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Devil May Cry 5

[Request] Ground Taunt Mechanics DMC4 Style


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The taunt animations in DMC5 are amazing. Their practicality in combat is terrible. Before you nail me to a cross, please, think about how when you initiate the taunt, you're still losing style meter since you're not landing any attacks, then when the taunt completes, the meter you gain back fills up the amount you lost while taunting at absolute best. In my eyes that's terrible, that's why I air taunt every time, because it comes out quickly, and gives you a decent amount of style meter without losing very much at all in the process (plus it's safer in the air).

In my eyes, taunting was at its best in DMC3 and 4, for different reasons:

  • 3: you would still lose meter while initiating the taunt, but the animations tended to be quick, and the meter you gained back was almost an entire bar, so it was worth doing this a lot.
  • 4: the best example to me, as soon as you initiate the taunt, you start gaining meter, albeit slowly. When you reach a "sweet spot" you gain a LOT of meter immediately. Certain animations continue to play out past the sweet spot and let you gain a little bit more before the character returns to their idle position. Animations tended to get longer with each ranking, but the meter gain for the sweet spot tended to push you right into the next letter grade once you hit it.


So, the mod I'm requesting someone make is: make ground taunts in DMC5 behave like they do in previous games, either example I provided. I'd honestly prefer 4's mechanics, as I think that suits the longer taunting animations shown in 5. BUT the overall point is that I want there to be more initiative to use these animations in a fight and not feel like I'm sacrificing optimization.

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