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Need help with character creation


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Ok, before you all think all kinds of obscene things, I'm making a comic/video, and the main character needs to be young. (around high school age) Anime faces are fine, but after hours of tweaking i still got "senior in grad school" look going on. i know some of you are amazing artists at the PC creating I wondered if anyone would help me create my new heroine: Sarah Rivers?


thanks !

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Natural faces makes changes to NPC's faces according to their age.

I am not familiar with IFT, but - Younger, Hotter NPC's" makes all

the female NPC's young. It would want to be loaded after any other

mod that makes face changes such as Natural Faces.


If you are after a young looking custom player character. All

you can do, if I am correct, is set the age as young as possible when

doing the face creation.

It may be that the results you are getting is a limitation of the game, and the head mesh.

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If you check out my save game post you'll see my chars are cute, they just look 25ish (arcelas sexy saves)


I've seen some rediculously awesome looking ones though that make my girls look like mudcrabs.


Well maybe i should contact the creators directly...


anyway thank for tips

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