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Greatest game series of the decade?


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In response to post #9123347. #9131189, #9131533, #9137458, #9137724, #9163642 are all replies on the same post.

How exactly is Fallout a rip-off, pray tell.
If you're talking about Wasteland, that is extremely peculiar, because both are created by the same people, and they're completely different.
Before you talk out of your ass, do some research.
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Bethesda Games is the Game of the Year. Afraid, I cannot pick just One Game that Howard has created/produced/directed...Bethesda games are like potato chips--I cannot eat just one; I am weak, I LOVE ALLLLLL of them. I stay alive to create/participate with the next of the Bethesda line. What a blast being alive is today; my children learn; my elders learn...all of this tech....is awesome; it's the Gamers + Bethesda Games who help Howard's AI Worlds become what they are. Many complain about Bethesda oozing out bad products, but in my eye, Bethesda gives us the canvas, and We users of their product enjoy the fruit of their work; totally awesome concept, and many game creators want to emulate the Bethesda Format; 'we' just need their tools!




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I like to think the word "great" in the context of pitting games or franchises against each other as a sum of good qualities that make the game "better" in an artistic and enjoyable critique-rubric. The game with the most qualities that are better than the other will then be considered "greatest." In my personal opinion, The Elder Scrolls has always aimed high, but never quite gotten there without modding support. The mods made by the community turn an otherwise lackluster, stale, generic open-world sandbox fantasy RPG (that, unfortunately, gets progressively dumber and simpler when it comes to old-school values) into an immersive, gorgeous fantasy life where nearly any is possible. Perhaps TES's saving grace and best quality (that make up for all it's defects) is modding. Whether mods (a multi-faceted feature only possible by the skills and the imaginations of the community) should be considered as a quality for fair judgement against other games, is up to you. On the other side of the spectrum is the notorious GTA series, a franchise traditionally played by most on consoles. I never found mods to be essential for the PS2 GTAs (exception being GTA IV, where much was left to be desired). The games did a damn good job out of the box, and San Andreas still stands today as one of the greatest PS2 games of all times. Can the same be said for an Elder Scrolls game? Of course, not that it needs such an appellation - it's already been voted "The Greatest Game Series of the Decade." I fear I have extended this for too long. I'll leave you, the readers, to ponder over the words. My only regret is that GTA V was not released before the poll - it would have made it substantially fairer. I remain undecided as to which one is best, for really, they have far too many flaws and far too many good qualities for either to be weighed evenly and considered greater than another. Not that such a choice is impossible - no, just leave it up to emotional experiences and memories to make the choice for you.
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lets be honest , skyrim and in lesser way oblivion are there in the list not because their vanilaa/ console version nor because bethesda can create well made games, the vanilla console version of skyrim is actually not a good game


TES is there in the list because of all those people with a incredible creative mind , are making mods and improving the game , in their spare time for us for free, it are those people that made the series the succes it has become

bethesda only gave us the frame work to work with and even then it was never according to bethesda to make these games so moddable

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