Dynastimo Posted February 12, 2022 Share Posted February 12, 2022 Hello there i've recently experienced an insane amount of crash and i just dont know what to try anymore..Here is my NVAC log, im sure some of you know what that mean 12163523 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe12163523 _ 181A0000 07050000 nvac.dll12163523 i 008BFBC1 0441B60F FalloutNV.exe12163523 _ 17C60000 06020050 nvse_1_4.dll12163523 _ 77DD0000 0A004A61 ntdll.dllNVSE version: 6.25 JIP LN version: 56.44 Base address: 10F7000012163632 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY12163632 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed CreateImageSurface - E_OUTOFMEMORY12163632 ; NiDX9SourceTextureData::CreateSurf> Failed Crea~TRUNCATE _ 12163634 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79102 89068B43 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E79107 8946048B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7910D 89460803 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E8C0FD 8B088B51 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E8C0FF 8B513050 FalloutNV.exe12163634 n 00000000 00E8C10512163634 r 00E8C105 00000000 FalloutNV.exe12163634 m 1100F990 0000000012163634 r 00AA22E2 0000000D FalloutNV.exe12163634 ñ 19891A60 0000002012163634 r 00E722C6 00000001 FalloutNV.exe12163634 m DC92D000 4031EC8412163634 r 00E74431 00000003 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E74435 895E208B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7420F 8B410C3B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E74218 8B691403 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741F1 8B481C8B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741F4 8B70208B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741F7 8B40183B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741FA 3B482073 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7420F 8B410C3B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E74218 8B691403 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7420F 8B410C3B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E74218 8B691403 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741FA 3B482073 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7420F 8B410C3B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E74218 8B691403 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741F1 8B481C8B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741F4 8B70208B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741F7 8B40183B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E741FA 3B482073 FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E7420F 8B410C3B FalloutNV.exe12163634 h 00E74218 8B691403 FalloutNV.exe12163634 m 7F081E67 FFFFFF8A12163634 h 181A402B FF376A06 nvac.dll (1000402B)12163634 ^ 00E74C12 000001A6 FalloutNV.exe12163634 V 7F081E67 C000000512163634 _ CRASHSAV E_THREAD FalloutNV.exe12163634 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe12163634 u 7F081E67 C000000512163634 _ CRASHSAV E_THREAD FalloutNV.exe12163634 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe Oh and here is my load order "0005","DLC: TribalPack""0006","DLC: OldWorldBlues""0007","DLC: MercenaryPack""0008","DLC: LonesomeRoad""0009","DLC: HonestHearts""0010","DLC: GunRunnersArsenal""0011","DLC: DeadMoney""0012","DLC: ClassicPack""0013","DLC: CaravanPack""0014","Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP""0015","NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash""0016","NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix""0017","OneTweak for FNV""0018","FNV Mod Limit Fix""0019","JohnnyGuitar NVSE""0020","JIP LN NVSE Plugin""0022","Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus""0023","Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod""0024","WMIM ESP Replacer""0025","FPGE Patch Collection""0027","lStewieAl's Tweaks""0028","lStewieAl""0029","Diagonal movement""0030","NMFL""0031","UIO - User Interface Organizer""0032","The Mod Configuration Menu""0033","MCM BugFix 2""0034","JIP Improved Recipe Menu""0035","Faster Pip-Boy Animation""0036","FOV Slider""0037","Immersive Novac Motel Room""0038","Killable Children (NVSE)""0039","Brighter Larger Radius Pip-Boy Light""0040","Unnecessary Physics""0041","Armed to the Teeth - Redux""0042","Better Gas Leak Effect""0043","Bullet Trails""0044","Meat Prep Animations Restored""0045","Stewie""0046","4k Animated Cash Register""0047","HUD Only Explosion Shake""0048","Lower-sitting Ranger Hat""0049","Craftable Bread And Sandwiches""0050","Hit's Anims - Season 2""0051","Old World Blues - Seriously Stealth Suit Shut Up Already""0052","Player Combat Priority""0053","kNVSE Animation Plugin""0054","JSawyer Ultimate Edition11""0055","JSawyer Ultimate Edition""0056","Universal Item Sorter""0057","JSawyer Ultimate Edition Patches""0058","ShowOffNVSE""0059","Atomic Wrangler Sex Workers""0060","Awesome Bullet Sounds - Flybys and Whizzes""0061","Passive Combat Music Tweaked""0062","Complete Respec""0063","Simple Saves""0064","Casino Crowds""0065","Realistic Equip Sounds""0066","Mass Ownership Tweaks""0068","Detached Laser Beams""0069","NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas""0070","OJO BUENO Texture Pack""0071","Anniversary Anim Pack""0072","Anniversary Anim Pack - General Bugfix""0073","PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms""0074","Simple Open Strip""0075","B42 Weapon Inertia""0078","Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather Mod""0079","A Little More Lamplight""0080","EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced""0081","DragsCassReplacer""0082","WWP 357 Magnum Replacer""0083","WWP Hunting Rifle""0084","WWP Cowboy Repeater Series Replacer""0085","WWP Anti-Materiel Rifle Replacer""0086","Roads Redone""0087","Super Mutants HD - 4k Retextures""0088","HD Desk Fan""0089","Nuka Fridge HD""0090","High Res Vanilla Posters and Graffiti""0091","HD - Pool Table and Books""0092","4k MedKit Replacer""0093","4k Animated Metal Box Replacer""0094","4k Animated Hotel Wardrobe""0095","4k Fridge Replacer""0096","Immersive Mouth and Teeth - FNV Version""0097","High Res Vanilla Water Bottle Textures and Meshes""0098","Decorated BOS Bunker""0099","Bullet Casings Redone""0100","Better Cigarettes""0101","Vanilla Hair Retextured NV""0102","New Clutter Pack""0103","VWR - Vanilla Weapons Redone - Explosives""0104","Shifting Shadows - 2k Assassin and Stealth Suit Retextures""0105","Lux Aeterna - The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul""0106","Psycho Face Textures - RESOURCE""0107","Drags Casual Courier""0108","Lakelurk High-Quality Replacer""0109","WWP AR Series Replacer""0110","Urban Food Re-Tex""0111","Improved Robots Textures""0116","Ragdolls""0117","IMPACT""0118","B42 Quickthrow - an alternative grenade hotkey mod""0119","NV Compatibility Skeleton""0120","JAM - Just Assorted Mods""0121","Just Assorted Mods Custom INI""0122","NPCs Sprint In Combat""0123","Real Recoil""0124","Real Recoil Tweaks""0125","Simply Uncut - New Vegas""0126","Follower Tweaks""0127","B42 Melee Bash""0128","Shadowstrike Katana - Standalone or Replacer""0129","One HUD - oHUD""0130","Immersive Hit Reactions - Makes Combat Responsive""0132","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons""0133","New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered""0134","JIP LN Overhauls INI""0135","Laser Weapon Iron Sights""0136","Misc Gameplay Merge""0137","Melee Reach Fixed""0138","Vault 22 Flora Overhaul Remastered""0140","Mojave Raiders""0141","GreaterKhansOverhaul""0142","NCRUltimateOverhaul""0143","FiendAndRaiderPreview""0144","The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul""0145","Economy Overhaul""0146","Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul""0147","PowderGangerOverhaul""0148","TYPE4 - Body and Armors""0149","Russell""0150","Raul as Danny Trejo Overhaul""0151","ARIZONA SLAVE ARMY - A Legion Overhaul""0153","NVR3R - New Vegas Redesigned 3 Revised""0154","NVR BNW REDESiGNed - TYPE4""0155","Cyberware""0156","Essential DLC Enhancements Merged""0157","The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more""0158","Functional Post Game Ending""0159","Free the Slaves""0160","A Cyber Affair""0161","Mojave Arsenal""0162","PerkPackPlus""0163","New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets""0164","New Vegas Uncut 3 - A Van Graff Scorned""0165","New Vegas Uncut 4 - A Thorny Situation""0166","Radioactive Tumbleweed Cut Content""0167","New Vegas Uncut 1 - Rotface to Riches""0168","New Vegas Uncut 2 - A Koch and Bohr Story""0170","A World of (Less) Pain""0171","BoomersGoBoom""0172","Canvas Backpacks - Remade""0173","CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense Radio""0174","DiDisaan's Patch Emporium""0175","Even Better Loading Screen and Main Menu Replacer""0176","Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse""0177","MoreMojave""0178","New World Map Texture for New Vegas""0179","RiddickCompanion""0180","Simple Open Freeside""0181","Simple Reputation and Disguises""0182","Sortomatic - Modders Resource""0183","The Strip NPCs Uncut - Content Restoration""0184","Wasteland Encounters""0185","WeAreLegionBETA""0186","10 Year Anniversary Celebration Pack""0187","Take Chems Make Fiends""0189","TheFriedTurkey 3 Creature Pack""0191","Dusty Distance Redone""0192","TheFriedTurkey's Bighorners""0193","High Resolution Male Body Textures""0195","The Someguy Series""0199","Willow - A Better Companion Experience""0200","Claim the Mojave""0201","The Moon Comes Over The Tower - Restored""0202","Medical Clinic Expanded""0203","Legion Quests Expanded""0204","New Vegas Bounties I""0210","Simplified Weapon Retexture Project""0212","M37 Ithaca""0213","Remington 700""0215","Millenia Arms - Colt M4A1""0216","SKS Simonov""0217","AK74M - Assault Rifle - FNV""0218","Browning P35""0219","PKM""0220","Mkb42h""0221","All Weapon Sounds Overhaul""0222","Improved Lighting Shaders" I crashed quite often on this playtrough, especially when entering a workbench ( either crash or nvac log gets updated) but now its unplayable i can't even play more then 5 min without crashing. Any recommandation would be very appreciated., thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZackBlastov Posted March 12, 2022 Share Posted March 12, 2022 Hi Off the top of my head, looking at your load order is the first thing to look at.For example, SomeguySeries (Russell should be loaded after Someguyseries) and MoreMojave are .esm's and all esm's must be a lot further up - immediately after the dlc masters.Try using Loot https://loot.github.io/(Read any recommendations it gives after running it.) Also you don't seem to have either a Merge file or a Bashed patch. One of these is highly recommended to help diffferent mods can work together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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