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Magical Girls in Mass Effect


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Episode 25-Reawakened

Much time later, the group arrived at the Huerta Memorial Hospital. There, the admiral and Ms. Shepard were waiting for them.

Hackett: “Glad to see all of you were eventually able to make it here.”
Ashley: “Sorry, we could have gotten here sooner, but we were dealing with…another important matter.”
Ashley looked towards Splash, back in her clothes. The admiral took notice of this.
Hackett: “I see…you can tell me about it later. Right now, there’s a few things that I need each of you to check out.”
Garrus: “Yes, let’s get to it.”
Hackett: “Alright.”
The admiral looked at the girls.
Hackett: “I am not sure if you girls are aware of what has been going on here as of late.”
Jewel: “We have a pretty good idea, actually. This is where a lot of those miraculous survivors who are comatose are kept for surveillance.”
Hackett: “That is correct. Although, not all of them are here; some are within other facilities in other places across the galaxy. This is where we have kept the ones who are either close by or are in severe conditions. We’ve had many who have come to overtime and return here for standard check-ups to make sure that their conditions do not deteriorate, given the unusual circumstances.”
Jewel: “That makes sense.”
Hackett: “There are a few people here that we are planning to see. Girls, if you don’t mind.”
Jewel: “Sure, let’s go.”
They walked into the facility.
FemShep: “Another thing that I need to remind everyone. Thane just arrived a while ago. He is currently having another of his check-ups.”
Garrus: “Yeah, we know. He’s had to come back here each month since he came out of his coma.”
Samara: “Last I’ve heard, they’re looking into his health regarding his disease and have found some unusual things about it, but their findings are inconclusive.”
Aera: “Thane has a disease?”
Miranda: “Kepral’s Syndrome. It’s a disease that only drells get. It is terminal.”
Splash: “That’s terrible.”
Jack: “Not to sound rude, but he should be dead by now.”
Femshep: “That’s not rude. It’s accurate.”
Samara: “It’s a miracle he’s still alive now.”
Garrus: “If Kai Lang fatally stabbing him didn’t kill him then his disease eventually would. He wouldn’t have lasted another year, but…”
Samara: “But he did, I wonder if it had something to do with who or what saved him or if it’s something else.”
Hackett: “It could be either or, but the circumstances are indeed very strange.”
Tali: “Something only magic could clarify.”
Jewel: “Hmm…I wish we knew what it was that’s causing this…”
Everyone pondered in silence for a bit.
Upon entering the lobby, the girls were greatly startled by what they saw. There were gurneys everywhere, containing lots of people who were still very much unconscious. A lot of the hospital staff were running around, tending to everything.
Jewel: “Oh, my goodness!!”
Flare: “I…do not believe this…!!!”
Star: “This is even more serious than I would have thought!!!”
Hackett: “We have been finding more and more of these kinds of conditions all over the galaxy. The hospitals are short on staff but thankfully, these situations aren’t urgent.”
Garrus: “No kidding, considering that none of these comatose people are in critical condition.”
Hackett: “With each passing day, several hundred are regaining consciousness. There aren’t any serious issues with their health, but there have been plenty of pandemonium with all of these strange mysteries left unsolved. People are getting agitated each minute we don’t have answers and for a very long time, we could not find any.”
Jewel: “I feel like I’m held responsible.”
Hackett: “No, you shouldn’t. You and your friends didn’t cause any of this. What we have found out is very much related to you. We still need your help with solving these mysteries but we don’t need you to tell us anything at the moment. Just you being here is bringing us closer to the answers we’ve so desperately needed.”
Garrus: “I only hope that too many of us don’t become desperate enough to decide to exploit these girls, because we won’t be having any of that.”
Hackett: “I understand your concerns, Garrus and I agree with you. Don’t worry, as long as I continue to draw breath, I will never let that happen to them.”
Garrus: “Likewise.”
FemShep: “Besides, I don’t feel that we would receive anything from exploiting them and anyone who tries will have a few nasty holes in their heads.”
Garrus: “Heh, that I can get behind.”
At that moment, a woman noticed them and walked up to them.
Woman: “Oh! Admiral?”
Hackett: “Hello again, Dr. Michel. How have you been?”
Dr. Michel: “Busy as always. As you can see, we have more than our fair share of work that we can handle. Not to mention that more and more of these caese keep pouring in.”
Hackett: “I thought so. Girls, this is Dr. Chloe Michel. Dr, this is the Fayelons.”
Dr. Michel: “Oh, you must be the magical girls that I’ve heard so much about.”
Jewel: “Um…yes, I’m Jewel, this is Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Dr. Michel: “Pleased to meet you.”
She soon noticed Garrus.
Dr. Michel: “Oh, hello again, Garrus.”
Garrus: “Hello, Dr. I hope you’re handling yourself well. I can see that you really have your hands full.”
Dr. Michel: “Yes, I’m doing the best that I can. I’ve heard that you have been quite the father figure to the girls.”
Garrus: “Yes, I’m keeping an eye on them to make sure nothing happens to them. Nothing gets past me that regards their wellbeing.”
Dr. Michel: “I’m so glad to hear it. They could use someone like you and I’m glad that they do have you.”
Garrus: “Thank you.”
Star: “You know her, Garrus?”
Garrus: “She and I go back, it was before I left C-Sec. I was following a lead regarding Saren and I helped her out of a terrible situation.”
FemShep: “That was when you fought alongside my cousin for the first time.”
Garrus: “Yes, that is still very vivid in my mind.”
Dr. Michel: “I take it you’re here to visit that same particular patient that you always come to see.”
Hackett: “That’s right. Nothing has changed with him, has it?”
Dr. Michel: “No, nothing. He has neither got better nor worse.”
Hackett: “I see. The same with Commander Shepard.”
Dr. Michel: “Hm, is that so? Well, I’ll take you guys to see him. This way.”
They followed Dr. Michel.
They arrived in a secluded room. There, they saw Captain Anderson laying on a gurney, unconscious, unresponsive.
Splash: “Who…is that…?”
Aera: “Hmm….could that be…Captain Anderson?”
Hackett: “Yes, as unresponsive as the last time I visited, but still very much alive.”
Dr. Michel: “Not much has changed, however, we have taken notice that his injuries have surprisingly recovered.”
Hackett: “With what he suffered through; he should have been dead. It’s no doubt that he’s another of these miraculous survivors. But to also include those injuries recovered? This is very unusual.”
Dr. Michel: “Nothing else could describe this other than a miracle.”
Hackett: “Hmm….tell me, Dr. Has magic ever crossed your mind?”
Dr. Michel: “I…I didn’t consider it at first, but with what I’ve been hearing regarding the girls and from the data that I have received from you, it actually does make perfect sense. The concept of magic has indeed sounded less and less crazy and is the only thing that truly makes any sense.”
Jewel: “What kind of injuries did he suffer?”
Hackett: “There were a number of serious injuries on him when we found him. He looked like he was bruised badly. Several parts of his body were badly damaged. He also had a gunshot wound in his stomach.”
Ashley: “There was no way he would have been able to survive that.”
Dr. Michel: “From the readings, no, he wouldn’t. But…we picked up on something else. A lot of those severe injuries miraculously repaired themselves. When we examined them, we found some unusual energy readings surrounding these injuries, almost as though this mysterious energy is healing him.”
Hackett: “We never found out about what that energy signature was but we did find that it was very similar to the mysterious energy readings that we have picked up throughout the entire galaxy, the energy readings that we have found out is that Light Magic upon your arrival here.”
Jewel: “Light…Magic…it’s…healing him…but…”
Flare: “But how…who is…what is…why…?”
Ashley: “We’re wondering the same thing, too. But there’s no doubt that it’s magic that saved him.”
The girls stood silent for a brief moment. From there, Flare was able to notice something. She “saw” the mysterious entity, sitting at the head of the gurney, stroking Anderson’s head. It had a sad look on its face as it was doing that. Flare glanced at this in wonder.
Dr. Michel: “Are you OK, Flare?”
Flare: “Huh?”
Dr. Michel: “You had a strange look in your eyes. Is something the matter?”
Flare: “Umm…”
Aera: “It’s back, isn’t it, Flare?”
Flare: “I…“
Liara: “Yes, it is. I can sense it.”
Dr. Michel: “Sense what? What’s going on?”
Samara: “The girls’ entity has reappeared. It is here with us.”
Dr. Michel: “What? Where?”
Miranda: “At the head of the gurney. It’s sitting real close to Anderson.”
Dr. Michel: “Is…is there really someone there? Someone we can’t see?”
Jack: ”Yeah, it’s there. I can sense it out, too.”
Dr. Michel: “How come you guys are able to sense out…whatever is there?”
Hackett: “Flare taught some of the biotics to undergo a special power that she, herself, specializes in. They were able to learn how to use their own biotics to sense out energy. I was surprised upon finding out that they were able to sense this strange entity that even they can’t see.”
Dr. Michel: “Entity? There’s another entity following the girls around?”
Flare: ”Not really. It doesn’t so much follow us as it more so knows where we are and how to find us.”
Dr. Michel: “How…how is it able to do that?”
Jewel: “We don’t know. It just…does. We don’t know anything about this entity or what it’s doing. We can’t see it, we can’t hear it, we can’t touch it, only those with a special kind of power can sense it out.”
Dr. Michel: ”Is that so? Then…do you girls know why it’s here and what it’s doing?”
Flare stared out at where she can sense out the entity.
Flare: “It seems to be sad…about Anderson, for some reason, like…it knows him.”
They continued staring at Anderson for a bit.
Dr. Michel: “Oh! Um, I…I almost forgot. There’s someone else that wants to meet with you guys. Another of our miraculous survivors just awoke from her coma. She says that she knows you guys.”
Ashley: “Where is she right now?”
Dr. Michel: “She’s in another room. This way.”
She led them out of Anderson’s room and into another. There, they became surprised at who they saw. On another gurney was Emily Wong, sitting up and being checked by another doctor.
Ashley: “Emily Wong.”
Emily: “Oh, hello, good to see you guys again.”
Garrus: “I don’t believe it.”
Tali: “She’s another miraculous survivor?”
Jewel: “What happened to her?”
Dr. Michel: “Reports say that she was found within the wreckage of a ship crash, alive and unconscious. The salvagers that found her mentioned that the shipwreck was one that no one could possibly survive.”
Jack: “And yet here she is, awake and very much lively.”
Emily: ”I can’t really remember much, but…I recall being on Earth, reporting for FCC news about the battle against the Reapers. I saw them, the Reapers descending from the skies of Los Angeles. I tried to escape in an air van, but they shot at me. I thought I was going to die right there. So, I rammed the ship that I was on into the Reapers.”
Ashley: “You kamikazed a Reaper?”
Emily: “Yes…I realized that the signal from my broadcasting was what lured the Reapers to Los Angeles. I felt that I had to do something since it was my fault that everyone there was being shot down. Besides, I was badly injured and was going to die, anyway.”
Jack: “That…was pretty wild.”
Garrus: “Hm, given what was happening, it seemed like you didn’t have a choice.”
Emily: “No, I didn’t have a lot of options. It was the only thing that I needed to do. But…I never expected to have survived, but next thing I knew, I woke up here. Don’t know how.”
FemShep: ”There have been reports of mysterious survivors. Many who were found in or from circumstances that no one could ever possibly survive from are found comatose but still very much alive. We believe that you’re one of them.”
Emily was stunned from hearing this.
Emily: “Yes…that would…make sense…I mean, how else could I possibly be alive?”
Miranda: “Can you tell us if you’re able to remember anything else, or is that all you can really remember?”
Emily: “Um…no…I…I don’t remember anything else, but…for some reason…I have this strange thought echoing in my head. It’s saying…”I want to go back, I must go back, I want to go back so badly”.”
Garrus: “Go back? To what?”
Emily: ”I don’t know, just…those words, over and over again, is all that I feel I’ve been thinking…or saying, I don’t know how to explain it. It’s almost like…I’ve been chanting it over and over again, probably when I was still in that coma, but…I don’t remember thinking that at all, I just…it’s almost as though…I have that strong feeling that I’ve been repeating that over and over.”
Jewel: “Have there been anyone else who thought this way, too?”
Dr. Michel: “Yes, pretty much everyone who came to have mentioned something about this strong feeling of wanting to go back, wanting to return so badly. I don’t know what any of it means.”
FemShep: ”Maybe it’s from that strong feeling of wanting to return from the dead.”
Dr. Michel: “It could…but…none of these people are dead.”
Ashley: “No, but they could have been. Think about it; they’ve survived circumstances and conditions that they could have died from without any doubt. They were all saved by this mysterious force, this…magic, Light Magic.”
Emily: ”Yes…I can truly understand that, but…where did this strong feeling of “wanting to return” come from?”
Tali: ”That’s something I would like to know.”
Hackett: ”And we will find out how or why that is.”
At that moment, the sky darkened again. Emily took notice of that almost immediately.
Emily: “Huh? Why is it getting dark all of a sudden?”
Everyone had also taken notice of it.
Jewel: “Oh, no.”
Jewel ran out with the other girls following. Everyone else followed after them, including Emily.
They stepped outside and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, the dark entity returned.
Emily: “What…what is that?”
Garrus: “He’s back.”
Jewel nodded.
Liara: “You girls better get ready.”
Jewel: “Yes, we will.”
All 5 girls stood beside each other.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!!”
From there, they transformed again. Emily was mesmerized as she watched this take place. Immediately after transforming, monsters emerged from the entity. They stared out for a bit, watching this take place.
Jewel: “Let’s go, girls.”
Each of the other girls nodded once. They ran off to leap off of the nearby ledge, then rematerialized their wings and flew towards the sky.
Meanwhile, Mordin was back in his lab. A chime on his Omni-tool went off. He looked at it, nodded and walked off.
Back outside, the rest of the crew members stood and watched as the girls began their fight.
Emily: “Unbelievable…they’re…magical girls?”
Liara: “Yes, they are.”
Emily continued staring in amazement. She along with the Normandy crew remained silent for a while as they watched the fight.
Emily: “I…I don’t understand something….what is going on here?”
Ashley: “The girls were being chased throughout the universe by this dark entity.”
Garrus: “Apparently, a male of their kind somehow figured out how to control this entity.”
Emily: “A male of their kind?”
Liara: “Their race is called Fayelons, they’re a race of magic-wielding aliens from a very, very far-off galaxy.”
Tali: “Or realm as they call it.”
Emily: “Realm?”
Garrus: “Yeah, for them, realm is another word for galaxy.”
Samara: “This male of theirs, he was a vigilante devoted to fighting evil and saving many of their realm, but something went terribly wrong one day.”
Garrus: “He killed a criminal from their realm by accident. It terrified him at first but after his next kill, he developed a bloodlust and began killing from there.”
Emily: “He became a mass-murderer?”
Garrus: “Yes and it didn’t take long before the innocent wouldn’t be safe from such bloodlust.”
Liara: “This mortified the girls but it didn’t take long for him to find out about a legend of their realm.”
Samara: “Apparently, there is a mysterious door that is said to lead to some sort of Ultimate power source of the universe, if that legend is true.”
Liara: “In order to access that door, special keys are needed.”
Miranda: “He managed to find those keys, but before he even had the chance to open it…”
Samara: “These girls came around, snatched those keys and fled. They have been chased around the universe by this dark entity ever since, drifting from one galaxy to another.”
Emily: “How did they eventually wind up here?”
Garrus: “By chance, I suppose. They planned to leave this galaxy like they did the previous ones.”
Liara: “But after so much time drifting around the cosmos, they were tired out and they eventually took notice of that.”
Ashley: “So they decided to stand their ground here to combat this entity.”
Garrus: “And we made a promise to help them however we can.”
Emily: “That’s…incredible…but…aren’t they putting this galaxy at risk?”
Ashley: “Yeah, they know that, which was exactly why they’ve fled many galaxies shortly after arriving within them.”
Liara: “They did not want to put the lives of so many people within other galaxies at risk.”
Garrus: “But it was only a matter of time before they could no longer run.”
Emily: “So, they decided to stay here because there wasn’t anything else that they could do.”
Ashley: “Exactly.”
Emily: “That must have been a difficult decision. I can’t even imagine what they’ve been through.”
Tali: “None of us could, but this is the only decision that’s best for everyone.”
Liara: “Besides, they’re not alone in this, not anymore.”
Emily looked back at the crew members, she seemed as though she was touched, most likely from the last thing that was just told to her.
Emily: “Yeah…I can see that…”
She looked back into the sky and continued to watch the fight.
Emily: “Hmmm….I don’t know why, but…..for some reason…all of this sounds…familiar…like…I’ve heard about this before…from somewhere else….”
The fight was raging on. Within a few minutes, Mordin arrived just in the nick of time. He walked up beside the others. They soon took notice of him.
Tali: “Oh, good, you’re here. Just in time for the show.”
Garrus: “Where did you come from and how did you get here so fast?”
Mordin: “Needed to be here to examine the girls. Set my Omni-tool to go off whenever they transformed. Important for me to be around to monitor them.”
Garrus: “Of course. I should have known.”
They stood by and watched the fight take place.
The girls were holding up against the dark enemies really well, utilizing their best abilities without trouble. It seemed as though they were struggling much less than previously. As this was taking place, Mordin was examining them with the use of his Omni-tool. He seemed quite pleased with what he was seeing.
Garrus: “So, what do you guys think? Is this better than those magical girl shows you like so much?”
Tali: “Absolutely. There is no doubt in my mind that real live magical girl battles are so much better and a lot more fun to watch than those anime.”
Mordin: “Indeed, cannot deny that. Also have taken notice of other things about these girls.”
Tali: “What do you mean?”
Mordin: “Their magical energy prowess and capacity substantially higher than the previous times. Production of their energy also increased. Intake from sustenance, converted into pure energy, manifested into the magical energy and naturally incorporated into such.”
Garrus: “So, the breakfast is actually working.”
Mordin: “Yes, but not by a lot. Still an issue with their magical prowess, no changes, still stagnant. Breakfast could not change that but it does help. Still need to undergo an evaluation for the cause of this stagnation. Need to find the cause of this, the source of the stress that’s causing this stunt in their growth.”
Garrus: “You’re still considering those endurance tests?”
Mordin: “Yes, already arranged to undergo them with the girls. They’re willing to go through with it.”
Garrus: “I really hope you guys know what you’re doing.”
The fight continued on for a long period of time. The girls displayed more of their magical abilities. Emily watched in amazement as the girls continued fighting.
Emily: “Wow….they really are amazing…”
After the long fight, the dark monsters stopped appearing and vanished.
Jewel: “What!?!”
From there, the massive entity disappeared again. The girls continued looking up towards the sky.
Jewel: “Could he…but how did he…?”
They looked back down towards the Normandy crew who were looking back up at them. The girls then proceeded to fly back down towards them. Star, especially, was excited when she noticed Mordin. They each reunited with the different members of the crew that they were hanging around with. Star happily returned to Mordin. From there, they reverted to their Dormant Forms.
Jewel: “That was a close one.”
Ashley: “Yeah, it looked like an awfully tough battle.”
Garrus: “At least you made it through another one.”
Jewel: “Yeah…we did…”
Jewel looked back up to the sky.
Jewel: “Did you…did you guys hear…what he said?”
Ashley: “Yeah, we did. He seems to also know about the residual trace of Dark magic within our galaxy.”
Jewel: “But…how…can he…how it is…? He’s still back in our realm.”
Ashley and Garrus continued looking back into the sky with serious looks on their faces.
Garrus: “Yeah…this is very concerning.”
FemShep: “So, what now?”
Ashley: “For the time being, we should get back to the Normandy. We have a lot to talk about.”
Emily: “Well…I think I should go back to the hospital. I’ll…probably need to be evaluated.”
Ashley: “Sure, you do that. It’s good to see you alive.”
Emily: “Yeah, it feels good to be awake and back in my body…I think…”
Everyone seemed concerned by that.
Much time later, everyone returned to the Normandy. It detached itself, left the Citadel and flew away.
Within much time, some of the crew members were back within the lab. Star was near Mordin, as usual.
Star: “So, Mordin, I was able to get everything I could find on the list, well, granted there were a few items that I couldn’t find, but, I hope that what I was able to would be enough to satisfy you.”
Mordin: “Yes, managed to give me plenty. Greatly appreciative.”
Star smiled at him.
Ashley: “So, another encounter with the dark entity, huh?”
Jewel: “Yes, and the day wasn’t so bad to start with.”
Aera: “Well, I think it could have been worse.”
Star: “Yeah, we’ve been through worse than this. This didn’t even come anywhere close to being even one of our worst days. I think I had a pretty good day.”
Miranda: “That’s great to hear.”
Star: “Although…it would have been better if Mordin was with me.”
Garrus: “Yeah…Of course you would say that.”
Miranda was glancing over towards one direction.
Miranda: “I think I have reason to believe that some of us enjoyed this brief trip on the Citadel more than the rest of us for….certain reasons.”
She had been glancing towards Splash, who was a little startled at first, but then smiled in a sort of cheerful and embarrassed sort of way as she was rubbing the back of her head with her hand.
Ashley: “But what really bothers me is what he said.”
Miranda: “Yeah…he mentioned something about Darkness having not faded completely in this galaxy. I wonder what any of that means?”
Traynor: “Hmm….that sounds…really terrifying, but…we do know about any Darkness that was in this galaxy, right?”
Hackett: “We have been looking into the residual traces. But that’s not our biggest concern.”
FemShep: “It’s how the vigilante knew about any Darkness within our galaxy. How could he possibly know about any of it? And what did he mean when he said that Darkness hasn’t completely faded from it?”
Flare: “I…I have my concerns. In all honesty, I, myself, have feared Darkness for a long time.”
Everyone looked at Flare, startled by what she had said.
Ashley: “You’re…afraid of Darkness?”
Wrex: “That can’t be, we’ve seen you and the other girls face off against that gigantic menace that’s being controlled by your evil vigilante.”
Flare: “Oh…no, not that Darkness. That we can handle. I’m talking about another form.”
Ashley: “There’s another form of Darkness?”
Flare: “Yes, and…it is one that can be sensed out. Ever since I was little, I have been told about this, but never actually felt it until I was older. It has been most unpleasant.”
Everyone stood around and thought for a bit.
Liara: “Hmm…I think I have a pretty good idea what she’s talking about.”
Aera: “Yeah…we all do…”
Star: “So, Thane, you had a doctor’s appointment, but we didn’t see you there. How did it go?”
Thane: “The same that it had been during previous check-ups. The doctors wanted to monitor me to check on my Kepler’s Syndrome.”
Splash: “Kepral’s Syndrome? I’ve never heard about that before. What is it?”
Thane: “It is a respiratory disease that only affects drell like me. It is when long term exposure of humidity can cause our lungs to struggle with taking in oxygen, which is a substance that is needed by all carbon-based lifeforms to live.”
Aera: “Yeah, we knew about that, is this Kepral’s Syndrome of yours really serious?”
Thane: “Yes, It is lethal. In fact, terminal. Overtime, our lungs won’t be able to take in oxygen and it will become harder to breathe. Eventually, we suffocate.”
Aera: “So, this disease can basically cause you to suffocate to death? That sounds like a terrible disease.”
Thane: “Indeed it is. We drell are not used to moisture prior to living on Kahje. We used to live on another planet, Rakhana, before we were rescued by the hanar, who are the natives of Kahje.”
Splash: “What was even wrong with your planet and why did so many of you need to be removed from it?”
Thane: “Our industrialized civilizations commenced too early and they had a bad effect on the resources of our planet. It was also plagued with overpopulation. Overtime, our resources grew scarce and it would only be a matter of time before we would run out. We would eventually die out from the lack of sustainable resources as well as the many wars that were fought to obtain whatever was left. Eventually, the hanar found us and managed to evacuate us nearly by half a million. We were taken to their home world that also became our home.”
Splash: “Wow….that’s….really sad…”
Aera: “Only a handful of you evacuated? I’m guessing the rest that stayed behind pretty much died out, if I’m not mistaken, guy.”
Thane: “You would be right. Most of the population was wiped out by the billions. The planet is now a barren world and only a few thousand still remain.”
Aera: “And the drell have no one to blame but themselves.”
Splash: “Aera! Don’t be rude!! The drell lost a lot of their own! It’s a horrible, tragic thing that happened to them!”
Flare: “Actually, she does make a valid point. Although what happened to the drell was truly a tragedy, it is no doubt that they have done this to themselves.”
Thane: “They’re right, Splash. What Aera said was harsh, but it is the truth none-the-less.”
Splash: “Yes, but…still…it’s really sad…”
Splash was sulking from this.
Jewel: “So, back to the matter of your race. You say that your people prefer dry air and moisture can cause this disease of yours that will eventually kill you? Sounds like you guys barely have any luck with survival.”
Thane: “You may think that way, Jewel, but our chances of survival have been a lot higher than being left on our home world. The hanar at the moment are working on a genetic adaptation program to help combat this disease or at the very least slow its progression. Overtime, it will bear fruit but I don’t know when that time will come.”
Splash: “So….Mr. Thane…how long do you have before this disease…kills you?”
Thane: “Originally, I would be dead by now. When I first met Shepard, I only had less than a year to live. But…something very strange happened, something even the doctors are having a hard time understanding. The disease itself seemed to have greatly prematured.”
Flare: “What do you mean by that?”
Miranda: “Last I’ve heard, the disease itself seemed to have devolved into its earlier stages.”
Thane: “Yes, almost to a point where it is about to begin its earliest stages. At the moment, no one knows how it happened. I have been returning to that hospital repeatedly to be looked after. For the time being, they noticed no changes. They have also been trying to figure out how the disease would even downgrade the way that it did. At the moment, even the most advanced equipment and know-how are struggling to figure this out.”
Hackett: “This sounds to me like it’s something that is nothing short of a miracle.”
Garrus: “A miracle, huh? I would think magic had something to do with this.”
Thane: “No, it is not a miracle or rather I wouldn’t think of it as one. I’m still dying but my life has been extended by at least another few years.”
Splash: “But still, it might actually buy you more time for your condition to be taken care of before that time comes.”
Thane: “Well…yes, there is that.”
Tali: “Regardless, perhaps the same kind of magic that’s responsible for all of the miraculous survivals that’s happening throughout the galaxy is the same kind that had reversed your disease.”
Flare: “Yes…it does sound like it….I wish I could provide answers to these questions.”
Hackett: “No need to worry about that, Flare. We will find the answers that we’re looking for. In a way, you are and have, but not as quickly as most would want.”
Flare: “I….I know….”
Jewel: “It must be frustrating to have so many mysteries and not a lot of answers.”
Ashley: “It is, but we will find them. You girls don’t have to worry about any of this.”
Hackett: “Indeed, your arrival has provided us with more insight to this than we would have been able to find on our own, so I can’t say you should be discredited just because of the answers we haven’t found. We’re a lot closer to solving these mysteries than we could have ever possibly achieved without you or ever for that matter.”
Jewel: “Hmm…um…there’s something else I need to ask.”
Thane: “Yes, what it is, Jewel?”
Jewel: “When we met with Emily, one of the survivors that just came to, she said that she, for some reason, remembers thinking that she should “go back” so badly. Do you…did you remember…having thoughts like that?”
Thane stood by and pondered this for a brief moment.
Thane: “Hmm….I think…I think I remember something like that. I don’t fully understand it myself, but I can still hear vivid thoughts of wanting to return.”
Jewel: “I see…could that have been…thoughts of wanting to return to being alive or…something like that?”
Thane: “Hmm…may be…but…I don’t think I was even dead, I was perhaps…something along the lines of near death.”
Jewel: “Yeah, of course, you were all involved in incidences where you could have died but somehow…”
Flare: “Perhaps what all of you have gone through was a form of being spared from death.”
Thane: “Spared from death? I guess in a way, that would make sense, but…what could have done that? Who or what saved us from dying?”
Jewel: “Something tells me we will find those answers sooner or later.”
Splash: “Yeah, we will find them, even if we have to work hard to find all of those answers. We will do whatever we can! That is a promise!”
Liara: “Girls, that is really sweet, but…you don’t need to do anything, you’ve already done so much already.”
Mordin: “Of course, besides, have already found out so much from what we have learned from all of you.”
Star: “Well then, if we really put forth the effort, then I believe that we will find those answers much faster. What do you say, Mordin?”
Mordin: “Hm, will take whatever we can get.”
Hackett: “I admire your enthusiasm, girls, but the last thing we would ever want is to take advantage of you.”
Garrus: ”Not that we ever could.”
Star: “Don’t worry about us, we don’t mind at all.”
Splash: “Yeah, we want to help.”
Jewel: “I’m sure we can find some way to help find clues that can help. We feel like…it’s the least we can do.”
The different crew members exchanged looks with one another. Liara then walked up to Jewel and placed her hand on her shoulder.
Liara: “No, you don’t need to owe us anything.”
Jewel looked at her, she seemed touched. Liara smiled back at her.
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Episode 26-Primarch

Shortly afterwards, Steve Cortez walked into the room. Everyone noticed him almost immediately. He stood by, silent for a bit. Aera had a conspicuously different look on her face, almost like she seemed startled by something.

Steve: “Um…hello.”
Ashley: “Oh, hello again, Cortez. How’s the shuttle holding up?”
Steve: “It’s coming together nicely. It suffered a few minor dings but it’ll be up and running again.”
Ashley: “That’s good to hear.”
Jewel: “Uh, what was wrong with the shuttle?”
Ashley: “Oh, sorry, you girls didn’t know. When we were transporting a lot of the supplies, the shuttle kind of got too close to one of the other ships. It seemed to have suffered a few minor damages and it’s being fixed up right now.”
Steve: “It wasn’t my fault. The other guy needed to watch where he was going.”
Ashley: “I know. I saw the whole thing. I know that it was other guy who was careless, not you.”
Steve: “Yeah, he’s lucky that we just scraped each other. Thank goodness it wasn’t any worse.”
Star: “I’m sorry, but we haven’t met you. Are you that Cortez guy that pilots that shuttle?”
Steve: “Yes, that’s me. Sorry we never had a chance to meet. I’ve been too busy with that shuttle. So, you girls must be the Fayelons that I’ve heard so much about. I’m actually glad to finally have this chance to meet.”
Jewel: “Yes, that is us. I’m Jewel, this is Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Splash: “It’s good to meet you.”
He smiled a bit and nodded once. He then looked towards Aera, who was staring at him with a noticeably astonished look on her face.
Steve: “Uh….are you…OK there….um…Aera, was it?”
She walked up to him, still with the same look on her face.
Aera: “Oh, my gosh….you…look…kind of like…my father…”
Steve reacted to this a little. The other girls began to sulk a little. Everyone else took notice of this.
Steve: “Your….your father? Am I…huh….”
As she stopped in front of him, she stared at him for a bit. Then at that moment, tears welled up in her eyes a bit. Steve seemed concerned about her for a bit.
Steve: “You…you OK?”
Aera nodded. She rubbed one of her eyes.
Aera: “Sorry, I…I just…I just miss him so much…”
Steve: “Really? Is it because you’re so far from your home? Or…did something happen to him?”
Aera dropped her head a bit and looked to her side as she sulked.
Aera: “My dad…I…I lost him…when I was still a young girl…he was…he meant so to me…”
Steve: “I’m…I’m sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, losing a loved one. I lost my husband not too long ago.”
Just then, he noticed that all of the Fayelons had terrified looks on their faces.
Steve: “Did I…did I say something wrong?”
Flare: “Did you…are you…”
Star: “You’re attracted to guys?”
Steve: “Yes, I am indeed homosexual. You girls don’t have a problem with that, right?”
They began to sulk as they dropped their heads a little.
Jewel: “No…not us personally, but…”
Flare: “In our culture…such things are considered….very highly impermissible.”
Steve: “You don’t allow same sex relationships amongst your kind?”
Star: “No!! Where we come from, it’s one of the worst forms of immorality!! In fact, it’s so immoral that even supporting it discouragedi!! If you were part of our culture, you would be severely reprimanded, assuming you’re lucky!!”
Steve: “Wow, your kind must be very strict about relationships.”
Flare: “It is a rule that has been enforced for many, many generations. Many are too scared to even support it or anyone who would engage in such a relationship because it has been strictly enforced.”
Liara: “But why would they do that?”
Flare: “They claim that it is detrimental to conceiving an offspring. We are told that we must be involved in the necessary intimacy in order for such things.”
Star: “That’s how we were taught, anyway.”
Splash: “I’m guessing that these kinds of relationships are considered OK in this realm, right?”
Miranda: “You would be right.”
Ashley: “It took us a long time to accept it, though. Some are still…indifferent about it, though.”
FemShep: “Hmm…as a matter of fact, for asari, it had been a huge part of their culture.”
Liara: “Indeed, since my race is comprihended as what other species would address as “female”, same sex relationships were the only things that were part of our culture, that is before we interacted with other races.”
Star: “Wait! Asari…can reproduce with their own kind, but…none of them are men…but….”
Ashley: “They can mate with other species as well.”
Star: “They can reproduce with someone who’s a different species from them!?! Even regardless of their genders??”
Liara: “That’s right. We’ll talk about it some other time.”
Star: “I…wow!! That’s…that’s so much to take in!!”
Steve: “So, yes, I don’t know what you would call it where you’re from, an atrocity or whatever, but I am what we call gay or homosexual. I hope you don’t think of me too badly.”
He then noticed Aera had a bit of sad and astonished look in her eye.
Aera: “You…you remind me even more of my dad…”
From there, she threw herself on her and held him close. He placed his arms around her, too. They then pulled away from each other.
Steve: “I’ll get back to the hanger bay to check on the shuttle. As soon as it’s fixed, I’ll head out to pick up the Primarch and bring him here to meet you girls.”
He walked out of the room. Aera walked back towards the others. Everyone stood and thought for a brief moment.
Liara: “So…we still have more to talk about…”
Jewel: “Hm, yes…Hey, Liara, you didn’t…you didn’t find anything in the crystals about our perception on intimate relationships, have you?”
Liara: “No…not, yet. Glyph is still sifting through them as we speak. I’ll let him know about what you’ve said to us and then see if he has found it, yet.”
Splash: “That Cortez guy was awfully nice.”
Ashley: “Yeah, he is a good person.”
Aera: “I look forward to seeing him again. It may probably be the closest that I’ll get to…”
Aera sulked even more. Her friends, looking concerned, stood by and stared at her a bit. From there, Jewel and Splash walked up to her and held her close as they consoled her. Everyone else watched this unfold.
Liara: “Wow, I can’t imagine what she went through when she lost her father…”
Flare: “Yes, it is hard to fathom…what happened to him, it was…most disconcerting.”
Star: “This was before Flare and I met them and became part of their friend group.”
Liara: “I see…”
Aera wiped her eyes and her friends pulled away from her a bit.
Aera: “So…Steve was going to pick up someone he called a…what was it? Primarch?”
Hackett: “That’s right. The primarch.”
Star: “What’s a primarch?”
Hackett: “The primarch is a very, very important person amongst the turians. It’s a high rank amongst their race and culture. They are among the higher authority.”
Splash: “Turians? Hey, this guy must be associated with you, Garrus!”
Garrus: “Um, no, not really. Although I have interacted with the guy for a bit, I don’t know him personally.”
Splash: “Really? But…he’s a turian; the same race as you.”
Garrus: “That has nothing to do with any affiliations that I would have with him. It would be like if another Fayelon other than you and your friends just walked in here and one of us thinking that you know them, but then having each of you mention that you actually don’t.”
Splash: “Oh, right, yeah, we don’t know a lot of other Fayelons.”
Aera: “Do you at least know his name?”
Garrus: “The primarch is named Adrien Victus. He’s a well-known and decorated general of our military. Although I don’t know the guy personally, I am familiar with his background and history.”
Splash: “Sounds neat.”
Star: “Pfft! Whatevs! Primarch, turian war hero, head honcho of the race; as if any of it really matters. This guy’s got nothing on Garrus. Far as I’m concerned, he’s the best of the best guys I’ve ever known.”
Garrus did not at all look flattered.
Aera: “Really, Star? I thought Mordin was your favorite.”
Star: “What? I’m only allowed to have one favorite? Not cool, Aera!”
Almost everyone in the room started chuckling.
Flare: “Well, if he is of high regard to the turians, then we should be on our best behavior, lest we leave a terrible impression with him.”
Miranda: “Flare does have the correct attitude. I’m sure some of some of you wouldn’t have a problem with this, but I think it would be best if all of you would try to be polite for as long as you can.”
Aera: “Sure, I’ll try not to get on his nerves.”
Hackett: “Don’t worry, girls. You’ll be just fine. He only wants to meet with you. It should be fine for you to just continue to behave however you feel comfortable.”
Jewel: “Yes, but we shouldn’t be too lenient, either. We want to make a good impression with everyone that we meet.”
Aera: “Well, as long as he’s not as condescending as the council, I think I won’t have any problems with him.”
Hackett: “I don’t blame you for thinking that way, Aera. None of us, do.”
After much time, the primarch arrived. He made his way to the lab where some of the crew members, the admiral, Ms. Shepard plus the girls were waiting for him. They took notice of him almost immediately.
Adrien: “Hello, everyone.”
Hackett: “Good to see you again, Primarch.”
Splash: “So, that must be him.”
Wrex: “You certainly took a lot of time to get here.”
Adrien: “Apologies. It was a long way from here. So, these must be the girls that most of the galaxy’s been talking about, the…magical girls, I presume.”
Hackett: “Yes, these are the girls. This is Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Flare walked up to the direction of the primarch before stopping. She then, with her hands clasped together and hanging in front of her, bowed.
Flare: “It is good to meet you, Primarch.”
Adrien: “Likewise. I’ve…been looking forward to this for a while now. So, a lot of you have been taking care of these girls, huh?”
Ashley: “Yes, that’s right.”
Garrus: “We’ve been looking after them since their arrival in our galaxy.”
Adrien: “I see. Glad someone is. They’re so young.”
Liara: “You seem to be doing well, Primarch.”
Adrien: “The same to you, Liara. It truly is good to see all of you again.”
He soon looked towards Mordin.
Adrien: “And you as well, Dr. Solus. So, it is true. You were able to survive.”
Star: “Yeah, he did and you had better not say anything nasty about it, or I swear I’ll pull of those side flaps while making you feel every secon-”
Jewel: “Star!”
At that moment, the primarch began to chuckle.
Adrien: “That one’s got some fire in her. I admire that.”
Star: “And I’m not even a pyromancer.“
Adrien: “I take it that you are very well acquainted with the doctor.”
Aera: “That would be an understatement, guy.”
Jewel: “So…Mr. Primarch. I’m sure you already know about the miraculous survivals that we’ve heard so much about.”
Adrien: “Indeed I do, Jewel. I have been looking into the members of the turian fleet that are among those survivors. Little by little, we are noticing that more have survived from those circumstances than we first realized.”
Jewel: “How much more are we talking?”
Adrien: “The survival count has already gone up to 23%”
Garrus: “23%!?! Nearly a quarter of the fleet that we thought could have perished are still alive!?!”
Adrien: “Yes and all are still comatose. However, we’ve already had a good chuck that came to. I would say around 5% are awake.”
Garrus: “Hmm…this is very unusual. I didn’t think that it would increase so significantly.”
Adrien: “And I get the feeling that there are still more out there. We’re still searching a lot of the wreckage.”
Jewel seemed concerned.
Hackett: “This is indeed very strange. When last we spoke, I mentioned that there was something important that I needed to talk to you about.”
Adrien: “Yeah, I know and you told me to meet with you in private. You said all of this had something to do with these girls, aside from meeting them.”
Hackett: “Yeah, it does. Believe it or not, these girls helped to find a vital clue in what could be causing this. A while back after Dr. Solus came to, I asked him to look into some strange energy readings.”
Adrien: “What does that have to do with these miraculous survivors? Or even these girls for that matter?”
Hackett: “Well, it turns out that upon analyzing them, Dr. Solus was able to find energy readings within them that have some similarities to this mysterious energy.”
Adrien: “Wait! Energy? Within these girls?”
Hackett: “That’s right. Magical energy. We were able to find that the mysterious energy that Dr. Solus was looking into is indeed magic.”
Adrien: “Magic? So, it’s all true? I mean, these girls are magical beings, but…could such…truly exist?”
Ashley: “Yes, or at least energy that we can best describe as magic.”
Hackett: “Either way, we have reason to believe that this energy could be causing these survivals, or at the very least connected to them.”
Adrien: “Hmm…well, many people throughout the galaxy have been surviving from impossible circumstances; that sounds like magic to me. As hard as it is to believe, there is no doubt that magic IS real.”
Liara: “Well…that may be the case, but…we don’t really know how this magical energy is causing these survivals or if it is the true force behind it.”
Mordin: “Only way for us to determine that is to analyze all of the miraculous survivors and see if we can find any way to truly connect them.”
FemShep: “In the meantime, we’re dealing with another issue.”
Adrien: “Yes, I know. There’s a dark entity of some kind looming over us.”
Tali: “Yes and we are trying to do all we can to help the girls put a stop to him.”
Adrien: “Well, I wish all of you the best of luck. I’ve heard a lot of things about how the person who’s controlling this entity has caused so much trouble for these girls and pretty much their entire race.”
The girls sulked a bit.
Adrien: “By the way, there is another matter that we need to discuss.”
Splash: “What is it?”
Adrien: “I just contacted the Urdnot clan back on Tuchanka.”
Wrex: “Wait, you contacted my clan on the home planet? So, why am I just hearing about this now?”
Adrien: “This was a private conversation, I apologize. The leader of the females amongst your clan, Eve, wanted you to be informed of this around the same time as these girls.”
Wrex: “Hmph! It’s almost as though ever since the genophage was cured, she became a completely different person.”
Garrus: “Heh, after the way she sent all of those newly-fertile women after you, I can see why.”
Wrex had an annoyed grimace, almost to a point when his lip was quivering.
Adrien: “Anyway, she told me that she would like all of you to make your way back to Tuchanka. She would like to meet the girls. Plus, there are a few things that we would like to discuss.”
Ashley: “Understood, we’ll set a course there right away.”
Liara: “I look forward to seeing how much Tuchanka has changed since we were last there. I heard from Eve that some of the vegetation is already growing back.”
Wrex: “Yeah, it has, but not a lot really has changed. It still looks pretty much the same.”
Liara: “Oh, well…thank you for letting us know.”
Star: “So, while we’re making our way to this…Tuchanka, what will we be doing in the meantime?”
Garrus: “Well, for starters, I think it would be time for us to be starting dinner and you girls are most certainly going to be eating.”
Flare: “Certainly, I truly look forward to it.”
Thane: “Well, since there is nothing else for us to talk about, I think I’ll be taking my leave.”
Thane walked out of the room.
Miranda: “I think I should be going, too. I’ll check on how Gardner’s doing with preparing the meals.”
Miranda also walked out.
Splash: “I think I should go with her. I want to make sure that I don’t see…anything that I don’t want there.”
Liara: “I’m coming with you.”
Liara and Splash walked out together.
Aera: “I better go with her. Just in case…well…you know.”
Tali: “Yeah, I have a pretty good idea with what you mean, Aera.”
Aera also walked out with Tali as well.
Adrien: “So, Doctor. I can see you’re doing well, for someone who…nearly died.”
Mordin didn’t seem to have anything to say. Adrien was seen sulking.
Flare: “Is there…something the matter, Primarch?”
Adrien: “Well…I was just…remembering…the last time that I’ve dealt with issues on Tuchanka.”
Garrus: “You must be thinking about when we discovered that bomb left behind on that planet by our ancestors.”
Adrien: “Yes…hefty price for a terrible mistake that we have made…some paid for it more than others.”
Garrus: “Yeah…I know.”
Star: “What happened on Tuchanka? And you do mean by a bomb?”
Adrien: “Many years ago during the Krogan Rebellion, our ancestors placed a bomb that could have caused major devastation to the krogan population.”
Jewel: “I can’t believe they would do that!!! Just what were they thinking!?!”
Adrien: “I understand that you’re angry, Jewel and…I have to be honest, upon finding out about it, I aimed to take care of it as quickly as possible, before the krogan found out about it.”
Wrex: “I remember that day, I was so p*****. We had a vicious argument.”
Adrien: “Yes, I foresaw your anger, that is why I aimed to resolve it before anyone found out about it. I had a squadron of turians sent down to try and disarm it. My son, Tarquin, was among those in the squadron.”
Flare: “Your son was part of that squadron?”
Adrien: “Yes, it was a…difficult endeavor.”
Adrien sulked
Jewel: “I take it that he didn’t survive.”
Adrien: “No…he gave his life to disarm that bomb. It was then that I realized that secrets often get people killed.”
The girls stood by in silence as they sulked.
Adrien: “I, without a doubt, paid a hefty price that day and although I am sad for his loss, I am proud of him.”
Jewel: “Hmm…”
Star: “Huh…so…he isn’t one of the miraculous survivors.”
Adrien: “No…he is truly dead. I am very well aware that whatever untapped force that has caused these survivals could not save everyone. I didn’t save my son, afterall…”
Mordin: “Hm, a true shame, wish he could have been saved instead of me. Would have gladly traded away my remaining years to bring him back.”
Star: “No! Don’t say that! I mean, yeah, I can understand why you would think that way, but…I can’t imagine not having you around! I don’t want to let you go!”
Mordin looked towards Star for a moment. He then reached out his hand and placed it on her head.
Mordin: “Star…do not worry. There may be a reason why I was spared. Will look into this, will find the truth, will not let this second chance that I was given go to waste. Not going anywhere, will assure you of that.”
She looked back at him, having tears streaming down her face. She then smiled.
Adrien: “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m actually glad that you were spared, Doctor. I don’t know why, but I think you’ve shown to have a lot of worth towards these girls. If there was anyone who needed to be spared for their sake, it would without doubt be you. I would give anything to have my son back and I would even gladly trade away my primarch title for that in a heartbeat, but we can’t change what has already happened.”
Hackett: “Though plenty would try as we have already seen.”
Adrien: “Indeed.”
Everyone stood by for a bit. At that moment, Flare looked towards a secluded part of the room and noticed the mysterious entity there. She “saw” as it covered its mouth with its hand with tears streaming down its face. She continued to stare at this for a brief moment. Just then, they noticed Aera walking back into the room.
Aera: “Jewel, we need you right now. It’s Splash.”
Jewel had an annoyed look on her face.
Jewel: “Alright, I’m coming.”
Jewel walked out, everyone else stood by for a bit before a few of them followed.
Flare: “Oh….not this again.”
Star: “Wait, if we’re here, then who’s there keeping her back?”
Aera: “The biotic women are with her. They’re holding her back the best they can, but they’re struggling.”
Star: “All of them!?! Even Samara!?!”
Aera: “Yes, even Samara.”
They continued until they reached the Crew Quarters.
Adrien: “I don’t think I follow. What is happening?”
Aera: “A few seconds ago, one of the lower deck crewmen were talking about eating out at a seafood restaurant.”
Garrus: “Don’t tell me; they were no more than an earshot away from Splash. It figures.”
Adrien: “And how is that a bad thing?”
Garrus: “Well…”
Garrus: “That happens.”
They soon arrived where Aera needed to lead them. There, they spotted Miranda, Liara, Samara and Jack using their biotic powers to hold back Splash, but they were really struggling as she was trying to fight through their biotic pull. A few others were standing around watching this.
Adrien: “What the…!?!”
Mordin: “Hm, fascinating, even the biotics struggle to hold her back. Indeed sheer power and will of a Fayelon. Either that or her vicious temper makes it hard for them to hold her back.”
Garrus: “I would guess that it might be a combination of both. Fayelons are incredibly powerful beings.”
FemShep: “Yeah, you kind of would have to be if even the justicar is struggling to hold you back.”
Liara: “Jewel! There you are! Hurry! Get out that special gem that you use on her!!”
Jewel conjured the same dark-purple gem from her hand.
Jewel: “I’m on it.”
She walked up to Splash and placed it on her chest. From there, Splash calmed down and fell back into her trance.
Splash: “Sweet dreams.”
The biotics let go of her and Jewel was able to catch her and held her close.
Jack: “Man, she was hard to hold back!”
Samara: “It is good that you came when you did, Jewel.”
Jewel: “Sorry, I didn’t think that you needed me right at this moment.”
Miranda: “It’s fine. We didn’t think so, either.”
Jack: “Huh, I can’t believe that she would throw such a violent fit and over seafood!”
Jewel: “Yeah, it’s a psychosis of hers.”
Jack: “And I thought I had anger issues. What could have caused her to be like this?”
The other Fayelons stood by silently sulking.
Ashley: “We don’t know, but whatever it is, it seems to be something that’s too painful for them to talk about.”
Liara: “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask, what kind of jewel do you use to calm her down?”
Jewel: “You remember when I mentioned that Fantasy Crystal she misused when we were kids?”
Garrus: “Oh, no, you don’t mean to say….is that really the same crystal that you use on her constantly?”
Jewel nodded.
Garrus: “Isn’t it kind of irresponsible to use the same jewel that pretty much caused this problem?”
Jewel: “It’s the only thing that can calm her down. We’ve tried whatever we could think of. Besides, we can’t risk using anything else if there’s a chance that they won’t work.”
Garrus: “Well…when you put it that way…I guess you girls really don’t have a lot of options.”
Jewel: “And…it wasn’t the major cause of this issue. If anything, it was the aftereffect of…well…a lot of the other things that she’s been through…”
Everyone stood by, silent for a bit.
Adrien: “So…how long do you plan on keeping her like that?”
Jewel: “Only a few minutes. It doesn’t take her long to calm down. Being in her happy place really does a lot to return her to normal. In fact…”
She then pulled the jewel off of her and from there, Splash came to again.
Splash: “Aah!! Wait!! Fishies friends!! Don’t go!! I….huh? Since when did I get back on the Normandy?”
Aera: “You never left. We’ve been here since we returned from the Citadel.”
Splash: “Umm….oh! Heh, heh, ehh….wow! That…was crazy.”
FemShep: “No kidding.”
Flare: “Now then, while we are here, when’s dinner?”
Everyone looked towards Flare.
Aera: “Still thinking about food, huh?”
Gardner: “Sounds like you girls are hungry.”
They looked up and noticed Gardner standing nearby.
Gardner: “Well, no need to wait another minute. Dinner is ready so you girls get on to chowing down.”
Flare: “Oh, boy! Finally!! Another chance to enjoy a delicious meal!”
She walked off.
Jewel: “Come on, girls, let’s get to the food before she try to devour everything again.”
The rest of the girls walked off. Some of the crew members stood beside a few of their visitors.
Adrien: “Huh, those are some unusual girls.”
Garrus: “Yeah, they are, but that would be typical when meeting a new species.”
FemShep: “So, would there be anything left for us?”
Ashley: “The girls would need to eat first. It’s apparent that they’ve been deprived of too many decent meals for pretty much their entire lives. And don’t worry about them depleting our supplies. They’re not heavy eaters. They won’t deplete our food supplies or run up any grocery bills.”
Tali: “I would think that you received a decent price on these supplies.”
Ashley: “Yes, I did find a supplier who was willing to give away a lot of their cargo for a really good discount. When I spoke with them, they seemed thrilled to get rid of so much of it and were willing to charge any cheap prices.”
Tali: “Wow, that sounds like a really good deal.”
It didn’t take long for Wrex and Grunt to arrive.
Wrex: “Heh, so Flare’s at it again? It seems as though even when she’s had her fill, the second she sees food, it’s like she’s hungry all over again.”
Grunt: “Tell me about it, she eats like she’s never seen food before in her life.”
Garrus: “Heh, given how much the girls would normally eat, it would almost be close to that.”
Tali: “By the way, Wrex. How was the…all-you-can-eat that you and Grunt had with Flare?”
Wrex: “It was like nothing I’ve ever seen before! The girl pretty much devoured everything in sight, at least that’s what it seemed like.”
Grunt: “Yeah, she ate more than even a starved varren that was completely deprived of food. I was surprised that there was any food left for anyone.”
Wrex: “It was like she has the stomach of a black hole that devoured everything that it came in contact with.”
Grunt: “Um…not to ask a stupid question or anything, but…do Fayelons even have stomachs?”
Everyone stood by, silent for a bit.
Garrus: “I…I didn’t even think of asking that.”
Liara: “Hmm…now that you mentioned it, I didn’t even consider mentioning their physiology.”
Miranda: “Say, Mordin, did you even find anything about their body structures or organs?”
Mordin: “Glad you asked.”
He went onto his Omni-tool again.
Mordin: “Did notice some things about their physiology as I was scanning them. Asked the Fayelons for permission to look further into them. They didn’t seem to mind, although…spoke to me as though they, themselves, are curious about their own physiology.”
Garrus: “The girls don’t even know much about their own bodies!?! Did their own society fail in teaching them that?”
Liara: “Actually, it’s worse than that. I remember looking into one of the Intel Crystals and it spoke about their physiology. I was able to learn a lot about their vitals and functions of the different parts of their bodies. I was also told that such intel is something that not a lot of their own kind know about.”
Tali: “Their kind is not normally taught about the functions of their own bodies? Is there any reason for that?”
Grunt: “Maybe how their bodies function is too complicated for a lot of them to understand, such as how any species can reproduce.”
Liara: “No, I did check the crystals. Their physiology is not difficult to understand, especially by them. Although, the strangest thing is they do learn how to reproduce at a shockingly younger age than we do.”
Garrus: “Their kind is taught how to reproduce at a young age and yet they don’t even bother to teach much of them about how their bodily function? Is there a specific reason for that?”
Liara: “I tried to ask that, but the entity that I spoke with was passive aggressive with me asking that question. I couldn’t find out anything about why that is.”
Garrus: “Hmm…how their society functions is sounding more and more shady. I mean, I’m not one to question how another race’s society works but we do have a right to understand why it works the way it does.”
Miranda: “Indeed, in my experience, withholding any intel from anyone sounds like a means of maintaining control over others. But…what could they be hiding by withholding information regarding their own bodies?”
Liara: “Hmm…yes, something about all of this is very fishy.”
Garrus: “Careful with saying that an earshot away from Splash.”
Liara: “Yes, I know.”
Hackett: “We’ll need to keep this in mind. It’s clear that there is a lot that their own kind is trying to hide, especially from the girls. We can only learn so much about the race from what the girls can provide.”
Ashley: “We’ll also need to talk with them about what we have learned and see how much their own kind has been withholding from them.”
Hackett: “I don’t think I need to say that this vigilante is even the start of our troubles regarding their kind. Once we’re able to deal with him, we’ll start on the process of going after every secret and shady function of their whole world.”
Liara: “I wonder if the vigilante has anything to do with this.”
Ashley: “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some involvement with this.”
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Hi, I've seen you've put a lot of work into this over the last few weeks! I want to encourage you to consider moving this story over to some place that might get you some better attention than a modding forum. There's probably an even better audience at a site where tons of people write stories about their favorite characters like archiveofourown.org or or fanfiction.net

For all the work you've been doing it's probably best to continue work someplace like that, since there are people going there specifically to read new stories like yours. Here on Nexus, people are probably mostly looking for information about modding the game, and you may not get as many readers as you could since people are sifting and searching for specific information. But you can have even more fun in place built specifically for stories, Like Archive Of Our Own. People can even comment there and talk about your work with you. Have fun!

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I left AO3 for a number of reasons. I'm trying to find relevant sites for these posts and thought this would be one of them.


Also, there are personal reasons why I don't post this on FF.net. I prefer more personal sites considering that this is more of a private story for a certain group of audiances.


Besides, I've tried all other fanfic sites, same results. I'm also trying to keep this away from someone on the internet. I can't completely guarantee that I will prevent her from seeing this.


Also, I wish someone mentioned this to me a lot sooner.

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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Episode 27-Tuchanka

Much time later, the Normandy arrived at Tuchanka. From there, several of the crew members along with the girls and the few visitors took a shuttle down to the surface. As they were arriving on the surface, the girls looked out in horror at the state of the surroundings.

Flare: “Oh, my…goodness…!!!”
Aera: “So, this is Tuchanka?”
Hackett: “Yes, as you can see, the planet has suffered a terrible devastation.”
Jewel: “How long has it been like this!?!”
Hackett: “Over 1000 years.”
Liara: “I can see not much has changed.”
The shuttle soon landed on the ground, everyone stepped out. The girls were devastated to see the ruin area that surrounds them.
Star: “Oh, my…what a dump!!”
Jewel: “Star! Don’t be rude!”
Grunt: “No, I agree with her, actually.”
Splash: “How did this planet come to be like this!?!”
Aera: “I’m surprised anyone can still live here.”
Hackett: “The krogan unleashed nuclear weapons that had devastating effects on the entire surface. As you can see, they have been undergoing a nuclear winter.”
Splash: “Winter?? But it’s not even cold!!”
Hackett: “Not now, but there was a time when Tuchanka experienced extreme cold temperatures.”
Wrex: “Believe it or not, our society has improved immensely since back then.”
Aera looked around with a not so impressed look on her face.
Aera: “Huh, if this is how your world looks now, I wonder how it could possibly have been much worse before.”
Soon enough, a few other krogan approached the group. One of them was covered in a very special garment that had most of their face covered. Wrex developed a petite smile on his face. He walked up to the cloaked krogan.
Wrex: “Eve, you’re looking well.”
He extended his hand to the cloaked krogan and they shook hands.
Eve: “Wrex, welcome back. You’ve seem to have been gone longer than expected.”
Wrex: “Sorry about that. There was a lot that I didn’t expect to come across when I heard about the, uh, “fairy girls”.”
Eve: “Hm, yes, from what I’ve heard, you did experience a lot.”
She then looked towards the rest of the group. She also took notice of the girls.
Eve: “So, this must be them, the…magical girls I’ve heard so much about.”
Jewel stepped forward a little.
Jewel: “Yes, that is us. I’m Jewel, this is Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Eve: “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Star: “So, your name is Eve, huh? That doesn’t sound very, um…krogan-like.”
Eve chuckled a little.
Eve: “No, it isn’t. To tell you the truth, my real name is Urdnot Bakara. But you may call me Eve.”
Jewel: “Um…OK.”
Aera: “So, Miss…Bakara, who was it that gave you the name Eve?”
Eve then looked towards Mordin.
Eve: “Why, the doctor, of course.”
Everyone looked towards Mordin. He didn’t seem phased. She then walked up to Mordin and stood before him.
Eve: “You seem to be looking well. I can see you’re finally awake.”
Mordin: “Yes, heard about what you did for me. Thank you.”
Eve: “It was my pleasure, doctor. You were willing to give your life for us. It was the least I can do.”
Star: “Um, mind explaining what you guys are talking about?”
Wrex: “This was something that happened a little after the Reapers were dealt with. Many of us were beginning the process of cleaning up after the mess of the war.”
Eve: “One of those messes were of the tower where the cure for the genophage was dispersed. It was there where we found him.”
Garrus: “When we first heard about that, we didn’t believe it was possible, but…”
Wrex: “This was where it got strange.”
Eve: “I asked them to take me there because…I knew I would find him and…I knew that I would find him…alive.”
The girls were startled from this.
Aera: “But, from what you told it, it was impossible for him to have survived!!”
Jewel: “How can you have known that he would be found alive?”
Wrex: “That, we don’t know. All we knew is that we would find him and that he would be alive. Almost like…we knew in advance somehow.”
Hackett: “This was one of the reasons why I wanted to bring you girls here. There was more to the survivals that we needed to discuss, but we felt that here would be a better time to do it.”
The girls stood silent, lost in thought for a moment.
Jewel: “Was this…was this true for all other miraculous survivors?”
Hackett: “Yes, it was how we were able to find them. We knew that somehow, many of these people would be found alive despite the circumstances in which they would have been killed.”
Tali: “It was also how we were able to find Shepard and how he could have been among them.”
Jewel: “And the same goes with Anderson, I presume.”
Ashley: “Yes.”
Splash: “So, you guys knew that these people were alive somehow and yet you don’t know how you could have possibly even known, right?”
FemShep: “That’s about right.”
Garrus: “Makes the concept of magic involved in this make even more sense.”
Flare: “Hmm…I wonder how that is.”
Splash: “Maybe you guys were granted a sixth sense that made you somehow know about this?”
Hackett: “That’s a possibility, but I get the feeling that it’s something more complicated than that.”
Flare stood by and thought for a brief moment.
Flare: “Can you…can you guys take me to where that tower was?”
Wrex: “Is there something you’d like to check out there?”
Flare: “Perhaps, but…I would like to be brought there just to be sure.”
Eve: “There really isn’t much to be seen there. The wreckage itself is still being cleared out.”
Flare: “I don’t expect to find anything there, I want to see if I can sense out anything.”
Eve: “Sense…out?”
Ashley: “Flare has a special ability to sense out aura and energy. I know we won’t see anything significant there, but I doubt it means that there’s nothing worth looking into.”
Eve: “Well…alright, I’ll arrange that. Besides, I’ve heard some things about Flare’s special powers from Wrex, so I’m curious to see this for myself.”
Flare, with her hands clasped in front of her while hanging down, she bowed.
Flare: “I appreciate that…honorable Urdnot Bakara.”
Eve had a slight reaction on her face.
Sometime later, they were riding in a massive truck.
Aera: “So…Bakara…can you tell me why Mordin would even name you Eve?”
Eve sat silent for a brief few seconds.
Eve: “I surrendered my real name when I became a shaman for the Urdnot clan. It is…the way of our kind.”
Aera: “A krogan shaman?”
Eve: “Yes, it is a grueling concept and one that is part of our tradition. I have never revealed my real name to anyone, so the doctor needed to come up with one to address me.”
Splash: “So, where did the name Eve come from?”
Mordin: “Eve is a name from human mythology, representing her position amongst her race.”
Eve: “I was told that the name came from a vital human female in their old tales. I stuck with it.”
Jewel: “Hmm…interesting.”
Eve: “I wouldn’t usually reveal my real name to anyone, but you girls are special.”
Aera: “That’s a given. Though, sometimes I wonder if it’s in a good way or a bad way.”
FemShep: “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course it’s in a good way. You girls are trying to deal with a terrible threat and to protect your kind. I don’t think anyone else would have done things any differently.”
Jewel: “I just wish that we were stronger, much like the older members of our kind.”
Star: “So, Eve? Can you tell us why you wear that strange garment that covers you up? Are you not allowed to show your face or other features to outsiders or something?”
Eve: “All female krogans cover themselves like this.”
Star: “But why? Why cover yourselves like this? Do the males of your clans suppress you or something like that?”
Star then stood up with her fists clenched as she glared towards Wrex.
Star: “I swear, Wrex, if you and the rest of your males are sexist and oppressive towards your females, I’ll rip those plates off of your heads till you scream and cry like…”
Wrex: “Easy there, Star. The females of our clan are precious.”
Eve: “He’s right, we rarely leave our world, not because we are being oppressed, but because we play a vital role amongst our clans. We held a responsibility to breed as a means of preventing our population from declining too quickly. It is an obligation that many of us took pride in.”
Wrex: “The females of our clans are held in high regards. We treat them with respect and it’s not like none of them have a say in what they should or should not do.”
Eve: “What we have done throughout the ages were our choices. No male of our clan, not even the leaders, can dictate how we should live. Everything they’ve done to us was for our protection.”
Aera: “Wow, things must have really been serious during the genophage.”
Mordin dropped his head a little and sulked.
Liara: “So, there is no need to worry about how the krogan females were treated. They weren’t brought up by unfair circumstances in any way.”
Garrus: “Though, the circumstances in which they have been living with were, without a doubt, very unfair and they weren’t completely at fault.”
Mordin was still sulking. Star sat back down.
Star: “Well…I’m just glad that they weren’t repressed just for being females. Stuff like that…well…it really rubs me the wrong way.”
Liara: “Because of your father?”
Star clenched her fist.
Star: “Yes.”
Garrus: “Well, that’s one major difference between the krogans and your father.”
Star: “I know…”
Mordin placed his hand from the back of her head as he held her. He looked at her concerned. He then looked towards Garrus, who also seemed concerned for her. Liara was also looking towards Star.
They eventually arrived at the site of where the tower dispensing the genophage cure collapsed. Flare walked along with Eve, Wrex and Grunt. Everyone else was a little behind them.
Eve: “Here we are, this is where the tower once stood.”
Flare stood and looked around for a bit.
Grunt: “There’s nothing here. I still don’t get what we’re looking for.”
Flare: “No…as far as what we can see is concerned, there is nothing here, at all. However…I can sense a powerful aura. So incredibly potent. Yes…as I was hoping to find…”
The krogan looked at Flare.
Adrien: “I…don’t understand what she’s talking about.”
Liara: “This is part of Flare’s special power. As we have mentioned before, she can sense aura and mystical energy.”
Jewel: “There’s no doubt that there is much for her to sense out.”
Tali: “But what does she intend to do?”
Aera: “I…don’t really understand it, myself, completely, but…she talked about being able to sense things within the aura. Something about…strong feelings or memories, I think.”
Everyone around seemed confused. Flare stood by as she sensed out everything around her.
Wrex: “So…Flare…what is it you wanted to do here?”
She stood by for a bit.
Flare: “I intend to look deeper into this aura. I feel that I can find some things within the powerful aura…”
From there, she sat down in a lotus position and began to meditate. Everyone stood by as they watched her. She sat silently, meditating. Her grandfather’s voice echoed in her head.
Grandfather: “The energy, child, can consist of the essence of events long ago. If you are able to strongly sense it out, you can feel this energy, draw out the experiences and memories, shadows of the past hidden away within them that still linger. Although it is a technique that is complex and few have mastered it, if you try hard enough, you will be able to reach out and conceive the memories of one who can see all.”
Flare had a petite smile on her face.
Flare: “Yes, grandfather, I understand.”
Star: “Aww, she’s thinking about her grandfather.”
Aera: “Hm, I wonder what technique she will try to use this time.”
Adrien: “Her…grandfather?”
Jewel: “Yes, Flare’s grandfather had been a special part of her life. He was…her mentor.”
Liara: “Flare’s grandfather was the one who taught her how to use those special abilities that she has been able to carry out. She says that it’s a special part of her culture.”
Splash: “He had always been a very traditional man and Flare took great interest in these techniques as well as their culture.”
Eve: “This man does indeed sound like a very special person.”
Kasumi: “Yes, he is, indeed.”
Flare sat quietly, still meditating. Everyone continued to watch her. Mordin went on his omni-tool and scanned her. He was enthralled with what he was looking at.
Mordin: “Hmm…fascinating.”
FemShep: “What can you tell us, doctor?”
Mordin: “Able to pick up on massive energy readings. Flare’s powers, drawing in essence of the aura around her, incorporating it into her.”
Tali: “Is there anything else you’ve noticed?”
He continued to look into his Omni-tool.
At that moment, Flare began to see visions and images. They were hazy images of Mordin during what could have been his final moments. Each vision flashed one particular second to another, almost like small instances of those events were being cut off. Her face tensed up slightly as she was seeing them, she saw him running towards the console, having already typed on it. The last of those visions were of a close-up view of him where she saw strange, glowing arms wrapping around him from behind him by his upper chest area, near his shoulders and a slowed, startled look on his face. She could not see the face of whoever it was embracing him, though.
She opened her eyes as though she was suddenly waking up. Everyone nearby reacted.
Liara: “Flare, are you OK?”
She sat back, trying to process what she had just seen.
Splash: “Hey, Flare, did you…did you see anything?”
Ashley: “What was it you just experienced?”
She had a worried look on her face. She then looked towards the direction in front of her with a somewhat sad look on her face. Everyone took notice of this. They then looked in the same direction that she was looking at and found that she was looking at Mordin as they looked directly towards him as well. He didn’t have any major reactions on his face but did take notice that everyone was looking at him. He then looked towards Flare, noticing the look on her face. Some of them exchanged looks with each other, with some idea as to what she was thinking. The krogan then looked back towards Flare.
Eve: “Flare…what were you able to feel?”
She sat there as she stared at him.
Flare: “I think…I think someone else was there…I saw…what appeared to be…”
She paused, looking to her side a little as a sad look appeared in her eyes. Everyone else stood around, confused and concerned. She was then suddenly startled and looked towards the sky.
Flare: “Look out!!”
The other girls did the same.
Jewel: “Oh, no!!”
Everyone else looked up, they were suddenly startled. Above them was the dark entity again.
Garrus: “Oh, great! He’s back!!”
As the entity hung in the sky, monsters appeared from it. Flare stood back up as the other girls rushed over and stood near her.
Jewel: “Time to fight back!”
Her friends nodded once.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!!”
From there, the girls transformed again. They then stood by for a brief moment as they looked up and watched as the monsters approached them from the skies.
Jewel: “Let’s take this to the skies. Aera, give us a lift.”
Aera: “You’ve got it!”
She summoned 5 mini-cyclones before them. Each of them jumped into one and was launched into the air. Their wings materialized and they were already flying. Back on the ground, everyone else stood by and watched.
Eve: “So…this is what those girls’ magical forms are like.”
Liara: “That’s right. Aren’t you familiar with magical girl anime?”
Eve: “I have not seen any, myself, but I have heard about them. Is this what they’re like?”
Tali: “Yes, very much.”
They stood by and watched the girls fight off the monsters the best of their abilities. As they were watching the fight, something seemed off. Mordin took notice of that.
Mordin: “Hm…something…not right…”
He went on his Omni-tool again. Everyone took notice of this.
Ashley: “What is it, doctor?”
Mordin: “Girls are struggling. Noticed something off…but…”
He was deeply focused on his Omni-tool for a little bit. He was then startled by something.
Mordin: “No…! Can’t be!”
Ashley: “What is it?”
Mordin: “Detecting a hefty amount of Dark magic from the entity, more than the previous encounters.”
Liara: “What? Are you serious?”
Ashley: “How hefty is it?”
Mordin continued on his Omni-tool.
Mordin: “Too massive to calculate but detect that the magical energy is split between those Dark creatures. Hmm…something does not seem right. Should be able to detect more energy based on the entity, but…hmmm…”
Garrus: “He’s holding back, isn’t he?”
Miranda: “What could he be planning?”
Mordin was on his omni-tool, he seemed concerned about something.
The girls continued on their fight. Just then, a massive shockwave came from the entity, it hit the girls directly and knocked them out of the sky. Everyone watching this became instantly startled from this.
Garrus: “JEWEL!!!”
The girls fell to the ground, their wings vanished. Garrus and a few others such as Kasumi, Tali, Liara and Mordin ran to them and tended to them. Garrus obviously tended to Jewel as she sat back up.
Kasumi: “Darkness? What is he talking about?”
Mordin had a tense and suspicious look on his face.
The entity then vanished. From there, the rest of the spectators walked up to the girls and the few others who were tending to her.
Eve: “What is this Darkness that thing was talking about? What is going on here?”
Liara: “I have some suspicion on what he meant and I fear that things will only get worse.”
Flare had a terrified look on her face as she continued staring out into the sky.
Much time later, everyone was heading back the Urdnot base with the girls back in their Dormant forms.
Eve: “By the way, Wrex, I’ve been meaning to ask, have you been sleeping well lately?”
Wrex: “What? What are you talking about? Of course I’ve been sleeping well! I’ve been sleeping just fine!!”
Eve: “Sorry, it’s just…ever since you’ve had that terrible nightmare, I’ve been worried about you, that’s all.”
Wrex: “I had that nightmare weeks ago! It hardly affects me now! I don’t know why you would worry about some nightmare that I’ve only had once.”
Eve: “Well, it just seemed like it was terrible and I wasn’t sure about how you would be feeling afterwards.”
Wrex had an irritated look on her face as he glanced at her.
Wrex: “Leave me alone, Eve.”
Wrex walked off.
Flare: “Um…I do not mean to pry, but I am curious, what nightmare are you referring to?”
Eve: “A while back, Wrex had a terrible nightmare about Shepard sabotaging the genophage cure.”
Aera: “You’re kidding!!”
Splash: “What? Why would he do that?”
Wrex: “When we were dealing with making arrangements to cure the genophage, an influential member of the salarians offered Shepard to sabotage the cure in exchange for salarian support in the krogan war.”
Splash: “That’s terrible!! I can’t believe someone would actually do that!!”
Eve: “I know it sounds terrible, Splash, but there are some that believe that curing the genophage would endanger the galaxy. Though I do not agree with this, I can understand that those who think that way would believe that they are in the right. However, Shepard didn’t agree to this deal and revealed to us this agreement that this influential salarian attempted to make with him.”
Jewel: “That must have been a relief.”
Star: “Too bad it didn’t do much to prevent Mordin from sacrificing himself.”
Flare: “Maybe, but…I get the feeling that someone did…”
Eve: “What do you mean by that, Flare?”
Flare was taken aback as she paused for a bit.
Flare: “Um…I prefer to save that topic for another time. At the moment, I would like to talk about this nightmare that Wrex had. It involved the option to sabotage the genophage.”
Star: “But clearly he didn’t.”
Eve: “Well, in the nightmare, Shepard did decide to go along with sabotaging the cure and Wrex found out about it. He confronted Shepard, he said he remembered being incredibly furious with him.”
Aera: “I would imagine that he is, considering that the very thing that was needed to cure your entire species of your infertility was ruined, in the dream at least.”
Eve: “Much like any krogan, when Wrex gets angry, he can be very difficult to reason with. In this case, it was pretty much impossible. The 2 of them fought and Wrex ended up killed in the dream. When he told me about it, he said that he woke up in cold sweat, his 2 hearts were beating rapidly and he was so startled that he was struggling to breathe. This affected him for several days as he mentioned that the dream was so vivid, it was as if he was recalling a terrible memory.”
Flare: “I would imagine, for such to be so startling it would affect one for many days.”
Eve: “But after a while, it all subsided and he pretty much stopped thinking about it ever since. Even so, I still worry about him and whenever he would have that horrible dream again.”
Jewel: “Yes, I can understand why.”
Aera: ”Hm, this influential salarian sounded like someone who really didn’t have any compassion towards krogan. I can understand being afraid of them, but this isn’t the correct way to go about it.”
Eve: “No, you would be right about that, Aera. Again, I can understand how some people would think of our race as dangerous, but some of us can be reasoned with and there is a way for a lot of us to live in harmony with the other species. Though, we are not the only species that many are prejudiced towards. Each of us have caused many different problems for different reasons and the tension between each of us tend to be difficult to manage.”
Flare: “Hmm….tension…I wonder….”
Flare was deep in thought for a bit.
Jewel: “I guess us Fayelons would hardly be an exception. We’re already dealing with issues regarding what relates to us and we can feel the tension that has been going on because of our conflict.”
Eve: “Yes, I would imagine. I knew that there would be many who would blame you for this conflict to arrive within our galaxy, but if it makes you feel any better, I am not one of them. I am aware that you girls are the only ones who can combat this threat and whether or not you are to blame for bringing us into the crossfires of your conflicts, it doesn’t matter. We are part of this now and we will do whatever we can to help you through this. You have my full support as well as the support of the Urdnot clan and many others who have allied with us.”
Jewel: “Thank you, Eve. We’ll need all the help we can get.”
The group continued to stay on Tuchanka for a bit longer. Primarch Adrien Victus chatted with Wrex and Eve, discussing a few matters. Admiral Hackett, Ms. Shepard, Ashley, Liara, Garrus and Mordin also took part in the conference. They chatted for an extensive amount of time.
After the meeting, everyone was getting ready to return to the Normandy. Eve stood before them alongside a few members of the clan.
Eve: “Well, it was good seeing all of you again.”
Adrien: “Thank you for giving us the time to meet with you to discuss some things. I can understand that this hasn’t been easy for some of the members of your clan or your species for that matter.”
Eve: “Don’t worry about it. Many of us are aware of how important this has been for us to have this meeting.”
Adrien: “Yes, although our races have had some bad blood throughout the years, I’m just glad that we can meet for civil matters. I would appreciate it if this conflict would bring us closer together.”
Eve: “I believe that it will.”
Hackett: “We will chat with you again once we have the time.”
Eve: “I look forward to that, admiral. So, Wrex, you plan on staying with these girls for a while longer?”
Wrex: “I feel that I must, I am a representative of my clan, being the leader and all, who must continue to vouch for these girls. It’ll help to build strength to the Urdnot clan to have friendly ties with members of an incredibly powerful species, especially those that can handle this threat better than any of us. Besides, these girls are interesting. How can I pass up the opportunity to continue seeing what more they can do?”
Eve: “I understand. Then I shall continue to look after the clan here in your stead.”
Liara: “Thank you for meeting with us, Eve, we can’t tell you how much this means to us and the girls.”
Eve: “I should be thanking you. I’ve been eager to meet with these girls ever since I’ve heard about them. I’m glad that I’ve got this chance. It has been a pleasure.”
Flare: “We appreciate you meeting with us, honorable Urdnot Bakara.”
Eve: “Indeed, I’m especially glad to have witnessed your special powers firsthand, Flare. I look forward to seeing it again whenever I can.”
Eve: “Of course.”
FemShep: “We’ll be back, but for now, we have other matters that we need to tend to.”
Liara: “Farewell, Eve.”
The group returned to the shuttle and departed from the planet as Eve and several others from the Urdnot clan watched them depart.
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I'm not getting the attention that I need on here? Quite the contrary, actually. I've been getting a lot more attention than I would have expected. I don't know if people are actually reading my stories, but my view count has increased by around 8 at a time nearly each time I check up on this. That's bound to be an indication of people having actually seen and read my posts, right?

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