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WWII Objects or Creating them for Use in FC3 Editor


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I am new to this site and this is my first post. I could really use some help on this topic because I cannot find help with any search engine etc...


Ok.. While I love this Game... it is not so much the game as it is the Editor. I Love working with this thing. It is about all I do for my enjoyment on gaming.


I DO NOT understand why "OBJECT PACKAGES" have not been created for specific User interest. Long ago when the first "Games Creator" came out.. it gave you the abilty to choose from the library WWII objects, or Space objects, etc..


So WWII buffs in the FC3 Editor, could choose a directory for objects like "WEAPONS" and you could find and add WWII period weapons.


There are more jeeps and versions of jeeps in the current editor to outfit the entire Prussian Army. Do you think they could have thrown in a Halftrack, a German Tiger Tank, just a regular WWII Jeep, perhaps ... and this makes sense, how about WWII Static Objects like Aircraft... and so on.


I cannot believe the lengths of what people will do to create new objects to replicate a theme,.. USING only th available objects in the EDITOR. Yes I know there a 2000 plus objects. But the only WWII objects that are out there are relics of the past. They have to cannibalize the object inventory to create a simple object. Here is only one example. There is a Star Wars theme map that I dug into to see how in the hell the Land Speeder was created...like I did not see that in the inventory. Yeah ...believe me I am not clever enough to make this stuff up. The Land Speeder is comprised of over 206 objects to create a single "static" object.


I "deconstructed" the Land Speeder further. The components... get this.

  • 3 Barrels - ENGINE
  • 100+ Microscopes - ENGINE
  • 2 Barber Chairs on pedestals - SEATS
  • 2 Open Empty Suitcases - FLOOR of Vehicle
  • 20+ Upright Large Tool Chests laid horizontally - BODY
  • 4 Car Hoods - Right and Left Engine Supports
  • 10+ Spray bottles - Sandwiched between CAR HOODS (the tubular white objects)
  • 1 Rocking Horse inverted upside down to make the windshield - WINDSHIELD
  • 40 + Stacks of Books - FRONT END CREATING CURVATURE to Land Speeder
  • 8+ large Fuse Panels laid horizontally - Right and Left BODY
  • 16 Flat sheet metal - for deck forward of the cockpit.

The system resources used is enormous. The time required to build is just nuts. This is someone with way too much time on their hands. (chuckles) That is 206 objects used to create ONE OBJECT that could/should be created as an available art or object asset for like a Star Wars add on Object Pack.


So my friends, why are there not available OBJECT PACKS for the myrid of themes of interest?

DOES ANYONE know how to create objects for the FC3 Editor?

DOES ANYONE know how to import objects into the editor?


I can remain in the FC3 sandbox forever with a few select Object Packs.


Oh one more thing... I came across a map with the WHITE airplane on the tarmac sitting there with a spinning propeller. How did they do that? I got in close with the editor and what did I find?


The editor of the map used a ceiling paddle fan Object and aligned it horzontally and inserted it deep enough into engine so that the fixed prop with the spinning Paddle fan make is look like the real deal on the runway. Really? Is this the kind of thing one has to dream up to get what they want? It looks like that is the case. (For now anyway).


HELP..somebody...anybody... Am I the only guy thinkin this or what. I would appreciate any feedback or ideas.



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