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Greatest game series of the decade?


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In response to post #9232076. #9232446, #9232893, #9238801, #9250642 are all replies on the same post.


Didn't Rockstar have GTA4 had video driver issues that literally took almost half a year to fix?

Yeah, like I said, SELECTIVE complaining.

Neither game was bug free or worked flawlessly. In the end, if you enjoy GTA more than TES, give them the vote. Just don't try to discredit the game on technical bugs, when your prefered game is just as guilty having a flawed game on release.
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Lmao what a stupid poll. Why they didn't make it last longer so more people could actually vote. I mean really Halo gets knocked out 1st round? Complete luck of time+votes.


Halo is easily one of the best game series of the Decade, a decade is 10 years, so 2003-2013.


Lets see, Halo 2 (Rated best game of year), Halo 3 (loads of awards), and although Halo Reach and Halo 4 online felt different, the story, the journey, couldn't of been better. And it gets beat by Final Fantasy lmao. Sure final fantasy X was great but since then no.


Also why was GTA in it, the only good one past decade has been San Andreas as IV was horrible, and V only just come out. Then there's Guild Wars losing to Portal I mean oh my god, worst poll I've ever seen in my life.

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GTA is okay, but TES:V beats everything before it, hands down, and will be hard to top by anything after it in my opinion. I love the extensive lore and complete freedom to do as you wish. I've been playing for a pretty long time and still have yet to come anywhere near beating it. The GTA I've played was mind-numbingly linear in story line. I've been a TES fan since I first played Morrowind on X-Box. I do believe The Elder Scrolls' win was justice, and apparently 52.5 percent of gamers surveyed agree with me... All in all, Kudos to Bethesda for a great game, regardless of what the haters think. Looking forward to The Elder Scrolls Online if it's anything like what they've done before.
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In response to post #9210059. #9232898, #9233462, #9236776, #9252777, #9255944, #9256370, #9259420, #9260265, #9277740, #9286272 are all replies on the same post.

@poncedele1 It's true that many people like to have their NSFW mods installed, but most of the time it's just for a little kick. I personally have the UNP body with barbarian textures to make my redguard look like a beast. I use the UNP body because of the mass of armor mods that I like that go along with it. But the thing that won this game the prize is the modding community. If I didn't get mods to change up the experience I might not have played this game for as long as I did. If you get bored with a game, use an overhaul mod. Currently I'm using skyre and the thing I like with this mod is the differences you get with races. The redguard that I'm developing right now is a freaking beast. The special ability 'sandstorm charge' which is a slow time and a movement speed buff on a two minute cooldown has saved my ass more times than I even used racial powers in TES games ever. I never used racial powers before because they were all once a day and not very practical so they were never hotkeyed and forgotten. The only annoying part is solstheim where every bandit has the passive dunmer ability where NPC's get a flame cloak every time they are at around half health. Just a small nuisance but a nuisance all the same. I dont think I've even scratched the surface of this mod so I plan to continue with it until I get bored again. Then I mod the game again and I'll be back to it. And back to the original topic, yes I have had game breaking bugs happen before but I always found a way to fix it. When I wasn't absorbing the first dragon at the watchtowers soul, I couldn't proceed with the main quest. Mods saved the day, every time on that playthrough (previous to the mod) killing the dragon didn't get me a soul, but after installing the bugfix I could proceed like normal. It was a minor annoyance but didn't stop me from liking the game.
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In response to post #9273447.

Saints row is now a completely different game from GTA. It started off as a GTA ripoff that I enjoyed quite a lot and then it diverged into a completely different game that was less serious and more over the top in what you can do. GTA's style is to be like a real world setting while saints row 4 for example had you as the president and aliens invading as the main plot.
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