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Magical Girls in Mass Effect


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Episode 51-Contemplation

Several days had passed since that fateful day. Things had been progressing as normal. Everyone continued their day, going about their normal routine. The girls continued to practice their abilities, research that had to be done on their abilities continued diligently. Mordin and Liara worked continuously looking into the Intel Crystals almost as though they were coming close to making breakthroughs. Garrus, still looking after the girls, has had his ups and downs with managing his position. On top of that, the girls, now having learned how to utilize their powers correctly, began to improve in form and prowess. Mixed with a regular diet, the girls seemed to have become more energetic, it showed in their techniques. They were soon able to learn more advanced techniques, having more control over their powers and carrying out more massive forms of their own natural elements. Even their most advanced abilities were easier to carry out. The crew seemed pleased by this, especially with seeing them flourish the way they were supposed to be. From there was where progress truly commenced.


On a particular day, the girls were practicing their powers. They seemed to have displayed more advanced and massive forms that really showed how much they have improved. Splash, having enjoyed her waterpowers many times in the past, have summoned a massive waterspout shooting upward along with 2 smaller spouts nearby. She was making a real spectacle as she redirected them to fly all around the higher areas of the cargo hold. Aera commanded massive gusts of wind as though she was summoning a massive windstorm. Star brought out huge bursts of Light energy, shot out several lasers at the same time. Flare brought out huge bursts of her flames, summoning massive fires around her entire body. Several of the crew members were watching all of this take place. However, Garrus was heavily fixated on Jewel who was focusing on her Gemma Kinetic powers. She had conjured up what appeared to be large shards of jewelry then combining them all into one even more massive jewel, then shattering them into smaller shards then changing and warping their shapes. Garrus could not keep his eyes off of her progress, he seemed almost mesmerized by it. Few others took notice of this as well.


After some time, the girls finished up and regrouped with the crew members.
Mordin: “Exquisite. Seems like you girls are getting stronger each day. Your prowess and utilizations have increased tremendously. Your bodies are also showing signs of healing from any fatigue and physical damage.”
Kasumi: “Their improvement has been very apparent.”
Flare: “Yes, we have noticed that, too.”
Aera: “We definitely feel stronger.”
Ashley: “You girls look stronger, too.”
Jewel: “I suppose...”


Everyone looked Jewel as she sulked.
Jewel: "Everyone back at home told me that I wouldn't be able to carry out these kinds of advanced maneuvers. It wasn't because they didn't believe in me....it was because...they didn't want me to...Heh, guess I'm even more of a disappointment to them."


They looked concerned. Traynor walked up to Jewel and consoled her.
Traylor: “Well, for what it’s worth, we’re all proud of you.”
Miranda: “Yes, we are.”
Liara: “You’re wonderful, Jewel. As far as we know, you are the most dedicated Gemma Kinetic of them all and that should count for so much more than being the most qualified.”


Jewel looked up and smiled.
Mordin: “And all it took was figuring out the correct techniques to utilizing your powers. Seemed so simple, couldn’t believe that I was unable to figure it out on my own. But...we all can’t be know-it-alls.”
Aera: “No kidding.”
Mordin: “Still, pleased to see how much you girls have improved.”
Garrus: “Not as much as I am, professor. I’m just relieved that all of you are doing better, health wise as well.”
FemShep: “You seem much less fatigued. It seemed almost like a week since the last time you girls tired yourselves out. I have to say that I’m very glad to see how much you have improved.”
Aera: “It’s true, we don’t feel as tired as we usually do. These practice runs usually make us feel worn down, we would feel like taking a long nap by now, but we still feel like we could keep going.”
Splash: “It’s true and we were unable to use such full forces of our abilities before. I’ve never summoned so many waterspouts before. When I do, I would feel like I wore myself down a little too much, but now, I wanna do more!!”
Jacob: “It’s amazing how a change in technique could improve so much.”
Samara: “But we were finally able to and the girls have improved immensely.”
Liara: “And it’s all thanks to Mayweather.”
Then at that moment, the girls started sulking. The crew members seemed worried about them.
Ashley: “It...really is a shame what had happened....”
Traynor: “It has been a while since we last saw her. She must have spent so much of that time alone.”
Tali: “Yes…I would imagine…”
Liara: “I...can understand...How long has it been since...we last saw her...?”
FemShep: “I think it’s already been a week. We haven’t even heard anything about her...”
Liara: “She...must have a lot on her mind right now...especially after...that incident...”
Garrus: “Yeah, I know, that was when we came face-to-face with...him...the vigilante...or rather...a projection of him...”
Kasumi: “Poor Mayweather...to find out that...her sister...was killed by her own boyfriend, the man that she loved...she must be in a lot of pain...”


Garrus was looking over to the girls, who were still sulking.
Garrus: “She’s not the only one.”
Tali: “Bosh’ tet, how could he? That...monster...!!!”


Liara stood by, concerned, for a bit, then walked up to them.
Liara: “We’re so sorry about your loss...”


The girls still sulked.
Liara: “Perhaps...you could tell us...about...Mayweather’s sister...Chlorophina, was it?”


The girls were still sulking.
Liara: “What was she like? Was she...a friend of yours?”


The girls sulked a bit more, without saying anything for a brief moment.
Jewel: “She was...one of our good friends...she was kind, dedicated, so loving, but...”
Star: “We were the only ones who liked her.”
Traynor: “And why is that? She was clearly such a good person.”
Garrus: “Hm, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was why she was so disliked by your kind.”
Ashley: “After hearing about how screwed up their kind had been, yeah, no surprise there.”
Jewel: “Well, maybe, but...”
Flare: “It was her devotion towards edible plants, it was her passion, which was...why she was so horribly mistreated...”
Mordin: “Hmm...edible plants...already have a feeling of where this is going.”
Flare: “Among the chlorokinetics, to be engrossed in edible plants...it’s...almost like a taboo that so many were terrified to take part of.”
Aera: "But Chlorophina was the only one with the courage to take on that passion. Everyone was so scared of her because of it.”
Kaidan: “She was shunned by her kind, wasn’t she?”
Aera: “Naturally. No one would even dare to converse with someone who would take on something so...I guess you could say...verboten, they would also go as far as try to deter her from it. Even her parents wanted to discourage her.”
Jewel: “Mayweather has had a difficult relationship with her sister because of that, but...she did love her dearly. Their parents were perplexed by this, though. We heard that they have many times attempted to discourage their relationship, to set Mayweather against her own sister.”
Jacob: “They wanted to drive a wedge between their own daughters?”
Jewel: “Yes...it did work several times.”
Kasumi: “That’s terrible. What kind of parents would want their own children to be at each other’s throats?”
Jewel: “Well…I wouldn’t say it was that bad, regardless, Mayweather loved her sister too much. She was scared for her sister and even went as far as discouraging her passion. But she did eventually warm up to the idea...Though...it was strenuous...”


Liara, still standing near the girls, looked at them as they sulked.
Liara: “I apologize if this is all so painful for you. Perhaps...if you would like, we could...probably put this aside...”
Jewel: “No, it’s fine, really. We want to talk about her...”
Liara: “So, when did you girls first meet Mayweather and her sister Chlorophina?”


They hesitated before answering.
Jewel: “It was during our 4th sol cycle at the academy. At the time, it was just with Chlorophina who we were friends with. Mayweather was...hesitant.”
Splash: “She seemed very sweet, but...everyone avoided her.”
Aera: “Heh, we knew what that was like.”
Liara: “Because of her interest in edible plants.”
Jewel: “Yes. She was able to find out that food is more than just pleasure, but everyone else didn’t believe her. It was almost as if they refused to believe her, like they wanted to think she was crazy.”
Splash: "She was such an amazing cook. All her recipes were amazing. They were so yummy, we loved all of them!!”
Aera: “When Chlorophina told us about her discoveries, we were the only ones who believed her. As she went into it more and more, it began to make sense. Again, we were the only ones who believed her. Like Jewel said, it was like everyone else didn’t want to believe her.”
Flare: “Our mentors were...less than pleased by this as well. Even our headmistress was strongly against it from the beginning. Their discontent towards us increased even more from there after finding out that we were supporting her.”
Star: “But there really wasn’t anything they could do about it.”
Kaidan: “Wait a minute, wasn’t it true that you guys believed in food being nothing more than pleasure, but your friend continued to disprove it. Wouldn’t your mentors have done everything in their power to dissuade her?”
Star: “They used to. They had objected so many times, trying to forbid her from continuing what they believed was a crazy fabrication.”
Aera: “Or rather, what they wanted to believe was a crazy fabrication.”
Flare: “But that power was taken away from them.”
Traynor: “By who?”
Jacob: “The Disciples of Order, right?”
Star: “Yep, that’s right. Who else could overrule the authority of our mentors and headmistress? They encouraged Chlorophina to keep at her studies.”
Aera: “They spoke to her as though it was a sworn obligation, like she needed to tell everyone.”
Jewel: “It became her main project and if our mentors would even try to discourage her even a little, the consequences of their defiance would be severe.”
Ashley: “I see...”
Liara: “What happened afterwards? Was she able to finish her projects?”
Splash: “Yep, she graduated! She had the highest honors and was praised heavily by the Disciples of Order.”
Aera: “The Disciples, themselves, held the ceremony considering that no one else wanted to. They went on and on about how her studies and hard work had been extraordinary, not to mention her dedication towards edible plants had been most exquisite. It was almost like she had some incredibly massive achievement.”
Flare: “Indeed.”
Star: “We were the only ones who celebrated, everyone else just had to sit by, begrudgingly accepting this monumental achievement of hers.”
Flare: “It was...disheartening to see everyone’s unpleasant grimaces. Even her parents weren’t pleased in the least bit.”
Kasumi: “Whoa, even her parents weren’t proud of her?”
Jewel: “Not really....”
Tali: “Kee’lah...”
Jewel: "We were all looking forward to so many accomplishments that she would make in the future. However...it was...short lived...”
Garrus: “That fateful day...you’re talking about that.”
Jewel: “Yes....Chlorophina graduated the same year as...him...”
Jacob: “Him? You’re referring to the vigilante?”
Garrus: “Or rather Romrick, right?”


The girls hesitated as they sulked.
Jewel: “Yes...after his...graduation...he became a vigilante...a hero...he was...amazing...but then he made his first kill...and then another after that...”
Ashley: “We already know that it escalated from there.”
Jewel: “We were all horrified when we heard about what he had become. Chlorophina confronted him that day...trying to return him...”
Kaidan: “Just like what Mayweather tried to do a while back.”
Liara: “It was then and there that...she was killed...”
Jewel: “Yes...we were told that the criminal he was after was who killed her, and he hunted him down then killed him...but...”
Jacob: “But it was actually Romrick that killed her.”
Jewel: “Yes...”


Garrus seemed a bit frustrated. He walked up to the girls.
Garrus: “Why didn’t you girls tell us his name?”
Jewel: “Because the man we knew as Romrick...is dead to us.”
EDI: “And yet, you mentioned his name once.”


EDI was seen walking in.
Ashley: “She did?”
EDI: “Yes, a while back when they first fought against that first monster that appeared here in the cargo bay. She said that HE would never find HER. HER referring to Mayweather.”
Kasumi: “Huh, that is...interesting.”
Jewel: “It was bad enough that he committed so many of those kills, but...it hurts so much...to find out that...he would do that to Chlorophina, as well...what hurt the most about it was that...he called her an obstacle. He used to be so kind, he cared about each of us. To call her that...it was as though...he didn’t care about her anymore.”
Garrus: “It demonstrated that he really did become a cold-blooded killer and someone that is not your friend. Yes, I understand, it must be painful for you to even say his name, especially after finding out what.”


The girls continued to sulk. Splash then began bursting into tears, crying uncontrollably. Flare pulled her close and consoled her. The crew members stood by, saddened.


Sometime later, several of the crew members still remained within the cargo bay, chatting with one another. The girls had already left. Garrus, however, was left alone with his thoughts. At that moment, Liara and Mordin went up to him.
Liara: “Garrus, is it OK if we could have a word with you?”
Garrus: “Hm? Oh, uh, OK, sure, what is it?”
Liara: “We’ve been looking into some important things and we thought we should share them with you.”
Garrus: “Um, OK.”


They walked up towards the entrance to the cargo bay and stood along one another.
Liara: “So, Mordin and I have been looking into the Intel Crystals. For a while, we didn’t find anything, although there were a few surprising discoveries.”
Garrus: “OK, so what about these discoveries did you want to share with me?”
Mordin: “We’ve already mentioned that there have been several readings that were very alarming, many of which involved Dark energy within some of them. There were some theories that we have come up with, however, after further examination, there have been more surprising discoveries.”
Liara: “We would like for you to come with us so that we could better explain everything.”
Garrus: “That’s fine. I want to see everything that you guys have found out.”
Mordin: “Certainly, please follow us.”


They left the cargo bay.


They eventually arrived within Liara’s office. Upon entering, Garrus noticed a table containing a lot of the crystals. Some of them were grouped together differently from one another.
Garrus: “Whoa, you guys really have been busy with these crystals.”
Mordin: “Yes, Dr. T’Soni and I have been researching them continuously and persistantly, extracting intel from them as well as...other things. Dr. T’Soni, if you would not mind.”
Liara: “Of course not. We had already found out a lot. It’s time we need to share our findings.”
Mordin: “Very well then. Hoping you would still be up for it.”


They walked up to the table. Garrus stood in front of it from the side of the doorway, Liara walked over to the other side and Mordin stood in the middle corner, in clear view of the monitors.
Liara: “So, to start off, we have mentioned to you before that there have been some crystals that have been blocked out and some that have been accessible.”
Garrus: “Yes, I remember the rest of the crew mentioning something about having the same experiences, almost like some unusual entity was forcing them out or something like that.”
Liara: “Well, I have been analyzing the crystals and have found that there are some that contain traces of Dark energy and some that are clear of that.”
Garrus: “You mean...they’ve been tampered with?”
Liara: “That may be the case. I have discussed this many times with Mordin, he did provide some help with the examinations. His data was extremely invaluable.”
Mordin: “Dr. T’Soni and I have theorized that the crystals were corrupted somehow, however, new truths have come to light, no pun intended.”
Liara: “At first, we believed that while there were some that have been corrupted, there may be some that were partially tampered with. But...that may not actually be the case...”
Garrus: “What do you mean?”
Mordin: “The crystals that were corrupted, none of them partially but completely.”
Garrus: “Is that so? If that’s the case, then why were there some that you were able to access a portion of the intel within while others are completely cut off?”
Liara: “Well...all of those questions came to light after I came across one of those crystals.”


Mordin held up one of the crystals.
Mordin: “This crystal right here. Was completely inaccessible until recently. Dr. T’Soni was able to look into its contents. She was able to see the intel that was stored within it.”
Garrus: “What? But...that crystal...isn’t it corrupted?”
Mordin: “Yes, regardless, the data within it was accessible. Was able to extract the data within it. It...regards the girls and the correct way for them to carry out their powers.”
Garrus: “You mean the Flow Technique that was demonstrated to us by Mayweather?”
Liara: “Yes, it mentioned everything that she had told us, including how important it is for them to not overexert their powers, otherwise they could cause long-term health problems in the future.”
Garrus: "So, all of this information, we had it this whole time and we could not access it??? Unbelievable!!”
Mordin: “Yes, it is indeed a frustrating matter, could never have known if not for Mayweather even though we contained a crystal that held that kind of information.”
Garrus: “But wait, you said the crystal was corrupted, so how were you able to gain access to that information?”
Liara: “That’s something we had just found out not long afterwards. It seems that the crystal contained more than the intended intel within. It turns out that...some of the crystals, much like this one, have undergone a curse.”
Garrus: “A curse?”
Liara: “From what I’ve found out, this curse makes it so that the information within the crystals would be locked out. There would be no way to learn of any knowledge within them. But this curse seems to have a weakness.”
Garrus: “Weakness?”
Liara: “Yes, apparently the curse will not work on anyone who knows the knowledge contained within them. From there, it started to make sense.”
Garrus: “So basically, we need to learn any knowledge within the crystals in order for them to be accessible.”
Liara: “Yes.”
Garrus: “Great, that’s just great. All this knowledge is at our fingertips and we can’t gain access to them.”
Mordin: “Thankfully not all of them. There are some that are accessible to us, however, there seems to be a pattern to this curse.”
Garrus: “Really? How so?”
Liara: “The knowledge that we're able to gain access to, it’s all the basic information. However, it seems that the more advanced knowledge seems to be the ones that we can’t access.”
Garrus: "That can’t be a coincidence. Someone didn’t want anyone else to know about the kinds of information that I’m sure many would consider well-guarded.”
Mordin: “Knowledge is power, ignorance makes people easier to influence.”
Garrus: “Hm, it makes me wonder how much of their kind are even aware of a lot of these facts. I’m guessing a majority have been kept in the dark.”
Mordin: “Pun not intended?”
Garrus: “This isn’t a joking matter, so what do you think?”
Mordin: “Just making sure.”
Liara: “Well, there’s no doubt that we have so much of the Fayelons’ knowledge in our possession, but it is apparent that there is so much that some of their kind want to keep from everyone else, including members of their own kind.”
Garrus: “No kidding, I thought we were able to gain the upperhand in this conflict, but it seems that someone was already a step ahead of us. Damn it!”
Mordin: “Guess we have no other choice but to learn much of this ourselves.”
Garrus: “Is there any way we can break the curse though? I mean, it does have a weakness, so there is a way to eradicate it, right?”
Liara: “Well, it may be a stretch, but...I guess there would be a way to destroy this curse.”
Mordin: “Hm...considering Dark magic is involved, perhaps the only way to eradicate it would be to somehow utilize the Supreme Light Magic on these crystals.”
Garrus: “That’s even more difficult than learning all of this by ourselves!! That might even be impossible!!”
Mordin: “Perhaps, but it is an option worth taking. Don’t forget, not the first time we were able to extract the Supreme Light Magic.”


He held his arm up, with which his omni-tool was switched on.
Mordin: “In case you couldn’t remember.”
Garrus: “Oh, right, that! Of, course, how did I forget about that?”
Mordin: “However, this does bring up a cause for concern. Need to look into something before doing anything else.”


Mordin walked out of the room. Garrus and Liara stood by as they saw him leave.
Garrus: “Great, what is he up to this time?”
Liara: “Perhaps it’s just best to let him be. You know how he is when he gets like this.”
Garrus: “Yeah, you may be right....”


Garrus looked back towards the door.
Garrus: "That guy can be a headache sometimes, but...I don’t think we would trust anyone else more than him.”
Liara: “I agree...he has been more than invaluable in this.”
Garrus: “Yeah...he has...”


Meanwhile, on the bridge, Joker and EDI were tending to the cockpit as usual. EDI was busy with her end when she looked towards Joker who seemed agitated.
EDI: “Jeff? Is there something the matter?”
Joker: “Huh? Um...no, why?”
EDI: “You seem...agitated. If you are angry with me...not telling you...what the girls discussed during their private conversation, I would like to...”
Joker: “No, I’m not angry with you or the girls or anyone else. I’m just frustrated...with this whole situation. As a matter of fact, after what we found out, it’s no wonder why the girls were too scared to tell us anything about it. With something as big as that, especially since it pretty much decides the fate of the entire universe, I feel really bad for them, to carry all of that on their shoulders.”
EDI: “I see...well, thank you for understanding.”
Joker: “Heh, it’s no problem, after finding out that, I knew what they were keeping to themselves was something big, but not anything that big. I wouldn’t trust anyone with news that big if I were them.”
EDI: “Indeed.”
Joker: “Actually, no, I was wrong before, I actually am angry with someone. I’m angry at those a******* back within the Fayelons’ realm for doing this to them, for having them take on this burden when they’re more qualified, for mistreating them and not teaching them how to use their powers correctly.”
EDI: “It is a....harrowing predicament.”
Joker: “I mean, what the hell is going on with those people!?! And why aren’t they taking any responsibility with preventing those keys from falling into the hands of that umbrakinetic b******!?!”
EDI: “Hm, you think with something that massive, someone more qualified and formidable against this evil would have stepped up and done something.”
Joker: “Right, but...no. The only ones who felt that they needed to actually do something were those girls. What the hell!?!”
EDI: “There is still a lot that we don’t know. Perhaps it is because they’re the only ones who can, or it could be some other problem that may be going on.”
Joker: “Oh, there’s a problem alright and it’s that entire society of magic wielding protectors of the universe who probably don’t want to do anything for their goddess or the entire universe for that matter.”
EDI: “Hm...whatever it may be, it is more so the matter of their entire race, it is out of our hands.”
Joker: “Grrr!! I wish there is something more we can do for them.”
EDI: “Everyone else on the ship thinks that way as well. We are powerless to do anything.”
Joker: “Man, I wish Shepard would come out of his coma already; he always knew what to do.”
EDI: “Well, for the time being, we need to continue helping those girls out to the best of our abilities.”
Joker: “Damn, well...who knew how much worse things could have gotten if we hadn’t found Mayweather.”
EDI: “I am thankful that we did. We could not allow that final component to fall into the hands of that vigilante.”
Joker: “Yeah, Romrick, was it? I can’t believe how much of an a****** that guy was, and to find out that he killed his own girlfriend’s sister?”
EDI: “The girls seem to have not taken that news well.”
Joker: “No, of course not, and Mayweather? I mean, it seemed like it reopened old wounds.”
EDI: “Indeed. She might have started the grieving process again.”
Joker: “It must hurt her even more than when she found out her sister was dead. Almost like she died all over again. I can’t believe he would do that. He really isn’t the same man that those girls once knew.”
EDI: “No...it seems like it...and Mayweather finally realized that.”
Joker: “I really do feel sorry for them. This must have taken such a huge toll on them.”
EDI: “This may also be why they wanted to take on this burden alone. They feel almost responsible since the person that has been causing so much trouble is someone they knew.”
Joker: “Yeah, I can understand that, but clearly, they can’t handle this alone.”
EDI: “No, they can’t and...they may have realized that when they fought against that Dark entity the first time they arrived in our galaxy. We must do what we can for them.”
Joker: “You don’t need to tell me. They have my full support. No way in hell they’re taking on this menace by themselves, not while we’re still alive.”
EDI: “Indeed.”
Joker: “By the way, that...final component, did Ash manage to lock it away after Mayweather handed it to her?”
EDI: “There is no need to worry about that. It is stored away someplace where no one is able to retrieve it.”
Joker: “Well, that’s a relief. Even if Romrick can’t touch it, he still would try and find a way to steal it.”
EDI: “Well, Mordin seemed interested in looking into its contents and properties. He seems very interested in studying that mystic item.”
Joker: “Of course he would; something like that would be bound to peak his interest. Is Garrus at least keeping a close eye on him as usual?”
EDI: “Of course, he seemed really nervous when he heard Mordin was interested in studying that item.”
Joker: “Good, I wouldn’t want anything to happen. Who knows what that magical item can do? For all we know, even poking it with a stick could cause it to explode.”
EDI: “That would not be possible, but anything can happen. Regardless, Dr. Solus promised to handle it with care. I should also remind you that Liara is interested in studying it as well.”
Joker: “Well, I’m not worried about her handling it. She’s usually gentle.”
EDI: “Well, even so, rest assured that the final component could not be in safer hands.”
Joker: “I hope so.”


Sometime later, several of the crew members met within the Mess Hall, chatting away. A few more joined in. Mordin was the last to arrive.
Miranda: “Oh, good, you guys are here.”
Liara: “Yes, we have been busy looking over a few things.”
Kaidan: “Seems like you guys have been busy for a while.”
Garrus: “That would be one way to put it.”
Mordin: “Found some interesting data regarding the Intel Crystals. Have also looked into the Final Component.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I have noticed that considering that I’ve been keeping a close eye on you during the analysis. That component is extremely important, so we can’t risk doing anything reckless to it.”
Mordin: "Of course, appreciate you keeping close observations on my research.”
Garrus: “By the way, how have the girls been doing? Where are they now, first of all?”
Miranda: “They’re currently with Chambers receiving counseling. They’re trying all they can to sort through their grief of...the terrible revelations about Chlorophina...”
Garrus: "I see...hopefully, she’s helping.”
Femshep: “Chambers has had several sessions with those girls for the past several days. There’s no doubt progress was made, but...”
Liara: “It will take some time, I’m sure she will help them through the grieving process.”
Ashley: “I hope so...”
Femshep: “Of course...having found out that their own friend was the one that murdered her...it must have reopened old wounds and it must hurt even more than when they found out about her death.”
Kasumi: “Those poor girls. I feel even more sorry for Mayweather. All of this must be even worse for her...”
Ashley: “I would understand what she would go through if the guy I dated murdered one of my sisters. The pain she’s feeling...it must be too much for any of us to bear...”
Jacob: “Mayweather may need some time to herself to sort through her feelings. This may be the worst thing that she has ever had to deal with.”
Traynor: “I would like for her to come back to us someday. That dinner she made was unbelievable.”
Kasumi: “I would like that, too, but...it would be up to her if she would like to return to us.”
Tali: “Yeah, it would be nice, but that should be her decision to make.”
Jacob: “Absolutely. We need to give her space. That’s all we can do for her at the moment.”
Liara: “We would welcome her back with open arms. I hope she understands that our doors will always be open for her whenever she would like to return.”
Kasumi: “I would like to see her again, but I can wait.”
Ashley: “We kind of have to at the moment. There really is nothing else we can do for her.”
Miranda: “Well then, there’s nothing else that needs to be discussed. We can continue this with her when she comes back, for now, we should leave this be and settle on the other issues at hand.”
Garrus: “Yeah, perhaps we should because we have a lot more serious problems to go over. And I hate to say it, but their problems run even deeper than what we had recently found out. Their pain doesn’t even end with finding out what that b****** Romrick did to his own girlfriend’s sister."
Miranda: “Of course, if only it did end there.”
Traynor: “It also seems that it doesn’t even begin there.”
Kaidan: “Yeah, given what we had found out about their society, it seems like the death of their friend wasn’t even the worst of them.”
Tali: “Anyone else feel that everyone back at home was thrilled to find out about Chlorophina’s death?”


Everyone in the room was silent.
Traynor: “Oh...please...say it isn’t so...”
Garrus: “Tali...may have a point. Based on what we’ve heard about her...it seemed that...her sister and friends were the only ones who were fond of her. Everyone else...”
Miranda: “She was treated like a nuisance back home, wasn’t she?”
Kasumi: “But from what the girls told us, she seemed so sweet. I still can’t believe that she would be hated by everyone else.”
Kaidan: “Well, judging by how so many within that society is, that must have been a reason why she was hated so much.”
Garrus: “Heh! That would not surprise me at all. Their society is pretty much populated by selfish, sadistic a******* who get a kick out of tormenting and bullying sweet, kindhearted people like her and the girls.”
Kasumi: “That may be true, but...there was also the matter of her and her fascination towards edible plants.”
Garrus: “Oh, right, there’s that, too.”
Kaidan: “Well, I never ruled out that possibility. She must have been hated so much for pushing something that they didn’t want to believe in. To find out about her death must have been like a huge relief for them.”
Jacob: “Hmmm...that sounds...inauspicious...”
Mordin: “But...bringing up the topic of edible plants. It had been encouraged that food is to be nothing more than pleasure, but giving what was found out...”
Garrus: “Encouraged? Seemed more like enforced. The chlorokinetics were intimidated from becoming impassioned by edible plants, almost as though they were being threatened. If I didn’t know better, I would think that someone or something had threatened them with their lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had gone that far.”
Mordin: “Indeed. The certitude of food being nothing more than pleasure was confirmed by us to be a lie and one that many enforced throughout many generations of their kind. But if someone were to look into the genuine effects that food has on Fayelons, then the enforced fabrication of food being nothing more than pleasure...”
Garrus: “It seemed as though if the chlorokinetics would actually look into edible plants, then they would have been able to figure that out themselves.”
Ashley: “They must have thought that Chlorophina was crazy to develop a passion for this.”
Jacob: “But it seemed that deep down, they knew the truth. Yeah, Garrus may be right about having their lives threatened; someone was desperate to conceal the truth about food.”
Kaidan: “Someone incredibly powerful or influential must have had the capability to threaten an entire race of magical beings to discourage them from any means of finding out about any of this.”
Garrus: “It’s very clear as to what was really going on: Chlorophina wasn’t crazy; she just knew too much.”

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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Episode 52-Reassurance

Sometime afterwards, several of the crew members were with the girls in the QEC, talking to the holographic images of Admiral Hackett and Prime Minister Jones.

Hackett: “I see...so...that’s what has happened.”
Ashley: “And that’s everything so far.”
Hackett: “Hmm...is that so? I’m sorry I never got the chance to meet this...Mayweather, but she already has my condolences for her losses.”
Jewel: “Thank you, admiral.”
Hackett: “I would like to meet her some time, but I won’t make any demands. She’ll need the time to herself with everything that she’s been through.”
Flare: “We appreciate that.”
Prime Minister: “There is much more that we need to go over. First off, this vigilante, Romrick, was his name?”
Jewel: “Yes...we’re so sorry that we never told you...we understand if you’re angry with us for that.”
Hackett: “No need for apologies, Jewel. From what you have been through, we understand how much pain that name brings you. Even remembering it must cause so much of that alone.”
Jewel: “Thank you...”
Ashley: “There is a lot involving Mayweather’s sister, Chlorophina, that we need to discuss.”
Prime Minister: “Ah, yes, the matter of her and her fascination towards edible plants causing so much trouble amongst her kind. That, in of itself, is alarming to hear about.”
Garrus: “Yes, but it’s more so the reasons behind them and the dark nature involved.”
Prime Minister: “Yes, I am very well aware of that, Officer Vakarian. It is all quite disturbing.”
Garrus: “That’s one way to put it.”
Mordin: "It was apparent that Chlorophina had been looking into the truth behind the effects that food had on their entire kind. Having been said, she was uncovering the very things about it that we have discovered.”
Prime Minister: “Yes, that is a cause for concern, Dr. Solus, and the implications behind the means of concealing such truths. I am not happy with what I am hearing.”
Garrus: “You and me, both, Prime Minister.”
Hackett: “It sounds as though there were attempts to make Chlorophina out to be a nuisance, all for uncovering truths that many did not want anyone to find out.”
Mordin: “Yes, truly among many other disturbing incidences regarding the Fayelon race.”
Star: “Many of our mentors back at home did all they could to discourage Chlorophina from continuing on with her research regarding this passion of hers. We were the only ones who supported her.”
Splash: “Even her parents didn’t support her.”
Aera: “Her and Mayweather’s relationship had many issues because of this, but Mayweather’s love for her sister was the only thing that prevented them from becoming completely strained.”
Hackett: “Sounds to me like a complicated matter.”
Aera: “Oh, was it ever?”
Jewel: “Regardless, Chlorophina was our friend.”
Splash: “Oh, absolutely!! And we were always happy to support her.”
Tali: “Good on you for being their when no one else wasn’t.”
Prime Minister: “Yes, indeed.”
Jewel: “It was our pleasure.”
Splash: “Oh, absolutely!!”
Hackett: “It was noble of you to stand by your friend. She sounded like a kind person. I wish I could meet her.”
Jewel: “I feel the same.”
Hackett: “Well, it’s very clear that there are many issues involved with this magical race, with Chlorophina and her fascination towards edible plants barely scratching the surface.”
Garrus: “We know. There is a lot that we have uncovered but there is still so much more that we don’t understand.”
Kasumi: “I assume all of you are looking into this as much as we are.”
Prime Minister: “Yes, that is correct. Our findings are turning up a lot of disturbing truths. We don’t like what we are seeing so far.”
Ashley: “I wouldn’t think so.”
Miranda: “I am scared for the girls and the situation that we’ve gotten ourselves involved with; it is proving to be quite dangerous.”
Kasumi: “It’s nothing we can’t handle, though. Besides, we can’t turn our backs on this.”
Miranda: “Yes, especially since it’s too late to turn back now.”
Liara: “We were able to find out so much more about their cultures and their powers. After having to deal with some unexpected hurdles, obstructions and impediments that have gotten in the way of our research, we’ve made several breakthroughs and they are all quite astonishing.”
FemShep: “All of you have been doing good so far, regardless of all the hurdles. Keep up the good work. My know my cousin would have been pleased.”
Liara: ”I appreciate that, Jane.”
Garrus: Yes, but thanks to that damn curse that was placed on some of the Intel Crystals, there’s still some information that’s unattainable. We’re doing all we can to bypass and eliminate it. Even the knowledge involving how the Fayelons should carry out their own powers were blocked out from us completely.”
Tali: “And all it took was for Mayweather to show us how it was done properly. Can you believe that?”
Hackett: “Yes, that does sound like one inconvenient annoyance, but there is still the matter of who it was that placed that curse on those crystals in the first place.”
Garrus: “Which adds another one to the list of annoying mysteries to solve about the magical race.”
Mordin: “But a number of them have been answered.”
Garrus: “And yet, those answers bring us more questions.”
Mordin: “Also true, but still, a mystery to solve is always thrilling.”
Garrus: “I’m glad you’re enjoying this, doctor, because all of this is a major headache on my end.”
Mordin: “Exactly why I’m here.”
Hackett: “Well, keep up the good work. We’re getting deeper into this mess and although I don’t like what we’re seeing, I’m at least glad that it’s helping the girls in some way.”
Jewel: “It has...thank you, everyone, for being here for us.”
Hackett: “No need to thank us, Jewel, it’s our pleasure.”
Liara: “Of course, we’ll always be here for you, no matter how difficult things are or will get.”
Garrus: “Yeah, you can count on that, especially with me.”
Star: "Oh, we know.”
Hackett: “Now then, we had better get going. Let me know when Mayweather comes back; I would like to meet her.”
FemShep: “Not to worry, we’ll make sure to have that meeting arranged whenever possible.”
Hackett: “Thank you.”

The images deactivated.
Liara: “You girls OK?”
Jewel: “We’re fine....we just...”
Liara: “We understand. You’ve been through a lot already. If there is anything you would like for us to talk about, we’re here for you.”
FemShep: “Always keep in mind that Chambers isn’t the only one you can talk to about this.”
Jewel: “We know...and thank you...”

Within a short amount of time, they met with the other crew members. Among them were Wrex and Grunt who approached the girls.
Wrex: “I’ve got in touch with Eve back on Tuchanka and told her about everything that just happened. She wanted to let you know that she sends her condolences and that you girls are on her mind.”
Flare: “That is greatly appreciated. Let her know that we said thank you.”
Wrex: “That won’t be a problem, kid.”
Grunt: “I can’t believe what that b****** did. I want to rip his head off and tear him limb from limb. And I would, too, if he didn’t have such incredibly strong powers.”
Aera: “I don’t find that hard to believe.”
Thane: “How are you girls holding up? I hope that those sessions you’re having with Chambers are at least helping you in some ways.”
Jewel: “It is helping. We’re getting through the grieving process, but she is aware that it’ll take a lot more time.”
Thane: “That is understandable. I know how it feels to lose someone you care about through such terrible circumstances. I have been there, believe me.”
Jewel: “We know and thank you.”
Samara: “I just hope that Mayweather is at least able to find a way to get through this, though it may not be easy.”
Jewel: “Don’t worry about her, the time that she’ll have to herself will help in some way. She always had a tendency to handle things by herself. It has happened many times when she was struggling through the complications in her relationship with her sister...although...this may be even harder.”
Thane: “There isn’t anything we can do for her at the moment. If she feels that she needs to be on her own, it is best to leave her to that.”
Jewel: “Yeah, it is best.”
Zaeed: “That poor girl. I can’t believe this happened. That vigilante b******, Romrick, is an even bigger scumbag than I would have thought.”
Star: “Oh, what do you care? It's not like you’re exactly innocent of senselessly slaughtering anyone.”
Zaeed: “Maybe not, but at least I wouldn’t murder the sister of the girl I would go out with or even murder someone else’s family for that matter.”
Star: “Yeah, much like what you tried to do back when you were going after that Vito guy on that planet a while back. Good thing that never happened otherwise you would be.”
Zaeed: “Hey! That was a completely different matter!!”
Aera: “Yeah, suuuuure it is.”
Zaeed: “Watch your mouth, little missy!”
Garrus: “Enough! Let’s not make this issue any worse than it really is.”
Zaeed: “Fine, just...make certain those girls don’t mouth off about my issues.”
Garrus: “And besides, the girls do have a point.”
Zaeed: “Don’t start with me, Vakarian!!”
Jewel: ”Guys, please.”

Tali could be heard giggling in the background.
Miranda: “By the way, I received a call from Jack. She said that everyone at Grissom Academy would like for us to return. Everyone would also like to see you girls again.”
Jewel: “Is that so? Did you tell them what had happened?”
Miranda: “Yes, they said they would like to share their thoughts on the whole ordeal, but...that’s your call.”
Jewel: “Thank you. It’s great that everyone’s thinking of us, but....”
Flare: “It’s Mayweather that needs this more than we do.”
Liara: “That may be true, but...we’re letting her deal with this however she chooses. We won’t make her do anything, even if we want her to...”
Jewel: “Thank you, everyone...we’ll talk to them about...that, as well.”
Jacob: "There are other matters that need to be discussed, such as the data we received from Mayweather.”
Liara: “Oh, yes, that. I remember them mentioning something like that the last time we spoke.”
Miranda: “They said it would be very helpful in the long run.”
Samara: “Indeed, it’ll go a long way to helping the girls recover.”
Mordin: “That and many others that we have come up with.”
Jewel: “Yeah...we can’t thank you guys enough...”
Samara: “We will get through this, one step at a time.”
Tali: “Yes, it’s what we all need to do for the time being.”
Jewel: “Yes, we know.”

The Normandy arrived back at Grissom Academy. There, they docked, the girls walked out of the ship along with most of the crew members. Sanders and Jack were there to greet them.
Sanders: “Welcome back, girls. It has been a while since you came back here.”
Jewel: “Yeah...for us...it’s been too long...”
Sanders: “I understand that you girls have been through a lot. We’ve heard about everything.”
Jack: “You’re...doing OK, right?”
Flare: “Well...we’re...hanging in there...”
Jack: “Hm, from what I’ve heard, no kidding.”
Ashley: “They’ve had numerous sessions with Chambers. It’s helping, but...it’ll be a long time before they recover.”
Jack: “I’ve heard that much, too. Damn, Chambers, it seems like a long time since we’ve last seen each other.”
Kelly: “Too long, I’m afraid. It seems that you’re doing a lot better, Jack. You’re completely different from that crazed, murdering, biotic maniac that Shepard had recruited back in Purgatory. I can’t even believe that you’ve become a role model. But...given that you’ve been teaching young biotics, it’s kind of a given.”

Jack: “Heh, I’d never thought I would end up here, either. Grissom had been surprisingly supportive of me. They even provided some intense therapy to help with my issues. It helped out a lot. Purgatory would never offer any counseling of any kind. It was almost like they wanted us to stay as we were when we were first locked away there.”
Kelly: “Hm, I’ve heard that it wasn’t exactly the best prison in the galaxy. The prisoners were treated with such horrible live-in conditions. They may have consisted of the worst criminal in the Milky Way, but even they didn’t deserve the horrible treatment that they received.”
Jack: “That’s what you get when you have a prison run by a complete monster. Good riddance to that place.”
Splash: “Ooh, I would love to hear more.”
Jack: “Maybe, but not now. We’ve already said too much already. Let’s just discuss what we need to go over. Also...if there’s anything you girls would like to talk about with us...we’re here. You know that I’ve got your backs.”
Jewel: “We appreciate that, Jack.”
Sanders: “Now then, there are some things that we need to review. If you will.”


They walked off with Jack and Sanders.
Sanders: “As you are aware, a lot of our research students have been looking over the data that was sent to us involving that...other Fayelon.”
Liara: “Yes, we have heard the details. We’re quite pleased with what they’ve found out.”
Sanders: “It was interesting to see the results from the reviews. That other form that she underwent, it was incredible. It seemed almost like her body was harmonizing from her own natural energy. And with very little damage to her body and physical health; it was exactly what we were hoping to find.”
Liara: “Yes, they were the answers that we were looking for.”
Mordin: “This was revealed by more than just one source the correct way for the Fayelons to carry out their powers. How they were doing it before, however...”
Miranda: “It was almost as though they were gradually ripping their own bodies apart, like small tears were forming on different parts of their bodies where the energy would eventually leak out.”
Sanders: “I have seen the comparison. With how things would have continued, it would have been a matter of time before they would cause serious damages to their own physical being.”
Garrus: “That’s not even the worst part. It was apparent that their mentors have been doing this to them on purpose, hoping that they would one day destroy their own physical wellbeing.”
FemShep: “It was like...they were teaching them how to destroy themselves.”
Sanders: “Yes...from what I’ve seen and heard, it does seem that way. My students were disturbed by this upon seeing the results. Some of them even trembled.”
Ashley: “What their mentors have been doing, it already seems very sketchy, but to add this, it’s very disturbing.”
Traynor: “I don’t understand why they’ve been doing this. All these girls want is to protect everyone. This goes against everything that they’ve been taught to believe in.”
Ashley: “That doesn’t even cover all of the mysteries.”
Liara: “Yes, as much as they’ve been trying to cripple the girls, not all of the Fayelons are badly affected by this.”
Garrus: “No, they did mention something about their rivals.”
Star: “Oh, of course, my former posse.”
Miranda: “That’s part of the mystery. Why is it you girls are badly crippled but some, like those other girls who have bullied and mistreated you, weren’t affected the same way?”
Aera: “You’re guess is as good as mine. There’s a possibility that they’re hiding some sort of magical force that’s making them that strong. Our mentors tried to play it off as though we’re too weak to become fighters while those girls are the strongest of all. We all know none of that’s true.”
Miranda: “Indeed, any one of you can become fighters if you want to. On top of that, trying to make yourselves stronger shouldn’t be so stressful.”
Tali: “It is starting to sound more and more like favoritism, almost like your rivals are being made stronger. Whether your mentors are doing this or not, it seems that our suspicions are very well merited.”
Aera: “We always knew that our mentors hated us and favored those hideous bog dwellers. They tried to deny it, but we’re not stupid. We could see right through their obvious lies.”
Jack: “Heh, talk about having your own world turned against you.”
Aera: “That would be one way to put it.”
Jack: “So...Mayweather, huh? Too bad I wasn’t there to meet her. I just wished someone would let me know about it.”
Miranda: “We were too preoccupied by the appearance of another Fayelon. On top of that, from the time that she stayed with us, we wouldn’t have been able to get you to our ship in time for you to meet her.”
Jack: “Tch! Whatever, cheerleader. I’m just sorry for what happened. Man, I can’t believe that....he would do something so horrible. She was her sister...and that guy...Romrick.”
Jewel: “It was almost as though...the man we once knew...is truly dead...so...it feels like...we’re grieving not only Mayweather’s sister, Chlorophina, but also...the man who was once our friend...”
Jack: “Tch! It’s very clear that he’s as good as dead if he would murder his own girlfriend’s sister. Not only that but called her an obstacle. I can understand how that would really hurt you.”
Jewel: “More than you could ever imagine."
Splash: “He was always such a good man. He was so close to us. He was especially close to Chlorophina and cherished her almost as much as her sister. But....now...”


Tears welled up in Splash’s eyes again.
Aera: “Now we don’t even know who he is anymore. His name...means nothing to us now...”
Sanders: “We’re so sorry, girls.”


The girls sulked as they continued walking, with Splash drying her tears. Everyone else looked towards them, despondent and worried for them.


They soon arrived within a smaller room. They all had a chance to sit down.
Sanders: “You do not need to demonstrate your powers to us if you don’t want to. But we would like to talk about the...current circumstances.”
Jewel: “OK...”
Kelly: “I’ve had many sessions with the girls ever since that day. It’s been very hard on them for so many reasons. They gave me the go-ahead with discussing what we’ve talked about during those sessions.”
Sanders: “I appreciate that. So, where should we start?”


The girls sulked for a bit before they answered.
Jewel: “There’s so many things wrong with this that we don’t even know where to begin.”
Sanders: “Perhaps you can tell us what’s been going through your minds after what happened that day.”


They sulked without saying anything for a brief moment.
Jewel: “That day...it was truly confirmed that the man we knew...our friend...was truly dead...even Mayweather realized that...that man she loved...was gone...”
Sanders: “This friend of your...Chlorophina? Was she...truly someone special?”
Jewel: “Yes...she was...kind...she was...a true friend to us...we were her only friends...”
Aera: “Her and Mayweather...their relationship wasn’t exactly the best, but...”
Splash: “Mayweather really did love her sister. They were...willing...to fight through everything...”
Star: “Even their parents tried to discourage their bond.”
Aera: “All because Chlorophina was fixated on edible plants.”


Aera’s fist, while resting on her knees, clenched.
Sanders: “Right, edible plants. Your people believe that food is nothing more than pleasure.”
Mordin: “Confirmed to be false. A lie enforced for many eons, most likely by a great force.”
Miranda: “It was said that the chlorokinetics were intimidated out of looking into this fact. Most likely threatened with their lives if they even dared.”
Garrus: “Hence why we believe a great force is involved. Who else could threaten an entire race of magical beings out of looking into anything involving food?”
Sanders: “I see, so she wasn’t exactly well liked.”
Jewel: “No...not by our peers, not by other chlorokinetics, even their parents thought of her as a huge burden.”
Aera: “They tried so hard to dote on Mayweather, hoping it would cause a huge strain in their relationship.”
Garrus: “Was it that bad?”
EDI: “I believe that this is known as “favoritism”.”
Mordin: “Hm, favoritism, the form of favoring and tending to one child while neglecting another, refusing to tend to their needs as well. Often causes trauma to said child due to lack of affection from the parents. (sniff) No doubt a form of abuse.”
Garrus: “Definitely a form of bad parenting. I’ve seen it far too many times during my time at C-Sec.”
Ashley: “I’m sure you enjoyed bringing those people to justice.”
Garrus: “There were a lot of things that set me off. Child abuse, a very bad sore spot for me.”
Kaidan: “Hardly any of us are any different.”
Jack: “I’ve been through worse, but...yeah, that does sound really bad.”
Jewel: “Regardless of everything, it didn’t bother her very much. She believed that the love she had for her sister was enough. She didn’t exactly crave any affection from her parents.”
Splash: “It is said that in a time of loneliness, we could feel the embrace of the Divine Source. As long as we have her love, it will always bring us strength.”
Ashley: “That sounds...reassuring.”
Liara: “It is believed that acceptance from our deity, a god or goddess of any world, is what truly brings us comfort during dark times.”
Thane: “Sounds like you girls are also religious.”
Jewel: “It isn’t just about religion, it’s about what we believed in. We truly believed that our own happiness is what the Divine Source wishes for us to seek.”
Samara: “Was Chlorophina also a preacher of such talk of the Divine Source?”
Flare: “Yes, she believed that no matter what we do, if we are happy, then so will our Divine Bringer of Light, even if what we pursue goes against what others want to believe.”
Star: “If it’s within the realm of what the Divine Source has deemed as good.”
Splash: “It is said that the Divine Source encourages kindness and understanding.”
Aera: “Unfortunately, not everyone gets behind that; to some, it’s all a bunch of soft-hearted mumbo jumbo.”
Flare: “Hm, the lessons that are preached to us, even by the Divine Source, are often snubbed off if it does not go by one’s own desires and beliefs.”
Star: “Case in point, my daddy believing that girls should only like girl things as well as bend to the will of men. I can’t believe I’ve had the misfortune of that bog dwelling essence donor as my dad.”
Jack: “Wow, where we came from, people would address a father like that as a sperm donor.”
Star: “I hate him.”
FemShep: “But there’s also the matter of the enforced belief that food is nothing more than pleasure.”
Sanders: “Right, there’s that. Any reasons as to why that is?”
Kaidan: ”Yeah, I’d like to know, too. Why go as far as to enforce such a massive lie? What were they trying to do?


Everyone sat silently.
Mordin: “Hmm...have a theory: knowledge is power. Food providing sustenance would go a long way to energizing Fayelons, even making them stronger.”
Jacob: “Yeah, it makes sense. It’s all a power play. Someone or something wanted to cripple them to a point where they wouldn’t grow and increase in power.”
Miranda: “And Chlorophina came dangerously close to foiling that.”
Tali: “Kee’lah, when you put it that way, it’s so obvious.”
Mordin: “Exactly, she was on the brink of finding out exactly what we discovered.”
Garrus: “Something that some higher force clearly didn’t want anyone to find out.”
Jacob: “Hence why the chlorokinetics were threatened out of looking into edible plants.”
FemShep: “I’m guessing a lot of people were thrilled when they found out that Chlorophina was killed.”


The girls sulked. Jewel looked up and, with a sad look in her eyes, nodded. The crew members seemed startled by this, however, they were unpleasantly not surprised by this.
Jack: “Whoa, that’s some seriously f***** up s***.”
Liara: “Back to the subject of the edible plants. You girls were able to eventually realize that what Chlorophina looked into uncovered truth, didn’t you?”
Jewel: “We did...to some extent...but you guys went deeper into it.”
Sanders: “How could that be?”
Mordin: “Perhaps it was because we have uncovered the Fayelons’ bodily organs.”
Jack: “What? Uncovered? You mean your mentors didn’t tell you girls any of this stuff at all?”
Jewel: “No, we were kept in the dark about our bodies and their functions. Our mentors concealed the fact that we have interior organs; we didn’t even know we had stomachs.”
Jack: “Hold up! Your mentors didn’t even educate you about your own bodies?”
Jewel: “No and when we tried to ask, or rather, when I tried to ask, my mentors would snap at me, almost as though I was being a defiant brat.”
Jack: “Whoa...! This is even more f***** up than I would have thought.”
Kelly: “But why would they do that?”
Mordin: “Most likely had something to do with their attempts to conceal the truth about food.”
Liara: “Quite right. From finding out that Fayelons have stomachs, it would eventually lead to revealing their functions.”
Mordin: “Which is to break down edible substances into pure energy and insert that energy into the rest of the body through ducts within their stomachs and from that...”
Garrus: “It would easily prove that the belief of food being nothing more than pleasure to be a lie.”
Mordin: “Exactly. As mentioned before, knowledge is power but to cut off such important intel would make many none the wiser.”
Miranda: “One of many ways they were kept blind from knowing the truth about food.”


Everyone sat in the room. Jack and Sanders were shocked as was Kelly.
Kelly: “That’s...terrible....so that must be....why...Chlorophina was so greatly reviled. If the chlorokinetics were threatened out of looking into edible plants with their lives, then...could it be that....?”
Garrus: “That she was putting the lives of her entire people at risk just by taking an interest in edible plants? Yeah, that would sound exactly like how she would be placed.”
Kelly: “So these girls, they were the only friends that Chlorophina had ever made.”
FemShep: “Exactly. Them and her sister, Mayweather....and...”


Jewel clenched her fist. Everyone took notice of that.
Garrus: “Romrick?”


A subtle grimace appeared on Jewel’s face.
Flare: “Yes....”


Everyone within the room seemed concerned and despondent.
Sanders: “We’re so sorry.”
Jewel: “It’s OK. We never knew what he would become. Looking back at all of it, those memories are still very fond, regardless of...”


Jewel couldn’t finish. That told them everything that they needed to know.


Sometime afterwards, everyone was within the cafeteria. EDI had already returned to the Normandy.
Sanders: “So, if I remember correctly, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of someone being aware of the true natures of food amongst your kind.”
Flare: “I did believe that there were some truths to what she was saying before I had met her. She was not the only one who was devoted to understanding the facts behind food. My grandfather had also taken notice of this.”
Kelly: “Your grandfather?”
Flare: “Yes, he has been around for a long time, so he was able to pick up on a lot, such as having realized that food provided us with extra energy for our powers. We would have several meals regularly, more than what many would usually have.”
Star: “Which is once a day; 2 was considered a special treat.”
Sanders: “I see, so, your grandfather was also aware of this.”
Flare: “Yes, he had told me so much about how food provides us with sustenance rather than pleasure. It was there where my interest in food began.”
Jack: “Heh, so that’s why you love food so much!”
Flare: “Yes, when attending the academy, we were always fed one meal a day and that was it. It was difficult to receive another; just one and that was it.”
Sanders: “I see.”
Jack: “So, it must have felt like you were being starved since you were always fed a lot less than what you’re used to.”
Flare: “Not so much. Food did help in some respects, but it wasn’t a massive detriment to be fed just one meal a day.”
Kaidan: “I think I remember hearing about your grandfather. They were mentioned in the reports that I was cramming through. Your grandfather was also a mentor of yours, right?”
Aera: “Oh, he was and perhaps the best mentor we’ve ever known.”
Splash: “But, what about that great one we had when...?”
Aera: “Yeah, she was wonderful, too, but...well, you know.”
Splash: “Oh, right, she’s...”


They could not continue with discussing any more. It seemed alarming to the crew members.
Miranda: “So, back to the subject regarding Flare’s grandfather.”
Flare: “Oh, right. Yes, my grandfather, he is...incredibly wise, he had mentioned to me so many times about things we were told that he noticed were lies.”
Jacob: “So, your grandfather also knows about how screwed up your society is.”
Flare: “He does, he has talked about how overtime, people had strayed away from certain customs, many have deemed them as “the old traditions”. I have reasons for what had been going on there. More of my kind are able to hold on to them, however, several more have been breaking away. My parents have been among those pulling away from them. They have also tried to do the same with me, but I was fascinated by our old customs. My grandfather and I have bonded from so much that he has taught me.”
Traynor: “Your parents, they’re not exactly fond of your grandfather, are they?”
Flare: “Not really. They feel as though he’s forcing these customs on to me, but I was never forced into anything. I made the choice to immerse myself into them. No one could ever force me to do anything.”
Star: “Oh, for sure. Flare’s grandfather is awesome. He has taught so much of his customs to us.”
Jewel: “They were quite amazing. We’ve learned so much from him.”
Aera: “I admit, for old traditions, the things he taught us were awesome. It’s not so hard to understand why they wanted to continue those customs.”
Splash: “And they were a lot of fun, too.”
Liara: “Did Mayweather and Chlorophina also meet your grandfather, too, Flare?”
Flare: "They have, a few times. My grandfather was impressed by Chlorophina and her pursuit towards her interest in edible plants. He spoke as though she needed to continue with this.”
Jewel: “He even encouraged her in her studies.”
Jacob: “I would think that your mentors would try to interfere with this, but...”
Jewel: “They would have, but they were forced to stand down.”
Traynor: “By who?”
Ashley: “Don’t tell me, the Disciples of Order?”
Jewel: “Yes.”
Garrus: “Hm, that seems awfully suspicious. They’re trying to dissuade Chlorophina and her studies of edible plants, but for the Disciples of Order to involve themselves in this?”
Mordin: “Yes, this indicates a very troubling matter. Chlorophina was devoted to disproving a lie that so many have been encouraging throughout the years. This says something, doesn’t it?”
Garrus: “It does; it means your higher ups are also against encouraging this lie.”
Miranda: “The Disciples of Order answer to your goddess, the Divine Source. With that being said, it means that...”
Ashley: “It means your goddess is not the one enforcing a lie.”
Jewel: “She wouldn’t. She would want us to be strong, so that we would stand a chance against our enemies. She would never encourage a lie that would weaken us.”
FemShep: “If that’s the case, then...who was it that was encouraging this lie?”


Everyone sat around, in stunned silence.
Tali: “I cannot believe what I am hearing.”
Kelly: “I know, it almost seems like...something terrible has been going on.”
Garrus: “No kidding, and like I said before, the answers seem to bring up more questions.”
Mordin: “Indeed, there are clear indications of Dark forces involved in this. Could it be that...there has been corruption being enforced upon the Fayelons and their society?”
Garrus: “Hmm...Dark forces, huh? Question is...who or what could have been enforcing this corruption?”
Mordin: “Much to look into, many dark secrets, not the first time, might be scared of what we could uncover.”
FemShep: “Don’t tell me you’re backing out now.”
Mordin: “No, can’t, still so much to uncover. Terrified, yes, but...must uncover what is concealed within this Darkness. Many secrets, many unanswered questions, many that much of their kind intended on keeping secret. Must know what it is that those dark secrets are.”
Garrus: “I’m with you. I have to know what it is that they’re trying to keep secret. To go as far as to lie about food being nothing more than pleasure, to try and dissuade anyone, even a young girl, from uncovering the truth. It’s very clear that their kind is being influenced. I don’t know if it’s out of fear or if some are doing it intentionally, but we have to find out the truth. Who or what is influencing this corruption among the Fayelons.”


Jane placed her hand on Garrus’.
FemShep: “Of course we will. We’re the only ones who are willing to go through with this. It’s clear that so many have suffered because of this corruption, too many losses as well. We owe it to them as well as to those who are already fighting this.”
Jewel: “Of course, we have to keep going.”


Jewel stood up.
Jewel: “For Chlorophina and for everyone else we have lost.”
Star: “Absolutely!”


Star also stood up.
Star: “She was our friend, I would be happy to finish what she started and to get back at everyone who had mistreated her.”


Splash also stood up.
Splash: “Yes! Absolutely.”


Aera stood up afterwards.
Aera: “Heh, we all deserve payback for how we’ve been treated. And to those who gave us strength, whether they are gone or still here, we have to keep going, for their sake.”


And finally Flare.
Flare: “Of course, when we started this, we promised that we will always be here for one another, to shoulder this burden together so that none of us will ever have to worry about being alone.”


Soon enough, each of the crew members stood up one by one.
Tali: “Don’t forget that you have us, as well.”
Traynor: “Of course, we’re here for you, so you don’t have to shoulder this by yourselves.”
Liara: "Absolutely. This is our fight, not just yours.”
FemShep: “It’s always been that way since you first arrived in our galaxy.”
Miranda: “We can’t let you shoulder this burden alone, not after seeing what all of you have been through.”
Jack: “Oh, hell yeah. If you ever need me, you can call me anytime.”
Kaidan: “I’m here, too. I was brought back from the dead by some mysterious force related to you, so I feel as though I owe it to you for that and whatever magical force that has brought me back.”
Jacob: “Always remember that you have help throughout the galaxy, so it’s not just us that’s fighting this with you.”
Ashley: “Absolutely, you have the full backing of the Alliance.”
Kelly: “And don’t forget that many of us want to be here with you.”


Mordin stayed sitting for a brief moment.
Mordin: “Can vouch for that.”


He then stood up.
Mordin: “Feel that I owe it to you, the mystics, for sparing my life and also enjoy the fight. Wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”


The girls seemed pleased as everyone stood up for them. Garrus was the last.
Garrus: “There’s no point in denying it.”


Garrus stood up at last.
Garrus: “ You are not alone anymore. I won’t allow it. I’m here for you, we’re here for you. We will never turn our backs on you and this fight. We will make this Dark force and whoever is supporting this pay for everything that they put you through. I swear my life on it. I will always be here for you. You can count on that.”


The girls all seemed pleased, especially Jewel.
Jewel: “Then let’s do it, for everyone we love and everyone we’ve lost, including Chlorophina.”


They eventually left the cafeteria.
Jewel: “If it’s alright with you guys, we would like to demonstrate our powers with you.”
Sanders: “What? Are you sure about this?”


Jewel nodded once.
Jewel: “Yes, we are.”
Sanders: “But...you’ve been through a lot already. I don’t want you to push yourselves.”
Jewel: “It’s fine. We want to do this. We would like to show you how much we have progressed in the development of our powers.”
Sanders: “Well...if you’re OK with this, then sure, let’s get you to another room.”
Jewel: “Thank you.”


They made their way to a large room. There, the girls transformed and practiced their powers like normal. Everyone stood around, amazed by what they were seeing. Having noticed that the girls were getting stronger through their techniques made everyone feel reassured.

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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Ready for another trivia? No? Too bad! Here it is anyway


17. Match each 2 girls with their different convergence combination:


1) Star and Splash

2) Jewel and Aera
3) Flare and Splash
4) Star and Aera
5) Jewel and Flare


A) Diamond Hail Storm
B) Explosive Gems
C) Boiling Steam
D) Sea of Lumination
E) Lightning Storm

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All Mass Effect fanfic writers: create ME fanfics consisting of OCs that are turian, salarian, asari, krogan, quarian, pretty much any and every species from the Mass Effect universe and/or write stories featuring the main characters from the Mass Effect main storyline


Me: creates magical girls who are from a fairy-like alien race which are not a species from the Mass Effect universe and incorporates them into the main Mass Effect storyline


That’s just how I do things around here, guys

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Episode 53-Complications

After some time, the girls stopped and rejoined the others.

Sanders: “Well done, girls. I have to say, I’m impressed with how much you have improved on your powers.”
Jewel: “Thank you, we’re so glad.”
Star: “Oh, we feel a lot stronger, that’s for sure.”
Flare: “Yes, that as well as having much more control over our powers.”
Star: “Uh, huh, that’s right. It won’t be long before we’re able to control our more advanced powers a lot better. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be able to utilize my lightning powers so that they would be a lot less lethal towards friends and allies.”
Flare: “Yes, after having learned to carry out our powers correctly, we may even be able to control and master our most advanced abilities so much better.”
Sanders: “Well, our research students will have a lot more to look into with the data we have collected.”
Jewel: “This will help us out tremendously. I’m just so glad that…so many within this realm…are able to help us out a lot more…if at all.”


The girls sulked. At that moment, EDI returned.
EDI: “I just received a call from Aria. She said she would like for us to return to Omega and see the girls again.”
Aera: “What? Her again?”
Splash: “Oh, I wonder what she would like to say to us now? She’s always so nice to us.”
Aera: “Yeah, a little too nice in my opinion.”
Splash: “What’s wrong, Aera? Why don’t you like her so much?”
Aera: “I don’t know, I just…don’t trust her…for some reason.”
Jewel: “Well…she’s been nothing but encouraging to us. And I agree with Splash, she’s always been nice to us.”
Star: “Perhaps some more encouragement from her would be helpful.”
Aera: “Well…if you say so…”
Jewel: “I say we head back there as soon as possible.”
Flare: “Hmm…I wonder what she has in store for us this time?”
FemShep: “Well then, let’s head out as soon as we can.”
Jack: “I’m coming with you guys.”
Ashley: “What? Are you sure about that?”
Miranda: “I don’t know, you’re not too busy are you?”
Jack: “No way! I’m never too busy when it comes to these girls. Besides, I think the lab back in Omega may have looked into a lot of the data that we’ve sent them. I want to bring back what they found out.”
Miranda: “Good point. I wonder how far they’ve gone into the research regarding those Memory Crystals or if they found out anything important that’s relevant to them.”
Mordin: “Last I spoke, Maelon sounded as though he had made a breakthrough or something of that effect.”
Miranda: “Well, let’s see if they’ve managed to find out anything.”
Ashley: “OK, then, let’s get back to the Normandy and set a course back to Omega.”
EDI: “Understood. I’ll let Jeff Moreau know about that immediately.”


EDI made her way back.
Ashley: “Come on, let’s go make our final rounds before we head out.”
Liara: “Sounds like a plan.”
Aera: “I’m with you.”


The crew made their rounds within the academy and said their farewells to the students and Sanders before leaving. Jack left with them. The Normandy departed from the academy and set a course for Omega.


Overtime, they were able to arrive at Omega. As they approached the space station, they stared out at it from a window. Kaidan especially was staring out towards it.
Kaidan: “Heh, wow, I knew things with Shepard were serious, but Omega? I never thought he would get tangled up with this of all places.”
Splash: “You know about this place, Kaidan?”
Kaidan: “Of course I do! Everyone in the galaxy knows about this space station. It’s a haven for pretty much every criminal and scumbag in the Milky Way.”
Splash: “But…the asari who runs the place, she seems really nice.”
Kaidan: “Is she being serious right now?”
Aera: “Yeah, that’s pretty much how she is.”
Jewel: “Although she does make a point; Aria has been nothing but polite to us.”
Ashley: “I would imagine that she would want something from you.”
Jewel: “No…she made it clear that she had no agendas with us.”
Kaidan: “You sure about that?”
FemShep: “Don’t worry, Kaidan, it’s nothing like that.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I have absolutely made it clear that they will not be used or mistreated in any way.”
Kaidan: “Well, knowing how protective you have been towards the girls, it does make me feel reassured. Still, I can’t believe that Shepard would even be involved with such a place. I don’t even know why he would even want to go there in the first place.”


Garrus stood around; he had an awkward look on his face.
Mordin: “There is a simple explanation to this, it was here where he recruited….”


Garrus, having almost immediately reacted when Mordin started talking, he then slammed his palm on Mordin’s mouth.
Garrus: “Uh! We’ll…talk more about this later.”


Having placed his other hand on Mordin’s shoulder, Garrus began pulling him out of the room.
Garrus: “Come on, doctor. The ship’s about to dock soon.”


Kaidan watched as they left.
Kaidan: “Ooooookay? That…was weird. So, aside from her being ruler to the worst scum in the galaxy, it seems as though she’s at least being nice to you.”
Aera: “Well…even though I’m not as trusting towards her as Splash is, I have to admit that she has been incredibly helpful to us so far.”
Star: “Oh, for sure, she at least deserves more credit since she’s nowhere near as cruel as most of our mentors back at home, since unlike them, she’s actually putting forth the effort into being helpful.”
Jewel: “Yeah, unfortunately, that would be the case.”
Kaidan: “Wow, things really are that bad at home, huh?”
Flare: “Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that, but…it’s good to know that she actually intends on being our ally.”
Kaidan: “Well…with that being said, I guess she does deserve some credit for being accommodating to you.”
Liara: “Yes, she has.”
Jewel: “Still, I am wondering what she wants from us this time?”
FemShep: “There’s only one way to find out.”
Ashley: “We'll be docking soon. Get ready.”
Splash: “Aren’t you guys coming with us?”
Ashley: "No, I still rather not set foot in that crime infested cesspool. I’ll make my reports to the admiral and prime minister. We have a lot that they need to be informed about from what we received at the academy.”
Kaidan: “Count me in. Anything’s better than setting foot in that disgusting space station.”
Splash: “Guess that means we’ll be going with the Cerberus people.”
Aera: “Ex-Cerberus.”
Splash: “Oh! Right!”
Ashley: “Hm!”


Shortly afterwards, the Normandy docked at Omega. Inside the ship, the girls and a few other crewmates that were leaving with them stood before Ashley and Kaidan.
Splash: “Well, we’ll be on our way. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us, Kaidan?”
Kaidan: “Yeah, I’m absolutely sure. Like Ash, I have no interest in setting foot in that place.”
Splash: “Ohhh…that’s too bad. Aria seems really nice. I was so hoping you guys could…”
Aera: “Alright, that’s enough, Splash. Don’t annoy the guy.”
Kaidan: “It’s OK, Aera, you don’t need to worry about that. I was already filled in on the fact that Splash pretty much has the mind of a child, so I can understand where she’s coming from.”
Aera: “Well, that’s a relief.”
Kaidan: “And besides, I’m glad that Aria left a good impression on her. From what I’ve heard, that’s a lot more than she ever received from her home.”
Aera: “Oh, that goes without saying.”
Star: “So, any ideas on what Aria wants from us this time?”
FemShep: “We’re still not sure. EDI just said that Aria wanted to see you girls. She didn’t mention anything else.”
Aera: “Oh, boy, here we go. You think she has another special request for us?”
Jewel: “Hmm…that’s…probably likely. Things have been quiet since our previous encounter with Romrick, so there haven’t been any attacks.”
Garrus: “Probably because the guy is still licking his wounds from what Mayweather did to him, not that he didn’t ask for it after what he admitted to what he did.”
Mordin: ”Hm, indeed.”
Flare: “Well, whatever it is, we should at least see what she wants from us.”
Jewel: “That sounds fair.”
Ashley: “We’ll stay here on the ship. There’s a lot we need to report to the admiral and Prime Minister. But if you need anything from us, let us know.”
Jewel: “Understood.”
Liara: “We will let you know if we come across anything important.”
FemShep: “We’ll be back shortly.”
Ashley: “Don’t be out too long. I hate this place and I prefer to not stay here any longer than I need to.”
Mordin: “Understood, will try to make this visit as brief as possible, but can’t make any promises.”
Ashley: “I understand.”
Jewel: "Well, we’ll be going now.”
Splash: “See you later, Ash.”


The girls left with the few crew members that were going with them.


They exited the ship and made their way into the station. Along the way, Mordin leaned closer towards Garrus, holding his hand to the side of his mouth as though he was about to whisper to him.
Mordin: “By the way, been wanting to ask you, why didn’t you let me tell Kaidan about our history here on Omega?”
Garrus: “I didn’t feel it was the time to do that. Also….I’m a bit hesitant to admit that I have done some things here. I’ve known Kaidan since the beginning of all of this and I don’t think we would be pleased to hear of everything that I did when I was here.”
Mordin: “Understandable, Kaidan seems to be of high morality. But we’ll need to tell him sooner or later. He needs to know about everything.”
Garrus: “Ugh, fine. We’ll tell him after we finish up here.”


As they kept walking, the girls were unfamiliar with what they were seeing around them. Jewel seemed concerned by this as she looked around at everything she saw.
Jewel: “Hey, I don’t recognize this place. Where are we going?”
Miranda: “Aria mentioned something about a private area that she intends to meet us at.”
Aera: “Oh, no, I reeeeeally hope she’s not planning anything.”
Kasumi: “I wouldn’t think so. Aria had been doing a great job with keeping her word about respecting you girls.”
Jacob: “But anything can happen, so keep your guard up.”
Aera: "Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.”
Tali: “It’s so much like you to be so suspicious, Aera.”


Aera made a snide grin.


Eventually, they found Aria near a doorway to a closed off room.
Aria: "Hello, girls. It’s good to see you again."
Splash: "It’s great to see you again, too, Ms. Aria."
Aera: “What do you want from us this time?”
Aria: “Hm, good to see you wary as always. That’s more than I can say about…some people.”
Splash: “But…you’re always nice to us!! I don’t understand why that’s such a problem.”
Aria: "Hm, I would be disturbed, but I’ve already been filled in on your…condition. Also, I’m glad that your friends are here with you to keep you from wandering into any trouble. Anyway, there are some things that I need to talk to you girls about, but…this is more so a private conversation, so, we’re going to need to do it behind closed doors.”
Star: “Is that why we’re here?”
Aria: “That is correct. I use secluded rooms like this as a means of preventing anyone from eavesdropping on any private matters. You should be very well aware that there are some things that I don’t want anyone to know about.”
Jewel: “We’re very well aware of your privacy, Aria. But…this room…you’re not going to plan on doing anything to us, are you?”
Aria: “Oh, don’t worry about it. This door locks on the inside. It keeps anyone from being able to gain access to it when I don’t want them to. Also, you girls will be free to leave if you like, however, I would like to carry out this conversation with you.”
Flare: “Understood.”
Aria: “Now then, if you wouldn’t mind.”
FemShep: “It would be OK for the rest of us to join in, too, right?”
Aria: “Of course, as a matter of fact, I need you guys here as well.”
Liara: "We appreciate that, Aria.”
Aria: “Now then, if you would follow me inside so that we can go over some things.”
Garrus: “Sure, let’s get this over with.”


Aria walked into the room with the girls following behind as well as the crew members.


They entered the room. It was a small box with a long sofa as well as a single, comfy chair on the other side. Aria sat on the chair while the girls sat on the sofa. The crew members stood behind the sofa. Garrus stood on one end to their left, closest to the door.
Aria: “Now then, I hear that there was a recent encounter with another Fayelon, aside from the girls.”
Liara: “That’s right. Mayweather was her name.”
Aria: “I see, and from what I have heard, she had different powers from the girls.”
Mordin: “Correct. Chlorokinetic, a magical being with the ability to control vegetation. It was fascinating to watch.”
Jack: “Tch! Too bad I wasn’t there to witness it.”
Kasumi: “Oh, it was quite a spectacle, Jack. She took down a massive Dark monster all by herself.”
Jack: “Oh, man! Now I really wish I was there to see it!!!”
Miranda: “It was more than just her powers. Her prowess was also significantly different from the girls.”
Jacob: “That’s right. She was able to carry out her abilities that were different from the rest of the Fayelons. On top of that, she was incredibly powerful.”
Splash: “Oh, she is amazing, top her class back in the academy.”
Aera: “Yeah, but…there have been…a number of issues going on, not with her, per se.”
Aria: “Hm, interesting. So….Mayweather…from what I’ve heard, she…really had an incredible impact. I have heard that it changed some perspectives about the issues related to the girls.”
Liara: “Yes, but…they were not for the better.”
Aria: “Huh, that’s funny considering that not all of those changes were bad.”
Mordin: ”Correct, she introduced to us the correct way for the Fayelons to carry out their powers. The Flow Technique they call it, enabling the natural energy within the girls to flow out of their bodies rather than just simply being forced out of them, which could cause long-term health problems.”
Garrus: “I understand giving credit where credit is due, doctor. However, we have to consider the underlying problems that were revealed to us.”
Mordin: “Of course, said technique, though important, was never taught to the girls, but only through Mayweather were we able to find out about this considering that she was in a different class from them.”
Aria: “So, what you’re saying is the teachers that were supposed to teach these girls the correct ways to carry out their powers refused to even teach them properly?”
Jewel: “That’s right. We had been told so many times that there was no other way of carrying out our powers. We believed it until…”
Aria: "Until Mayweather demonstrated it for you.”
Jewel: “Yes, as grateful as we were…it did tell us something disturbing.”
Jacob: “After finding out about this, it was soon revealed that their mentors were lying to them.”
Tali: “We did suspect that for a while, but this really shook all of us to the core.”
Aria: “That is understandable. I’m not going to lie; it really does bother me that these girls have been lied to by the very people that were supposed to be their mentors. Not only that, but they intended to cause you long-term health problems by lying to you about how to use your powers.”


Aria is shown clenching her fist.
Aria: “It really makes my blood boil that your girls were treated so horribly throughout the years.”
Aera: “Gee, I never knew you to be so caring.”


Aria remained tense for a bit then eased herself.
Aria: “Well…I have my reasons for that, but before I get into that, I did want to talk you you about…something that did very much involve Mayweather. I heard that…she had a sister.”
Liara: “Yes….Chlorophina…she was…killed…”
Aria: “I heard…the details about that seemed….slightly inaccurate.”
Miranda: “It was publicly announced that she was slain by a criminal that the vigilante was hunting. However, that was not the case.”
Aria: “Really now? If that criminal didn’t kill her, then who did?”
Garrus: “The b******, himself. The vigilante…”


He looked at the girls, concerned about something. They looked back at him. They seemed to have a reassured look on their faces. Jewel looked back towards Aria but hung her head down a little.
Jewel: “It’s true…it was…him…Romrick. He killed her…”
Aria: “Romrick? Is that the name of the vigilante?”
Jack: “That a******!! I can’t believe it!! How could he do something so horrible!?! I mean, I myself would be the last to say something like this, but….”
Miranda: “Oh, we understand. These girls and their friends were involved in a much different situation from you. They were never so much raised in a heinous manner like you were.”
Jack: “Damn straight!! I’ve heard enough to know that their friend, Chlorophina, was a sweet and innocent girl and she never deserved this.”
Aria: “I do agree with you, Jack. While I, myself, have killed many, their situation is very different from ours. Chlorophina seemed to have been a very sweet and lovely girl, only to be murdered by that evil b****** Romrick.”
Jack: “Damn you, Romrick!! Damn you for hurting your friends and the woman you love by killing her sister!!”
Kasumi: “Those poor girls, they have suffered so much.”
Tali: “It also seems like they were the only ones grieving her death. There isn’t a lot of good involved with the situation regarding their friend.”
Mordin: “Indeed, considering she was involved with a very touchy subject that no one wanted her to go into, said subject regarding plant life.”
Garrus: “Edible plants, to be more exact.”
Miranda: “Or the mentioning of the vigilante’s name.”


Aria then noticed that the girls were sulking.
Aria: “I see…my apologies. That name must cause you girls so much pain.”
Jewel: “It’s OK…that name…it means nothing to us…the man we once knew…our friend…he’s dead….there’s nothing left but that empty shell of what he used to have been.”
Aria: “That’s…understandable. I’ve been there many times, believe me. I’ve dealt with many people throughout my long life that have become dead to me, figuratively and literally, so I know what you’re going through.”
Garrus: “The b****** admitted to it, himself. I’ve seen a lot of cold and unsympathetic scum in my life, but that kid…the look on his face…the way he plainly admitted to it like it was nothing….it gave me chills and not just because of the Dark aura that surrounded him.”
Mordin: “Actually, the vigilante we saw was just a replica created by Dark energy considering that he, for some reason, could not leave his realm…”
Garrus: “As if that made any difference.”
Mordin: “Yes…understandable. Replica or not, the cold demeanor and Dark aura would not feel any different. Has become one with that Darkness, so…might as well have actually been him right then and there.”


Aria continued glancing over towards the girls, who were still sulking. For that brief moment, she seemed to have felt some sympathy towards them as she looked at them with some sadness on her face, though not very distinctive.
Aria: “Listen, girls. I’m going to tell you something that I don’t usually say to anyone else and this is the main reason why I have brought you into this room. But…I have understood the pain of losing someone special.”
Aera: “Whoa, you actually had someone special in your life? I never would have guessed.”
Aria: “You can cut the snarkiness, young lady, because I won’t repeat myself! I’m only going to tell you this once, so you should be grateful.”
Aera: “Yeah, OK, I feel so special.”


Aria had a nasty look on her face before it went back to the somber look.
Aria: “As I was saying…I had…an acquaintance. Her name was Nyreen Kandros.”


Jewel seemed at awe from hearing the name. The crew members were also astonished by this. Jane, however, had a blank expression on her face as though she already knew about what was mentioned.
Star: “Who was she?”
Aria: “She was…the leader of the leader of the Talons. A female turian.”
Star: “Turian?”
Splash: “Hey! Same species as you, Garrus.”
Garrus: “Hmm…that’s…interesting.”
Aria: “She was one of the most unique individuals I’ve ever met. She had been enlisted into the turian military, but then, there was an unfortunate incident that made her leave: she was a biotic.”


Everyone in the room became surprised to hear this.
Jacob: “A turian biotic?”
Miranda: “Huh, so that explains everything, including why she was here in Omega.”
Splash: “I don’t get it. Is being a turian biotic a bad thing?”
Garrus: “It isn’t common to find a turian with biotic abilities. However, those that do are deemed suspicious. My kind never really treated said individuals with much kindness. They’re placed in special units called the Cabals, with which they were isolated from the main branch of the military.”
Flare: “But why were your people distrustful of their own kind who are biotics?”
Garrus: “It’s because of the historical practices of my race. We have become biased towards biotics and sought to cut them out of any main military branches, regardless of their expertise.”
Splash: “That’s so mean! I can’t believe they would do something so horrible!”
Aera: “It sounds like your people were extremely prejudiced towards biotics. And here, I thought turians were disciplined.”


Garrus chuckled a little.
Garrus: “You both make valid points, actually. I, personally, was never prejudiced towards the biotics among my kind. However, we’re not the only ones who mistreated biotics.”
FemShep: “Kaidan would most certainly vouch for that.”
Jack: “Some were taken to Pragia as kids for sick experimentation. I should know, I was one of them.”
Kasumi: “Of course none of us are denying that, Jack.”
Aria: “So…yes…anyway, about this individual. She was…a special part of my life.”
Splash: “How special are we talking?”
Aera: “Oh, I think I understand. She was your lover, wasn’t she?”


Aria shot another nasty look towards Aera.
Aria: “Don’t test me.”
Aera: “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”
Aria: “Now then, as I was saying…we had known each other for many years. But then, there had been some…complications in our relationship and we had not spoken to each other ever since. But then, there was that day, when Omega was taken from me by Cerberus. I had been plotting to take it back from them and eventually, my plan was set in motion.”
Splash: “Whoa, that must have been intense.”
Aria: "It was. I enlisted help from Commander Shepard, but he was too busy with saving the galaxy, so he sent his cousin, Jane, to help out instead.”


Everyone in the room was surprised. Garrus looked at Jane with that shocked expression on his face.
Garrus: “Jane? Did you actually…?”
FemShep: “Yes, I did. It was…an interesting run-through.”
Jack: “Damn, Jane! I’ve heard about the siege on Omega, but I didn’t know you were involved.”
Jane: “My cousin asked me to help out Aria. I was glad to take on the favor.”
Aria: “She was quite helpful. I mounted an armada and managed to breach their defenses. We were able to break in and set up a base within one of the secluded sections of the station. Jane and I took it upon ourselves to fight through Cerberus’ forces. We got into a tight snag and then that was when…she showed up.”
Splash: “That…female turian?”
Aria: “Yes, she and her crew of the Talons were still here, fighting off Cerberus’ forces and trying to reclaim the station from them. She joined myself and Jane. We fought through the place together.”


All the women in the room were chortling.
Aria: “You really are an interesting one.”
Star: “Of course, I take stuff like this personally!”
FemShep: “It wasn’t exactly an easy fight, however. We had to fight through reapers that were engineered by Cerberus known as the adjutants. They were crawling all over the place in this station.”


Aria was seen clutching one of her fists. The girls took notice of this and were concerned.
Aria: “Those creatures…they were…quite a nuisance. Destroying them was…fun…however, even I couldn’t handle them by myself. I have to admit that I was not powerful enough. During the fight through, were able to make it to the main base of those b*******, which was the location of Afterlife.”
FemShep: “We were surrounded by these adjutant things and there were already too many of them to fight off by ourselves.”
Aria: “That was when…Nyreen…sacrificed herself…”


The girls were startled to hear this.
Aria: “She contained herself and those vile creatures within her biotic field and set off a detonator. The detonator incinerated those creatures, but she was also killed in the blast.”
Splash: “No…”
Flare: “Oh…Aria….”
Jewel: “Aria…I don’t know what to say…that was awful…I’m so sorry…for your loss…”
Aria: “So…you see, girls…I do understand what you are going through. I, too, have suffered a terrible loss of someone so close to me. It can be hard, but…you will eventually learn to cope with it, as have I. It has been a long, hard road. I had to pretend to not care about it, but…I would often make my way to private areas of the station whenever I needed to cry for the loss. I have my ways of dealing with grief, though I’ve had to make myself seem strong as a means of not showing any weakness.”
Splash: “Showing you are sad isn’t a weakness, it’s a part of who we are as people. My parents told me that it’s OK to cry when you’re hurting and if you really need to let it out, then let it out and you’ll feel better.”

Aria looked at Splash, who was smiling.
Aria: “You really are quite a sweet girl, Splash. Though naive and childish at times, you seem to make a lot more valid points than most people give you credit for.”
Splash: “Of course, Ms. Aria. I am very well aware of what I am, but my friends have reminded me that I am me, my parents would say that I am special and to not let anyone call me out as a defect. I am me, I am special and nothing should ever convince me otherwise. I just need to surround myself with friends who see me as the truly special person that I am and I have. Nothing would make me happier.”


Everyone in the room looked at Splash, they seemed impressed. Aria had a reassured and content look on her face.
Aria: “I never thought that I would receive some valid pointers from someone so young. Thank you, Splash.”

Aria then had some frustration shown on her face. It was clear that her loss was still difficult for her. The girls looked on to her as though they seemed to be expecting this.
Aria: “I don’t…usually tell this to anyone, but you girls are special. I have to admit, I have taken a liking to you. Though I don’t always like to admit that I have any attachments to anyone, I am willing to give you an exception. I want to help you through whatever means, however I can, not for my own personal gain, but because…I do care about you.”
Aera: “Huh…I never thought…and here…I thought you were this cold-hearted asari.”
Aria: “Well, that is to say, I still have a reputation to uphold. So, I don’t want any of you to tell anyone about this. I have gone out of my way to pour my heart out to you, but don’t think I will do this for you every time you cry about something.”
Aera: “Heh! Nough said. We have plenty of other people to cry to, so we don’t expect any affection from you.”
Aria: “Good, so let’s make one thing very clear: we never had this conversation.”
Splash: “But…that’s not possible! We just had this conversation.”
Aera: “Splash! She meant that we need to pretend that there was no heart-to-heart with Aria.”
Splash: "Pretend? Hmm…well…I guess I can…”
Aria: “Hm, perhaps you Fayelons have your ways of keeping promises.”
Splash: “Oh! Of course! We would swear by the Divine Source! As young girls, we were taught that all promises made under the name of the Divine Source must never ever be broken.”
Aria: “I see. That sounds…awfully naïve, but if it will persuade you to keep your promise, then I suppose you can.”
Splash: “No problem!”


Splash then raised her right hand.
Splash: “We swear by the Divine Source that we will never ever tell anyone about this conversation that we had with you!”


The other girls held up each of their hands.
Jewel: “I oblige by that. By the ever vigilant sight of Divine Source, may this promise never be broken.”


Star, Flare and Aera also nodded. Aria smiled a little.
Aria: “Good, I have no reason to doubt that you will keep your promise to me.”
Splash: “Of course!”


Splash had a big smile on her face.
Liara: “Thank you so much for doing this for them, Aria.”
Aria: “It’s no trouble. I hate to see these girls so broken down. I have to admit, they brought a little more cheeriness into the galaxy.


They certainly have lightened the mood quite extensively.”

Liara: “Indeed.”
Miranda: ”Well, I think it should be time for us to leave.”
Aria: “Wait, before you go, there’s one other thing that I need you to see.”
Liara: “Sure, what is it?”
Aria: “Come back to Maelon’s clinic with me. He wanted to give you guys something.”
Jewel: “Maelon? OK, we’ll go back with you.”
Aria: “I appreciate that.”
Mordin: “Ah, yes, of course! Maelon mentioned something about having made a breakthrough with his research. Been wanting to see that first hand.”
Jack: “It would also be good to bring that back with me when I return to Grissom.”
Aria: “Very well then. Let’s go.”


Sometime later, they arrived back within Maelon’s clinic. There, Maelon was already waiting for them.
Maelon: “Ah, good, you’ve arrived back.”
Jewel: “We have.”
Aera: “Aria told us you have something that you want to show us.”
Maelon: “Yes, of course. Come this way, please.”

Everyone followed him through the area.
Maelon: “I have finished with analyzing those, um…Memory Crystals that you have presented to me. The results were…surprising to put it one way.”
Jewel: “How so? What did you find out?”
Maelon: “Well, based on the analysis of those Dark creatures that you have recorded into your memories, it seems that they were dark versions of many different animals from many different galaxies. On top of that, I was also able to pick up on some interesting intel regarding these many different galaxies. I, myself, don’t exactly understand much of this or how it was possible to receive such advanced data, but it seems that I was able to confirm the different origins of each animal.”
Jewel: “Really? Is that so?”
Maelon: “Of course, see for yourself.”


They were brought towards a hologram projector that displayed many different images. It seemed that there were images of animals as well as displaying the different galaxies that they were from. The girls spent some time staring at this as did the crew members. However, as the girls were looking at these images, looks of dread gradually appeared on their faces. Jewel, especially, seemed the most distraught from this.
Jewel: “N-no…Th-this…this…can’t be…”


The crew members, however, seemed confused by this, but they also had some senses of concern as well as startled and serious. It seemed that even though they didn’t understand what was going on, they could tell that this was something that was very serious.

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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