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Magical Girls in Mass Effect


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Episode 47-Reassemblence

The Normandy, after having left Omega, drifted through space for several days as there were many things to go over. The data and revelations that they had found and received still left everyone preoccupied, there was a lot that needed to be discussed. It took a toll on everyone, tying up all of their schedules. It also left the girls in an emotional wreck, with the Normandy crew doing all they could to console them and help them through it. The girls took it easy as they knew that their time at the academy had proven detrimental, forcing them to rethink everything that they had be taught, figuring out the correct ways to utilize their powers, taking on more subtle methods to carrying out their powers in ways that would put less strain on their bodies. Everyone on the ship showed a lot of concern for them.

Garrus had especially been left on edge about the whole situation, causing him to have to step aside a few times to clear his mind. Jane had helped him through all of it, consoling him, being by his side and being someone to help him blow off steam and alleviate stress through...intimate means. He also had several chats with Mordin, who was also tense about these findings. They’ve had numerous conversations about the girls and their concerns with Mordin’s way of alleviating the stress being to step out and watch some more Pretty Cure shows, to which Tali was also happy to do and, of course, pulling Garrus into watching with them, much to Garrus’ annoyance. They’ve watched so many of those episodes that they’ve pretty much blown through the first 3 seasons almost nonstop. A few times, their marathons have caused a lot of binge watching all the way into the night in which all 3 of them fell asleep on the couch while watching them. Mordin, being a salarian, obviously stayed up the longest, using the time to sort through each episode to cut out a lot of the boring, slice of life moments before he, too, couldn’t stay awake any longer. This had been their routine throughout these long days. Jane had caught them a few times having already been asleep on the couch. She seemed quite pleased to see this.
Despite Garrus being annoyed with having to be dragged in by Tali and Mordin into watching their magical girl shows with them, he had shown some signs of kind of liking those shows. He was heard a few times humming the tunes and theme songs but does it unconsciously. Everyone that heard them had pointed that out, with which he would deny, even to Jane. Mordin and Tali have teased him about it a few times, which obviously annoyed him, but they would never take the jokes too far. All in all, it showed that a unique relationship had formed among them.
Meanwhile, Joker and EDI had been working tirelessly to track down any unknown and unusual energy readings that could be out there in the galaxy. They’ve had more than one reason to try and find this, for the sake of the girls and for the sake of the universe. Everything seemed to be resting on finding whatever is out there.
At one point, there was another attack within the cargo bay by another massive dark creature. The girls, of course, acted on taking care of it immediately. Having transformed and used the full force of their powers, they defeated the monsters, but uneasiness hung heavy amongst them and the Normandy crew. With Mordin looking into this matter, it seems that whatever findings he would come up with would bring about a grim discovery, one of many that they all had to deal with.
Liara also worked hard with managing the Intel Crystals. She wracked her brain, trying to crack the mystery behind the ones that were corrupted, but came up empty. However, she did manage to finish up with creating the machine that would extract intel from within the crystals, thanks in no small part from Mordin. The 2 of them worked together in manufacturing the machines and managed to extract the intel from within the crystals successfully. They then stored all the data that they were able to extract within memory drives. They did leave a spare machine to try and work on the crystals that were corrupted in case the corruption would break the machine or do something else to it. The end result showed that the intel was very well locked up tight within the crystals with no way to penetrate whatever Dark force is keeping them locked in. Even Mordin was stumped with how to penetrate it. That was put aside for a time as they focused on extracting the intel from the crystals that were still accessible. They, of course, relayed this information to Jane, Garrus and Ashley, with all 3 of them annoyed and frustrated with the situation. Joker and EDI, having heard this, were more than eager to seek out that unknown magical source. They may be getting closer to being able to notice something, but it was still uncertain.
This routine went on for a few days with no changes, until one day....
It was just a regular morning on the Normandy. The girls have just finished up with their breakfast. A few of the crew members stood by watching while several more entered soon afterwards.
Flare: “Thank you again for the food. That was delicious.”
Gardner: “It was my pleasure. I’m always happy to cook for you.”
Splash: “You’ve done so much for us already, Gardner. I wish there was something we could do in return.”
Gardner: “Oh, that is very sweet of you, Splash, but you girls have done plenty for us already, protect our galaxy from that Dark menace.”
Jewel: “Well, it was the least that WE can do. If only...we didn’t...”
Gardner: “It’s alright, Jewel, we’ve already been over this. There was no way you could have known that Dark entity would have found you so quickly.”
FemShep: “He’s right. Regardless of what had happened, you can’t blame yourselves for this.”
Liara: “And you have made the decision to face it here.”
Traynor: “We all especially feel awful that you had to make such a tough decision, though.”
Jewel: “Yeah...it was...the only one that had to be made.”
Miranda: “And we understand that. It truly WAS, whether we like it or not.”
Garrus: “None of that matters now. It’s here and we have to deal with it. It’s very clear that you need our help in this fight as well.”
Jewel: “And you guys have done so much for us already. We couldn’t thank you enough.”
Mordin: ”Happy to help. However, intentional or not, you have helped us out tremendously.”
Aera: “Yes, yes, we know, our presence has provided us clues to magic involved in the mysterious occurrences in your realm. Yeah, we’ve gone over that already.”
Miranda: “Exactly, so there is no reason for you to feel guilty for this entity being here.”
Tali: “For what it’s worth, we never blamed you for it.”
Mordin: “Based on our findings, there is no way you could have been responsible for this, not by a massive amount.”
Star: “Yeah, of course! Something strange has definitely been happening here.”
Jacob: “There’s no doubt there’s so much we need to look into regarding this.”
Kasumi: “But what could any of this mean?”
Samara: “Hmm...from what we would perceive from our findings, it is indeed, without a doubt, that our conflicts are very much connected.”
Miranda: “No doubt that this conflict runs deep, even in our galaxy. I could feel it in my system and the biotics that pulse within it.”
Jacob: “I can feel it, too. This magical energy, it’s almost as though the biotic energy and the magical energy are intertwined with one another. I have also felt that Dark energy. It’s an unpleasant feeling.”
Thane: “Not to mention the mysteries buried within them, such as how so many of us are still alive when we clearly would be dead.”
Mordin: “Of course, haven’t forgotten about that. Never could, even if I wanted to.”
Liara: “I’ve heard you had numerous conversations with Wrex and Eve about that.”
Mordin: “Yes, it...still bothers me, but their reassurance is...comforting. Did not deserve their kindness.”
Star: “That’s not true! You gave your life to fix your people’s mistakes! You’ve earned the krogan’s trust! You helped them out.”
Mordin: “Merely...evened the odds. Nothing more. My death...the only thing that earned their respect. Could have...should have...stayed dead, but...”
Star: “But you’re still here, you did mention something about choosing to come back, didn’t you?”
Mordin: “Yes...don’t remember why...but...”
Star: “Well, whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. You have helped us out so much. I believe in all my heart that the Divine Source wanted you to live and made sure that you could.”
Mordin was speechless, he seemed touched.
Mordin: “Perhaps...you are right about that...have chosen to live and...will find out...feel it in my soul that...will be needing to find out why...this came to be...”
Star: “And I will be there to help you out!”
The other girls smiled, with at least one of them nodded. Mordin was touched by this again.
Jewel: “Well then, if nothing else, I suppose there are still some things that need to be taken care of.”
Mordin: “Yes, of course. Have a few files and intel to sort out and look over. Would appreciate the extra help.”
Star: “You’ve got it.”
Jewel: “Great, let’s get started.”
Jewel got up from her chair and walked off.
She was about to make her way to the elevator, when suddenly, a massive and extremely sharp pain just shot through her entire body, stopping her in her tracks. Everyone nearby took notice of this and reacted instantly.
Liara: “Jewel!”
Overwhelmed by the pain, she was found screaming and feel on her knees.
Ashley: “Oh, nol!!”
Traynor: “What’s…happening to her…!?!”
At one point, she was breathing heavily.
Star: “Oh, no! Jewel!”
Everyone was about to rush over towards her. But then Flare realized something.
Flare: “Wait!”
She held her hand out in front of Garrus, who was rushing over to her faster than everyone else.
Flare: “Everyone! Stay back!”
They stood by and just watched as she continued screaming. Suddenly, she let out a loud yelp as she threw her head back and her chest out as though something was going to burst out of her. At that instant, massive crystal stalagmites formed around her, she was almost completely surrounded by them. James, having just come off the elevator, arrived at the moment that this was taking place. He stood in shock and awe as he watched this.
From that, everything was calm. Jewel was found still on her knees, breathing heavily, which decreased gradually until she calmed down. Everyone nearby stood around, shocked and confused by what they just witnessed.
FemShep: “Umm...whoa.”
Traynor: “Oh, my god…!!!”
Ashley: “OK, what the hell just happened!?!”
Jewel remained on the floor, she seemed like she was exhausted.
Star: “Jewel!!”
Star ran over to her, having reached her through the opening on the stalagmites and joyfully embraced her.
Star: “You did it! You actually did it!! You’re finally going through this!!”
Jewel: “Yeah...I suppose I am...”
The crew members and the rest of the girls approached her as well. Mordin was seen scanning her.
James: “Jewel! You OK?”
Jewel: “For the most part, I am.”
Garrus: “Um, could someone please tell me what’s going on!?!”
Aera: “Oh! This? Yeah, um, heh...it’s...it's a phase we go through.”
Garrus: “A phase? What do you mean?”
Flare: “There is a certain point in which a Fayelon’s body starts to produce more magical energy as a means of...undergoing a unique change.”
Kasumi: “Change? You mean like...puberty?”
Flare: “Hmm...I don’t quite know what that is, but...it’s a sign that a Fayelon is reaching maturity.”
James: “Yep, sounds like Fayelon puberty to me.”
Mordin, having scanned her, checked the results.
Mordin: “Hmm...there has been an immediate spike in her magical energy. It has calmed down for now, but...”
FemShep: “Is it over now?”
Mordin shook his head.
Mordin: “No, her body is undergoing an unusual change, such in which its natural ability to produce the energy is fluctuating. More energy may be produced at a rapid rate.”
Garrus: “Any ideas on why this is happening?”
Mordin: “Unknown. Would need to consult the Intel Crystals about this, however...”
Liara: “Chances are the crystal containing any information regarding that is corrupted, we wouldn’t be able to find out anything about it.”
Mordin: “Most likely yes.”
Garrus: “So...we’re pretty much going to go through this blindly.”
Flare: “Not exactly. We know some things about this.”
Garrus: “Tell us what you know.”
Flare: “When we reach a certain age, our body’s ability to produce more energy will undergo a change in which the productivity of the energy will occur faster. It is needed for this change. However, it could not control how much energy is needed for this change, so it will come to the point where our bodies cannot contain the energy. What you have just witnessed is the end result of that.”
Garrus: “How long will this continue?”
Flare: “Well, it can continue on indefinitely, however, it needs to be handled within a few days, otherwise our bodies would be exhausted from this ongoing production of energy to the point where we would wear ourselves down and we could actually be killed by this.”
Many within the room were startled to hear about this.
Miranda: “You can’t be serious!”
Splash: “It’s true! It actually can happen!”
Ashley: “I don’t believe this!”
Garrus: “Great, so you Fayelons pretty much undergo magical puberty that can eventually kill you!”
Flare: “Fortunately, it is not immediate. There is a way to stop this.”
Garrus: “And what would that be?”
Star: “In order to stabilize our bodies’ excess production of our energy, we need to forcefully focus that energy in some way, usually we do it in ways that can help out tremendously or even be productive.”
Miranda: “I see...so...if Jewel would use her excess energy that could help in some way that is productive, will that stop this energy from overproduction?”
Flare: “Yes, when It has been focused in some way, it would put a stop to sudden outburst of excessive energy and return to functioning normally.”
Liara: “So, what about the rest of you? Have any of you gone through this?”
Flame: “Well, yes, actually, I, myself have gone through this.”
Splash: “I’ve also gone through this!”
Star: “As have I!”
Aera remained silent for a bit, folding her arms and seeming a little annoyed.
Aera: “I haven’t gone through it, yet. I’m still waiting for my turn to come.”
FemShep: “So, each of you have already undergone the process of stabilizing your bodies’ natural production of its magical energy?”
Flare: “Correct.”
Star: “I used my excess energy to restore life to a dead planet. It’s the only time in which a photokinetic’s energy can be similar to our Divine Source’s own power in strength and intensity.”
Splash: “I used my excess energy to turn a barren rock into a beautiful, ocean-filled world where my fishies and I can swim free and happy.”
Ashley: “That’s not really a surprise knowing you.”
Liara: “What about you, Flare? What did you use your excess energy for?”
Flare: “Me? Well...there is a custom we have amongst my people, whenever we would come of age, we would utilize our energy on a dying sol in order to expand its life. We would produce enough energy to expand its life for another century. It is...the only way in which we would use this for productivity.”
Garrus: “All that sounds great and everything, but we need to figure out a way to help Jewel through this.”
Mordin: “Agreed, her body could handle so many outbursts of this power before it wears her down and kills her.”
Tali: “Jewel, do you have any ideas on what you can do with this excess energy of yours?”
Everyone hesitated, waiting for a response.
Jewel: “I...don’t know....I...haven’t thought of anything yet.”
Kasumi: “Really? Nothing?”
Ashley: “You know this is pretty much a matter of life or death to you, right?”
Jewel: “Yes...but...I’ll have plenty of time to think about it. I’ll be OK...”
She stood up, she looked towards one side of the stalagmites she forged from her excess energy and with one touch, they shattered into many pieces, scattering all over the floor.
Jewel: “Here, you can use all of this. I don’t mind.”
Ashley: “But...Jewel...are you sure?”
Jewel: “Yes, it’s fine. You can use this for however you please. Research, equipment, I don’t care.”
Garrus: “Uh! No, Jewel, we can’t! I...”
Jewel: “It’s fine. I get the feeling that you’ll need this in the upcoming battles. It is among the many things that would stand a chance against our Dark energy. Believe me, you will need this.”
Garrus stood by, he seemed stunned, unsure of how to respond to this.
Mordin: “Thank you, Jewel. We will...use this...appropriately. As usual, it will be treated with the utmost respect.”
A small smile appeared on her face.
Jewel: “Thank you...I’ll...have Dr. Chakwas evaluate me...”
She walked off with everyone else standing by and watching her leave.
Garrus: “This is really bad.”
Liara: “I know, this change, this...puberty she’s going through....this is very serious.”
Star: “Oh, don’t worry about it. We Fayelons know how to handle this.”
Aera: “Yeah, absolutely, we’ve been educated about this and taught specifically to be prepared for this.”
Ashley: “Are you sure about this? This...is very serious.”
Star: “Maybe to you guys, but to us? It’s really not anything to worry about.”
Aera: “You guys never really go through anything like this when growing into adulthood, right?”
Garrus: “Well...nothing that’s extremely painful.”
Aera: “Wow, it’s no wonder why you non magicals have such a pansy and overly embellished outlook of this.”
Garrus: “Hey! Watch your tone, young lady.”
Aera: “Whatevs. Let Jewel handle this. She’ll know when she urgently needs to figure out what to do with that energy.”
Aera walked off.
Ashley: “You girls...also think this way, right?”
Splash: “Of course. There are a good number of us that have been through far worse. This, on the other hand, is one of less alarming happenings.”
Flare: “And besides, Jewel HAS been through worse.”
Kasumi: “Well, of course, she’s been abused by her mentors and peers just for wanting to become a Gemma Kinetic. She’s bound to have a really high pain tolerance, as we would suspect.”
Flare: ”Yes...that...and...”
Aera returned over almost immediately.
Aera: “Actually, she’s really as strong as they come. She has excessive willpower.”
Splash: “Oh! Absolutely! She’s always been like that! She’s stern and unbreakable, just like her crystals.”
Garrus: “Still, I think it would be a good idea to keep an eye on her.”
Aera: “Suit yourself. Just...keep your distance when she has another outburst, unless you would prefer to be encased in her crystals...again.”
Aera walked off again.
Garrus: “Um, no, and...while I don’t appreciate your tone, I’ll keep that in mind.”
And so, for the next few days, they continued on. Jewel would have her outbursts, collapsing on the floor until her energy bursts out of her, forming more crystal stalagmites as well as other crystal formations. She would have these outbursts once every few hours. With each one, more energy would be dispensed out, forming not only formations on the ground around her, but coating the walls as well. Everywhere she went, rooms around her would start to resemble crystal caverns. However, being polite as she was, she would clean up her mess by shattering these formations and providing the shards to her friends. She was able to form more than enough shards to pretty much forge more than a lifetime’s supply of ammunition, with which Mordin was more than happy to build a weapon for. Garrus was not pleased by this, but allowed it since such ammunition would be the only kind that would stand even the slightest chance against their Dark enemies.
However, by the next day, more and more formations would form, but Garrus would step in and refuse to let her shatter them into shards, so he would make sure that she would only be allowed to enter certain areas of the Normandy where her formations would not form any obstructions or clutter. However, they were running out of room for Jewel to forge more crystals from the excess energy. At the time, she would need to remain in larger rooms when her outbursts were about to occur, such as the cargo bay or even the massive room within the lower decks.
By the next day, Garrus was losing his nerves and patience with this. He stood around with a few of the other crew members with the girls sitting at the tables within the mess hall. The girls sat at a table facing the Main Battery Room.
Garrus: “OK, we can’t keep this up forever. It’s been 2 days since these outbursts started and Jewel still doesn’t know what to do with this excess energy.”
Tali: “Garrus, please calm down.”
Ashley: “I know it’s frustrating, but even this shouldn’t be rushed.”
Garrus: “Well, this needs to stop sooner or later.”
Miranda: “I see what you mean. The Normandy could only handle so many crystal formations.”
Mordin: “Indeed, at this rate, the entire Normandy will be coated in crystals.”
Garrus: “That’s not my biggest concern. I’m more worried about Jewel possibly dying from this.”
FemShep: “We’re all worried about that, Garrus. But the girls need to handle this
at their own pace.”
Garrus: “They may have had more leniency to manage this better back at their homes, but we only have so much understanding or even elbow room to handle these kinds of issues on a long-term basis.”
Kasumi: “I agree with you on this. We can’t just sit by and wait for Jewel to finally make up her mind on this issue.”
Liara: “I, too, wish there was some way we could help with this.”
Traynor: “There must be some way for Gemma Kinetics to use their powers for anything productive. Could they have been taught about what to do with this excess energy.”
Everyone stood around, unable to think of anything. The girls were also silent, trying to ponder this. However, Jewel just sat by, sulking. Garrus looked at her. Everyone else did the same.
Mordin: “Jewel? Is there something the matter?”
Jewel: “Well...back at home...I...”
Garrus: “Don’t tell me, they withheld this from you, didn’t they?”
Jewel sat silently as they sulked.
Jewel: “Yes...it just...demonstrates...how much...they really didn’t want me to become a Gemma Kinetic...”
The group was startled to hear this.
Garrus: “You can’t be serious.”
Jewel just sat there, sulking. Everyone stood by, too startled from the disbelief of this realization, so much so that they didn’t know what to say.
Liara: “I...don’t...believe it...”
Ashley: “Were they really that cruel?”
Jewel just sulked.
Aera: “Oh, heh, we did not even scratch the surface of that.”
Splash was also seen sulking. Garrus clenched his fist in anger.
Tali: “Oh...keelah...”
Traylor: “So...basically...they...they...”
Kasumi: “But...that’s just...”
Ashley: “They’re pretty much threatening you out of becoming a Gemma Kinetic...with your life...”
Traynor: “But...that’s...that’s...so...evil!!”
Flare: “From what had occurred, you would be right...”
Everyone stood by again, in shock. Garrus, however, was ready to lash out. Mordin, however, thought for a bit.
Mordin: “Hmm...makes me wonder...how many Gemma Kinetics...had to go through this process...?”
Star: “Well, that was never the case and that was because...”
Just then, Jewel underwent another outburst. Everyone looked at her instantly.
Splash: “JEWEL!!”
She held her head, clenching in pain.
Ashley: “Everyone, keep your distance!”
Jewel: “No! Wait! I....I think...I think I can....”
She slowly removed her hand from her head, she then opened it, she looked around the room. She shifted her head in different directions. Then she looked toward the direction of the only opening she could find and then, with her own willpower, focused her energy from out of her hand and with that, shot it out from her hand, it shot past the group and wound up within the corridor to the Main Battery Room. After striking the door at the very end, the entire opening became coated in many thick layers of crystals formations, stalagmites and stalactites, completely blocking off all access to that area. Garrus looked at the mess with a look of devastated shock as his favorite place on the Normandy had been blocked out completely by many crystal formations. His eye twitched from exasperation. Jewel, however, breathing heavily from unleashing that much energy all at once, eventually calmed down.
Kasumi: “Whoa, that...might be inaccessible for a while.”
Traynor: “Oh...dear...”
Tali: “Garrus? Weren’t you planning on doing maintanence there within the next hour?”
FemShep: “That’s a shame. It’s the only thing that could have possibly kept his mind off of worrying about this whole situation.”
Garrus: “Great! Just great! Now what am I supposed to do for the rest of the afternoon!?!”
Just then, a chime went off. It sounded like it was coming from where Mordin was standing. From this, he pulled up his Omni-tool to check on it.
Mordin: “Ah, good, more of those episodes of the Pretty Cures are ready for viewing.”
Tali: “Oh, finally, I’ve been waiting for this.”
Mordin: “Yes, as am I. Shall we get going?”
Tali: “Sure, absolutely.”
They were just about to leave.
Garrus: “Oh, no, not this again.”
Both Tali and Mordin, having walked up to Garrus, grabbed him by his arms and walked off with him.
Garrus: “Seriously!?!”
They continued to walk off as the rest of the group watched them leave.
Jewel: “I...I think I’ll feel a bit better...in the medical bay.”
She got up and walked towards the medical bay. They watched as she left. They were worried.
Liara: “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
FemShep: “Hmm...it seems that...she really has a good grip on where to release that energy.”
Ashley: “Too bad we’re still nowhere near a solution to this problem.”
Liara: "Yes, that much is true.”
Traynor: “Oh...I wish we could help her...”
Jane continued looking towards where Jewel walked off too.
Everything remained calm for a few hours. Everyone on the ship continued on going about their business, taking a brief respite from all of the chaos that had occurred within the ship from the constant outbursts of Jewel’s magical energy building up repeatedly. Jewel remained within the medical bay for the duration of that time, not having been in the mood to go anywhere or do anything, just sitting around waiting for her next outburst.
Meanwhile, within the Recreation room, Garrus, Mordin and Tali were watching more Pretty Cures. The episode they were watching displayed the group transformation of the Fresh Pretty cures, having reached their final stage.
Tali: “This has been some of the best episodes that I have seen.”
Mordin: “Hm, indeed. Another action-packed saga. Couldn’t be better than this.”
Garrus was heard groaning, both Mordin and Tali looked towards him. He seemed like he was bored out of his mind.
Garrus: “We’re been watching episodes of this show for over 3 hours. Can we go and check up on Jewel now?”
Mordin and Tali exchanged looks with each other before looking back towards Garrus.
Mordin: “Perhaps in a little bit. As of now, this episode is nearly complete. Let’s watch it until the end.”
Garrus groaned a little as they kept watching. Just then, Traynor was heard bursting through the door.
Traynor: “Guys! You need to come out here! It’s Jewel! She’s having another of her outbursts!!”
Tali: “What?”
Garrus looked back towards Mordin and Tali.
Garrus: “Let’s go. There’s no telling what could happen this time!”
Traynor ran out with Garrus, Mordin and Tali rushing after her.
They rushed over and noticed Dr. Chakwas standing outside of the medical bay.
Tali: “Dr. Chakwas! What happened her-!?!”
Garrus: “What the...!?!”
They were stopped in their tracks as they were shocked by what they saw: crystal formations coating the entire interior with the windows completely blocked off by the crystal coating.
Dr. Chakwas: “It just happened so suddenly. One minute, everything was calm, the next, she was having another of her outbursts. I ran out as soon as those crystal formations were about to burst out of her again.”
They opened the door and what they were able to see was even more shocking: the entire interior of the medical bay looked like a miniature crystal cavern with crystals coating the walls, floors and ceiling. Jewel was sitting on the medical bed, which, surprisingly, was the only spot in the med bay that wasn’t covered in crystals. She seemed despondent and a bit exhausted. Soon enough, Ashley, Jane, Liara and Miranda arrived, also shocked by this. All 4 women overlapped each with each of their responses.
Miranda: “What the...!?!”
FemShep: “Oh, my god!!”
Liara: “Oh...! By the goddess...!!!”
Ashley: “What the hell!?!”
Jewel looked at them with the same exhausted and saddened look on her face.
Jewel: “I’m sorry, everyone...”
At that moment, they could hear some chuckling. They looked the other way and noticed that it was Javik.
Javik: “So, the Gemma Kinetic has yet to figure out what to do with her powers. This has been quite unfortunate.”
Garrus became increasingly frustrated from this.
Garrus: “Alright! That’s it! This has gone off long enough!! We need to put our heads together and figure out how we’re going to put a stop to this!!”
FemShep: “Garrus, please calm down.”
Garrus: “No! This can’t persist any longer!! We need to think of something now!”
Jewel: “I already know what to do.”
Everyone stared at Jewel for a bit.
Liara: “Jewel? Have you...really come up with something?”
She stared back at them with a stern and serious look on her face.
Jewel: “Tell Joker to set a course for Virmire. There’s…something there that I have to do.”
Ashley: “Uh, understood. I’ll let him know right away.”
Ashley walked off.
Garrus: “Tell him to get us there right away. There may not be much time left.”
Everyone looked back at Jewel who was still sitting on the same medical bed, she seemed to have a serious and determined look on her face. Garrus kept staring at her for a good amount of time.
Eventually, the Normandy arrived at Virmire. Within the Docking Bay, everyone was boarding the shuttle. Steve was in the cockpit with Aera sitting right next to him.
Steve: “We’re ready to go, Normandy. Just sit back and we’ll make our way to the planet.”
James: “Thanks, Stevo, you’re the man.”
Garrus: “Are you sure about this, Jewel? Is this really what you decided to do?”
Jewel, with her hands resting on her thighs with her fingers close to her knees, clenched her fists.
Jewel: “Yes, I’m sure of it. I need you guys to take me to THAT place.”
Liara: “But that place is where....?”
FemShep: “Jewel, is this...what you really want to do, right? Are you sure?”
Jewel: “Yes, it’s hard to explain but...I feel that...something...or someone...told me to do this. That’s what it feels like. I don’t fully understand it, myself, but...you have to trust me.”
Javik: “All this just because you think you heard or received orders from some strange voice? Let’s hope we can rely on this gambit based on what someone might have told you, child.”
Flare: “Well, I feel in my soul that this needs to be done.”
Ashley: “Cortez, take us out.”
Steve: “You’ve got it, ma’am.”
And with that, the shuttle left the Normandy and made its way to Virmire.
Wrex: “This is all...so sudden and so strange. You have this girl pretty much redecorating the ship with her crystals and now she wants us to take to THAT place? Of all the weird things...”
Grunt: “I remember hearing about this place. You guys planted a nuke and pretty much blew the place sky high, right?”
Wrex: “Heh, I was there when it happened. It was...a tough experience all of its own. I could have died there, but thanks to Shepard’s reasoning...”
Ashley: “Yeah, I remember that. For a krogan, you really showed a lot of self-restraint. It really is good to know that krogan are capable of such things.”
Splash: “Ashley, no!!”
Wrex: “Never underestimate the willpower of a krogan. We’re not always aggressive, otherwise we would be as feral as a varren and as stupid as a vorcha.”
Aera: “Well, you krogan are definitely sapient lifeforms, so to think otherwise would clearly be stupid.”
Wrex: “Heh! I like your attitude, young lady.”
Star: “Oh, I’m nervous! I don’t know what to expect from this! I don’t know if Jewel will be able to...”
Jewel: “Don’t worry about me, Star. I’ll be fine. I can handle this. I just need to...”
Jewel’s hands were shaking. Garrus noticed this. He grabbed on to one of her hands, the one that was closest to him. She looked up at him as he stared back at her.
Garrus: “Jewel...”
She looked away from him, sulking.
Mordin: “Hmm...this...site we’re heading to, this was where the salarian special tasks group underwent that dangerous mission. Best to my understanding, Kirahhe barely made it out of this alive.”
Garrus: “It was a tough mission. Unfortunately, not all of us made it out.”
Kasumi: “You...you must be talking about...”
Garrus: “Yeah, I am...”
Miranda: “There’s no doubt that this is where you lost one of your comrades.”
Jacob: “I heard about this, too. Kaidan Alenko, if I’m not mistaken. Miranda and I read the reports.”
James: “I’ve heard about it, too. The loss must have hit you guys pretty hard, didn’t it?”
Jewel had a slight reaction from this by lowering her eyelids a little bit.
Zaeed: “Well, there’s no telling what will happen here, but one thing is certain: it will be one hell of a spectacle.”
Samara: “Yes, it will be a sight to behold. I just hope that this will not be at your expense.”
Thane: “Jewel, we understand if you don’t feel up to it. You don’t need to go through with this if you’re too nervous.”
Jewel: “No! This has to be done now!! I...I can’t wait any longer! Don’t have that luxury anymore. Not here, not...in this realm...I can’t...this needs to happen now.”
Everyone seemed startled by her abrupt reaction.
Thane: “Jewel...you are so brave...”
Tears poured out of her eyes.
Jewel: “I’d be a terrible liar if I said that I wasn’t scared. I don’t know what could happen, I don’t know if...what I’m doing...will cause even more problems...but...it can’t be worse than just sitting around and letting this continue to escalate till it’s too late. This has to be better than that.”
Thane seemed astonished. Star was seen holding Jewel close to her.
Zaeed: “Well, whatever happens out there, just know that we’ve got your back. You and your friends.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I’ll agree with him on that.”
Traynor: “And don’t forget, we’re your friends, too.”
Kasumi: “Absolutely. We’ll always be here for all of you, through thick and thin.”
All of the girls were touched by this.
Jewel: “Well then, as soon as we arrive, it’ll be the moment of truth.”
The shuttle broke through the surface and flew towards a particular area. There, they looked out and noticed a sight too shocking for words. The place was definitely the after effect of a nuke. A large, barren spot, there really was nothing left throughout the very, very large area.
Javik: “This place...what reason would anyone have for coming to a place like this to relinquish some magical energy?”
Kasumi: “I heard that the nuke caused some very heavy damage, but...this is...so hard to believe...”
Star: “Say, didn’t you guys mention something about Jack having done the same thing on Pragia?”
Miranda: “Maybe, but that bomb was not as big as this.”
Jewel: “Garrus, there’s something I need you to do for me.”
Garrus: “What is it, Jewel?”
Jewel: “As soon as I undergo another outburst, I need you to toss me out of the shuttle.”
Garrus: “What!?! Are you serious!?!”
Jewel: “It’s something that needs to be done. Make sure we’re at a low enough altitude. As soon as I’m tossed out, I’ll focus all of my energy. I will be able to forge a massive crystal from it. I don’t know how big it will be, but I believe I will be able to form one at a great size, perhaps even large enough to forge another building made of pure crystals.”
Garrus: “Jewel...”
Jewel: “Listen to me, as soon as it happens, I need to be thrown out, otherwise it’ll be too dangerous for me to remain in here. I’m serious, I won’t be able to hold back any of my energy, all of you will be at risk when it happens.”
Garrus: “I...Jewel...”
She then smiled at him.
Jewel: “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Just...trust me...it is something that you will need to do, for my sake as well.”
Garrus: “I...OK...if you believe that, then...alright...I’ll do it...”
Jewel continued smiling.
The shuttle continued to descend towards the land that was nuked.
Steve: “Is this low enough for you, Jewel?”
Jewel looked out the window at the ground below.
Jewel: “Yes, this is fine.”
Garrus began fidgeting and shaking from the anxiety. Everyone took notice of this. Jane placed her hand on his shoulder from the other side, he looked at her, she was smiling back at him. He seemed to have calmed down a bit. Then at that moment, Jewel’s outburst began again.
Star: “Jewel!!”
She cringed from the pain, she looked up at Garrus who was startled from this.
Jewel: “Garrus...it’s time...do it…!!! Now!!!”
He hesitated a bit, he nodded once, then grabbed her by her wrist, he walked towards the door with her and opened it. He held her close to the door and looked at her one last time. Even through the pain, she gave him a reassured look. From there, he lowered his head and with his eyes clenched shut, he tossed her out of the shuttle and she fell towards the destroyed area nearby. Garrus watched from the doorway, gripping on a safety bar, several others, including Star and Mordin, went up to the doorway to look out towards it. Jane stood by his side, holding him tightly in her hands.
As Jewel fell, she focused her energy through her body and unleashed all of it at great force. From this energy, a massive crystal formed within the area, from different formations and shapes of stalagmites forming in the edges of the crystal. The shuttle flew around at a safe distance from this formation. The crew members watched from within the shuttle as they took place. After much time, the formation was finished. Before them was a massive crystal in an unusual shape. I was that of a diamond, with many spikes protruding from it. It was purely solid with a flat surface at the top of it. The shuttle flew down towards that part of the crystal.
The shuttle landed with everyone rushing out immediately. Garrus rushed out first. Jewel was floating within a massive diamond structure within the middle of the large, flat surface, still being formed. Garrus stopped and stood in front of this structure. From all of this, she fell through the massive structure just before it solidified completely. Garrus ran to her just in time to catch her during her fall. He kneeled down and held her in her arms as she lied within them.
Garrus: “Jewel! Jewel! Are you OK!?!”
Jewel opened her eyes, she looked up at Garrus with a tired smile on her face.
Jewel: “That...felt...gooooood...”
A sigh of relief came out of him.
Garrus: “I’m so glad you’re OK.”
Mordin rushed over with Star and a few others. He pulled out his Omni-tool and scanned her. He checked the results of his scans.
Mordin: “Vitals are stabilized. The activeness of her body’s natural productivity has greatly decreased. It is returning to normal speed. Pleased to say the worst of it has finally passed.”
Garrus: “Thank goodness. It’s finally over.”
He stood back up with Jewel being able to stand on her feet.
Ashley: “That...was wild.”
Traynor: “That was amazing!! Jewel! You’re incredible!!”
Javik: “Of all the crazy stunts you’ve pulled, that was perhaps the most insane of all.”
Miranda: “I can’t believe you actually made it through that.”
Jewel: “Of course, was there ever any doubt?”
Garrus: “What? You’re kidding, right?”
Jewel laughed a little.
Aera: “Well, she seems to be back to her old self again.”
Splash grabbed on to Jewel and held her tight.
Splash: “Oh, Jewel, we were so worried about you!!”
Jewel smiled and giggled a little, Star also latched onto her and embraced her. They eventually let go of her to give her some space.
FemShep: “So...what is this crystal? Did you even know what you forged this for?”
Jewel: “No, all I know is...I had this...feeling...like...someone was talking to me...in my head...it told me to...form this...massive crystal...here...on Virmire.”
Wrex: “So, you have no idea why you forged this massive rock? You just did what something in your head told you to do and that’s it?”
Jewel: “That’s...all I could understand. From that...I just...felt that...this was something I had to do...”
Javik: “This is still among the craziest things that I have heard.”
Jacob: “Any ideas on what this crystal does?”
Mordin was on his Omni-tool again.
Mordin: “Hmm...already detecting a massive surge of pure magical energy.”
Liara: “What kind?”
Mordin paused for a bit, he then looked up.
Mordin: “Pure...Light...magical energy.”
Kasumi: “Pure Light? Do you mean...?”
Garrus: “Are you referring to the foreboding Light magic energy?”
Mordin: “Yes....massive amounts of energy...all of it...being channeled into the crystal...”
FemShep: “What does this mean?”
Tali: “Could this have something to do with the crystal?”
Mordin: “Yes...and...already figured out what this crystal does,”
Star: “Well, out with it, doctor! What do you know?”
Mordin: “This crystal...is a conductor, used to channel and store massive amounts of energy.”
Flare: “Hmm...that is...unusual...”
Samara: “It seems as though this magical energy, is it to be used for some kind of purpose?”
Mordin: “Apparently so.”
Zaeed: “But what for?”
Mordin: “Hmm...unsure...however...already detecting the energy being channeled into the structure from the protruding spikes, flowing into one focal point.”
He looked toward the massive structure before them.
Mordin: “There.”
They looked over towards the structure.
Thane: “All that energy, being focused on one focal point. Any ideas on what it’s being used for?”
Mordin continued on his Omni-tool. From that brief moment of checking it, he seemed startled.
Mordin: “It appears to be...forming a...life-form. It seems...there is a formation of...a human...from this...energy...”
Zaeed: “This is a joke, right?”
Jacob: “Are you saying...a human being is being created from this energy?”
Mordin remained on his Omni-tool a bit more. He was enthralled by these findings in a way in which he was struggling to believe what he was seeing.
Mordin: “No...not forming...more like...reassembling. Scans show readings of similarities...to someone...who died here...the structural manifestation...consist of the exact same readings.”
Ashley was startled from hearing this.
Ashley: “No...could it be...”
Suddenly, a bright light appeared before them from the structure. Little by little, the saw what appeared to be a person within the structure with that image becoming more and more clear. Everyone stood by and watched in awe. As the image before them was becoming gradually clear, it was starting to look more and more like they could see Kaidan within it. Everyone was staring in shock and disbelief. Even Jewel was surprised with what she was seeing.
Jewel: “Is this...could this be....what...all of this...was for...?”
She looked up to the sky.
Jewel: “Was this why...you told me...to come here...?”
More and more from the glowing light, it was becoming more and more apparent that what they were seeing was, in fact, Kaidan. This Light continued on for a bit longer. Soon enough, the structure shattered, with Kaidan emerging from it. He let out a grunt as he fell to the ground. Everyone stood in shock, unable to believe or understand what they were seeing or if what they had seen or been seeing was real. But it was true. What they saw was real. It was Kaidan, in the flesh, with nothing to see on him but flesh. He lied on the ground for a bit before he stood up. Everyone stared at him. He then opened his eyes. He, too, was in complete shock. He then looked at his hands.
Kaidan: “I...I’m alive? But...but how...how...can this...be...? I...?”
He looked back towards everyone, who were still very shocked. He was at a loss for words. Ashley stood by, her hands covering her mouth, almost in tears. He continued staring back at them in shock.
Ashley: “Kaidan!!”
From there, Ashley ran to him. She placed her arms around him and held him close. She then began to cry. He still stood by, shocked to even react to this. She cried on him for a good amount of time.
Kaidan: “What? What is...?”
She pulled away from him, tears still streaming down her face. He seemed surprised when seeing her.
Kaidan: “Ash? Is that you?”
She bawled some more.
Ashley: “I’ve missed you so much!! I never thought...I would see you again...”
Kaidan: “Calm down, Ash. I’m...surprised, too. What is...?”
Liara also became emotional.
Liara: “Kaidan...!”
With that, Garrus, Tali, Liara and Wrex rushed over to him.
Kaidan: “Garrus? Tali? Liara? Wrex? How is...?”
Garrus: “I don’t believe it! You’re...actually...alive!!”
Liara: “This is...so...incredible...!!”
Wrex: “In all my years, I never thought I would experience anything like this. You’re actually back…here with us again.”
Tali: “This is…a miracle!!!! I can’t...I can’t even...”
Kaidan: “I can’t believe it, either. I was willing to give my life to put a stop to Saren’s cloning facility. How is any of this...even possible?”
Garrus looked towards the sky, staring at it for a brief moment.
Garrus: “It seemed as though...a greater force...wanted to bring you back.”
He then looked back towards Jewel. She didn’t know how to feel or react.
Garrus: “It’s all starting to make sense, it was exactly why She WAS told to come here.”
Liara: “Yeah, it appears that way.”
She also looked back toward Jewel.
Liara: "All of this is still hard to understand, but...at the same time, it’s all pretty clear...somehow...”
Kaidan: “Uh...what are you guys talking about?”
Garrus: “Well...let’s just say...a lot has happened...”
Kaidan looked back towards the rest of the group.
Kaidan: “Yeah...I can tell. It seems that you guys made a lot of new friends along the way.”
Jewel walked up towards Kaidan, he noticed this and looked towards her. He stopped in front of him, they stared at each other for a bit.
Jewel: “Um...hello...I...you...you must be Kaidan...”
Kaidan: “I am. Who are you?”
Jewel: “My name is Jewel. I...took part...in...your revival. I don’t understand it, myself, but...”
She looked around her at the massive crystal that she forged.
Jewel: “I know it’s going to be hard for you to believe this but...this massive crystal we’re on...I forged this...”
Kaidan: “What?”
He pulled off of Ashley and walked towards Jewel.
Kaidan: “You...you made this entire thing?”
Jewel: “Yes...”
Kaidan: “This...giant crystal we’re on...you made this...all of this?”
Jewel nodded.
Kaidan: “What, did you form all of this from magic? Do you have magical powers?”
Everyone remained silent, he looked around at everyone who had awkward looks on their faces. The looks on their faces pretty much answered his question and it was one that he didn’t expect. He looked back at her, he also had an awkward look on his face.
Jewel: “I...and my friends...”
She looked back at her friends, the other girls, then looked back toward Kaidan.
Jewel: “We are...what those in your realm, or your galaxy rather, would call...magical girls.”
Kaidan: “You’re...you’re kidding, right? Magical girls...are real?”
Miranda: “Given what we have experienced, yes.”
Kaidan: “I...I can’t...believe this....then again...the fact that I’m...back here again...it probably is the only thing that actually is believable...I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this.”
Kasumi: “That really is no problem. There is a lot that we need to go over with you.”
Mordin: “Yes, indeed, lots of catching up, hopefully will be handled without taking up too much time.”
Grunt: “But first, perhaps you should probably find yourselves some clothes, your private parts are being displayed everywhere in broad daylight. Heh, heh, heh.”
It didn’t take Kaidan long to realize that he was completely nude.
Kaidan: “What the...!?!”
He then covered his crotch area with hands.
Kaidan: “Are you kidding me!?! I was brought back from the dead and you forgot to include any clothes!?!”
Jewel: “Uh! Sorry, I didn’t even know such a thing was even possible, so the concept of materializing garments was definitely a complicated what if. Besides, I wasn’t the one to bring you back from the dead, that was...something or...someone else that did that...”
Kaidan: “Ugh! Just get back on to the Normandy so that I can finally get a set of clothes!”
He walked off, still with hands covering his most sensitive area to be exposed.
Garrus: “Yeah, good idea.”
Tali: “Well, that’s an interesting way to break the mood.”
Mordin: “Hmmm...human physiology indeed a very fascinating structure. Not the first time I laid eyes on a human completely deprived of all forms of garment.”
Aera: “I wouldn’t expect any less from someone like you.”
Mordin: “Part of my profession. Have looked at numerous types of sapient lifeforms without any form of garments.”
Aera: “I wasn’t even considering your profession.”
Splash: “What is that...that hole in the middle of his…um, stomach? Also, why does he have some sort of dangling piece of skin hanging down between his legs?”
Jacob: “Uhh...we’ll explain it to you...later...come on, let’s get back to the ship.”
Javik: “This has indeed been quite amusing.”
The crew members made their way back to the shuttle with the girls as well. Flare was then stopped by another unusual sensation. She looked back behind her and sensed the mysterious entity. From what she was able to sense, she could “see” that it was smiling. It seemed very emotional with tears streaming down its eyes. She stared at the spot where she could sense out this entity for a brief moment.
Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 48-Kaidan

Much time later, back on the Normandy, Kaidan was at the medical bay, in the new Normandy uniform, with the crystals having obviously cleared out. Dr. Chakwas had evaluated him. Jewel was also there with them.
Dr. Chakwas: “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, but it’s true. Kaidan, you have returned to us.”
Kaidan: “Yeah, I...can’t believe it...”

Dr. Chakwas had tears pouring down her face.
Dr. Chakwas: “Oh....it’s a miracle...”


Jewel, however, did not seem like she was in any mood to smile.
Kaidan: "So...Dr. Chakwas, how does everything look? Am I actually real? Or just some illusion created by this...strange magical force or whatever you call it?”


Dr. Chakwas checked her datapad.
Dr. Chakwas: ”Well...the readings don’t lie. You actually are here, in the flesh. No illusions, no magic tricks, just...a miracle that is hard to even fathom. To be honest, I’m still trying to wrap my head around this whole concept.”
Kaidan: "You and me both, Doctor.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Well, I’ll need to have these results sent to Dr. Solus for careful analysis of the magical energy that was involved in this.”
Kaidan: “I’m guessing everyone on the ship would look forward to hearing the results of those analyzations.”

He jumped down from the bed.
Kaidan: "It all...still doesn’t feel real.”

Jewel dropped her head a little while sulking.
Kaidan: “I mean, magical girls, other realms, Dark forces, superior Light magic. It’s like we’re part of some magical anime. What’s happened over the past few years?”
Ashley: "A lot has definitely happened over the years.”

Before they knew it, Ashley, Garrus, Liara and Tali entered the room, as well as Flare and Aera.
Garrus: "How’s everything going in here?”
Dr. Chakwas: ”Just looking over our newest miracle.”
Liara: “Are things looking OK?”
Dr. Chakwas: “So far, everything looks fine, aside from the...unusual mystery of this magical reassemblance.”
Ashley: "All of that will need to wait. We just received a message from the Council. They mentioned something about picking up on mysterious energy readings on Virmire. They summoned us to the Citadel because they wanted to know about what happened there.”
Jewel: "What? You can’t be serious!!”
Aera: "I wish she wasn’t.”
Ashley: “Apparently, we’re going to have to tell them about what had happened there.”
Aera: ”I have a bad feeling about this, guys.”
Tali: ”Heh, don’t we all?"
Flare: ”Hm, indeed, this may not bode well, considering how...resistant they are towards these mystical occurrences.”
Aera: "Not to mention passive aggressive about their disapproval towards them."
Flare: "Yes, that, too."
Jewel: "Oh....dear...."

Soon enough, Jane walked into the room.
FemShep: "Well, regardless, we would have to reveal this to them sooner or later, so it's better that we get this over with."
Aera: "I suppose you're right, Jane."
Ashley: "I already have Joker set a course for the Citadel. We'll meet with the Council as soon as we arrive. Well, how about it, Kaidan? Are you ready to let everyone know that you've returned to us?"
Kaidan: "Yeah, sure, I guess I would be ready. Let's go."
FemShep: "While we're at it, perhaps you should stop by the cockpit and let Joker see you again. He would be thrilled about this."
Kaidan: "Yeah, I bet he would."
Garrus: "You guys do that, the rest of us have a few things we'll need to take care of."
Aera: "Oh, I would bet."

Everyone walked out of the room, leaving Dr. Chakwas alone. However, she noticed that Jewel didn't leave with them. She looked over to her and noticed her sulking.
Dr. Chakwas: "Jewel? Is there something the matter?"
Jewel: "Is this...is this...alright? This...this isn't something that...that's immoral, is it? This isn't an atrocity...to bring him back to life like this, is it? I'm just so worried that this...could be…"

Dr. Chakwas walked up to her and tended to her.
Dr. Chakwas: “Jewel, I can understand. I know that you are worried and appreciate your concerns, but...it has already happened. It is done, he is back here with us, so, I would not think of it as such. I wouldn’t anyway. I can’t tell you have...overjoyed I am at this. When that nuke was set off on Virmire and we all had to leave Kaidan behind, we all grieved his loss. This even took a toll on John, but we fought through the pain and grief. We still missed him, though but we accepted that we would never see him again.”
Jewel: “Such a thing...seems to be...what so many of us have grown used to. To bring back a lost loved one and friend has been like a dream, even to our kind. I worry about this...being seen as an atrocity...and Kaidan...will always be seen as an abomination with us...looking like we’ve harbored a despicable act.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Yes, many people won’t be able to accept this, however, I feel that someone wanted to do this and you provided the means to be able to carry this out. Whatever force brought him back and coerced you into this probably felt the need to do this. If an almighty force in the universe felt that this could be done, then who are we to question it? Besides, your...unique and detrimental phase needed to be utilized in some way. This needed to be done one way or another. Your phase merely presented the opportunity to undergo something that this force had wanted to do. You can’t feel any shame in that.”
Jewel: “I...I suppose you’re right.”
Dr. Chakwas: “I feel in my heart everyone on this ship believes that what you did on Virmire was nothing more than a wonderful miracle, even if so many others would think otherwise. We all missed Kaidan and you gave him back to us, you and this strange force. I can’t thank you enough for that and I will always remain on your side.”
Jewel: “Thank you, Doctor. You’ve reminded me that I can hold my head up high, knowing that...this wasn’t an act of defying the laws of nature. Besides, our religion believes that the Divine Source created nature, therefore, we have no right to question the decisions that our goddess has made. If the Divine Source wanted to revive Kaidan, then I welcome that decision with a warm smile and open arms.”
Dr. Chakwas: “That’s the spirit. That’s the young, strong Fayelon we all know and love.”


Jewel gave her a cheery smile and walked out of the room. Dr. Chakwas stood by, she seemed a bit worried, though.
Dr. Chakwas: “I truly hope that things really do work out for the best. If the Divine Source really is our God as well, I guess...questioning this decision would be...against our jurisdiction...I fear that not many would believe in such an entity being our god.”

Much time later, the Normandy arrived at the Citadel. It docked somewhere close to the Presidium. Several of the crew members stepped out with the girls. Kaidan also stepped out with them, however, he was in full body armor, with his face hidden underneath a helmet. They made their way over to the Council Chamber where holographic images of the Council were waiting for them. Most of the crew members stood before the council, Kasumi and Miranda, however, stood in the background at the time.
Sparatus: “You took your time getting here. I’m sure all of you have some explaining to do.”
Aera: “Aaaaand this is already off to a good start.”
Tevos: “Apologies for bringing you here on such short notice but we had just picked up on a massive energy reading on Virmire.”
Valern: “The energy readings consisted of similarities to different forms of magical energy."
Sparatus: “Well, out with it! What do you know about this unusual occurrence on Virmire?”
Jewel: “Well, let me start from the beginning. Some time ago, I was undergoing what many of this realm would consider “Fayelon puberty”. It’s when our energy production takes on an unusual spike for a brief period of time.”
Flare: “It is something that all of our kind undergo when we come of age. This phase continues until we would dispense our excess magical energy, usually for something incredibly productive.”
Star: “All of us have already gone through this.”
Aera: “Except for me. I’m still waiting for MY phase to come around.”
Sparatus: “So, what does this have to do with the unusual energy reading on Virmire?”
Jewel: “I’m getting to that.”
Ashley: “Around the time when we were still trying to figure out how Jewel should utilize this magical energy, well...she seemed to have received some sort of message, for a lack of better term.”
Sparatus: “A message? Who sent this message?”
Jewel: “I’m not sure, but...it felt like someone was trying to speak to me from...within me...I don’t really understand it myself, to be honest.”
Sparatus: “None of this makes any sense. You need to do better than that, young lady!”
Garrus: “Hey! We don’t understand much of this, either, but as difficult as it is for her to clarify, she’s telling us exactly what happened the best to her comprehension.”
Tali: “Absolutely, she’s doing the best that she can, so stop being so hard on her. It’s not like any of us could understand this any better.”
Liara: “Someone or something communicated to her, telling her to utilize this excess energy of hers on Virmire, so we made our way over there as fast as we could.”
Tevos: “So, what was it that happened on Virmire?”
Garrus: “When we arrived there, she dispensed a massive amount of her energy, forging a massive crystal on the planet’s surface.”
Mordin: “This procedure proved to have helped to stabilize her body’s natural production of the magical energy, returning it to normal.”
Valern: “Well, we received confirmation that this massive crystal she forged was used for something. What was this exactly?”
Ashley: “Something...unbelievable. Something we thought would never be possible.”
Liara: “The crystal itself didn’t really do anything, actually, but it seemed that it took part in something that did happen.”
Sparatus: “What do you mean?”
Mordin: “The crystal, itself, served as a conductor, enabling massive amounts of magical energy to be channeled into it, serving as a storage unit for said magical energy to be easier and better utilized for a specific purpose.”
Sparatus: “And what purpose would that be?”
Ashley: “The very reason why Jewel received her “message” to disperse her energy on Virmire. That energy was used...to bring back someone who died there. Someone...who sacrificed himself and someone we thought we would never see again.”

Kaidan stepped forward and removed his helmet. From there, the council members were startled by who it was underneath the helmet as was everyone else in the room. Kaidan stood before the council unmasked and very much alive.
Kaidan: “Hey, everyone. I’m back.”
Sparatus: “What....what is this!?!”
Tevos: “I don’t believe it...! You’re...but...that’s impossible!!”
Sparatus: “This is...what manner of atrociousness have you presented to us!?!”
Jewel: “Oh, no…”
Sparatus: “How is this...even a thing that you can just...it’s bad enough that we have to deal with unusual incidences of miraculous survivors, but to bring the dead back to life!?! This is an affront and a serious violation to the laws of nature and reality!!”
Star: “Oh, that is SO going too far!!”
FemShep: “Star!”
Tali: “We don’t care what you think of this!! Our friend is back here with us!! Someone put forth the effort to utilize all of this magical energy for this and we believe that it was done for a reason!”
Tevos: “Yes, but...such actions done by whatever or whoever has gone against everything we believe in about life and death. Either one should consist of a balance that should not be tampered with.”

Jewel dropped her head as her sadness was becoming more and more apparent.
Ashley: “It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done. Kaidan is alive again, someone wanted this to happen and it’s too late to object to this action.”
Liara: “Besides, we believe that whoever did this is that of a higher power, most likely a deity. Who are we to question the actions of a god?”
Sparatus: “But this is not our god, is it? These girls and their god have caused nothing but trouble ever since they arrived in our realm, er, that is, galaxy.”
Kaidan: “Realm?”

A suspicious look appeared on Garrus’ face.
Liara: “Well, there have been clear evidence to suggest that their god, the Divine Source, has been involved with our galaxy for a very, very long time, perhaps even before the age of the Protheans. I believe their god has every right to do what She feels is necessary and who can say for certain that the Divine Source isn’t even our god?”

Everyone remained silent from the shock of what was mentioned.
Sparatus: “Our god...I have no intention or reason to believe that what these magical girls call their god have anything to do with us.”
Garrus: “Well, even though we can’t prove that the Divine Source is our god, there are countless researchers across the galaxy who have thoroughly looked into these readings regarding this magical energy, which suggest that the Fayelons’ god have a lot more connections to our galaxy than what we ever suspected. Sooner or later, they will indisputably proof that this goddess may in fact, be very much part of our galaxy. Look around, you should at the very least notice something relevant to this. It’s only a matter of time before even none of you could deny any of this.”

The council stood around for a bit, speechless by this.
Sparatus: “Hmph! Well...we have to admit...that there are some indications to suggest this and we can’t deny that no matter what we would say about this, what’s done is done. If what you say about this...deity wanting and deciding to bring Kaidan Alenko back from the dead is absolute, then we have no right to call this an abomination and atrocity, but know this; we still don’t agree to this decision.”
Aera: “Well, it’s kind of too late for that. It’s right in front of you, plain as day. There really is nothing else that can be done.”
Tevos: “A valid point.”
Valern: “Well, seeing as though this is what it truly is...but we still need to have more to look into regarding all of this magic business.”
Splash: “Does this mean that we have to meet with you guys again!?!”
Aera: “Oh, goodie, more of this.”
Sparatus: “But just know that it’ll be a long time before we can fully and wholeheartedly accept all of this. I won’t approve of this, but there really is nothing I can do to change it.”

The holographic images of the council disappeared.
Aera: “Well, that went about as well as I would have expected.”
Splash: “Ohhh...why are they so mean? Miss Aria would never say awful things like that!!”
Aera: “You know, with that being said, I’m actually liking HER more and more.”
Ashley: “They’ve always been so detached, but how they’ve been...I don’t like this at all.”
Kaidan: “I know. They’re...actually more harsh than I remembered them to be.”

Garrus seemed concerned and suspicious. He then looked towards Jewel, who seemed saddened and devastated. He went up to her.
Garrus: “Jewel? You OK?”
Jewel: “I knew they would not approve of this, but...now I’m not even sure if...this was the right thing to do...I just...”
Garrus: “Jewel!”

Kaidan walked up to her.
Kaidan: “Hey, Jewel, please calm down.”
Jewel: “How can I? I...I aided in an atrocity...these people...they will never think of this as anything other than...I created...”
Liara: “Jewel, please don’t say that. This isn’t an atrocity.”
Mordin: “Remember what Maelon said. Should such an action be that of a higher power, we would have no right to call this an atrocity.”
FemShep: “The Council seemed to have realized that, as well.”
Jewel: “But...this was...from our god...do we have any business...?”
Mordin: “More than you realize.”

He looked up towards the sky.
Mordin: “The realization of that is becoming more and more apparent.”
Garrus: “He’s right. It’s hard to ignore the facts; this does very much concern our galaxy.”
Star: “And yet, they’re still willing to argue with the facts. Hmph! I can’t stand them!”

Ashley went up to Jewel and embraced her.
Ashley: “Jewel...we’re so sorry...this must be so hard, but know that we do not harbor any hard feelings of resentment. You helped to bring back our friend. I will always appreciate you for that.”
Jewel: “Ash...”

Kaidan stood by staring at her, he then seemed as though he came to a realization.
Kaidan: “Wait! Realm! Didn’t one of the council members mention Realm?”
Splash: “What is it, Kaidan?”
Kaidan: “Isn’t Realm what the Fayelons called galaxy? Why did one of them mention Realm? I hope I’m not the only one who took notice of that.”
FemShep: “I notice that, too, Kaidan. Something strange is definitely going on.”
Garrus: “Hm, now that you mention it, the council have been acting a little more resistant and disagreeable. I would think this Reaper War would have humbled them, but...”
Ashley: “It would seem almost as though the girls’ arrival in our galaxy may have caused this difficulty, but even that doesn’t seem like a viable reason.”
Liara: “Yes, we have taken notice of a number of strange things with them. One such example being that we’ve never actually met with them in person since the arrival of these girls. They told us that they were too busy to even show themselves in public, but before then, I actually saw them in person.”
Kaidan: “What? So, they lied to you?”
Liara: “Yes, I don’t think they were aware that I saw them, but...I knew then and there.”
FemShep: “Hmm...it seems that they’re hiding something. They’ve never once shown themselves to us in public, we’ve just met through these holographic images.”
Star: “But...what could they be hiding that would cause them to not show themselves in person?”
Aera: “Hm, it seems that most people would hide something rather than themselves when they have something to hide.”
Flare: “Yes, it is quite unusual indeed. I get the feeling that whatever it is, they would be so desperate to continue not showing their true faces and just project images of themselves. However...it just doesn’t make any sense.”
FemShep: “Well, whatever the case may be, we’ll have to continue this back on the Normandy.”
Ashley: “Yeah, good idea, the girls will need some time to sort through everything.”
Garrus: “Agreed. All of this is taking a huge toll, especially towards Jewel. I don’t want her to feel so overwhelmed from everything that has happened.”

And with that, they finally left the Council Chamber.

They made their way back the Normandy. At that moment, they had so much to think about.
Kaidan: “So, we have a lot to sort over.”
Ashley: “Yeah, we do.”
Tali: “I just can’t believe that it would turn out like this. Such a wonderful miracle turned upside its head just because something like this never happens.”
Kasumi: “You do know that this wasn’t the first time that someone was brought back from the dead.”
Miranda: “Yeah, you’re right and they weren’t from any magical occurrences, so who are we to truly question this being an atrocity? Besides, seeing someone come back from the dead should be a wondrous thing.”
Tali: “I know I’m happy to see Kaidan again. What Jewel did was such a huge blessing, even if she didn’t intend on this.”
Liara: “I think we should thank the Divine Source for doing this. She did coerce Jewel into utilizing her excess magic to carry out this miracle.”
Garrus: “Yeah, that’s all it is; a wonderful miracle and nothing less. Besides, it was necessary for her to do this since she was going through something that pretty much would have killed her.”
Star: “You think the Council would have changed their attitudes if we even mentioned that?”
Aera: “I don’t think it would have mattered. They were so far up their narrow-minded viewpoints and opinions that they couldn’t even care less.”
Splash: “But...even they wouldn't be so mean about the possibility of us being dead, would they?”
Aera: “At this rate, I don’t even know.”
Mordin: ”Hm, they are harsh towards the realization of the miraculous survivals. But they could never be so cold towards the possibility of an adolescent dying from a unique change. (Sniff) Unthinkable.”
Garrus: “Well regardless, they do or rather should acknowledge what’s in front of us whether they want to or not.”
Kaidan: “There’s something else that still bothers me though. They said Realm. Since when did they start saying that?”
Liara: “Well, that did start when the girls first arrived here. Wait, now that you mention it, when they did, they mentioned it as though they somehow already knew that Realm is the Fayelons’ term for galaxy. But...how did they...?”
Ashley: “Hm, when you put it that way, that is suspicious.”

Jewel, however, was sulking, everyone took notice of this.
Jewel: “Can we....go back to the medical bay? I want to see Dr. Chakwas again...”

They stared at her for a bit without saying anything.
Ashley: “Of course...we’ll take you there as soon as we return.”
Jewel: “Thank you...”

They returned to the Normandy, It detached itself, left the Citadel and flew away.

Within the Normandy, Jewel arrived at the medical bay. Dr. Chakwas took notice of this and looked towards her. She stood with both Kaidan and Ashley beside her, she seemed saddened. Dr. Chakwas, noticing Jewel with how sad she was, seemed devastated for her. From there, Jewel began to lose it, she ran to Dr. Chakwas, closely embraced her and started crying loudly. Dr. Chakwas also embraced her as she comforted her.
Dr. Chakwas: “Jewel, it’s OK, it’s OK, please don’t be so....”

But Jewel just continued crying. Ashley and Kaidan stood by, sad for her. A little afterwards, Jane arrived with Garrus and Mordin. Star also entered, standing in front of both Garrus and Mordin. The other girls arrived. Flare stood next to Ashley. Aera and Splash arrived with Tali and Liara. All of them stared at Jewel, devastated as they watched her cry on Dr. Chakwas. Star was also choked up from watching her friend. Mordin reached out his hand to her and comforted her.
Liara: “Poor girl...”
Ashley: “I think...we will need some time before we can fully adjust to this...”
Kaidan: “I guess so...I just...I’m so sorry...”

Garrus walked up to him and placed his hand on Kaidan’s shoulder.
Garrus: “Don’t be. None of this is anyone’s fault. Someday, we will all finally accept this.”
Kaidan: “Yeah...I hope so...I just can’t but wonder...what would Commander Shepard have said at a time like this?”
Garrus: “Heh, what Commander Shepard would say? He would have told the council to shove their crappy opinions up their a**** and go to hell with how they treated this.”
Kaidan: “Yeah, that does sound like him, alright.”

Garrus looked towards Jewel.
Garrus: “I know...I wanted to tell them the same thing.”
Kaidan: “Speaking of which, where is Commander Shepard, anyway? I noticed his cousin is here, but...how come he isn’t?”

Everyone in the room remained silent, with concerned looks on their faces.
Kaidan: “Oh, no, he...he’s dead, isn’t he?”
Ashley: “Um, not exactly but...we’ll take you to see him.”
Kaidan: “Really? Where?”
Ashley: “Follow me, Kaidan.”

Ashley walked out of the room. Kaidan hesitated a little before following her. He stopped to look back at the others who all seemed a bit saddened. He stood by, looking at all of them for a bit before leaving.


Ashley arrived in the Commander’s quarters with Kaidan. As soon as he entered, he was startled a bit by what he saw. He saw Commander Shepard, laying on the bed, unconscious.
Kaidan: “Is that...? Is he...?”


He rushed over towards him and stood by his side. He looked at him for a bit as Commander Shepard lied unresponsive. He was almost distraught by what he was looking at. He then turned towards Ashley, who stood by, pensive.
Kaidan: “What...what has....what has happened to him...?”
Ashley: “There is...so much that we need to unravel.”


Kaidan looked back towards Commander Shepard.
Kaidan: “No kidding. Clearly a lot has happened since I was gone.”


The commander continued lying on the bed, still unconscious, still unresponsive.

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 49-Rundowns

Some time has passed. Everyone seemed to have settled down a bit. Jewel, having cried her eyes out, was on a medical bed, sleeping from exhaustion. Dr. Chakwas was back on her desk. Standing in the room with her were Liara, Garrus and Ashley.

Dr. Chakwas: “As you can see, she has managed to calm down and is now sleeping soundly.”
Liara: “That’s good. She really was crying a lot.”
Ashley: “Can’t say I blame her after what she had been through.”
Garrus: “I know...how could they rip into what had happened, what she did? I know it was all unorthodox and somewhat difficult to accept, that didn’t give anyone the right to treat what she did so badly.”
Liara: “At least now, everything has calmed down.”
Ashley: “So...what’ll we do from there?”
Dr. Chakwas: “Well...for the time being, I’ll keep an eye on Jewel and make certain that things do not take a turn for the worst.”
Ashley: “You do that, doctor. In the meantime, we need to make our way to meet back with everyone within the Magi-tech lab.”
Liara: “That’s right, as of now, everyone is filling Kaidan in on everything that happened and not just the magical occurrences.”
Garrus: “There is definitely a lot that we need to fill Kaidan in on, especially since so much has happened after...we had to leave him behind on Virmire.”
Liara: “Indeed. Let’s hope that he is able to handle all of it.”
Ashley: “Thank you for helping to look after Jewel, doctor. Let us know if anything happens.”
Dr. Chakwas: “I will. She is in good hands.”


All 3 of them made their way out of the room.


They arrived at the Magi-tech lab. There, several of the other crew members were getting Kaiden up to speed on what had happened.
Kaidan: “So, the geth invaded the Citadel?”
Tali: “Yes, it was a long and excruciating battle, but after Sovereign tried to gain access to the Citadel’s main controls, we had to act fast.”
Kaidan: “I still can’t believe it. The Citadel is a Mass Relay and an incredibly powerful one.”
Javik: “It was more than just that, but...I believe as the saying goes, that is a whole other story.”
Garrus: “I see you’ve already told him about the Battle of the Citadel.”
Miranda: “Yes, and it only took us much less than an hour for us to reach that point.”
Zaeed: “We still haven’t even gotten to the good parts yet.”
Kasumi: “Shush! There’s still more to unravel.”
Kaidan: “I heard everything about what you girls went through. Being chased across the cosmos by that Dark entity, keeping a few keys to a sacred door locked away from it. You really sounds like you girls have been through a lot.”
Flare: “Yes…we have to put it one way.”
Star: “But it wasn’t all bad. We were able to find this realm and meet some amazing people who were able to help.”
Garrus: “Yes, as you have mentioned many times.”
Kaidan: “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask this. What happened to the Normandy? I remembered it being a lot smaller.”
Wrex: “Heh, it took you till just now to even mention that?”
Kaidan: “Hey! Give me a break, Wrex!! My mind is still trying to process being alive again!”
Garrus: “Well, we can tell you that you’re not going crazy. The Normandy was blown to bits.”
Kaidan: “What!?! How the hell did that happen!?!”
Garrus: “It was sliced open by a Collector’s ship.”
Kaidan: “The Collectors? You mean that illusive race that most don’t believe exists?”
Jacob: “The very same, but just to let you know, they were very real.”
Miranda: “What you’re standing in is a newer model of the Normandy, the Normandy SR2.”
Kaidan: “Newer model? No wonder why this ship looks so much different.”
Liara: “We...thought we lost Commander Shepard in that disaster.”
Kaidan: “Commander Shepard? What happened to him?”
Tali: “He was spaced while retrieving Joker. At that moment, he...”


Most of the crew bowed their heads.
Kaidan: “Did he...but how...?”
Jacob: “He was pretty much dead; however, his body was retrieved by us. A team of human scientists and staff members, including


Miranda and myself, spent the past 2 years putting him back together.”
Miranda: “The Lazarus Project. We were able to succeed in bringing Shepard back from the dead. That’s how...Jacob and I...first met the commander.”
Kaidan: “So…that’s what you guys meant when you said that I wasn’t the first to be brought back from the dead. How did you guys do it?”
Miranda: “We had the best equipment and staff that money could buy. It was a project that was excruciatingly expensive as it was complicated. But as an advanced human group, it was plausible.”
Kaidan: “Advanced human group? You don’t mean...Cerberus, right? Are you guys with Cerberus?”
Jacob: “Were. Cerberus has disbanded. It’s no more.”
Kaidan: “I can’t believe it. How could...any of you...be involved with such a twisted terrorist group?”
Miranda: “We had our reasons. We are aware that Cerberus had its well-earned, terrible reputation, but not all of us were involved with so many of their cruel endeavors.”
Jacob: “And besides, not everyone from Cerberus were evil or xenophobic.”
Kaidan: “So...Commander Shepard willingly worked with you guys?”
Miranda: “Not immediately. He was skeptical with us and rightfully so, but...”
Tali: “Given the choice that the commander had, there really weren’t any other options.”
Garrus: “The Citadel Council turned a blind eye on the inevitable return of the Reapers. As much as Cerberus as infected with unethical b*******, they were the only ones who were willing to lend a hand in helping out Shepard.”
Thane: “They said that it was in the best interest of humanity. As unideal as it was to work with such a irreputable group, it was better than doing nothing.”
Grunt: “Heh, besides, it was how he was able to meet the rest of us.”
Miranda: “Most of us, at least.”
Kaidan: “So...Shepard met the rest of you while he was...um...I don’t even know how to say it.”
Aera: “I think the best term would be a truce.”
Kaidan: “A truce? Um...OK, let’s go with that. So...how did Shepard meet all of you through this...um...truce with Cerberus?”
Samara: “Each of us were part of a dossier put together by Cerberus in order to combat the threat against the Collectors.”
Kaidan: “So, how were each of you picked out?”
Grunt: “We were chosen because we were the best of the best in the galaxy.”
Mordin: “Moreso our expertise. Cerberus was aware that they could not tackle the threat alone, so they recruited some of the best fighters and researchers in the galaxy.”
Star: “With you being among them, no doubt. That really is no surprise considering how amazing and awesome you are, Mordin!!”


There was dead silence in the room as everyone was kind of shocked by what they had heard.
Kaidan: “Umm...is she...OK?”
Garrus: “Yeah, she’s fine. She just...we’ll get to that later.”
Kaidan: “Ohhhh...kay?”
Mordin: “Anyway, where were we?”
Aera: “You guys were talking about how you were the best of the best...um...whatevers in the galaxy.”
Mordin: “Ah, yes, of course! So, despite some of us being, well, aliens, Cerberus knew their limits and field of expertise that are often enhanced from being of a particular race would come in very handy.”
Tali: “But make no mistake, Kaidan. We weren’t part of Cerberus. We were Shepard’s crew.”
Ashley: “Yeah...they were...”
Splash: “Don’t blame yourself, Ashley, you were just fixated on your grudge against Cerberus to even see clearly, that’s all.”
Aera: “Seriously, Splash, why are you so naïve? Even someone with your condition would be...”
Flare: “Aera, shush!”


Everyone in the room seemed stunned.
Kaidan: “Uhh...condition?”
Kasumi: “Um, Splash is disabled. Apparently, she suffers from a disorder in which she pretty much has the mind of a child.”
Kaidan: “Um...that’s...shocking.”
Star: “But she’s still one of us regardless!! I’ve hung out with morons that were more childish than her but unlike her, it was by choice!!”
Aera: “Oh, brother, not the posse again.”


Flare chuckled a little. Garrus placed his hand on his forehead, exasperated.
Javik: “This has already become more interesting.”
Kaidan: “By the way, how is...Jewel doing?”
Liara: “Oh, Jewel? She’s fine. She’s resting at the moment.”
Kaidan: “I see...this must have hit her pretty hard. I’m so sorry she went through that. I feel...responsible for it.”
Garrus: “No, don’t, she’s just...going something that she herself is conflicted with. Bringing the dead back to life is something that’s really hard to accept.”
Miranda: "I don’t see what the big deal is. We brought Shepard back to life. If anything, we’re more guilty of violating the laws of nature.”
Zaeed: “Eh, I don’t see why people are such whiny little b******, the poor girl did something good. She brought back a dead person. That’s something worth celebrating.”
Kasumi: “But hasn’t it been confirmed that a greater force was the one that brought back Kaiden, not Jewel? She merely aided in his resurrection.”
Javik: “Yes, I believe it’s what these girls would call their God.”
Miranda: “Exactly, it was a god that did this, so, again, who are we to question this? Even the council doesn’t have that right.”
James: “Well, all I know is that I’m glad all of this took place. It really is nice to actually meet someone that I thought I never would. It’s good to have you here, Kaidan.”
Kaidan: “Yeah, I’m still confused about being here, but...I’m glad to be back.”
Liara: “We all are. We’ve missed you. I believe it would be appropriate to thank the Divine Source for carrying out this wonderful endeavor.”
Garrus: “Yeah, so do I.”
Ashley: “Me too.”
James: “And Jewel for risking so much to help out this deity. She’s the one who really took a hard blow in this.”
Kasumi: “Absolutely, considering that she was pretty much in a do or die situation. Would there have been any other way for her to utilize that massive amount of magical energy?”
Miranda: “I suppose not. We definitely would have not done any better.”


Kaidan looked around the room, he noticed all of the content smiles on the faces of most of the crew members. He seemed touched by this.
Star: “Welcome back to the team, Kaidan. We are so happy to have you here.”
Flare: “Yes, indeed.”
Kaidan: “Well, if it’s alright with all of you, I would like to check up on Jewel.”
Ashley: “Sure, we can do that.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I’m right behind you.”


Kaidan smiled and nodded once, then walked out of the room.


A little afterwards, Kaidan returned to the medical bay along with a few of the crew members plus the girls. There, Dr. Chakwas was pleased to see them.
Dr. Chakwas: “Ah, you’re just in time. Jewel is about to wake up.”


From the medical bed, Jewel sat up a bit, rubbing her eye before sitting straight up. Kaidan happily walked up to her.
Kaidan: “Hey there, Jewel. How are you feeling?”
Jewel: “A little bit better. Although, I’m not...completely 100%. I’m still kind of sad and guilty of everything...that...”
Kaidan: “No, don’t be. You have nothing to be guilty about.”
Jewel: “What? Really? You’re OK with what has happened?”
Kaidan: “Absolutely. Thanks to you and your deity, I’m back. I should thank both of you, especially your part. It’s just so unfair that you had to go through such a painful ordeal with your powers, be brought into putting an end to it with you aiding your goddess in doing something impossible and then be put on the spot like that. You deserve so much better.”


Jewel stared at him for a bit, she seemed a little stunned but then smiled.
Kaidan: “Thank you, Jewel. From here on out, I will always be here for you, no matter what. It’s the least I can do.”


The 2 of them smiled at each other. The rest of the crew and the girls were touched by this.
Aera: “Alright, now then, since we’ve gotten this issue out of the way, there are other problems that we need to deal with.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I know, there is a huge list of things that need to be dealt with.”
Aera: “Well, yes, but...I think our biggest concern should involve what we found out back in Omega.”
Liara: “You mean...what we found out about how your mentors have treated you?”
Aera: “Uh, duh! Of course! To find out that we’ve been pushed beyond our breaking point so many times during our days at the academy is a major alarming matter.”
Garrus: “Yeah, of course we know that. But we still don’t have any solutions as to how to fix that.”
Mordin: “Hm, indeed, even the supplements, as extensive helpful as they are, are still among the temporary solutions. Still no permanent fix to this.”
Kaidan: “But what can any of us do to fix this?”


Everyone stood around, pondering this.
Mordin: “First of all, how about we go over the facts that we have found out about this.”
Liara: “That’s...a good way to put it. There is still so much that we need to brief about with the rest of the group.”
Kaidan: “Good idea. I want to hear everything about what you guys found out.”
Flare: “As do I. There are some things about this that still don't add up.”
Star: “Oh, you don’t need to remind me!”
Jewel: “Same here.”


Jewel jumped down from the medical bed and made her way out of the room.
Jewel: “Let’s get back to the lab and brief everyone on the results of these findings.”


After she left, everyone stood around for a bit.
Splash: “Umm...I’m kind of nervous about this.”
Mordin: “It is alright, Splash, you are not in any moral danger. The long-term effects of this have yet to set in. Fortunately, we’ve managed to catch this just in time.”
Splash: “Oh, OK.”
Garrus: “But we still don’t have much time to find a genuine solution.”
Ashley: “While we’re at it, we should report back to the admiral.”
Aera: “Good idea. At least that guy is nice to us.”
Star: “OK, then, let’s go.”


Much time later, they were back in the QEC. There, the holographic images of the admiral and the prime minister appeared before them.
Hackett: “My god. I...can’t believe it! Commander Shepard’s cousin had reported to me about what had happened on Virmire a while ago, but...still...this doesn’t feel real.”
Aera: “Yeah, we get it. Nothing like this happens to you. Let’s just get past how “wrong” or “unethical” this may seem.”
Hackett: “Relax, Aera. I’m not saying anything of the sort. After what we’ve experienced, I don’t think I should be surprised anymore.”
Aera: “Well, that’s a relief.”
Splash: “Aera, must you be so testy?”
Aera: “Must you be so sickly sweet and naïve?”
Splash: “Hey! Not nice!”
Prime Minister: “So, another miracle has happened.”
Ashley: “Good evening, ma’am.”
Prime Minister: “Hello, everyone. It is good to see all of you again.”
Kaidan: “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”
Prime Minister: “You must be Kaidan Alenko.”


She then held up a badge.
Prime Minister: “Prime Minister Harriet Jones.”
Kaiden: “Yeah, I know who you are.”
Prime Minister: “Alright, let’s get on with it. I believe that we have another matter that needs to be discussed, another concern if I’m not mistaken.”
Mordin: “Not at all. Some disturbing intel we received from a former colleague of mine revealed further signs of abuse that the girls have suffered.”
Hackett: “Yes, we have seen the data. A few of the research students back at Grissom Academy conducted an experiment of the data collected from the girls’ Endurance Tests. They found out that the girls had been pushed almost 10 times harder during their time at their academy.”
Liara: “I’m afraid so. When I heard about the possibility of them having strained themselves much harder than when they underwent those Endurance Tests, my stomach dropped. I was almost too scared to even look at what the results could possibly yield.”
Hackett: “Yes and it goes without saying that their mentors have indeed made strides to sabotage the girls with these unnecessary strains that they have endured.”
Garrus: “The girls also mentioned that there was something else that was strange about all of this.”
Hackett: “Really? How so?”
Jewel: “Well...I don’t really know how to...say this, but...not all of us back at the academy seemed like we were exhausting ourselves.”
Hackett: “What do you mean by that, Jewel?”
Jewel: “Well...whenever we would have practice runs with each other...some are stronger and more potent with their powers than others. There were some of us that showed signs of exhausting ourselves, but others...well...”
Aera: “Other Fayelons actually seemed like they were getting stronger.”
Hackett: “Really? They didn’t show any signs of fatigue?”
Aera: “No, in fact, they made things far worse for the rest of us.”
Garrus: “What? I’ve never heard about any of this!”
Splash: “It’s because we didn’t understand it, ourselves.”
Garrus: “Tell us everything you know about this!!”
Star: “Well, for starters, there were days in which we were to undergo these strenuous exercises. Some of us actually had to push ourselves to exert our powers and...they would base it on the longest enduring Fayelons.”
Ashley: “You can’t be serious.”
Tali: “There were actually some that could push themselves harder than you?”
Jewel: “Yes...it was...demeaning in so many ways.”
Star: “They would command their best to push herself for as long as she could and have the rest of us push ourselves for the same length of time.”
Splash: “But the thing is...some of us can’t push ourselves for that long and too often, we would really tire ourselves out.”
Aera: “It was one of the worst assignments we’ve been through.”
Garrus: “I don’t believe it.”
Ashley: “Wouldn’t it make sense to have you push yourselves at your own pace?”
Jewel: “We were never talked into believing that. Whenever we would ask our mentors to not be so rough on us, they would yell at us, say we were weak and that we would need to push ourselves a lot more in actual battles. They would even say that they don’t even push us as hard as we would need to when we do fight.”
Aera: “They would basically tell us that if we didn’t exert our powers as long as we needed to during our sessions, then we wouldn’t be cut out to fight and defend others.”


Everyone in the room was shocked by this. Garrus and Mordin had appalled and disgusted looks on their faces. They exchanged a brief glance with each other.
Ashley: “That’s terrible!!”
Liara: “Oh...I had no idea...”
Tali: “How could they be so cruel!?!”
Prime Minister: “You poor girls. I am so sorry you’ve gone through that.”
Miranda: “How did you continue to endure these horrible treatments at the hands of these people?”
Jewel: “Some of the other students were able to push themselves so hard, almost like going through these exercises were nothing. A lot of times, they taunted the rest of us for being so “weak”. We kept at it to prove that we weren’t weak and that we could continue to endure, but...it just kept getting worse for us.”
Mordin: “Hmm...unusual...”
Kaiden: “That is strange.”
Star: “Grr! I can still see the smug looks on their faces, especially from my former posse!!!”
Kasumi: “Former posse?”
Aera: “Oh, here we go.”
Jewel: “Before Star was part of our friend group, she was part of another group of girls.”
Aera: “Oh, yeah, that loathsome group of bog dwellers. They were among the meanest and most stuck-up group of girls we’ve ever known.”
Ashley: “Oh, I believe I know who you’re talking about. Your world also has mean girls.”
Miranda: “Ah, yes, the lowest of lowest gunk heap our kind could ever muster up.”
Liara: “I believe we asari also have our own assortment of such.”
Star: “I hate those pompous, prissy little psychos!! I wish I had never associated myself with them!! To join that same course and upstage us in powers!! Grr!! I just want to blast them with my lightning and watch them...!!!”
Jewel: “Star! Calm down. Believe me, we hate them, too, but you shouldn’t let them get to you so much. You’re not with them anymore.”
Aera: “Yeah, it was so satisfying to watch the filthy grime clear itself out of you.”
Splash: “Oh!!! Harsh!!”


Star moped as she repeatedly tapped her index fingers together by the pointers.
Star: “It was back when I was dealing with my...identity crisis...I only hung out with them because it was when I had fun doing girly things. But...even that didn’t last as I got bored from that eventually. One day, my parents and I went on vacation and...”


She stopped tapping her fingers together, then looked up and smiled.
Star: “It was there where...I eventually found myself...I did so many cool sporty things. It was the best time of my life.”
Garrus: “But what about your father? Didn’t he scold you for doing all of that?”
Star: “Oh, that was when dear ole daddy wasn’t around. He had his...private meetings. He worked during those vacations, but my mom and I were left alone most of the time. It was...so amazing. I really did...feel like myself for the first time. When I returned from my vacation, I was so excited to show my posse my new look and new me. But...that didn’t go as well as I had hoped. When I saw them again, they pretended that they didn’t know me and told me to go away in such rude and hurtful ways.”
Ashley: “Yeah, definitely typical mean girls.”
Jewel: “I remember that. It was then and there that I approached her and tried to help her out. And then...I asked her if she would like to join me and my friends.”
Liara: “Jewel...”
Aera: “Oh, yes, that, at first I was so suspicious because she was bringing a member of those girls, but Jewel was always one to step in and help others out whenever she felt that they needed it.”
Splash: “Jewel is the best. She has been so kind-hearted since the day we first met.”
Flare: “Yes, indeed.”
Garrus: “Hm.”
Star: “From there, I’ve been with my new best friends. I was surrounded by other girls who accepted me for who I am and I could never be happier.”
Kasumi: “That is so sweet.”
Miranda: “We always knew that Jewel had such a kind heart.”
Star: “I even started attending combat courses with them. I was really bringing out my all. I loved it. I truly felt more of myself than ever.”


She then grit her teeth a little and started to seethe a bit.
Star: “But there were so many who didn’t want the good times to last. Those sirens also joined the combat courses and began to upstage us in endurance and power.”
Aera: "One of many ways of getting back at Star for being so happy and us for taking in someone that they just tossed out.”
Flare: “Our mentors went along with it. They have forced us and so many others into pushing ourselves to the brink of exhaustion. Our courses became even more unbearable because of them.”
Jewel: “We accused them so many times of doing this to us on purpose as a means of mistreating and abusing us, but they denied it and passive aggressively scolded us for even bringing it up.”
Liara: “Oh, that’s so awful...”
Aera: “Unfortunately, there were many other things they did to torment us, but that’s another story for another time.”
Garrus: “Basically, those girls were part of their many underhanded abuse methods that they used on you. That’s just despicable.”
Mordin: “Not to mention a very unusual case. They are able to undergo long-term endurance during these courses without even tiring themselves out while so many others are pushed to the brink of exhaustion from overexertion. Also, all while carrying out these abilities incorrectly. Hmm...something does not add up.”
Garrus: “What are you suggesting, doctor?”
Mordin: “Perhaps they’re receiving extra accommodations, but no way to know for certain. Wish I could receive analyzations of their physiology.”
Garrus: “You’re saying those girls are somehow receiving some sort of special treatment? Well, there doesn’t seem to be any other way, but...what could they be?”
Mordin: “Hmm...just to clarify something. All of you receive the same number of meals each day?”
Jewel: “Far as we know, yes, although, we never thought much of it because we were oblivious to how important meals were.”
Mordin: “Hmm...can’t rule that out, yet, however, no amount of excess meals could ever clarify the extensive energy and endurance that they’re able to undergo. Something else has to be involved.”
Ashley: “Yeah, it all does sound suspicious.”
Miranda: “Could the mentors be involved with their excessive power boost?”
Aera: “We don’t know, but...we wouldn’t be surprised if they had something to do with it. They always seemed like they had something to hide. So much for that matter.”
Mordin: “Hmm...so many possibilities, none of them good.”
Kasumi: “What would your goddess say about any of this? I’m sure she would be appalled by this kind of treatment towards all of you.”
Jewel: “Oh, absolutely!! The Divine Source would never allow this!! We were taught that anyone who wishes to fight can if they really put forth the effort. But...our mentors talk us into believing that...we’re not pushing ourselves hard enough...even though...we’re working as hard as we can...”
Garrus: “Well...it’s very clear to us that not only are all of you being pushed too hard but they have talked all of you into believing that you’re never putting enough effort. Everything about this stinks worse than the sewage on Omega and ten times more unethical than that crime infested space station.”
Hackett: “That would be an extreme way to put it. I don’t know anything about magic, but it seems that the research you have been conducting confirms so many unethical practices towards these girls and their schooling. I don’t think I, myself, need to be a mystical creature to understand that.”
Aera: “Don’t be surprised with the rest of our kind looking down on all of you for being non-magical.”
Kaidan: “But wait, isn’t your kind supposed to protect the universe and everything in it, including non magical beings like us?”


The girls sulked and remained silent. The silence seemed to have spoken high volumes.
Ashley: “I don’t like that response at all.”
Garrus: “Neither do I. That’s a bad sign.”
Kasumi: “So, does this have anything to do with this Dark entity that you guys have told me about?”
Jewel: “Umm...”
Liara: “Let’s hope not.”
Ashley: “Yeah, it’s bad enough we have to deal with this Darkness...”
Kasumi: “But if the rest of their kind are in league with this thing...”
Miranda: “It would present us with a lot more problems.”
Tali: “Not to mention that it would go against their beliefs.”
Garrus: “There are already clear indications of that.”
Hackett: “At the moment, let’s focus on one problem at a time. We’ll figure out the rest once we cross that threshold.”
Mordin: “Yes, of course, there is the matter of fixing this issue with the excursion of their powers.”
Liara: “But is there any way for us to do that?”
Prime Minister: “A valid question, Dr. T’Soni.”
Hackett: “Well, for the time being, it is imperative that we remain up to speed with all that we’ve learned about these mystic forces and many other issues that we will face in the long run. Keep at it, Normandy crew. And thanks for briefing us on these new findings.”
Ashley: “Of course, admiral.”
Hackett: “We will be returning to handle other matters. We’ll talk again soon. Oh, and Kaidan Alenko? Welcome back.”
Kaidan: “Thank you, admiral, it’s good to be back.”


A petite and almost indistinguishable smile appeared on the admiral’s face before his and the prime minister’s holographic images were shut off.
Splash: “So...what are we going to do to help fix these problems with our powers?”
Mordin: “Not sure. Even I am stumped by this.”
Kasumi: “That’s...not a good sign.”
Ashley: “Ugh! What can we do? We can’t keep this up forever.”
Miranda: “Let’s hope a solution will come to us.”


Everyone stood by thinking. Just then, Jane could be heard on the comms.
FemShep: “Hey, are you guys there?”
Garrus: “Yeah, Jane, we’re here. Is there something the matter?”
FemShep: “Joker and EDI just asked for you guys, they need you on the bridge.”
Jewel: “Got it, we’re on our way.”
Star: “Alright, let’s go see what it is.”


They left the QEC.


They arrived on the bridge where they met with Jane, Joker and EDI.
Joker: “Oh, good! You guys are here!”
Jewel: “Is everything OK, Joker? You seem excited for some reason.”
EDI: “Jeff and I have been tracking that unusual magical reading relentlessly.”
Jewel: “Anything you need to tell us?”


A grin appeared on his face.
Joker: “We found it.”
Jewel: “What!?! You have!?!”
EDI: “We’ve pinpointed the source of the reading.”
Jewel: “You can’t be serious!!”
Joker: “Yeah, Jewel, we are.”


The girls seemed startled by this news.
Jewel: “I…I don’t believe this…!!”
Flare: “Where is this reading?? Tell us now!”
EDI: “We’ve triangulated the source of the reading within a star system in Outer Council Space.”
FemShep: “Joker, set a course for that star system. Get us there as fast as you possibly can.”
Joker: “You don’t need to tell me twice, Miss Shepard.”

Joker set the course, everyone stood around, anxious. Jewel especially seemed very eager.
Ashley: “This is it. The very thing that we had hoped to find.”
Liara: “I’m sure you girls are thrilled about this.”
Jewel: “More than you can understand...I just hope...that it’s you...Mayweather...”

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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Episode 50-Mayweather

The Normandy was eventually able to reach its destination. They found themselves within another star system. Within said system was a lone, pink-hued planet which was exactly what they were approaching.

EDI: “There it is, girls. That is where the source of the reading resides.”


The girls stood in the bridge with Joker and EDI, anxious. Several members of the crew that were with them stared out at the planet.
Liara: “What…planet is that?”
EDI: “We’re not sure. There are no known records of it.”
Garrus: “Huh, a newly discovered planet. That hasn’t happened in a while.”
Splash: “There’s no telling what could really be down there!”
Jewel: “Maybe not…but…we can only hope…”
EDI: “Good news. The planet, itself, seems to have safe conditions for us to land.”
FemShep: “Great, we’ll send down a squad.”
Joker: “Uh, oh, there appears to be some interference going on down there.”
Ashley: “What is it?”
EDI: “Scanners have picked up on Dark energy readings. It seems that the vigilante has also picked up on the same magical source as well.”
Jewel: “No! This can’t be!”
EDI: “There is some good news, however. The Dark energy readings don’t seem to be near the source of the strange energy signature, but it is within the same vicinity as it.”
Garrus: “Then that must mean he still hasn’t found whatever is down there.”
Jewel: “Then we need to make sure that we get to it first.”
FemShep: “Let’s go, we haven’t got a moment to lose.”
Star: “Right, let’s hurry before that jerk is able to get to our prize.”
Jewel: “Yeah…let’s hope…he doesn’t reach her…”
Garrus: “Alright, this is it! Hope everyone’s ready.”
Kaidan: “Finally! I’ve been waiting for a chance to kick some serious a**!”
Ashley: “Yeah, it’ll be great to finally fight alongside you guys again.”


A little while afterwards, the shuttle made its way towards the planet. As soon as it reached the surface, it landed and let everyone out. Before long, they noticed a massive hoard of dark monsters.
Kaidan: “Whoa, so that must be the Dark entity’s minions.”
Jewel: “They won’t get anywhere near that source. Let’s take them down.”
Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Right.”
Kasumi: “Get ready, Kaidan, this is one of the most spectacular moments of partaking in this fight.”
Kaidan: “Would this be the magical girl transformation?”
Tali: “Absolutely.”


The girls stood ready.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!”


The girls transformed like always and were ready to fight.
Kaidan: “Whoa…that was…amazing…!!”
Tali: “Aren’t magical girls just so awesome?”
FemShep: “Everyone! Ready yourselves! This is going to be a tough fight!”


The crew members readied their weapons. The hoard of monsters came at them, but the groups fought back.
James: “Alright! Now we’re really taking on some serious a**-kicking!!”
Kaidan: “This is incredible! I’m so thrilled to be experiencing this again!”
Zaeed: “Heh! These monsters don’t stand a chance against us!”
Grunt: “Not when we’re around! No Dark creature could ever last against us!”
Thane: “Don’t get too overconfident, you guys.”
Jacob: “Yeah, this Dark force may have a few nasty tricks at its disposal.”
Wrex: “Well, we’ve been preparing the extra fire power needed to tangle against this monster!”
Mordin: “True, have already constructed plenty of weaponry and equipment needed to combat this threat, but still plenty we don’t know about.”
Garrus: “He’s right, it’s best to not let our guards down.”
Javik: “Hmph! This Dark force will know true pain once we have learned all we can to destroy it.”
Mordin: “Maybe, but now is not that time.”
Flare: “Let us not forget why we are here.”
Aera: “Yeah, we know. We have to find the source of that strange magical reading. Joker, EDI, can you pinpoint us in the right direction? How far away is this source from here?”
EDI: “I am pinpointing a potent energy reading just SW of your location. It’ll take some time to reach it by foot, but you should be able to reach it.”
Jewel: “Got it, EDI! We’ll need to head over there now!”
Splash: “But what are we going to do about these monsters!?! We can’t just run from them!”
Star: “She’s right, if we try making a run for it, they’ll follow us!”
Ashley: “The rest of us will have to stay behind while only a few of us make their way towards that source.”
Wrex: “Guess the bulk of us will have to stay behind! I’m OK with that! I can do this all day!”
Grunt: “Heh, I’m not leaving this fight, either. Someone else will have to go.”
Star: “Jewel!”


Jewel thought for a bit. Just then, one of the monsters was about to approach her at great speed, Star utilized her flash bursts on it, greatly decimating it.
Star: “Jewel! You go! We’ll stay here!”
Jewel: “But…I can’t leave you!!”
Star: “Don’t worry about us! That source needs to be found! You have to go!”
Jewel: “I…I…can’t…”
Flare: “Don’t argue with us! Go!”
Jewel: “Are you…are you sure…?”
Aera: “It’s OK, Jewel, we can handle this! Just hurry and find that source!”
Flare: “Hopefully, it is…her…”
Jewel: “Umm…”


All 5 of the girls had concerned looks on their faces. Suddenly, there was a nearby monster that was blasted by an unknown projectile. Jewel looked down to see Garrus having pulled out a rifle.
Jewel: “Garrus!”
Garrus: “Jewel, I received the coordinates to that magical source. Let’s hurry up and get to it!”
Jewel: “Uhh…really…? Can you…?”
Garrus: “Yeah, let’s find it together. Everyone else will handle this while we make our way towards it.”
Jewel: “Garrus…”
FemShep: “Jewel! You and Garrus get going now!”
Liara: “Don’t worry about leaving us behind! We’ll cover you!”
Samara: “We’ve got this handled, Jewel. It’s OK.”
Jewel: “I…I…OK…thank you, everyone.”

Jewel descended towards Garrus.
Jewel: “Let’s go, Garrus.”
Garrus: “Yes, let’s.”


They turned the other direction and were about to break away from the group. Star was still fighting but then something took her by surprise.
Star: “Jewel! Garrus! Look out!”


They turned back around to see a hoard of flying monsters approach them. Before they were able to react, Mordin and Kasumi stood in their way and, with the use of their Omni-tools, blasted the monsters. Jewel and Garrus stood by in shock.
Mordin: “Go! Now!”
Kasumi: “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.”
Jewel: “OK, thank you.”


Jewel and Garrus turned back around and ran from the group. The rest stayed behind. The tech users such as Mordin, Kasumi and Tali had their Omni-tools out, ready to use them on the monsters.


At that time, Jewel and Garrus were making their way through the massive landscape. Jewel flew through the air with the use of her wings while Garrus ran beside her.
Jewel: “Garrus, how long before we approach the source of that reading!?!”


Garrus checked his Omni-tool.
Garrus: “It’s not far now, Jewel. We just have to keep going!”
Jewel: “Alright. We don’t have a moment to lose.”


They continued on for a long period of time without stopping.
Jewel: “Joker, EDI, are there any signs of those monsters anywhere near that source?”
Joker: “None, the rest of the team are doing a great job with holding back that entire hoard.”
EDI: “It shouldn’t be long. You’re about to approach that source.”
Jewel: “OK, thank you.”
EDI: “Jewel, just want to let you know, I have confirmed that the readings are similar to you and your friends.”
Jewel: “Understood…”


Garrus looked at Jewel, he seemed concerned for her.


They kept rushing forward, they were soon approaching a large piece of land consisting of rock formations as well as one very large, rose-colored crystal. As they approached this, Jewel was greatly startled by what she saw ahead. From the distance, she could see someone encased in it. It appeared to be a young girl in a pink dress with small floral patterns on the rim as well as green sandals. She had long, beige colored, waist-length hair. Her arms in an X formation, with her eyes closed as though she was asleep.
Jewel: “Mayweather!!!”


They were able to reach the crystal.
Garrus: “Another Fayelon!”


Jewel placed her hand on the crystal, a relieved smile appeared on her face.
Jewel: “We found you…we finally found you…I’m so relieved….”


Garrus stood by staring at her for a bit.
Garrus: “You…know her, don’t you?”


Jewel nodded.
Garrus: “And this crystal, this was your handiwork, wasn’t it?”
Jewel: “I can’t talk about it, not here, at least. We need to get her out of here.”
Garrus: “Yeah, good point. Should we…take her as is or…”
Jewel: “No! I…I…probably should…I need to…”
Garrus: “We don’t have much time. Make the decision now.”
Jewel: “I…I…”


He placed his hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him.
Garrus: “It’s OK, you can do this. Remember what you did when you broke me out of one of these.”
Jewel: “I…OK…”


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then lifted her finger and carefully guided it down slowly as the crystal shattered bit by bit. She kept at this until Mayweather was finally broken out of it. She let out a grunt as she felt.

Jewel: “Mayweather!”


Jewel managed to break her fall, she then cradled her in her arms. Mayweather lied with her eyes closed, then moaned a little and opened her eyes. She looked up at Jewel.
Mayweather: “Jewel…? I…I…?”
Jewel: “It’s OK, Mayweather. I’m here. You’re safe.”


Garrus stood by for a bit as Jewel embraced her. He then went on his comm.
Garrus: “Normandy, I’m here. We found the source. Send a shuttle down. Also, expect to have us arrive with another person…we’ve been waiting a long time for this.”


Much time later, Jewel arrived with Garrus by her side. She carried Mayweather in her arms. Several of the crew members were there. They became startled as they noticed them. The other girls were especially startled.
Flare: “Oh, my gosh! Look who it is!”
Aera: “No, it can’t be, that’s…”
Star: “I can’t believe it!!”
Splash: “Mayweather!!”


The girls ran to them. They surrounded Jewel and Mayweather. Garrus walked off.
Splash: “Mayweather! It’s us! Your friends!!”
Jewel: “Easy there, girls! Give her some space.”


Garrus had joined the side of the other crew members.
Traynor: “Oh, wow!”
Tali: “Keelah…it’s…”
Kasumi: “So, it’s true. We did find another Fayelon.”


From there, Mayweather opened her eyes again. She looked around her to find the other girls.
Mayweather: “Aera…Flare…Star…Splash…”


Splash soon embraced Mayweather with Jewel not being left out of the hug.
Splash: “Ohhhhh! We’re so glad you’re OK!! We were worried about you!”
Flare: “Splash! Not so rough! Jewel did tell us to give her some space.”


Splash pulled herself off of Mayweather.
Splash: “Oh! Right! Sorry!”
Jewel: “I’m going to need to take her to the medical bay. I need to have Dr. Chakwas evaluate her.”
Flare: “Yes, that is a good idea. We need to make sure that she is in good health.”
Jewel: “Thank you. I will see you guys later.”


Jewel walked off. Everyone stood by to watch her.
Liara: “That source…I…can’t believe it…so…all this time…it was another Fayelon…”
Kasumi: “It’s lucky that she was able to arrive here in our galaxy.”
EDI: “The girls had been extremely anxious about whether or not they would be able to find her.”
Garrus: “I would imagine. How did this happen? Why was she sealed in that crystal?”
Miranda: “I wonder, too. The girls seem as though they were real close to her, however…it would not be like Jewel to do that to someone, much less a friend, unless she had a reason to.”
Kelly: “Well, you guys said that those girls had been traversing from one galaxy to another. They had to have made so many difficult decisions.”
FemShep: “Exactly, who knows what could have happened out there?”
Ashley: “Well, it’s one thing to have to make some difficult decisions, but this?”
Garrus: “I know, what could have caused Jewel to seal her in that crystal in the first place?”
Mordin: “Hmm…an interesting question. Perhaps we could obtain some more insight from these girls.”
Miranda: “That is if they are willing to talk about what had happened.”
Garrus: “They’re going to have to tell us sooner or later. They can’t keep this from us forever.”
EDI: “I agree and…they will. I believe, the time for them to tell us is now.”


Within the medical bay, Mayweather was lying on a medical bed. Dr. Chakwas was evaluating her.
Dr. Chakwas: “Well, you seem to be in good health. I would think that all that time in that crystal has given you some time to rest.”
Mayweather: “Yes…that would be the case…I’ve…had so much time to rest and very little to disperse any of my own energy. Times inside a crystal can do that.”


Mayweather sat straight up.
Dr. Chakwas: “Well, you seem to be a healthy young lady. I think you’ve rested enough.”
Jewel: “That’s good to hear, Dr. I was so worried when…”


Jewel sulked a bit. Dr. Chakwas placed her hand on Jewel’s shoulder.
Dr. Chakwas: “You’ve done a fantastic job getting her out of there. Don’t think that…”
Mayweather: "Doctor. Is it OK if we would be alone? There are a few things that I would like to talk about with Jewel…privately.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Of course, I understand that there are some things that need to go over. I will return shortly.”


Dr. Chakwas left the room.
Jewel: “Mayweather…I can’t tell you how…relieved I am that…”
Mayweather: “What you did to me within that other realm was reckless. I could just as easily have not survived.”
Jewel: “You didn’t give me any other choice. What YOU were doing would have put the entire universe at risk. I could not take that chance.”


Mayweather scowled a little as she looked away a bit. Jewel walked towards where she turned her head and looked directly at her.
Jewel: “Mayweather.”


Mayweather looked back over towards Jewel.
Jewel: “The final component. Give it to me.”


Mayweather stared at her for a bit, then turned her eyes away from her.
Mayweather: “No.”
Jewel: “But…if he so much as even touches it, all of our efforts would have been wasted. You know that…”
Mayweather: “I wouldn’t simply hand it to him. It may be the only way I can get him back. I have to…”
Jewel: “There is no getting him back! He’s too far gone!”


Mayweather continued looking away, sulking.
Mayweather: “I have to try. I know there is still good in him. He wouldn’t do any of this. None of this makes any sense!”
Jewel: “It doesn’t matter, he murdered so many people. There is no way he is the same man that you once loved.”
Mayweather: “No! Please don’t say that!! There must be…I need to bring him back…I…I have to…”
Jewel: “Your sister tried doing that, too and look what ended up happening to her!”


Mayweather became frustrated, she got down from the medical bed and ran out of the room. Jewel stood by as she watched, she then dropped her head and slouched. A little while afterwards, EDI entered the room along with Garrus, Liara, Ashley and Jane.
Liara: "Jewel, are you OK?”
Jewel: “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Ashley: “We just saw Mayweather rush out of the room. Is everything OK?”
Jewel: “I…I guess…I shouldn’t have…set her off like that.”
EDI: "I overheard everything. You mentioned something about Mayweather having a sister. We would like to know about that.”


Jewel remained silent for a bit as she looked back at them. Then she dropped her head again.
Jewel: “Yeah…she did have a sister. Chlorophina…she was…killed…”
Liara: "Oh…I’m so sorry.”


Ashley seemed to have reacted from this.
Jewel: “At one point, she got caught in the crossfire during another of his killing sprees. She didn’t survive. One of the criminals that he was hunting took her life, so he ended up killed in retaliation for what had happened.”
FemShep: “That’s…terrible…”
Garrus: “I’m curious about something. Did any of you…actually know him? The vigilante?”
Jewel: “Yes, we did. We met him through Mayweather and Chlorophina. He was a good friend of ours…he was especially close to them.”
Liara: “So all of this…must be really hard on you.”
Jewel: “Yes…”
Garrus: “Jewel, we had no idea…”
Jewel: “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It was all too painful…to find out that someone you knew…committed so many heinous atrocities…you feel almost responsible…”
FemShep: “We understand why you would feel that way, but…you have no control over his actions.”
Jewel: “Maybe, but…we felt that we needed to take the initiative into putting a stop to him.”


They stood around for a bit, they seemed saddened by this. EDI then walked up to Jewel and placed her hand on Jewel’s shoulder. Jewel looked up at her.
EDI: “Jewel, I also heard you mention something about a final component.”


Jewel was startled to hear this as were Liara, Garrus and Jane.
EDI: "I think it’s time for you to tell us, now that your friend has been found, you need to tell us what it was that you were so scared to mention.”


She looked back at the others, they seemed eager to hear what she had to say.
Jewel: “We didn’t know this at the time, but…apparently…the keys, themselves, also consist of a final component. Without it, they would not work.”
Garrus: “This was never mentioned to you before?”
Jewel: “No…we knew about the keys from the legends, but…apparently…the final component was left out. I believe it was…something that needed to be found out after the keys had been assembled. It is the main source of their power."
FemShep: ”Well, that makes sense, if you had known about that component, you would have tried to find that first rather than take those keys.”
Jewel: “No…even if we did know about it, we would have taken the keys, anyway. However…there is more to it, the final component can also act as a tracking device for the keys.”
Garrus: “What? Why is that?”
Jewel: “It’s in case the keys have been stolen, that way, no one would go through the trouble of finding them again.”
FemShep: “If you’ve never been told about this, then how did you know all of this?”
Jewel: “Because when Mayweather found us, she told us everything. It was also how she was able to find us throughout the cosmos.”
Garrus: “That would make sense, but…I would guess that she didn’t tell him about this.”
Jewel: “Of course not, if he did, then…he would have been able to track us throughout the universe. All of our efforts of keeping those keys away from him would have been wasted.”


They stood by, shocked.
Liara: “No wonder you were too scared to say anything about this.”
Jewel: “I was scared that…it would lead to him finding her.”
Garrus: “And with a maniac like that hunting down important pieces to this great door…yeah, I get it.”
EDI: “I promised Jewel and her friends to not mention what they talked about in private to any of you until we were able to find whatever it was out there, but I told them that this had to be mentioned to us if we were able to find their friend and thankfully, we have.”
Jewel: “I really did want to tell you, but…”
Ashley: “It’s OK. We don’t blame you, Jewel. You couldn’t risk having that component fall into the hands of that monster.”
Garrus: “But what was Mayweather doing with it!?! Was she trying to help that guy open that door??”
Jewel: “No…she…wanted to use those items to bring him back to what he once was, to the kind hearted person who cared so much about people.”
Liara: “But why would she even want to do such a thing?”
Jewel: “Because she’s in love with him.”


The crew members were shocked.
Garrus: “All this just to bring her boyfriend out of being the heartless, mass murderer that he had become??”
Ashley: “Is she insane!?!”
FemShep: “I get being in love with someone and wanting to do all they could for that person.”
Garrus: “But there is a line and he crossed it! The second that he decided to murder countless people, that should have been where it ended!!”
Jewel: “Mayweather is not someone who would think logically. I guess you could say that…she’s among the members of our friend group who is…normal.”
Ashley: “What!?! Doing something as stupid as that is normal?”
Jewel: “Well…it’s been…more normalized by our kind. My friends and I…well…we’ve…purged those kinds of feelings within ourselves as a way of maintaining our own abilities to think more clearly…among other things.”
Ashley: “Oh, no…don’t tell me this is something your people wouldn’t encourage!!”
Jewel: “More or less…”


The crew members stood by, stunned.
Garrus: “So, when Mayweather was able to find you during your trek through space…”
Jewel: “She tried to talk us into returning to our realm and help her with convincing him to…well, you know. You guys should know what we had already decided to do.”
Garrus: “You girls continued to do what you thought was best.”
Jewel: “Yes, but…when she told us about what the final component could do, we panicked. We tried telling her to hand it over, but she refused. We were running short on time, he would have been able to find us and it, so…”
Garrus: “Push came to shove and you sealed Mayweather in the crystal, which also sealed away the final component in the process.”
Jewel: “Naturally, then to make sure that she wouldn’t be found, I flung her into the far reaches of the universe. How she ended up within your realm, well…I would think we’d have the Divine Source to thank for that.”


They stood around, shocked and speechless by what they had heard.
Jewel: “And that’s everything that had happened regarding that.”
Liara: “I…I can’t believe it…”
Garrus: “We were aware that you had to make so many difficult decisions, but…even after knowing that…that is really hard for us to hear about.”
FemShep: “We’re really sorry you had to go through all of that.”
Jewel: “So am I….”


They stood around for a bit. Just then, they heard a loud bang. James could be heard via the comm.
James: “Guys, you might need to get back down here. Our vigilante “friend” just sent us another “gift”.”
FemShep: “Let’s go!”


They all ran out of the room.


They arrived within the docking bay. There, they were startled when they saw another massive monster.
Garrus: “I’m guessing HE wasn’t thrilled about us claiming “HIS” prize first!”


The girls stood ready, about to change, but then Mayweather walked past them. The girls noticed this and they seemed to have loosened themselves up back to a more relaxed stance.
Star: “Actually, I think we should let Mayweather handle this.”


She approached the monster then stopped to look up at it. The monster was letting out a loud roar but she didn’t seem even the least bit phased.
Mayweather: “It’s been a while since I was able to fight. Yeah, I think I’ve rested long enough.”


From there, she readied herself.
Mayweather: “Metamorphose.”


From there, she underwent her transformation sequence. The flower patterns on her dress were activated. First, she materialized pink sneakers with a flower on each one as well as a strapless, green leotard with a pink belt and a blue centerpiece. Her hair changed in color, it turned purple with a thick magenta layering around it. Her hair extensions became 2 large meatballs in her head adorned with an ornament the shape of kumquats with a pink holder, 2 long strands of hair, one purple and one magenta, emerged from each meatball. The meatballs were also adorned with 2 leaves underneath them, 2 pink ribbons appeared from behind her head. Earrings the same shape and color as her belt’s centerpiece appeared on her ears as well as a green choker adorned with the same centerpiece. She had other ribbons of a darker pink color wrapped around her arms with leaves appearing on her upper arms where the ribbons bases were. They wrapped all the way down to her wrists that were adorn with another flower on each. Her outfit was finished off with a skirt the shape of flower petals held on by a magenta rim. Her transformation was completed.


Everyone stood by, amazed with her Metamorphosis. She stood by, calm and collective. As the monster was about to strike her, she held up her hands with her fingers in a tight-knuckle position almost as though she had grabbed on to something, she pushed her hands out, several thick, green vines appeared from the ground, digging into the ankles of the monster. The crew members were startled as they watched this.
Liara: “Whoa! That’s amazing!”
Mordin: “Hmm…so, she’s a chlorokinetic. Finally, wasn’t sure if I would have the chance to see one.”


The monster was about to attack again but she conjured up a few large, budded plants, opening up a bit to shoot out large nuts from their mouths. The attack was causing some damage towards the monsters, the nuts released spores as they shattered, covering the monster’s legs, causing moss to grow on them.

The girls stood by, dazzled by her attacks.
Splash: “She’s amazing!!”


She pushed harder, causing the vines underneath to climb up the monsters from its legs. The crew members continued watching this, Mordin was already on his Omni-tool, he seemed fixated by what he was seeing.
Mordin: “Amazing! Her focus is incredible!”


Mayweather summoned more plants around the monster, it shot our spores which was causing some pain on it. She then materialized a pair of wings.
Liara: “Whoa!!”
Miranda: “She can actually materialize her wings on the ground!”


She began flapping them and lifted herself off of the ground. She flew high up where the monster could look up at her. As she was in the air, she held her arms out from her sides as she focused her own energy, with an image of a tree appearing all around her. The image vanished and held her foot out as she took a fast dive towards the beast, kicking it real hard in the head. The crew members were startled to see this.
Ashley: “I didn’t know any of them could do that!”
Tali: “She really is strong!”


Mordin was on his Omni-tool.
Mordin: “Hmm…she seemed to have focused her energy to acquire the same characteristics of certain forms of nature. That kick she unleashed had the same intensity of slamming the monster with a massive tree log.”
Garrus: “She can channel the strength of other plants?”


Mordin got off of his Omni-tool and looked up at the fight.
Mordin: “There is…much that we still don’t understand about the Fayelons. They do consist of the forces of nature. Summoning elemental-based attacks is one thing, but to become one with the natural elements, it is…another subject all of its own.”
Tali: “I believe we saw Flare pretty much do the same thing. She was able to immerse herself in her own flames and take a few of those dark enemies by surprise.”
Mordin: “Yes, she is able to do that in which she, in a way, becomes one with her fiery attacks, but this…is different…”


Mayweather focused more of the vines further up the beast, having reached its waist. From this, the vines completely immersed the creature’s legs, changing it to a thick trunk. The monster screeched from this, struggling to break itself free. Its legs were changing gradually, all the way up to its waist. The crew members continued watching this.
Miranda: “This is…unbelievable.”
Traynor: “She’s so incredibly powerful.”
Star: “Of course! She was the best in her field! She even skipped a grade!”
Splash: “She’s so awesome!! She really did deserve to graduate from the academy a year ahead!”


Mayweather looked back at her friends; she didn’t seem pleased by what they said about her.
Mayweather: “Tch!”


She went back to focusing on the monsters. The plants on the ground released its leaves, flying upward, spinning propellers. She sent them towards the monster, slicing it up with the vines entering its openings, forming more of the trunk. It then threw out its hand, striking her, she was thrown back.
Jewel: “Oh, no!”
Splash: “Mayweather!”


She stopped in midair, shook off the damage and then flew back towards it.
Miranda: “What an impressive rebound.”
Garrus: “She’s as tough as they come.”


The plants increased in size, then proceeded to continue shooting out more nuts at the beast, damaging it more and more. The spores from the nuts covered more of the beast with moss even more. The vines eventually reached its arms, wrapping around them. From the arms, branches appeared.
Ashley: “Oh, my gosh!!”
Traynor: “It looks like she’s…”
Kelly: “Is she…turning that monster into a tree?”
Garrus: “It appears so…”


Mordin was back on his Omni-tool again.
Mordin: “Hmmm…fascinating…”
FemShep: “Tell us what you’ve found out, doctor.”
Mordin: “It appears as though…this tree…it is…draining away its essence…with every inch that it is overtaken, the Dark energy from it seems to be fading. This tree…it is…hmm….not a specimen of this galaxy…however…also contains slight traces of Light magic.”
Garrus: “Light…magic?”
Mordin: “It is presumed that this tree…is a native plant of the realm that the girls are from. Scans also show readings similar to Mayweather. This tree is…a creation of her own.”
Liara: “So, she’s creating a tree?”
Mordin: “Apparently, however…also noticed…another unusual reading…hmmm…what could this mean?”


The vines continued to change into the different bases of the tree. The vines below were turning into roots, the area around its torso was changing into the trunk, its arms were growing out branches. Soon enough, its head was engulfed in the highest point of the tree, overtaken by branches and from those branches, leaves of multiple, beautiful colors emerged. The monster had been completely turned into a tree.


During the aftermath of the fight, the crew members stood before the massive tree, in shock and awe at what had happened. Mayweather, standing back on the ground, rubbed her hand on the side of the tree, she had a warm and content but an almost indistinguishable smile on her face. At that moment, a large branch on a tree had a massive fruit growing from it. It then broke off and fell towards the ground. Mayweather was standing just below it. The crew members were startled as this fruit fell towards her. But she didn’t seem phased, she held her hand up and the fruit landed on it without so much as causing her any bodily harm.
Mayweather: “Perfect, just what I need for dinner tonight.”


She walked off, holding the large fruit above her head. She walked past the girls. As she just continued walking on, they all became very excited.
Splash: “Oh my gosh! She’s actually going to cook for us again!!”
Star: “Ohhhh!!! I can’t wait!!”
Aera: “Oh, man, I’d never thought I would have any of her cooking again!!”
Ashley: “Mayweather…can cook?”
Star: “Of course!! Her meals are the best ever!!!”
Splash: “We always love it when she cooks for us!!”
Flare: “It seemed like quite a while since the last time we have had her delectable meals.”
Jewel: “Yeah, she is almost as good as…”


The girls then started to sulk.
Splash: “Ohhh…I miss her…”
Aera: “We all do, Splash, we all do…”


The crew members stood around, they seemed concerned and saddened as they looked out towards the girls.


Within the Mess Hall, Mayweather was already preparing the meal, using each of the different kitchen materials, preparing the different steps. Gardner was standing on the sidelines, watching her cook. At that moment, the crew members and the girls arrived.
Gardner: “Oh, good, you’re here.”
Ashley: “Gardner? You’re not doing anything?”
Gardner: “Oh, no, I couldn’t. This young lady just stepped in and took the initiative to do everything herself."
Star: “That’s Mayweather, for ya. She prefers to do everything herself.”
Aera: “That’s how she always works.”
Gardner: “I can see that.”
Garrus: “This isn’t the time to relax, we’ve got a serious problem on our hands.”
Ashley: “I agree, especially after what we’ve been told.”
Jacob: “I’ve heard, it seems that Mayweather has an important item in her possession, something that the vigilante wants so badly.”
Tali: "But…we can’t simply take it from her.”
Garrus: “Well, we have to get it from her somehow, before he does.”
Traynor: “Didn’t Jewel say that she simply wouldn’t hand it over to him?”
Garrus: “It doesn’t matter, knowing him, he would simply take from her by force if he had to.”
Mordin: “Hmm…a difficult situation indeed.”
Miranda: “Is there some way we could try to persuade her to hand it over?”
FemShep: “No, Jewel already tried that, she seems convinced that the final component is the only way to snap the vigilante out of his murderous state of mind.”
Garrus: “Even if it does, it’s already too late for him. He’s long gone and the girls realize that, too.”
Tali: “I feel really bad for them, he was their friend.”
Garrus: “Well, not anymore. The man that they know is gone.”
Liara: “But Mayweather refuses to accept that.”
Garrus: “I don’t care, she’s willing to put the entire universe at risk just because she’s still in love with him.”
Mordin: “It is believed that love can make people do some incredible things.”
Garrus: “That doesn’t leave out stupid and what she’s been doing, at best, it’s just that.”
Ashley: “Well, we can’t let her out of our sight, not as long as she has that final component.”
Garrus: “But more than anything, we need to extract it from her.”
Mordin: “Yes, but…can’t force her to do that, not now. For the time being, monitoring her would be the only thing that we can do. As long as she does not leave our sight, that component is as good as secured.”
Garrus: “Ugh, fine! But if she so much as tries to leave the ship with that component still in her possession, we’ll have to take drastic measures.”
Mordin: ”Agreed, though not always for taking on drastic measures…however if push comes to shove, we won’t have any other choice.”


They continued standing by, watching Mayweather cook.
Liara: “So…I take it that Mayweather is very good in the kitchen.”
Star: “Oh, yes, very much!”
Gardner: “I’ve got to tell you, she’s got quite a talent for cooking. I’ve tried a small sample of her food earlier and I’ve got to tell you, it’s unbelievable.”
Miranda: “Can’t wait to try some.”
Splash: “We always enjoy whenever she makes something!! Her meals are always good!”
Mordin: “These…meals…they can…you know that some species can’t eat the same foods as others.”
Tali: “Yes, that’s right. Garrus and I, being that we’re dextro amino, we have different diet restrictions.”
Garrus: “Mainly towards foods that consist of dextro amino acids.”
Star: “Don’t worry about it, you guys, all forms of food, including vegetation grown from our realm, can transcend between all different species.”
Flare: “Indeed, so even though some can’t eat the same foods as others, our sustenance can be shared amongst all species across the universe.”
Ashley: “Really? They can?”
Jewel: “Of course, many chlorokinetics have devoted themselves to producing food that can be shared amongst all living things in the universe. Some devote themselves to preventing massive declines in food as well as famine.”


Garrus looked back over towards Mayweather as she continued cooking.
Garrus: “So, how did Mayweather learn how to cook?”
Jewel: “It was Chlorophina that taught her.”
Liara: “Chlorophina? You mean…Mayweather’s sister?”
Splash: “That’s right! She was our best friend and an amazing cook.”
Jewel: “Mayweather learned everything that she knows from…her sister…”


The girls sulked a bit. Everyone else had taken notice of this.
FemShep: “If it’s OK with you girls, we would…love to hear about…Mayweather’s sister….Chlorophina…”
Jewel: “Yeah…we would love to tell you everything about her…she was…special…to us…”


The girls still sulked; the crew members seemed saddened by this. Mayweather looked on towards her friends, she was also sulking.


Some time later, dinner was ready. Everything was set up on different platters.
Mayweather: “Dinner’s ready, everyone!”


The girls’ eyes all sparkled.
Splash: “Wow!! It all looks so good!!”
FemShep: “Thank goodness, I don’t think I could have waited another minute.”


Everyone sat down at the table, each taking different portions of the dishes. The girls sat near each of the crew members that they’ve been close to. Flare sat near the krogan.
Wrex: “Alright! Finally! Let’s eat!”
Grunt: “Heh, I’m so hungry, I could devour an entire Thresher Maw whole.”
Wrex: “That’s something both you and Flare could probably do.”
Grunt: “Heh, heh, heh, you may be right about that, old man.”


Splash sat near Liara and Miranda.
Samara: “Thank you so much for making this for us.”
Miranda: “Yeah, I can’t wait to try it.”
Liara: “So am I.”
Thane: “You have made so much for us already. I don’t know if we will be able to finish all of it.”
Mayweather: “Not to worry, there should be plenty for everyone on the ship. If you guys don’t finish it up, I’m sure the rest of the people on this ship will be able to have some.”


Garrus, of course, sat next to Jane with Jewel nearby as well. Star sat close to him but was also seated near Mordin. Aera sat near Tali, Traynor and Cortez.
Tali: “So, this could really be shared amongst all of us?”
Aera: “Yeah, that’s right.”
Traynor: “Oh, it all looks so wonderful!”
Steve: “Thanks for bringing me up. I’m usually too busy to attend these dinners.”
Aera: “Well, I made certain to free up your time so that we could spend this together.”
Steve: “I appreciate that, Aera. I can’t tell you how much I’ve been wanting to have this moment with you.”
Aera: “Likewise.”


Soon enough, everyone got to eating.
Liara: “Oh! This is…really good.”
Miranda: “I’ll say. This really is quite tasty.”


Star was in tears as she was eating.
Star: “Ohhhh! I’ve missed this so much!!”
Splash: “So do I!! This cooking simply is the best!!”
Jewel: “Heh, I never thought I would have this again.”
Flare: “It’s as good as I remembered it to be!”
Wrex: “Heh, I can’t believe such a delicious meal came from mainly plants.”
Grunt: “I would usually go for some meat, mainly tasty varren skews, but plant food can be good sometimes.”
Garrus: “This entire meal, all from one fruit? The chlorokinetics must grow some incredible food back where they came from.”
Mayweather: “Some of us devote ourselves to growing and providing food for other realms. The demand for food there is…incredibly low. We are not needed much at home.”
Mordin: “Hm, would beg to differ.”
Mayweather: “Um…well…perhaps you would be right about that.”
Traynor: “Oh! It’s so wonderful!!! I don’t know if I will be able to finish it all, but it’s so good!”
Mayweather: "Do not worry about any leftovers, there should be plenty of mouths to feed all over the ship.”
Liara: “Mayweather, have you…are you devoted to edible plants?”


Mayweather shook her head.
Mayweather: “No, it was not my original intention.”
Miranda: “Really? I find that to be surprising.”
Aera: “It really wasn’t, actually…it was Chlorophina who wanted to work with edible plants.”
Star: “Yes! These meals and edible plants, they were all her ideas!”
Splash: “Oh, yes! She really was the best cook! She wanted to devote her life to sharing her love for food and her meals with everyone! She was so awesome that way!”
Mayweather: “She truly was. All of these recipes…they were hers. I feel as though…when I create these amazing meals…I can feel her presence. It’s…all that I have left of her.”
FemShep: “Mayweather. We’re so sorry for your loss.”
Mayweather: “Thank you, everyone. I could tell that you would have valued her more than even I.”


Mordin started pondering for a bit. Garrus took notice of this.
Mordin: “Mayweather, if I may, would like to ask you for something.”
Mayweather: “Um, certainly. What else is it that you needed from me?”
Mordin: “We would like for you to…demonstrate your powers, show us how you would utilize them.”
Liara: “Oh! Yes! That’s right! Aside from the girls, you’re the only other Fayelon that we have come across!”
Mordin: “Exactly. The girls have mentioned something about you having been taking courses at least a year ahead of them, perhaps you were taught differently.”
Garrus: “Oh! Of course! You weren’t in the same class as the girls, so there may be a chance that you were taught some things that they didn’t know.”
Mayweather: “Hmm…I see, so you want to know what I have learned during my time at the academy.”


Mordin clearly showed signs of excitement on his face as did Garrus. They leaned in closer to each other and whispered to one another.
Mordin: "This may actually be the break that we have been waiting for."
Garrus: "Yeah, our patience and pleading might finally be paying off."


They looked back towards Mayweather.
Mordin: “We would greatly appreciate that, actually. That is, if you don’t mind.”
Mayweather: “Not at all. I would be glad to demonstrate what I have learned. To be honest, there is something that I, myself, am curious about. So, I would like to take on this to satiate my own curiosity.”
Mordin: “Wonderful! Thank you, Mayweather, hopefully, we are to not ask too much of you.”
Mayweather: “It is fine. I will get started on this after dinner is over.”


Everyone continued with their meals.


Some time later, Mayweather stood before everyone, including the girls.
Mordin: “You may begin.”


Mayweather nodded once. She underwent her transformation again and from there, she held out her hands and utilized the magical energy within her body. Everyone stood by and watched this take place. She held onto this for an extensive period of time. Everyone that watched this seemed impressed.
Ashley: “Whoa, she’s really been at this for a long time.”


Mordin examined the data as this continued on.
Liara: “She’s holding out on this longer than any of the girls could.”
Mordin: “Hmm…fascinating…that’s not all that is occurring.”


Eventually, she stopped. She didn’t seem winded out, but she did look a little tired.
Liara: “Mayweather, are you OK?”
Mayweather: "I am fine. I…never had to push myself so hard before.”
FemShep: “It looked like you pushed yourself a lot less harder than the other girls.”


Mayweather stood by, silent, she did seem a little tense.
Mordin: “Mayweather, may I ask? How were you taught to utilize your powers?”
Mayweather: “Huh? What do you mean?”
Mordin: “When you were using your powers, the energy within your body, it seemed to just stream out of you, almost as though it is channeled out naturally, less forceful and more…almost as though…it is being let out on its own.”
Mayweather: “Oh! Well…it is a simple technique taught to us during our courses. Our mentors would teach us how to use our powers in a way that feels more natural. It is called the Flow Technique.”
Jewel: “The Flow Technique? I’ve never heard of anything like that before.”
Mayweather: “It is the best way to use our magic, it is in a way in which our own natural energy works in harmony with our bodies. It prevents unnecessary strain on our bodies.”
Aera: “Really? Because we were told that there is no special way of utilizing our powers. We were told to exert our powers however we can.”
Mayweather: “What!?! Exertion!?! We are to never exert our powers unless the situation calls for it!! Exertion causes needless stress and, if done for too long, could cause long-term issues with our physical health! My mentors made certain that we knew this.”


Everyone in the room seemed surprised.
Mayweather: “Hold on, our mentors…they…they never mentioned any of this to you?”
Flare: “I’m afraid not, we were never told of any correct or incorrect means of using our powers.”
Mayweather: “I see…(under her breath) Damn it, it’s worse than I thought.”
Liara: “Mayweather?”
Mayweather: “Um, I need to…ponder over some things. I hope I provided you with everything that you had hoped for.”
Mordin: “Thank you for doing this for us.”
Mayweather: “My pleasure. If you need anything else from me, let me know.”


She walked off, everyone stood around as they watched her leave. Mordin seemed a bit tense, Garrus looked over, he seemed a little less so.


Sometime afterwards, Mordin was back in his lab, looking over the data that he received. A few other members of the crew, Liara, Ashley and Kaidan, were there. Each of them had serious looks on their faces. Shortly afterwards, Garrus walked in along with Jane. They walked over to Mordin, each one standing beside him on both sides, Garrus on his left and Jane on his right.
Garrus: “So, how does it look, doctor? Was it everything we could have ever hoped for?”

Mordin stood by for a brief moment without saying anything.
Mordin: “Everything…and so much more.”


Jane and Garrus both seemed surprised.
FemShep: "What do you mean, exactly?”
Mordin: “Take a look at this. As you can see, the flow of magical energy shows a significant difference.”
FemShep: “Yes, I can see that, the flow of energy seems to secret out of her like a stream.”
Mordin: “Exactly, not only that, but it shows to be much less of a strain on her. As compared to the other girls. The energy is forced out of them, much like how water is forced out of a hose. Clear indications of physical strain and undue stress on their bodies.”
Garrus: “Yes, we can see that, clear as day.”
Kaidan: “I’ve been looking over the data from the research that you guys gave me. I’ve only looked into this stuff for only a few minutes and I’m already disturbed by what I’ve seen.”
FemShep: “It’s good to see you’re catching up, Kaidan. We were worried that you would be too far behind.”
Kaidan: “Don’t worry about me. I’ve spent a lot of restless hours studying everything about these magical girls, these…Fayelons. I wanted to be up to speed as soon as possible.”
Ashley: “Don’t rush yourself. None of us want you to burn yourself out just trying to get caught up.”
FemShep: “She’s right, you were brought back from the dead not too long ago.”
Kaidan: “I guess, but I wanted to do all I can to help out the girls, especially Jewel; she did help out tremendously with my resurrection.”
Liara: “Yes, that much is true.”
Kaidan: “So, about this data, it looks very clear as to what’s been going on.”
Mordin: “Exactly. Mayweather had mentioned that she was taught this technique, the Flow Technique, as a means of utilizing one’s power, is a very important lesson.”
FemShep: ”Did she mention what year this lesson was supposed to start?”
Mordin: “Hmm…it would have to be after the girls learn how to undergo their Metamorphose. However, prior to that, the girls undergo a few years of rigorous training as a means of utilizing more advanced forms of their powers for combat purposes. Teaching them the proper way of using them not necessary until they learn to undergo their magical girl transformations. Would say…sometime around their half-a deca-cycle after they enrolled in the academy is when they are supposed to learn how to use the flow technique.”
Kaidan: “But how old are the girls when they attend this magical girl academy?”
Liara: “We were mentioned one time that they would enroll in the academy when they come of age, which would be at the time that they have reached being around for an entire deca-cycle.”
Garrus: “In other words, the girls would enroll in this academy after they’ve reached the age of 10.”
Mordin: “They are to attend courses until prior to having reached the age of 18, so, a total of 7 years at the academy. From what we could gather, the girls would be able to undergo Metamorphose by the time they have been at the academy for half a deca-cycle.”
Liara: “So, it would take them 5 years to finally obtain their Metamorphose abilities.”
Ashley: “When they officially become magical girls.”
Mordin: “From what Mayweather had told us, they are to commence their lessons regarding how to utilize the Flow Technique almost immediately after they are able to undergo Metamorphose, but…they did not.”
FemShep: “So, how far behind are the girls in learning this flow technique?”
Mordin: “The courses for learning the technique are to commence during the second to last year at the academy. The girls have mentioned that they are in their last year at the academy. This is their year to graduate.”
Garrus: “So, basically, the girls have been utilizing their powers incorrectly for nearly 2 years?”
Mordin: “Correct, their bodies would have some minor damages, but given their accumulative time drifting through the cosmos, going from one galaxy to another, the damage to their bodies have increased a significant amount. Definite indications of potential health risks are identified.”
Liara: “When we first saw the girls transform and fight, they became exhausted. As we looked over the data time and time again, it had become apparent that what we have found; all of this damage to their bodies, it has been what has caused their fatigue.”
Ashley: "But their health has significantly improved since they were in our care.”
Mordin: “Yes, signs of health improvement thanks to our research and careful deliberation, however unless the proper way for them to use their powers were to be discovered, their health issues would continue to persist with our methods of improving their health nothing more than temporary solutions.”
Liara: “I can’t tell you how relieved I am that we were able to find Mayweather.”
Mordin: “Yes, however…”
Garrus: “We still have a major problem on our hands, and from what we have found out, it should be obvious what all of this means.”
Mordin: ”Yes, the girls…their mentors…their refusal to teach them the proper techniques, the demand to push themselves a lot harder than they should, all of it clear, undeniable evidence of deliberate sabotage.”
Garrus: "They wanted to cripple those girls who dream of nothing more than to become protectors of the universe. All of this reeks of corruption.”
FemShep: “Did you tell them all of this?”
Mordin: “Yes, they…didn’t take the news very well. Once more, they seemed…broken up…had we not found the correct technique, these problems would persist. Finding Mayweather…(sniff) sheer luck. She was the only one who knew the proper technique.”
Kaidan: "But…Mayweather’s they’re friend, right? Couldn’t she tell them that, herself?”
Ashley: “Mayweather wasn’t in the same class as them. She was taught during a different year from them.”
Liara: “I would think that the mentors made certain that Mayweather would never be able to tell them.”
FemShep: “Judging by her reaction, it seemed as though she didn’t know that they were kept in the dark about this.”
Garrus: “But it seems that she had her suspicions as well.”
FemShep: “So…where are they right now?”
Liara: “They’re being consoled by a few of the other crew members, Tali, Miranda and Samantha are among the few who are consoling them now. Kelly has been working with them on counseling.”
Ashley: “I believe Samara and Thane mentioned something about meditating with them.”
Kaidan: "This is bad. How could they do this to them? Why wouldn’t they let Mayweather help them out?”
FemShep: "It sounds like there’s a lot that even she isn’t aware of.”
Garrus: “More and more, I continue to wonder what the hell is wrong with those people. What is their endgame to all of this? Why are they deliberately hurting these girls?”
Ashley: "Your guess is as good as mine. Who knows what could be going on back in their realm?”


They all stood by and pondered.
Liara: “Well, there’s something that I need to look into. I just received a report from Glyph. He noticed…something strange about one of the Intel Crystals.”


She proceeded to walk out of the room. Everyone else still stood by. Garrus seemed even more distressed and despondent. Jane took notice of this, so she walked up to him.
FemShep: “You OK, Garrus?”
Garrus: “I’m fine…I just…”
FemShep: “I know, this is really hard. Just the thought of what would happen to those girls if they hadn’t arrived here, in our galaxy…”
Garrus: “Yeah, it scares me to death. I feel sick to my stomach over the thought of it.”


Jane then embraced him.
FemShep: “I know…they were lucky to have found out…”
Garrus: “Luck…is that really all it takes for them…to find someone who would actually care about them?”
Mordin: “Hmm…unusual…suspicious…nothing about this seems right.”
Garrus: “I feel the same way, doctor. Nothing about this is right, not even the slightest. Everything about this is just so screwed up.”
Mordin: “Indeed…although grateful that we are here for them, wish they didn’t need us.”
Garrus: “Huh, I wish that, too.”


Jane continued to console Garrus. Ashley and Kaidan, still standing beside each other, exchanged worried glances.


Meanwhile, Mayweather was in the Recreation Room, sitting on one of the appultries.
Mayweather: “This has been wonderful. Everyone has been so nice to me. They seem to like my friends so much. I should be happy, but…it’s hard…well…at least my friends have managed to find some nice people that genuinely care about them. I suppose I owe them a great debt. I wonder if what I have provided is enough.”


Just then, she seemed to notice something, she looked towards the window.
Mayweather: “Huh? Who’s there?”


She walked up towards one of the windows and looked out of it.
Mayweather: “Oh! It’s you! Isn’t it? My love…so, it’s true. You have also arrived here as well.”


She closed her eyes.
Mayweather: “I must find you. Wherever you are, I must find you and return you to what you once was.”


She opened her eyes.
Mayweather: “I need to leave. I have to find…”
EDI: “Mayweather! No!”
Mayweather: “Huh!?! Who said that!?! Your voice! You sound like that…!”
EDI: “Yes, I am exactly who you think I am. I am wired throughout the entire ship. I can see everything that occurs.”
Mayweather: ”EDI, you must understand, I must…”
EDI: “I can’t let you leave.”
Mayweather: “What? Why not?”
EDI: “We all agree that what you intend to do is too risky. We don’t want that monster anywhere near you or that component that you still have in your possession.”
Mayweather: “But…I need it, it may be the only way to bring him back. I know he’s still in there, inside that horrid monster that he has become. I must go.”
EDI: “I am sorry, but I can’t allow that.”
Mayweather: “So, you intend to keep me here, like a prisoner?”
EDI: “It is better than allowing the universe to be put at risk.”


She looked back towards the window.
Mayweather: “I am sorry, but…that won’t stop me.”


From there, a light pink aura surrounded her.


EDI, who’s robot body is back within the cockpit of the ship, was able to observe this. She seemed startled.
EDI: “What the…!?!”


A few moments later, EDI burst through the door to the lab.
EDI: “Mayweather’s gone!!”
Ashley: “What!?! What do you mean!?!”
EDI: “I…I don’t know how to clarify, but…she…she somehow…teleported directly outside.”
Garrus: “She…teleported!?!”


At that moment, the girls plus a few crew members entered the lab.
Jewel: “What!?! You mean Mayweather could teleport through solid objects!?!”
Garrus: “Hold on? Teleport? You girls have the ability to teleport?”


The girls said nothing. Just then, Star, within a flash of light, teleported from the spot she stood at to directly near Mordin and Garrus. They looked over, seeming shocked. She then teleported back to the spot she stood at.
Star: “Yeah, we can. We didn’t think there was any point in telling you. Plus, it would use up some of our energy. Just walking from place to place saves a lot of that energy. Besides, Garrus would have another thing to harp us on about.”
Garrus: “Huh, you know me too well.”
Ashley: “We’ll worry about that later. We have another problem on our hands!!”
FemShep: “Ashley’s right. Mayweather is still in possession of that final component and there’s no doubt that she’s meeting up with the vigilante.”
Garrus: “At this rate, that component will be as good as his!”
Jewel: “We have to leave and go after her now!”
Garrus: “No! We’re going to set a course and go after her.”
Jewel: “We won’t get there fast enough!”
EDI: “It’s alright. I’ve already told Joker to lock on her energy reading and chase after her.”
Jewel: “I just hope we get there in time.”


Garrus walked up to Jewel and placed his hand on her shoulder.
Garrus: “We will get there. Don’t worry.”


Mayweather was soon approaching a planet within another star system. It was a lighter pink color. She flew towards the planet at great speed.


She had arrived on the surface. Reverting to her Dormant form, she walked up a bit.
Mayweather: “I have come for you, my love, just like you asked. Where are you?”


At that moment, a dark, swirling cloud appeared above her, she looked up at it. From the center of the swirl, a young man emerged from it. His clothes consisted of a black and gray colorations. He wore a black, long-sleeved shirt with gray gloves up to his elbows, gray pants with black, knee-high boots, a light gray belt with a black center and a black cape hanging from his neck. He had red eyes, short white hair that’s adorned with a large headband around his head with a dark stone. He looked down at Mayweather as he descended towards her. He then stood before her. It was the vigilante that had been responsible for everything that had happened.
Vigilante: “Mayweather, it has been a while, hasn’t it?”
Mayweather: “It has, I have longed to see you again.”
Vigilante: “Did you bring the final component?”


She pulled out what appeared to be a golden, pentagonal item.
Mayweather: “I have.”
Vigilante: “Good, come, you must return to me.”


He turned around and ascended towards the cloud.
Mayweather: “Wait!”


He turned back around and descended back down towards her.
Mayweather: “If I were to return to you with this, do you promise to return to what you once were? To the kind and caring man who fought for peace and justice, not senselessly slaughter the innocent?”


He looked back at her without any responses on her face. He then floated back down towards her.
Vigilante: “You know I can’t do that. It’s far too late to turn back.”
Mayweather: “But…why? Why have you become this…you always cared about people. Why have you become this?”
Vigilante: "Don’t you see? Simply protecting the innocent is not enough. In order for peace to thrive, all those who are guilty must be eradicated, otherwise the innocent will never remain safe.”
Mayweather: “But to slaughter the innocent?”
Vigilante: “They didn’t leave me any other choice. All those who stand in my way become obstacles and like any obstacle, they must be removed.”
Mayweather: “But…”
Vigilante: “Enough! Mayweather, you must return to me, so that we may be able to open the door.”
Mayweather: “I…I…”
Jewel: “Mayweather!!”


At that moment, she turned to look behind her. There, her friends plus several of the Normandy crew arrived.
Liara: “Mayweather!”
Splash: “Don’t do it!!”
Mayweather: “Guys! What are you doing here!?!”
Aera: “What do you think, you idiot!?! We’re trying to prevent you from putting the entire universe at risk…again.”
Ashley: “And not a moment too soon.”


Jewel grit her teeth as she glared out at him.
Jewel: “You…!!”
Garrus: “So, the necromancing coward decides to show his face.”
Jewel: “That’s not him!”
Kaidan: “What?”
Jewel: “At least, not in person. He’s still back within our realm.”
Flare: “Indeed, what we are seeing is an illusion being projected from the dark aura.”
Star: “As if it makes any difference. A monster is still a monster, no matter how he presents himself.”
Liara: “But that is what he looks like, right?”
Jewel: “Yes, that’s exactly what he looks like.”
Mordin: “No doubt it is him. His voice is not loud and booming but it is the same regardless.”
Garrus: “What Star said is right; a monster is a monster. I don’t care if I’m staring at some illusion. If this is what you are, that’s enough for me.”
Vigilante: “Hm, so you are the non-magical beings that have been a nuisance to my plans.”
Wrex: “You’ve caused a lot of trouble in our galaxy. You damn well better not show yourself in person.”
Vigilante: “And what can you possibly do? You’re all powerless beings with no traces of magic in you.”
Tali: “Maybe not, but we’ve been studying this energy and we will find a way to bring you down and make you pay for all the people that you have killed.”
Vigilante: “Hmph! So, the small specs of space dust think they stand a chance against me just for taking on solid forms? The universe truly is full of fascinating creatures.”
Kaidan: “You don’t even know the half of it.”
Vigilante: “Whatever. I grow bored of conversing with non-magical creatures. Mayweather, come back to me.”


She stood by, hesitant.
Mayweather: “No, not until you return to the man you used to have been, the man that I love.”
Wrex: “You’ve got to be kidding me! All this trouble just because the girl wants her boyfriend back?”
Aera: “She was hardly one for thinking reasonably, Wrex.”
Star: “It’s among the reasons why we relinquished all feelings and desires for that kind of stuff. I mean, if you’re into that, then more power to you, but it’s just not for us.”
FemShep: “Can’t say I really blame you.”
Vigilante: “Enough! I grow tired of this! I’ve waited too long for your return! Do as I say!”
Mayweather: “I can’t! I won’t listen to you! Not the monster that you have become! You were always the kind man who stood for justice, I want him, not the maniac who believes that the innocent would become obstacles. Return to who you were! I want you back! Romrick! Please!”
Liara: “Romrick? So that’s his name?”


The girls dropped their heads, dejected.
Romrick: “It’s no use begging and pleading. It won’t work, I have made up my mind. I am no longer that soft-hearted fool who would hold back. The guilty must be slain and all those who refuse to allow that will suffer the same fate. And besides, you weren’t upfront with me. You didn’t tell me that the final component had the ability to track down the keys. You’ve kept that from me. I was able to realize that when you were able to track down those thieves so easily.”
Mayweather: “It was because…if I simply handed it to you after I found it, then…my chances of getting you back…would dissipate….I’m willing to do all I could…to get you back…I would fly to the ends of the universe to get you to come back.”


She placed her hand on his face.
Mayweather: “Return to me…”


He removed her hand from his face.
Romrick: “So…you intend on refusing a direct order from me.”


Before anyone realized it, he backhanded her as she fell to the ground. Everyone that stood by watching were in shock.
Splash: “Mayweather!”


He approached her.
Romrick: “You have become yet another nuisance, preventing me from obtaining what I wish to have.”


At that moment, he noticed that she had a look of sadness and confusion in her eyes.
Romrick: “Your eyes, your sister had that same look in her eyes…that is, before I snuffed the Light from them.”


From there, a look of startled devastation appeared on her face.
Mayweather: “No…!!!”


Everyone else that stood around also became shocked.
FemShep: “What the…?”
Liara: “Oh, no…by the goddess…”
Tali: “Kee’lah…”
Kaidan: “I’ve read about something like that. Isn’t that a way in which Fayelons can kill one another.”
Garrus: “I’m afraid so…”
Mordin: “Yes, and with that being said…no…”
Ashley: “That b******!!”


The rage on the girls’ faces was apparent.
Splash: “How could you!?! She was your friend!!”
Romrick: "Heh, naïve as always. It is what I have said before. She was an obstacle, she got in my way, so I had to remove her. I needed to make sure that she could never get in my way again.”


Gradually, Mayweather’s shock turned into anger.
Romrick: “I won’t say it again, come back with me and hand over the final component.”
Mayweather: “You want it so bad…HERE!”


She stood up instantaneously, holding out the final component, she slammed it directly on his chest. From it, a stream of energy surged all around him. He screamed as this surge surrounded him. He then fell back.
Romrick: “What…what did you do?”
Mayweather: “I was able to learn everything about the final component the second that I touched it. Not only did I learn that I could track down the keys from it, but it also can’t be touched by Dark magic. The final component could sense the Darkness within your heart and because of that, it has rejected you, so you can’t ever touch it! The final component is inaccessible to you, so even if I did return, you will never be able to obtain it or use it. The keys will also remain inaccessible to your Dark magic.”
Romrick: “This isn’t over.”


He ascended back towards the dark cloud and it faded. Mayweather’s anger on her face soon shifted to sadness as tears weld up in her eyes, she then fell to her knees, crying uncontrollably. The others stood around and watched this, devastated for her. The girls were especially saddened by this. This went on for a while.


Back on the Normandy, Mayweather sat on a bench within the corridors on the crew quarters deck. She slumped over, sulking. Ashley then walked up to her and sat next to her.

Ashley: “Hey, how are you doing?”


Mayweather didn’t say anything.
Ashley: “I’m really sorry for what happened. I can’t tell you…how hard this is for all of us as well.”
Mayweather: “I’m sorry I caused all of you so much trouble…I feel so stupid…I made some mistakes. I should have never tried to help him…”
Ashley: “Mayweather…”
Mayweather: “I was so desperate to get him back. But…my friends were right…the man I once loved…he’s gone. I wish…I had realized that sooner…”
Ashley: “Although…not many of us were thrilled about your actions…we understand why you did what you do. For all we know, you could have been right, but then again, even if you were…it wouldn’t have mattered.”


She lifted her head.
Mayweather: “If I had found out…what really happened to my sister…I couldn’t have caused any of this…my friends…what they did…what they’ve been through. I put them through so much…and it was…all for nothing…something that I thought was there….was already gone…”
Ashley: “You can’t blame yourself, not too much. There’s so much more that’s going on. All of you…you were just doing…what you believed was the right thing. You’re still young girls who are inexperienced. You shouldn’t dwell on what has happened, it’s too late to change any of it. All you can do is just go with it. Besides, it’s not all bad. If you hadn’t done what you did, the girls would not have found us. They couldn’t be happier to be here with us.”
Mayweather: “I suppose you’re right. I’m so happy it worked out for them. They seem happy to be with you guys. You’ve been so good to them; you’ve done more for them than…anyone ever could. I’m grateful to you for that.”
Ashley: “We had to make the most of our situation. Regardless, it’s been wonderful to have them here and we’re glad we could be what they needed.”
Mayweather: “Hm, they’re not even guardians yet, and they’ve already found a potential new home. I hope you guys continue to take good care of them.”
Ashley: “You don’t ever have to worry about that, Mayweather. They’re in good hands. My friends and I, we are among the best things that they could have ever encountered.”
Mayweather: “Well, then, there’s…one other thing that I would like for you to do for me.”
Ashley: “What is it?”


Mayweather grabbed on to Ashley’s hands, held them out in a palm position and placed the final component into it.
Mayweather: “I want you to have this.”
Ashley: “The final component? Mayweather, are you sure?”


She nodded her head.
Mayweather: “Keep it safe. Even though it has rejected him, he will find a way to claim it and he would tear apart this entire realm just to do so. Also…I don’t want anything to do with it anymore…”
Ashley: “Mayweather…”


She stood up.
Ashley: “What will you do now?”
Mayweather: “I don’t know…maybe I’ll find…a planet where I can continue to utilize my powers…but…I just want…to be alone right now…”
Ashley: “We understand. Will we see you again?”
Mayweather: “Perhaps, but right now….I need to clear my head…and think about everything that has happened.”
Ashley: “OK…but just know…if and whenever you’d like to return…you’ll be welcomed back. Our doors will always be open for you.”
Mayweather: “Thank you…you…you’ve always been good friends…I’ll be happy to come back…I’ll never forget your kindness…all of you…have been…wonderful…”


Ashley smiled. Mayweather walked off.


Soon enough, she was seen outside, flying away from the Normandy in her Metamorphose, drifting through space at great speed.

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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