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The Star Wars theme map that is out there is incredible. I had a bit of free time yesterday and I "deconstructed" the Land Speeder because that object is not in the library. Like - We can use Star Wars theme Object Packs and WWII Object Packs - People will pay for such things. The eye is not on the Ball at ubisoft. I just don't get it. The components of the LANDSPEEDER... get this.
  • 3 Barrels - ENGINE
  • 100+ Microscopes - ENGINE
  • 2 Barber Chairs on pedestals - SEATS
  • 2 Open Empty Suitcases - FLOOR of Vehicle
  • 20+ Upright Large Tool Chests laid horizontally - BODY
  • 4 Car Hoods - Right and Left Engine Supports
  • 10+ Spray bottles - Sandwiched between CAR HOODS (the tubular white objects)
  • 1 Rocking Horse inverted - WINDSHIELD
  • 40 + Stacks of Books - FRONT END CREATING CURVATURE to Land Speeder
  • 8+ large Fuse Panels laid horizontally - Right and Left BODY
  • 16 Flat sheet metal - for deck forward of the cockpit.

The system resources used is enormous. The time required to build is just nuts. This is someone with way too much time on their hands. (chuckles) That is 206 objects used to create ONE OBJECT that could/should be created as an available art or object asset for like a Star Wars add on Object Pack.


i I cannot be the ONLY person out there that would BUY or Develop very specific Add On Far Cry 3 Object Packages. Hmm How many themes can you think of ?

Cha Ching should be what Ubisoft hears... instead the dev problems with MP has enough people turned off by and otherwise EXTRAORDINARY game. I locked the Console in Edit Mode and had to get a new beefy CPU and GPU to do PC EDITIING - Well worth it over the console.

Is anyone making objects? Does anyone know of a package to make objects. Know how to import objects?

Thanks.. I sure could use some direction here. Anyone with me on this? 57 YO Male who likes FPS and This awesome editor does not have decades to wait for this stuff.

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