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My dog died.


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Today my dog died.


In my family we never had pets adopted from their birth, we always have and always will adopt animals in difficulties (abandonned, sick, errand etc), we try our best to give them a better life but sadly the backlash is that some of them don't have much time left.


Today one of them died, we adopted Gotham because he used to get hit by people in it's neighborhood and after 7 years with us he died of spleen tumors, probably caused by all the suffering he endured according to the vet.


I wanted to re mod Skyrim SE since I have some free time recently and I wanted to know if somebody could make a tribute mod for my dog that I could use in my next gameplay. Since Gotham was a Husky I thought about either a Dawnguard Husky follower named Gotham that would follow me or if its possible just an husky Statue somewhere in the game.


For some of you it might seems absurd to ask for a tribute mod for a pet but I know the modding community have done it before, and I hope they will do it again.


Thanks for your considerations.

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