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Greatest game series of the decade?


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TES was not there in the list because of bethesdas skills ibn making games it is certainly not there in the list because of the console/ vanilla version of the games


it is up there in the list because a group of creative people in their free time and for free are making mods that make these games the succes story they are


it is sad that bethesda systematicly refuses ro acknowledge this nor do they ever acknowledge that while it is true the console brought in tthe money it is the pc version and the modding community that made these games the succes they are and because of these modding community their next fallout and TES game will be another succes


it is about time bethesda acknpwledge this


because without these modding community their games are medioric and to be hpnest not the kind of games people will buy

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In response to post #9090658. #9091170, #9091252, #9092027, #9092387, #9093222 are all replies on the same post.

I agree on console vs pc i never understood the console love maybe only becouse solitude when behind pc or the more complexity and cost it brings.

PC Desktop is and always the SUPERIOR gaming platform in every aspect(Im talking about pure desktop not laptops there inferior also)console in my mind is for kids(sorry guys thats how i see consoles can be fun offcorse but rebooting mario for past 30 years with no real improvement sinds N64 is rediculous) playing mario.

PC high end 2012(ivybridge) already superior to the new consoles who are not yet released PS4 and Xbox one, thats why we are still backward concerning games consoles hold us back in every way progressing with Artificial intelligents or graphic wise there disgrace to game scene.

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In response to post #9090253.

Best solo RPG series yes but...Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is the best(in my humble opinion offcorse:)) then it went downhill, but still best long running series(soon 20years) mainly becouse of mods and PC version that can be modded to be comepletely different game.

Can't judge for GTA never played it, so voted TES

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Of course everyone on a site that is for Skyrim is going to say the ES games are better. But as someone who has enjoyed both of them I say Grand Theft Auto hands down is the better series. Why? Never in my life have I ever played GTA and had to start over because of a glitch, had my console or PC affected, or had to change things to make the game. Don't get me wrong Skyrim is one of my all time favorites but even the biggest fan boy can admit that parts of it were BORING.
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How can the Grand Theft Auto series even be in the running for this? They wait for well over a year after a game is released on the consoles before they even think about putting it on the PC. It's not only a bad marketing move, but it's just plain ol' dumb. Doesn't make much sense at all.. I'm gonna have to vote Elder Scrolls on this one.
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