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Greatest game series of the decade?


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Hey Guys! The Winner was supposed to be announced to great fanfare back on September 12th. But then something unexpected happened. "THE ELDER SCROLLS" WON! At which point GameSpot who had been counting on a GTA Victory to help hype the release of GTA 5 stopped covering their own contest.
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GTA deserved to win. Bethesda failed at a lot of things. They still do. Skyrim was a complete failure on consoles, you can't deny that. And it took them AGES to get Dawnguard working on the PS3. They failed bigtime. And just because of that, GTA deserved to win. Not TES.


But eh, what can I say? ...this is a website for Skyrim mods and community... there are probably lots of people who will say that ESO deserves the 1st place. Just because.


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In response to post #9232076.

Yeah, Like GTA doesn't have clipping issues, flickering textures or driver compatibility issues on release. Don't pretend Rockstar makes bug free products. Oh how about withholding dlc for one specific platform? Gay Tony and Lost and The damn took more time to release on PS3 than Dawnguard did.

keep going with your selective complaining.

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In response to post #9232076. #9232446 is also a reply to the same post.


The complaints you issued on GTA were and still are minor to what bugs and glitches Skyrim has. At least the game functioned unlike Skyrim, which was unplayable on PS3 and barely worked on my PC, unless I downloaded either fan made patches or waited for months for a patch that actually fixed an issue instead of adding more.
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In response to post #9210059. #9232898 is also a reply to the same post.

Considering it was a user vote, Elder Scrolls definitely deserved to win. Why? Because, apparently, most people enjoy TES more than GTA.

You can complain about bugs and shoddy code all you want. It still won't change the fact that TES is more appreciated than GTA is. Besides, GTA has had its fair share of bugs as well...
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