générals commanding a specific kind of monster.

Beasts, undead, ect...


I know that making a quest mod is very hard, well, i imagine so, so I won't ask that, but if someone can make followers like Aban/avan, Popu, Mam/fuam, Krokodin etc... it would be much appreciate.


Also, if someone is ok to make a quest, how much would she/he want to be paid. Cause i"m not rich but want to retribute the job.


Well... thank you and sorry if i did something wrong.



for those curious about the manga, there is a remake in anime made recently.

Each taste are different, but i really recommand it. It by far, my favorite comic. Well i discovered when i was little so i'm not objectiv xD

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