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Magical Girls in Mass Effect


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Episode 28-Perception

As the Normandy flew away from Tuchanka, the girls met with Mordin as well as several members of the crew back in the lab. They stood around the table for a bit while Mordin worked on a console.

Splash: “So, Flare, care to tell us what you saw when you were meditating back there?”
Flare: “Hmm….I saw…what appeared to be…glimpses of events from the past, what had occurred within that collapsed tower that fateful day. They were…bits and pieces and the images were hazy, but…I have made a few speculations of what may have occurred.”
Jewel: “That doesn’t sound like much to go by.”
Flare: “No, but…I would like to try and focus these visions a little more. If I concentrate hard enough, I may be able to bring up what I have seen more clearly. I may find answers on what…how…”
Star: “How Mordin was saved from being killed!?!”
Flare: “Exactly. I want to see if…there was…someone else there…”
Liara: “That’s right, you did mention something like that.”
Flare: “Yes. There is no doubt in my mind of that; I did see that there was another.”
Mordin: “Hmm…strange…don’t remember anyone else other than myself. Then again…who else would be there besides myself? But…do believe in Flare’s visions. Perhaps will look into this further.”
Flare: “I shall get started on that now.”
Mordin: “Yes, right this way, please.”
Mordin then walked off from his console and led Flare to a medical bed on the far end of the room. From there, Flare climbed up and sat on her lotus position as she closed her eyes and began to meditate. Everyone else stood by to watch.
Garrus: “Will this work?”
Jewel: “I’m not sure. To tell you the truth, this is the first time that she has ever attempted this, but I believe that she can figure it out.”
Star: “Of course, her grandfather was one of the greatest mentors that she has ever had.”
Aera: “Yeah, she was taught well. Through his tutelage, she is more than capable of carrying this out.”
From there, everyone stood silently as Flare began to meditate. Mordin monitored her closely during this process.
As she meditated, she began to see the images again. She tried as hard as she could to focus them. From there, the images were a little more clear and they cut out less, but they were still in pieces. Mordin, on his Omni-tool, scanned her and processed his findings. Flare seemed somewhat tense through this as images of what she had seen flashed through her mind. Much like last time, the last thing she saw was a pair of glowing arms embracing Mordin from his upper chest area. She saw this a little bit longer than last time.
Soon enough, she broke out of her meditation. She seemed a little startled but calm. Everyone stood by silently for a bit, concerned for her.
Liara: “Flare, are you OK?”
Flare: “Yes…I…I focused the vision. I could see it a little bit better, but…it’s still not very clear. Not, yet. I…I need to meditate on this a little more.”
She got off of the bed and walked out of the lab. Everyone else stood by and watched her.
Liara: “I guess we won’t be getting any answers soon.”
Mordin: “No…but…did find something interesting…”
He went on to his Omni-tool again.
Jewel: “This is without a doubt the first time that we have experienced this.”
Splash: “Maybe we can try and look into whether or not we could see what she saw.”
Aera: “I don’t know if we can. Our abilities are not as potent as hers; she’s been honing this for pretty much her entire life, but it wouldn’t hurt to try and ask her how to do it.”
Star: “Well…I guess. I don’t wanna leave the lab, but…I am curious about what she found there.”
Jewel: “Yes…could it be…those memories?”
The other girls walked out of the room.
Ashley: “Now then, what was it you were trying to tell us, doctor?”
Mordin: “Right.”
He went back on his Omni-tool.
Mordin: “Was able to find some magical readings during this and the previous procedure. Picked up on massive amounts of a lingering, magical aura. The readings, themselves, consist of magical energy similar to the superior Light magic, but incredibly thin, best way to put it.”
Miranda: “I wonder what that could mean.”
Liara: “I’m not sure, but I did sense something when we were there; some sort of magical aura, like he said.”
Miranda: “I felt it, too, though I didn’t see anything there, I felt like…I could sense what was there…almost like I could step back in time for that brief moment.”
Liara: “Yes, it felt exactly like that. What could it be….?”
Mordin: “Hmm…have my suspicions about this. Will leave this to be processed. In the meantime, need to discuss another matter regarding the girls. Have found out something while analyzing their physiology.”
Garrus: “Right, last time we brought that up, Grunt was questioning if Fayelons have stomachs. Were you able to find out if they did?”
Mordin: “Yes, but…not exactly. Found something that was best described as being similar to the stomach, but…the function of such very differently from other species.”
Garrus: “Really!?! So, you did find out more on how their bodies can process food, I would think.”
Liara: “You would be right, I have also found out something in regards to that. I’ve looked into those Intel Crystals and what I found was…shocking.”
Ashley: “Tell us everything you’ve found out.”
Mordin: “Very well.”
He walked back to his console, as he went on it, he pulled up an image of a generic Fayelon body, which eventually displayed an image of the stomach from where it is located in the body.
Mordin: “Fayelon stomachs consist of several ducts throughout multiple areas of its walls.”
Tali: “Is there a reason for that?”
Mordin: “Yes, their stomachs reduce all edible sustenance into pure energy, then the energy is released throughout the body through these ducts. The energy then flows through the body upon release.”
FemShep: “And the girls know nothing about this?”
Liara: “Given what this information discloses, I would say that they don’t.”
Hackett: “I wouldn’t think so, either, knowing what they’ve been told throughout their entire lives about food.”
Miranda: “No kidding, this small bit of information would eradicate the illusion of food being nothing more than pleasure for them.”
Garrus: “From what we’ve seen here, there’s no doubt that food plays a much more vital role instead of having it be just pleasure.”
FemShep: “Then it shouldn’t be hard to imagine why this was never disclosed.”
Ashley: “Exactly, without this, the myth could continue to be easily perpetuated.”
Miranda: “And none of them would be the wiser.”
Tali: “But what do they intend on accomplishing by withholding this? Why are they lying to their own kind about what food is to the entire race?”
Liara: “Well, we are able to figure out from this that food does provide them with a decent amount of energy. A decent meal could greatly energize them.”
Garrus: “And we saw how quickly their energy drains out whenever they fight. This could be an attempt on preventing them from reaching their peak, though not by a lot.”
Miranda: “Perhaps this is to keep them a low enough energy level and it could even stunt their growth.”
Liara: “As we have already noticed.”
Garrus: “So, their own kind is trying to prevent these girls from growing and developing properly? Just what is going on with those people?”
Hackett: “There’s really no way for us to know for the time being, but we will look into this as soon as this current threat has been dealt with. Needless to say, I believe we would have some time to look into the shady and questionable aspects of this civilization and see if we can uncover more of it before then.”
Garrus: “No way you’re leaving me out of the loop. I want to know everything we can about these people and what they’ve been doing to those girls.”
Ashley: “We all do.”
Hackett: “Very well, I will provide you with any intel that we have discovered whenever possible. Nothing will be kept from any of you.”
Garrus seemed very concerned.
Much time later, the girls were in the recreation room. There, Flare had been meditating while the others were sitting around quietly, watching her. Within a small amount of time, she stopped.
Jewel: “So…were you able to see any more of those images?”
Flare: “No…it’s still fuzzy and it’s hard to conceive more of them but…it seems to be improving little by little. The haziness has decreased a little.”
Splash: “Well, at least that’s something, right? It’s getting better gradually.”
Aera: “Yeah, but by tiny amounts.”
Star: “Well, good thing Flare is super diligent, which is a lot more than we can say about ourselves.“
Aera: "I know what you mean, we’ve only given up after like less than a minute of seeing nothing.”
Star: “Exactly! With her patience, she would be able to see all of those images clearly.”
Aera: “Yeah, within many days at best, unless we get super lucky and speed up the process.”
Star: “Hm.”
At that moment, a few of the Normandy crew members walked in. A few of them, such as Tali, Garrus and Mordin, sat down on the sofa opposite the girls. A few others, such as Liara, stood on the side.
Jewel: “Oh, hello again, guys.”
Ashley: “Is everything going OK for you girls?”
Flare: “Somewhat. I have been focusing on those visions. It is…coming along. Very slowly, though. I have yet to figure out how to fully hone them.”
Liara: “That’s OK, Flare. You don’t need to worry about that. Take your time with them, I’m sure you will eventually figure it out.”
Flare: “I believe so as well.”
Garrus: “Let’s put that aside for the time being. We have some things we need to discuss with you.”
Jewel: “Um, sure. What is it?”
Miranda: “It regards your…physiology, you mentioned to Mordin that you didn’t know much about your own bodies.”
Splash: “Oh, yes, I remember that.”
Star: “So do I. He did ask if he could look into scanning our bodies.”
Aera: “He felt he needed our permission to do so, considering that it was our bodies. Said something about not wanting to violate us in any way, we told him that it was OK.”
Mordin: “Of course, would never do anything that could violate you or make you uncomfortable.”
Aera: “We appreciate that you have consideration towards our privacy. Star? I’m pretty sure he could do whatever he wants with her. I believe she wouldn’t mind at all.”
Star smiled a cheerful grin. Most of the crew members in the room looked awkward.
Garrus: "I….I don’t think I even want to know any of the details on that.”
Ashley: “Let’s get back to what we want to talk about before we lose our train of thought.”
Garrus: “Yeah, not to mention wandering into subjects that we don’t even want to think about.”
Miranda: “Actually, while we’re on the subject of disturbing, a lot about these findings have greatly concerned us.”
Liara: “When looking into trying to figure out the different functions of your bodies, we found out that you girls have something that we would best identify as your stomachs.”
Star: “Stomach? What’s a stomach?”
Tali: “Wow, you’ve never heard of a stomach before? This might be worse than we had thought.”
Liara: “A stomach is a part of a body, an organ, a body part that is inside you.”
Splash: “Organs? We have organs?”
Liara: “Yes, all living beings have them. They consist of different functions that are vital to living. The stomach is where food is stored in our bodies.”
Aera: “Huh, so there is a place where food goes.”
Miranda: “Where did you believe food goes after devouring it?”
Jewel: “We were always told that food just disintegrates into nothingness. We always believed that since we were told that food is just for pleasure.”
Garrus: “Hm, that’s…interesting….”
Miranda: “Well, the stomach does more than just store away food; it breaks it down so that it can be absorbed into the body a lot easier.”
Aera: “Are you serious!?! Food can be absorbed into the body?”
Tali: “Yes, food consists of many different nutrients that our bodies need to function.”
Splash: “Umm….my head hurts a little.”
Flare: “Wow, that is indeed a lot to…um…take…in…my apologies, Aera, I tried to avoid making another pun.”
Aera: “Don’t worry about it, Flare; it was inevitable.”
Jewel: “So, I’m guessing there’s a process in which the different contents of food is absorbed into our bodies.”
Miranda: “Yes, but what we found out is a lot less complicated than how our stomachs function.”
Jewel: “What do you mean?”
Mordin went on to his omni-tool again.
Mordin: “Fayelon stomachs, based on the analysis, consist of several ducts along the lining the walls of the interior. Also found out that food does not break down similarly with other living beings.”
Jewel: “How so?”
Liara: “From what we have found out, your stomachs can break down all edible sustenance to pure energy, then the energy is released into the rest of your bodies through these ducts.”
Flare: “Is that really true?”
Ashley: “If the data is to be believed, then yeah, it’s all true.“
Garrus: “Which further emphasizes the concept of food being nothing more than pleasure to be a lie.”
Jewel: “I see…I knew they were hiding something.”
Liara: “Umm…there is something else we need to ask you. When you girls were younger, have you tried learning about your bodies and how they work?”
Jewel dropped her head and sulked in a tense manner as though she was reliving a painful memory.
Jewel: “I remember something like that. When I was a little girl, learning about the basics of, well, everything, I asked a question about our bodies. The mentor that I had at the time snapped at me, almost as though I was asking about something that I shouldn’t even know about.”
Ashley: “One of your mentors was passive aggressive towards you about asking a question?”
Jewel: “Yes, I was so curious, there were some things that I wanted to know, but…each time, she snapped at me. I actually thought I was prying into things that I shouldn’t know at my young age. I was set as an example of what to ask and what not to ask.”
The crew members that were hearing this looked suspicious.
Tali: “Does anyone else find something wrong with that or am I the only one who thinks this way?”
Garrus: “No, I also find this very alarming. I mean, who in their right minds would snap at a child for asking questions?”
Miranda: “Even if you were asking questions about subjects that you shouldn’t know about, your mentor shouldn’t have been so hostile towards you.”
Jewel: “Is that so? Well…I felt like I was being a bad child just because of that. But…I was also…I don’t know, I felt like…there was a reason why they wouldn’t tell me, like they were hiding something.”
Tali: “But it’s your body. Don’t you have a right to know anything about it?”
Jewel: “Yeah, I thought so, but…my mentor shamed me to the point where I just stopped being curious about it. Even back then, something didn’t exactly seem right.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I’m quite sure we have a pretty good idea as to why that is.”
Liara: “So do I. By keeping you from knowing about any organs in you body, it could prevent you from finding out about your stomach, which, if found out, would inevitably lead to the fact that food serves as a higher function.”
Ashley: “So, it’s no surprise as to why they wouldn’t disclose that kind of information.”
The girls sat by, spellbound with what they had heard.
Flare: “Hmm…yes…I…understand. I have also perceived this concept for most of my life.”
Star: “So, did you guys find out anything about our bodies?”
Mordin: “Nothing else that warrant concerns. Did log all information away on a datapad. You’re more than welcome to look into it whenever you like.”
Aera: “You know, I would very much like to see it for myself. I want to find out if there is anything else that they’ve been hiding from us.”
Garrus: “Most likely all of your vital organs. There really is no telling what other organs your species have or their vital functionalities. They’re probably irrelevant to your stomachs, but…”
Liara: “There’s no question that they were all kept from you as a means of hiding your own stomachs.”
Splash: “Hmm…I wonder if….you know…if she…if she also knew about this.”
Aera: “You must be talking about…”
Splash nodded.
Jewel: “Most likely not. Her specialty involved food, not our bodies. I don’t think she could have possibly…”
Star: “Right, she only looked into what food actually was to us.”
Flare: “It is most interesting how she made it as far as she did with her findings.”
Splash: “Too bad she didn’t make it all the way.”
The girls sulked. The crew members looked at them, confused.
Tali: “Should we inquire who they’re talking about?”
Liara: “Would like to ask, but it seems like a private matter to them.”
Miranda: “I think we should wait until they’re ready to talk about it with us.”
Garrus: “I don’t like having them keep secrets from us, but we shouldn’t pry, at least not now.”
Ashley: “It sounds as though whoever they were talking about was also looking into exactly what we found out.”
Liara: “I think so, too.”
Flare: “By the way, about the visions? I know I am to not rush this, but…I would like to conceive these the best that I can, so I must continue to look into them. I am indeed very interested in perceiving visions like these.”
Liara: “We understand. If that is what you would like to do, then I feel that I must do what we can to help you.”
Miranda: “Yes, I agree. Perhaps we should focus these abilities together.”
Flare: “That is a wonderful idea.”
Liara: “I’ll find Samara and see if she would be interested in participating.”
Miranda: “I’m sure the other biotics would be interested. It can help Flare out while focusing these new abilities of ours a bit more.”
Both Liara and Miranda stepped out. Flare left with them. The rest remained for a bit.
Star: “So…what now?”
Ashley: “I think we should look into this data a bit more. I’m curious to see if your kind had been hiding anything else that could have been vital.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I’m interested, too.”
Star then stood up.
Star: “Alright, so it’s back to the lab!! I’ll see you there!!”
Star ran out enthusiastically.
Aera: “I think I’ll come, too. Something tells me we have years of education to catch up on.”
Aera also stood up and walked out. Jewel glanced as the crew members from the other side of the room.
Ashley: “Well, then, let’s go.”
Everyone else nodded once, then stood up and stepped out of the room.
At that time, Hackett, Adrien and Ms. Shepard were in the new Conference Room. Soon enough, the few crew members walked back into the lab with the girls. They soon noticed them and walked back towards them.
Femshep: “There you guys are. So, you told them, didn’t you?”
Jewel: “Yeah, they did, and…”
Jewel paused for a minute. Ms. Shepard looked at her, concerned.
Femshep: “All of this must be hard to take in.”
Jewel: “Yes…but…at the same time, we’re not too surprised. It all makes sense; everything that I’ve been through involving this.”
Hackett: “We’re sorry to hear that.”
At that moment, Adrien noticed something as he was looking around the room for a brief moment.
Adrien: “Say, where is Flare?”
Ashley: “She’s somewhere else, trying to focus on those visions. Liara and probably the other biotic are there with her. They want to help her with focusing her abilities a bit more.”
Adrien: “I see…”
Aera: “Mordin, if you wouldn’t mind, we would like to see what information you have managed to receive from scanning our bodies.”
Mordin: “Of course, Aera. Would be glad to do that.”
He handed her over a datapad. From there, she looked into it as she left the room. Splash walked out after her. Everyone else remained within the room.
Meanwhile, Flare was within the Observation Desk with most of the biotics meditating. Flare was in deep focus as she tried to perceive the visions that she saw. After some time, she stopped, almost like she was out of breath. The biotics took notice of this.
Liara: “You OK, Flare?”
Flare: “I’m fine, I just…the visions are still hard to focus.”
Liara: “I told you not to try too hard. We don’t want you to strain yourself.”
Flare: “I know, but…I want to focus these powers. I want to see those visions. I want to…something about what I saw…I need to understand them better.”
Miranda: “You will, Flare. They will become clear to you, I’m sure of it.”
Samara: “Yes, you must be patient. They will become clear to you if you focus them without enforcing them too much. I can tell that such a thing will happen naturally if you allow this ability to process itself on its own.”
Flare: “Yes, my grandfather has told me the same thing. Don’t enforce your abilities, let them develop naturally. Such a thing is part of self-harmony. My abilities must develop and grow along with me.”
Samara: “Exactly, such is similar with all abilities. We may not be magical beings, ourselves, especially those who can wield biotics, but we are not that different, so I am aware of some things about your powers.”
Flare: “Yes, I also have an understanding of that.”
Jack: “Your gramps sounds like a really awesome guy. You and your friends must really respect him.”
Flare: “We do. He is a wise and spiritual man. He has a deep understanding of so much. I’ve learned everything that I know about these abilities from him. He is my greatest mentor.”
Miranda: “You know, you talk so much about your grandfather, but you hardly said much about your parents. Would you be willing to tell us anything about them?”
Flare: “My parents? Well…I don’t have much to say about them. They have been around throughout my life. Aside from raising me and taking care of me, there really wasn’t much that they have done. I have an OK relationship with them, though, I’ve spent so much of my time with my grandfather. He and I truly have a relationship that is worth any merit.”
Jacob: “So, your parents haven’t been a huge part of your life so much.”
Flare: “They have provided for me in so many ways, but they have not been a part of my life enough. They’re not as keen towards our customs as my grandfather. Throughout my life, they have questioned my interests in these customs. They feel as though they are unnecessary.”
Miranda: “They weren’t passive aggressive towards you, were they?”
Flare: “No, nothing extreme, but they have from time to time tried to talk me out of focusing on the practices so much. They have questioned if they were to serve any vital purposes.”
Jack: “You can see stuff that has happened in the past! How can you not say anything about it being vital? Do you know how many of us would kill to be able to see the past like you’re trying to do?”
Liara: “Not to mention that you can sense out magical energy. That’s amazing.”
Thane: “Yes, your powers are truly phenomenal. No one within this galaxy could ever perceive the existence of such powers, much less utilize them, that is before your arrival here.”
Flare: “Hm, yes, I can understand what you guys are getting at. Although, we know very little about being able to see glimpses of the past. Also, magical energy is all around us, so to many, it is a pointless endeavor to have abilities to sense out the energy.”
Liara: “Not even if it involves sensing out abnormalities in the magical energy?”
Flare: ”Well…there is that. This would also include sensing out Dark energy…hmm…I wonder…could this…could this be…oh…I…did not even…”
Liara: “What is it, Flare?”
Flare: “I…there is…there is something that I wish to look into.”
Flare got back up.
Flare: “I thank you for participating in this with me. I wish to return to my friends. I have some things that I must discuss with them.”
Miranda: “Understood.”
She stood up.
Miranda: “Let’s get back with the others. I need to chat with them about what we have found out.”
Everyone else stood up and walked out of the room.
At that time, everyone else back in the lab was still chatting.
FemShep: “So, is that how it’s been with you?”
Jewel: “Yes, I didn’t understand it back then, but…now I do.”
FemShep: “From what we’ve heard, it’s no wonder why they would treat you like that when you were asking about your own bodies.”
Kasumi: "In our experiences, if someone were to snap at anyone for asking questions, it means that they’re asking something that they wouldn’t want then to know about. It seems now that this would be the case.”
Hackett: “I agree. It just seems very much out of left field to treat any child like that.”
Jewel: “They always snapped at me like I was asking too many questions and made me an example of how no one should ever “behave” and to keep in mind that there are some questions that we should never ask.”
Adrien: “That’s awful.”
Ashley: “Did your parents say anything about this?”
Jewel: “They did. They complained to our mentors about how they would snap at me just for asking questions and that children should ask about something if they want to know about it. They told my parents that I should know my place and that it’s inappropriate to ask about things that I shouldn’t know about.”
Tali: “What exactly is “inappropriate” about asking about your own body?”
Hackett: “That’s a good question, you girls have every right to know and ask about things that you would want to know about.”
Garrus: “And even if it’s something that your mentors don’t want to talk about it, they shouldn’t be so passive aggressive about you asking them.”
Mordin: “Exactly. All educators should appropriate a nurturing education system to help children grow and develop. No means should anyone of such stature put down and demean any child like that.”
Garrus pointed his thumb towards Mordin as he looked towards Jewel and nodded and Mordin spoke.
Jewel: “My parents said the same thing. They were outraged that I was shamed like that and that they should never treat any child like that. They were not at all pleased with their system of teaching and educating us; they were also acquisitive towards why they wouldn’t answer questions like this. My parents were told that I should keep my nose out of things that don’t concern me and that they should do the same.”
Adrien: “That’s not exactly how I would think about knowing your own body.”
Soon enough, they could hear the biotics entering the room with Flare, Aera and Splash.
Miranda: “I would think the same thing.”
Jacob: “I haven’t exactly been part of this conversation, but Miranda and Liara had filled me in on one of your discoveries regarding the Fayelons’ bodies.”
FemShep: “So, you must know about their stomachs.”
Jacob: “Yes, I was also told about how Jewel had been treated by her own mentors when she asked them about these kinds of things.”
Tali: “Then you’ve just picked up on us talking about this just now.”
Jacob: “I did.”
Jack: “I’ve been through worse, but damn! That’s some serious messed up s***!”
Aera: “You would be right about that.”
Samara: “Flare, didn’t you and your grandfather mention anything about this to each other?”
Flare: “Hmm…now that you mentioned it…when I was training with my grandfather, he had told me about his suspicions regarding the many things that we have been told over the years. Hearing what we have found out just now, his suspicions were warranted.”
Ashley: “We still don’t know much about your grandfather. Perhaps you can fill us in about these concerns?”
Flare: “I was not educated like many of my peers were. He preferred to have me train with him as opposed to being “manipulated by our fraudulent system of educating the youth” as he had phrased it. He believed that much of what we have been taught is a cover to conceal a lot of what they do not want us to know. For example, he has told me that many of us were intimidated out of asking about our physiology. He had also been suspicious of our claims towards food.”
Garrus: “Sounds like your grandfather was more perceptive of how your society works than most other people.”
Flare: “Indeed, he always has. He truly believed that all edible sustenance provides us with much needed energy for us to grow and thrive. Because of this, he had been steadfast on consuming more than the minimum 1 meal per day.”
Ashley: “How many meals have you eaten each day?”
Flare: “I cannot remember. It was an infrequent amount. Since then, I have developed a joyous pleasure for food.”
Liara: “So, that’s why you love food so much.”
Flare: “Correct. Many from our culture did not mind. We have kept to ourselves, so not many outside knew about this, but my parents have worried about how this would make us look, almost as though we were defiling a sacred rule.”
Garrus: “But you were eating a few more extra meals. That’s not a sacred rule to eat more than one a day, is it?”
Flare: “Not at all, although given how we treated food, many would think otherwise.”
Star: “Heh, yeah, it was almost as though our lives depended on it.”
Ashley: “Hmm…I have to wonder…when you enrolled in the academy that you and your friends were part of, did it feel like they were starving you?”
Flare: “Because I was so used to eating more than one meal a day? I can understand why you would think that, but it was not like we were deprived or anything of the sort.”
Garrus: “I would beg to differ.”
Aera: “Yeah, you may think that way, but for us, one meal a day has always been plenty. It may not be that way to you guys, but for us, it was enough.”
Garrus: “Yeah, even so, you girls are still getting your three meals a day requirement. None of you will be skipping out.”
Star: “Yeah, yeah, we know.”
Garrus: “Good.”
Liara: “Hmm…if something like this has been withheld, it makes me wonder what else they could be doing.”
Garrus: “I know, so much of their world reeks of corruption.”
Hackett: “Yes, it does. The more I hear about this, the deeper this corruption seems to run.”
Garrus: “Then let’s continue digging into this until we can really see how bad the corruption is.”
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Episode 29-Evaluation

As everyone was thinking, Jewel turned her attention towards Adrien.

Jewel: “Adrien? Uh, I mean, honorable Primarch? May we have a word with you?”

Adrien: “Um, sure, and…don’t worry about how you would address me. I feel that we can be on a first name basis.”

Jewel: “Thank you…”

Jewel looked towards her friends; they had the same looks in their faces. They then walked into the new Conference Room and stood around the table. Garrus stood near the doorway, glancing towards it from behind him.

Jewel: “You mentioned to us how secrets can get people killed and well…”

Flare: “We do have secrets that we’ve been keeping to each other.”

Adrien: “Is that so?”

Jewel: “Yes, the thing is…we’re not going to mention them, not yet.”

Star: “When you mentioned that whole “secrets getting people killed” thing, it did scare us.”

Adrien: “Oh, I…well…I didn’t mean to scare you girls. And I can understand if you don’t feel like telling us anything that you don’t want to mention.”

Splash: “We do want to mention them!! We really do!!!”

Jewel: “Easy there, Splash.”

Star: “Well…she’s right, we want to tell them so badly. I hate keeping things from our friends, especially Mordin, but…”

Aera: “We can’t risk telling anyone, at least until the time is right.”

Flare: “What we do know…we worry that if it gets out before then, it could risk the safety of the entire universe.”

Adrien: “Is what you’re keeping to yourselves really that catastrophic?”

Jewel: “Yes…someone we know…let’s just say…she’s allowing her feelings to get in the way of her good judgment and…what we did…or rather what I did…I…I didn’t want to…I just hope…”

Aera: “And I thought we told you that she brought it upon herself.”

Flare: “We have reminded you many times it was either that or…”

Jewel: “I know, but…it doesn’t do much to alleviate the guilt.”

Flare: “Yes, we are all well aware of that.”

Star: “You think we don’t feel the same way?? We all feel responsible for what happened back there.”

Flare: “Though, we should not in any way feel remorseful. There wasn’t anything else that could have been done.”

Adrien: “I can understand you’re scared. You girls are still young, you shouldn’t even be handling this yourselves. It’s also very clear that you’ve had to make a lot of difficult decisions.”

Jewel: “That would be a given…”

Adrien: “So, yes, it is only natural for you to be scared as well as feel guilty for the decisions that you had to make, though you shouldn’t. It’s clear that you’re very brave.”

Jewel: “We did what we have to in order to protect all those that we love.”

Adrien: “Still, I think you should at least mention to them. I know these people are very trustworthy and they would be willing to help you out.”

EDI: “I have already overheard one of these conversations of theirs a while back. I agreed to keep it confidential but I did offer to help them out with this.”

Jewel: “And we appreciate that, EDI. We can’t mention to anyone because if he finds out…then…”

EDI: “I can understand. You don’t want to risk the vigilante finding what it is that you’re trying to keep from him. I also believe that it could threaten the safety of the entire universe. I don’t know much, but I do believe that our situation is that dire.”

Star: “You seem to be the only one who can help us with this. I don’t know what the rest of the Normandy crew can do; we want to tell them so badly.”

Adrien: “You girls choose to carry the weight of this conflict to protect us, but you should also consider what it’s been doing to you. You’re harming yourselves. It’s great that you would sacrifice so much of your own well-being to protect all of us, but you girls could only handle so much, especially at your age.”

The girls stood by, speechless for a brief moment.

Jewel: “You’re right, but…if he were to obtain what we’ve tried to keep from him, none of this would matter.”

Adrien: “I…I can understand that. Can he really be that much of a huge threat?”

Jewel: “He could. We honestly don’t know, ourselves, but we don’t want to take that risk. We can’t.”

Star: “If there really is a powerful source in the universe, then we can’t slip up, not even by a little.”

Garrus, having heard all of this, became worried again.

The girls and the primarch walked back to regroup with the others.

Hackett: “Listen up, there are a few things that you need to know. First off, I will be taking my leave.”

Jewel: “What? You’re leaving the Normandy?”

Hackett: “That’s right. I have other important matters to tend to.”

Jewel: “Well, I was wondering when you would decide to leave. I worried about having you stay with us for too long with how busy you are.”

Hackett: “Thank you for your concerns. I did make sure to take care of as many things as I could prior to my arrival here as well as what I could take care of during my stay. But now, I need to return to my fleet as well as my other obligations. I did enjoy the time I’ve spent here.”

Jewel: “So did we, admiral.”

Star: “Oh, absolutely!”

Splash: “Please come back whenever you can. We’d hate to see you go.”

Hackett: “Not to worry, Splash. I will return here from time to time. There are still other matters that we need to deal with together.”

Flare: “We look forward to it, admiral.”

Adrien: “I also need to get going. It was fun getting to know you girls and I would love to come back and spend more time with you.”

Splash: “So do we.”

Jack: “I need to get going, too. I can keep away from my job at the academy for only so long. Just let me know when you guys plan on doing more of those meditation sessions and I’ll come back. Just don’t leave me out of them again.”

Flare: “Certainly, we will make certain that you can be included.”

Miranda: “Great, we have to shift around our schedule just to accommodate Jack. Never thought we’d have to deal with you being so needy.”

Jack: “Hey! Watch it, b****!”

Splash: “Guys, please!”

Hackett: “There is one other thing that needs to be mentioned.”

He looked towards Ms. Shepard as she stepped up a little.

FemShep: “I’ll be taking over as commander of the Normandy from here on til my cousin returns from his coma.”

Everyone in the room had startled looks on their faces. Ashley looked as though she had a huge sense of relief. Garrus was especially surprised as it was more apparent on his face.

Star: “Really!?! You are!?!”

FemShep: “That’s right. However, it won’t be effective immediately. There is something else that I need to take care of, but I’ll be seeing all of you as soon as I finish up with it.”

Splash: “Of course! We’re really looking forward to seeing you here again!!”

Star: “Not to mention that you’ll be able to have more time with Garrus.”

Both Star and Splash giggled to each other.

Jewel: “Easy, girls.”

Splash: “So, when will you guys be departing?”

Hackett: “Soon, I especially need to get going since I have so much on my plate to take care of. Cortez will be sending us to our intended destinations.”

Jewel: “I really hope that we’ll have a chance to meet again.”

Hackett: “Not to worry, Jewel. We will. I promise you that.”

Jewel: “I…really hope so…”

Much time later, nearly everyone met in the cargo bay. Jack, Ms. Shepard, Hackett and Adrien stood before the crew members and the girls.

Ashley: “Thank you for seeing us again.”

Hackett: “It was my pleasure. I look forward to doing this again sometime in the near future.”

Jewel: “Same here.”

Garrus looked towards Ms. Shepard as she looked towards him as well. He walked up to her, placing his hand on the side of her face.

Garrus: “Jane…”

FemShep: “Don’t worry, I won’t be gone for long.”

Garrus: “I know, just…make sure you are able to make it back.”

FemShep: “I will…”

Garrus: “Be careful out there. I…I…”

She leaned up towards him and kissed him directly on the mouth.

FemShep: “We’ll have more time for each other when I return, I promise. Continue looking after my cousin.”

Garrus: “Yeah…we will.”

Everyone stood by as they watched this. Ashley walked up right next to Garrus. She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassured look.

Adrien: “Well, this has been great, seeing the magical girls for the first time. This is indeed one experience that I know I’ll never forget.”

Ashley: “Give our regards to the Turian Hierarchy for us.”

Adrien: “I will.”

Jack: “Well, this was fun and all, but I can’t neglect my obligations back at the academy.”

Ashley: “Right, let’s not delay you any further.”

Steve: “I’ll be back as soon as I drop off these guys to their intended destinations.”

FemShep: “Right, time a wastin’. Let’s go.”

Jack, Ms. Shepard, Hackett and Adrien boarded the shuttle. Upon entering, they stood before the crew members and looked out towards them. They continued to stare until the shuttle closed its door and departed.

Mordin: “Well, then, now that we were able to see them off, perhaps we should return to the lab. Much to look into, much to discuss.”

Mordin walked off.

Star: “Coming!”

She rushed off after him. Most of the crew members walked off. Garrus, however, still stood and looked out at where the shuttle departed. Ashley looked back towards him, then walked back towards him. She placed her hand on his shoulder as he looked at him, he looked back at her.

Ashley: “Don’t worry, at least this time, we won’t have to wait too long for her.”

He looked back towards the shuttle exit.

Garrus: “Yeah…at least…I just…hope so…”

Ashley: “I know. Come on, the professor mentioned something about going over some more data regarding the girls.”

Garrus: “OK, I’ll be right there.”

From there, she walked back. He paused for a brief moment before he followed after her.

Later on, they were back into the lab. Mordin and Star were at their usual spots. Mordin on his console. Several of the crew members were in the room as well.

Miranda: “So, what else do you have for us, Doctor?”

Mordin: “Hm, did some more reviewing of the girls as well as some of the magical aura similar to what I was able to pick up on Tuchanka.”

Ashley: “OK, so, what more can you tell us about this?”

Mordin: “Have found readings of this lingering magical energy in many parts of the galaxy. Many other planets contain heavy amounts of it.”

Liara: “There’s more of this lingering magic? Hm, I feel as though I shouldn’t be surprised. Given that this magic consists of glimpses of the past, I would conceive…”

Garrus: “There would be a huge abundance of this. The galaxy is a massive smorgasbord of past events.”

Ashley: “It makes sense. But….how far back does this lingering energy go? Is so much of it still potent?”

Mordin: “Potent? Hmm…no telling how much of it is or how far back this lingering magic would go, but…have many theories to follow and would like to test one of those theories.”

Garrus: “What do you have in mind this time, Professor?”

Mordin: “Would like to try and see if we would be able to pick up on whether or not this dates back to eras of many, many years back. Possibly dating back to the previous Reaper attack.”

Liara: “You don’t mean…!!!”

Mordin: “Yes, wish to test if there is a way to sense out and conceive any visions of those times. If possible, will work our way from there.”

Star: “Wow! That’s amazing, doctor!! This must be like some sort of breakthrough for you!!”

Aera: “So, where do you have in mind to try and pick up on these magical readings?”

Mordin: “There is one particular planet that I would like to evaluate. It is one of the planets that are former Prothean settlements; the first one that Shepard visited during the start of all of this.”

Ashley: “You mean…Eden Prime?”

Mordin: “Yes, and also where you found…him.”

Liara: ”Oh…yes…of course. I remember that.”

Ashley: “I’ll have Joker set a course for Eden Prime. I’ll have Cortez arrange us to have us delivered to the planet’s surface as soon as we arrive.”

Ashley walked out of the lab.

Mordin: “Will need him to come with us. Could use his help in this.”

Jewel: “I’m guessing you’ll also be needing Flare’s help with this.”

Mordin: “Exactly. She is the only one who can pick up on the visions from this lingering energy. Will need her to verify if such can be conceived.”

Splash: “Yes! It makes perfect sense!”

Garrus: “Hold on for a second. Are you telling me that we’ll need to use Flare and her special powers for this? I do not approve of having her to be used in any way, especially for this.”

Flare: “It’s alright. I do not mind at all. In fact, I am curious about this as well. If I could conceive visions of events further back to those times, I would like to see them for myself.”

Garrus: “You sure about this, Flare? I’m OK with whatever you girls would like to do, but that doesn’t mean that I would allow you to be used in any experiments. The last thing I would need is to allow you to hurt yourselves, even if it’s for the benefit of this galaxy or your own powers.”

Flare: “Please, do not worry for us. We have not been harmed in any way to satiate curiosity whether it be yours or our own for that matter.”

Star: “Yeah and it’s not like we would keep quiet about being in any pain from this.”

Mordin: “And besides, would never hurt these girls unless there is no other way. Even they would accept that.”

Garrus: “Well…alright. I’ll allow it, but if anything were to happen to her, I’m putting a stop to this.”

Flare: “Usually nothing does. I have been taking precautions to ensure that the intake of any mystical energy would not harm me in any way.”

Garrus: “OK, sure, I trust that you are careful, but that does not put me at ease, not completely.”

Flare: “I understand. For that, I will meditate to rest up until then so that I am to not strain myself.”

She then walked up to Mordin.

Flare: “Mordin, will you evaluate me as I meditate?”

Mordin: “Of course. Would be happy to.”

Flare had a tiny smile on her face.

Flare: “I would appreciate that.”

Mordin nodded, they both then walked up to the medical bed, Flare climbed back up on it and sat down while in her lotus position.

Garrus: “Wait, you’re not going to enforce those visions again.”

Flare: “Ease your concerns. I won’t. I cannot force myself to perceive them. For the better interest of my own abilities, I will allow them to focus themselves. I need only to relax, nothing more.”

Garrus seemed a bit tense.

Aera: “Are you guys sure that he’s the right person to be our main caretaker? Because he seems a little too overqualified if you ask me.”

Liara: “Well, it may seem that way, but that’s probably why he’s the perfect fit for the position.”

Tali: “Exactly, if there is anyone who could prevent any unnecessary harm to you girls, he is, without a doubt, the best person to depend on for that. Honestly, I couldn’t think of anyone who’s better for the position than him.”

Aera: “As long as he doesn’t go overboard, I’m fine with that.”

Liara: “And we know that he doesn’t do this for the best interest of the galaxy, but rather, you girls.”

Aera: “Yeah…we know. It may be annoying sometimes, but…to be honest, we actually like it. This is probably the first in a long time that we’ve had someone other than our own families to actually care about us like this. In fact, he actually cares about us more than some of our own family members.”

Liara and Tali exchanged concerned looks with each other.

Within much time, Mordin continued to monitor Flare as she meditated. Garrus stood by to overlook the evaluation. The rest of the girls also stood by. Flare seemed calm as she meditated.

Garrus: “How does it look? She’s not stressed out, is she?”

Mordin: “No…if fact…she seems calm. Tranquil, at piece. No signs of any stress. Never seen anyone who could be…less agitated. Most likely unaware of her surroundings at this moment.”

Aera: “That’s usually how she is. This is, without a doubt, her way of alleviating stress. Though it doesn’t work like that all the time.”

Splash: “She says that it helps her “perceive the universe and all those within it” or something like that. I couldn’t really understand much about it.”

Aera: “No surprise there.”

Garrus: “So, you detect no signs of her in any forms of stress. She’s not even trying to enforce anything?”

Mordin scanned her for a bit then shook his head.

Mordin: “No, not enforcing anything, especially not the visions, although, have been detecting energy readings similar to those visions. Have reason to believe that she is “allowing the visions to focus themselves” as she has mentioned.”

At that time, Flare is able to see the visions a little more clearly, with them skipping out a little less. Soon enough, she could see other visions that she hadn’t seen before. She was able to see the tower collapse. Then, she saw another one consisting of the krogan having cleaned up the debris of the collapsed towers with Eve also digging through the rubble and having found Mordin, unconscious, very much alive.

Flare: “How…can this…be…?”

Star: “Flare? What is it?”

From there, Flare opened her eyes. She seemed calm, but was concerned about something.

Splash: “Flare…!!”

The other girls approached Flare and stood near her.

Aera: “Are you OK? Did you…did you…see them…?”

She sat quietly for a bit.

Flare: “I saw…the visions again. I did not force them, I just let them focus themselves. I saw them…a little more clearly.”

Jewel: “You seemed as though there was more to it. Is that true?”

Flare looked to her side as she dropped her head a bit.

Flare: “I did…there was…a little more…to those visions…I saw the tower…when it collapsed…also…much time after that…the krogan…they were…cleaning up the debris after the war…I also saw Eve…and…”

She then looked towards Mordin.

Flare: “When she found you. She…she didn’t seem surprised to find you, just like she said…”

Aera: “Was there anything else to it?”

Flare turned her head back and dropped it again.

Flare: “No…nothing else…I could not…I wasn’t able to find out anything else. I still don’t know how it’s even possible, but…”

She then remembered the vision of the mysterious, glowing arms that were placed around Mordin.

Flare: “I know it has something to do with that mysterious being. I know…that it…has something to do with how he even survived the destruction of that tower. I’m sure of it.”

Miranda: “That still isn’t a lot to go by.”

Flare: “I know…I just…I really want to find out…how it could have been…how it happened…did it…do something to him? I couldn’t see anything else.”

Liara: ”It’s OK, Flare. We’ll figure this out along the way.”

Garrus: “Yeah, at the moment, your well-being matters a lot more to us than trying to comprehend these visions. You’ll have more time to put those pieces together.”

Mordin nodded. Flare smiled.

Flare: “Thank you.”

Garrus: “But…just to really make sure, are you OK? You’re not hurt or strained in any way, are you?”

Flare: “Of course not. That was…quite soothing. Best I’ve felt in a while.”

She jumped down from the bed.

Flare: “Now then, is there anything else that needs to be taken care of prior to our arrival at Eden Prime?”

Mordin: “Of course, must console with the one who was alive all those years ago, the last time the galaxy was under attack by the Reapers.”

Flare: “I see…shall we ask him to join us?”

Mordin: “Was planning on getting to that.”

Star looked a little annoyed.

Splash: “I’ll let Ash know right away!”

Splash ran out of the room.

Star: “Great, we have to deal with him again.”

Liara: “We know that he can be, um…very rough around the edges but…”

Tali: “He did live many years ago and he would have a lot of memories of how the galaxy was all those years ago.”

Star: “Is it really important for him to get involved in this?”

Mordin: “Absolutely. Just want to see how accurate the visions Flare picks up on as compared to how he remembers it. Just need to make sure of that.”

Flare: “I can only imagine so many horrors that he must have endured. I must admit that I am somewhat frightened about what visions I am to come across upon our arrival.”

Liara: “I would imagine, too. The Protheans have gone through such a terrible ordeal; to have their entire civilization and race be wiped out in such a terrifying manner.”

Miranda: “We almost went through that and although we survived, the whole ordeal was terrible.”

Everyone stood around, melancholy.

Much time later, Splash returned with Ashley and Javik.

Liara: “Welcome back, Javik. It’s good to see you hear again.”

Javik: “You have…called for me?”

Flare: “Javik, I’m not sure if you are aware of this, so allow us to bring you up to speed on what we have discussed.”

Javik: “Hm, I have been informed, actually, of the current matter. It seems that you have learned a new ability. You are able to see glimpses the past.”

Flare: “Yes, it is not so much something that I am able to carry out on my own, per se. It’s more so what I can conceive from magical energy that surrounds me.”

Miranda: “We were able to discover a form of lingering magical energy that the Fayelons describe as “containable memories” that belongs to someone, possibly their Divine Source.”

Jewel: “If they really are memories that belong to our deity, then there really is no telling how far back they go.”

Liara: “Hmm…that is an interesting question. If it’s an almighty deity, then…perhaps those memories could go as far back as the dawn of time.”

Garrus: “Whoa! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

Ashley: “Garrus is right. We should focus on one thing at a time and then we’ll work our way to other events prior.”

Liara: “Oh…right, sorry, I…almost got carried away there.”

Javik: “So, what does any of this have to do with me?”

Jewel: “Well, Flare wants to look into this ability a bit more so that she could fortify it better.”

Star: “While we were discussing that, Mordin, the ever-brilliant genius that he is, have found readings similar to the lingering magical energy that we have found on Tuchanka.”

Aera: “The readings were discovered to be found on a planet that we were told you know: Eden Prime.”

Javik seemed a bit shocked by this.

Javik: “I…I still don’t understand where you are getting out.”

Flare: “Well, this lingering magic, as we have mentioned before, consists of memories that belong to the Divine Source, assuming that’s true. So, they could date back to hundreds or maybe thousands of years. Or perhaps even….50,000 years ago.”

Javik: “You mean…during the previous Reaper attack…prior to the current one that we have just eradicated?”

Flare nodded.

Flare: “We are heading there now to see if I can…pick up on those visions…those…memories…”

Liara: “The reason we asked you to come here is because you were the only one who lived those events all those years ago, so we don’t know who else to ask to verify if the visions that Flare will see there would coincide with your own.”

Javik stood by, spellbound.

Tali: “You do…still remember what happened on Eden Prime all those years ago, correct?”

Javik: “Of course I still remember them!! How could I possibly forget such a terrible event that I was forced to endure!?! No one ever could!!”

Aera: “Alright, alright, no need to be testy there, guy.”

Liara: “Well, then, since you’ve managed to reassure us of that, I believe we should be set for once we have arrived at our next destination.”

Star: “Assuming you would be willing to help us out with this.”

Javik: “Hmm…, I do not like to be dragged into doing something without my consent, so I appreciate you telling me about this. I am indeed curious about this special new ability of the pryomancer. How could I possibly say no to this most interesting request?”

Splash: “Then it’s settled!! As soon as we reach this Eden Prime, we will get right down to it! Oh, I’m so looking forward to this!!”

Ashley: “We should be arriving soon. Get ready, everyone.”

Soon enough, they arrived at Eden Prime. They looked out at it from one of the windows.

Ashley: “There it is, girls. Eden Prime.”

Jewel: “Wow, so…this is the planet where it all started.”

Ashley: “Yeah…it’s amazing how far we’ve come. I still…”

Ashley sulked a bit. Jewel took notice of this.

Jewel: “Ash? You…OK?”

Ashley: “I…I’m fine. I just…”

She paused again.

Liara: “This was where Shepard first met Ashley.”

Jewel: “Oh…really?”

Ashley: “I…I still remember it very well. I…we…let’s just say a lot has happened since then. Come on, Cortez is already waiting for us.”

Everyone left the room. The girls stood by for a bit, concerned.

Star: “Well…let’s get to it, girls. Those visions aren’t going to rush into Flare’s head on their own.”

She walked off. The others followed. Jewel stood by for a brief moment, seemingly like she was pondering something, then left afterwards.

They were already on board the shuttle and making their way towards the planet.

Steve: “So, coming back here again, huh? You guys must have something else important to do here.”

Flare: “Yes, very important.”

Steve: “Well, I don’t know exactly what this is, but I would like to check this out for myself.”

Flare: “Certainly, you are more than welcome to join us.”

Aera: “Oh, I would love for you to do that. Absolutely!”

Steve: “Heh, I bet this would be interesting.”

Garrus: “Depending on your point of view. None of us will be able to see anything there, but Flare, on the other hand…”

Liara: “We have reason to believe that there will be a lot for her to pick up on. You’ll find out what we mean.”

Traynor: “Oh, I’ve heard about this special power of hers. I can’t wait to see in action.”

Tali: “I doubt you would see much but it is interesting to know that she has this kind of power.”

Traynor: “I wonder what she would see there. I still can’t believe it, though. Could these visions actually be real?”

Jewel: “Yeah, they are real. From what everyone else has told us, they describe her being able to see these visions as though she was there actually witnessing them.”

Steve sat by; he was a bit confused.

Edited by FayelonMagicalGirl
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So, just a brief cut in here because I have an important announcement to make:


I just posted the 50th episode of my story and, oh boy!! It is something that I've been waiting a long time to post!! It introduces a new character plus it brings up a bunch of plot twists to my story. If any of you would like to check it out, it's on my blog on Tumblr. The link to my stories is right here:



I will get back to posting more episodes of this story on here soon, just waiting for the view count to reach the amount that I want for the next post

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Episode 30-Visions

They made their way to an empty colony on the planet’s surface. The shuttle landed and they made their way out. They then stopped and looked around the surrounding area.

Ashley: “Huh, not much really has changed since we last came here.”
Steve: “Hmm…I don’t really see anything worth coming here for; it’s just another empty colony.”
Flare: “No, there is so much that is here. Well, when it comes to scenery, there isn’t much that’s significant, but…I can sense a great amount of lingering magical energy. Yes…this is what we were hoping to find.”
Mordin was one his omni-tool again.
Steve: “Lingering magical energy? Am I missing something here?”
Liara: “When we were on Tuchanka, Flare was able to pick up on what she has identified as “visions of past events”. We have been looking into that ever since.”
Garrus: “The girls believe that these glimpses of past events are memories that belong to their deity, the Divine Source. After what Flare has found there, it’s undeniable that all of this is warranted.”
Mordin: “Hm, yes, have already picked up on a vast amount of lingering magical energy, similar to what we have found on Tuchanka; the same magical energy that bestowed upon those visions to Flare.”
Flare: “What I have felt there, I can sense here very strongly. No doubt in my mind, there is much here that must…”
From there, she sat down into lotus position and began to meditate. Everyone stood by quietly and watched this.
Steve: “So…what now?”
Aera: “Now…is where she…well…you’ll find out for yourself.”
They stood by and continued to watch her without saying anything.
At that moment as Flare meditated, she saw glimpses of the events that happened on the planet during the fateful Reaper attack all those years ago, when they attacked the planet and the protheans made every attempt they could to fight back. It was undoubtedly that attack. She sat by, tense as she saw these images flash through her mind. Everyone stood by worrying about her.
Steve: “Is she OK?”
Liara: “I…I’m not sure, I would think so.”
Mordin was still on his omni-tool.
Garrus: “She seems even more agitated than when she saw those visions on Tuchanka. I only hope that it’s the visions that’s causing this.”
Kasumi: “I hope so, too.”
Steve: “Isn’t anyone going to do something?”
Jewel: “No, it’s alright. She may seem distressed but don’t worry about her.”
Aera: “Yeah, this is typical. These processes that she would go through, they tend to be complicated.”
Tali: “Are you sure she’s alright?”
Jewel: “Yeah, she is. Besides, she wouldn’t want any of us to interrupt her when she’s like this. It would be in our best interest and hers to just let her be.”
As the visions progressed on, she continued to see the protheans attempting to fight back against the threat. There was one who she was able to recognize. No doubt in her mind that it was him, Javik, as he fought alongside a few others who would inevitably lose their lives to the battle. She kept at these visions until she suddenly opened her eyes and abruptly stood up, almost as though she had woken up from a terrible nightmare, breathing heavily as she looked all around her with the look of fear in her eyes.
Liara: “Flare!!”
Everyone around rushed to her.
Traynor: “Are you OK? What did you see? Were your powers overwhelming you?”
Flare: “I saw…I saw…”
She stood by silently, trying to comprehend the visions that she had just seen.
Flare: “The area around us…it was…I saw…massive dark machines…attacking everything in sight, a once thriving metropolis bombarded mercilessly. It was like…a nightmare…”
The crew members were startled upon hearing this. They almost didn’t know what to say.
Liara: “You saw…the Reaper invasion…!”
Ashley: “Not just any, you saw the one that occurred when the protheans were still around.”
Flare paused for a bit.
Flare: “Yes…I did…it was…that attack…but…I also saw…”
She then looked towards Javik.
Flare: “You were there…I saw you…I heard you…you were amongst a few other protheans. You did all that you could to fight back, but…it was all in vain, which resulted in you being the sole survivor.”
Javik was spellbound upon hearing this. Everyone looked towards Javik, he remained speechless for a bit longer.
Javik: “So…it is true…you can see glimpses of the past…”
Star: “So…what she saw, was it just like how you remember it?”
Javik was again speechless for a brief moment.
Javik: “Yes…it is…exactly how I remember it. Flare, you are…amazing.”
A petite smile appeared on Flare’s face.
Flare: “My grandfather deserves some of the credit for that; he did teach me how to use these abilities after all and the means to comprehend them, as well. I wouldn’t have been able to conceive them without his help.”
Javik seemed pleased to hear this. At that moment, Flare became startled by something, then looked towards the sky. Everyone around took notice of this.
Liara: “What is it, Flare?”
Flare: “I sense…an overpowering dark aura…at a great distance…somewhere very far from here.”
Flare’s face tensed up a little.
Flare: “He has returned.”
Garrus: “The vigilante?”
She nodded.
Ashley: “Let’s hurry back on to the Normandy, everyone.”
Garrus: “Right, let’s go, and don’t fly off this time, girls, we’ll take you to where you need to go.”
Aera: “Yeah, yeah, we get it, let’s just hurry already.”
They rushed back to the shuttle and made their way back to the Normandy.
They were back in the ICC. There, Flare stood before the holographic map of the entire galaxy.
Ashley: “Can you sense where that Dark Entity is striking next?”
She closed her eyes as she stood before the map, using her sensing ability to feel out the cosmos. Then, she opened her eyes pointed towards the upper left area.
Flare: “There. I can sense an immense amount of Dark energy fixated on one particular planet.”
The crew members looked directly towards where Flare was pointing at. They had a look on their faces as though they knew about that particular area all too well.
Garrus: “Say…isn’t that….?”
Ashley: “Yeah, it’s…that planet.”
Liara: “But isn’t that where…?”
Ashley nodded. Liara’s eyes widened as she placed her hand over her mouth.
Liara: “It…it can’t be…”
Jewel: “What planet are you talking about? Do you guys know something about it?”
Liara: “It….well…we’ll tell you about it when we arrive there.”
Jewel glanced at her for a bit. Flare then stepped off from the front of the map.
Flare: “Well then, if you will excuse me, I will be meditating somewhere else as we make our way to our next destination. Is Samara in her usual place?”
Ashley: “Yes.”
Flare nodded, then walked off towards the elevator.
Star: “Hm, so, how about we look into the data we were able to collect on Eden Prime. You up for it, Mordin?”
Mordin: “Of course. Much to look into.”
They walked off towards the lab together. The rest of the crew members then glanced over towards Garrus.
Ashley: “You OK, Garrus?”
Garrus: “Uh, yeah, I’m fine, I just…there’s something that I need to take care of.”
He walked off. Ashley and Liara exchanged looks with each other. Ashley walked towards the cockpit while Liara made her way towards the elevator.
At that time, Garrus walked off a bit more then stopped and touched the side of his head.
Garrus: “Hey, it’s me. Where are you right now?”
He listened for a bit.
Garrus: “Oh…I see. Well, we’re on our way now….um….OK, I should have figured as much. Alright, we’ll see you soon.”
The Normandy was making its way to the next destination. At that time, Flare was in one of the Observation Desks meditating with Samara. She was focusing on the visions that she saw on Eden Prime, the images flashed through her head. They were making her tense but not because of her attempts to focus them, but they were very hard to see, having it be a terrible occurrence that was very difficult to watch. She then opened her eyes and gazed out at space. She had a worried look on her face. Samara opened one of her eyes and looked towards Flare.
Samara: “Is there something the matter, Flare?”
Flare: “Huh? Oh, no, it’s nothing. It’s just…”
Samara: “If it concerns you then I don’t see why it could be nothing.”
Flare: “Umm…no, that’s not what I meant. It’s nothing that involves being worried about me, it’s just….”
She continued staring out into space as she paused.
Flare: “The visions that I’ve conceived on Eden Prime. They’re…they’re terrible. I can’t believe…something that horrible would happen…”
Samara: “Yes, they are terrible. What happened here in this galaxy all those years prior, it was…a terrible travesty.”
Flare: “I can’t believe these giant machines, these…Reapers…they caused so much devastation, having wiped out an entire race. How…how could this have happened?”
Samara: “Hmm…we do not know…I’m not sure if anyone’s mentioned this to you, but…this wasn’t the first time that the Reapers have done this.”
Flare: “What? They’ve done this before?”
Samara nodded once.
Samara: “In fact, this has happened many times.”
Flare: “How many times?”
Samara: “That is something we have yet to comprehend, but what we do know is that this attack has happened within this galaxy every 50,000 years.”
Flare was startled to hear this.
Flare: “What!?! Every 50,000 years!?! Is this true!?!”
Samara: “Yes, from what we have gathered, this assault has happened many times and in a specific pattern in which they would occur.”
Flare: “But…why…? I don’t understand…”
Samara: “Not many do, it is very complicated to understand. But all we know is that the Reapers would reappear in our galaxy, attack all sapient life within it and vanish to where they have remained hidden: within Dark Space.”
Flare: “Hmm…well…even though we don’t know why they would do this, the fact that it’s happened many times….it’s horrible. I can’t even…fathom the kind of emotions that I feel right now because of this. So many lifeforms…so many people…I just…I just can’t…”
Samara: “None can, it is indeed too horrible for words. Many lives have been destroyed by this. Countless, too hard to even fathom. I don’t think any being in this galaxy or any other could comprehend that.”
Flare: “Maybe…but…I believe that…the Divine Source can…hmm…I wonder…”
Samara: “How have those visions been coming along, by the way? You haven’t been enforcing them, have you?”
Flare shook her head.
Flare: “No, I have not. I’ve been allowing them to focus on their own. They’ve become a bit more clear but…”
She was still thinking about the visions she saw on Tuchanka.
Flare: “I am still not able to grasp the understanding of all of them.”
Samara: “It is alright. You do not need to, not at this moment. We want you to take your time with this, they will become clear and we will understand them in time.”
Flare: “Yeah, I’m just glad that we have so many other things to focus on, so I don’t need to rush with this. I was concerned if I needed to.”
Samara: “That was never a concern, we are learning about these abilities of yours, just like you are. We will never rush you. We cannot, nothing can be accomplished if we rush any of this too abruptly.”
Flare: “I am grateful for that. My grandfather has also told me to never rush the development of any ability. I just need to focus on them, little by little, then overtime, they will reach their peak.”
Samara: “It may be apparent that I cannot tell you things that you have yet to hear from your grandfather. He truly sounds like a wise and respectable elderly gentleman.”
Flare: “He is indeed. There is no other that I respect more than him, though the many that are close to me have fallen under that perspective.”
Samara seemed touched. Flare then stood back up.
Flare: “I think we will need to meet with the others. We have meditated long enough.”
Samara: “Yes, whatever you feel you must do, it is fine with me.”
Samara also stood up.
Samara: “I am also curious about what everyone else is up to.”
Flare nodded once then they both walked out of the room.
They soon arrived within the lab where some of the crew members plus the other girls were. Mordin and Star were at their usual spots.
Jewel: “Good to see you back here, Flare. And you, too, Samara.”
Samara: “It is good to be back here.”
Star: “So, how are those visions of yours coming along, Flare?”
Flare: “They are…coming along indeed, although…they cause a great deal of stress for reasons that have nothing to do with…focusing them.”
Liara: “Yeah, I think we understand. This may be the first time that one of you has actually…seen the Reaper invasion.”
Flare sulked a little. Then, she stood before a few of the crew members and, with her arms hanging in front of her and her hands clasped together, she bowed.
Flare: “I am truly sorry that you and everyone else within this realm had to endure such a terrible ordeal.”
The crew members stood by with saddened looks on their faces. Liara walked up to her and placed her hand on the back of her shoulder.
Liara: “You don’t need to feel sorry for us, although, we appreciate it.”
Star: “We really do feel awful for how bad things were in this realm. I mean, having these giant machines come from out of nowhere and obliterate everyone and stuff. It’s just so messed up.”
Flare: “I fear that it has happened a lot more than just these people or the protheans, but that should be another ordeal for another time.”
Ashley: “She’s right, what we need to focus on is the vigilante’s next attack.”
Aera: “Sure, so…where is our next destination? You guys haven’t even mentioned the name of this place yet.”
Liara: “The next place we’re heading to is Fehl Prime.”
An image of a planet was displayed before them. The image zoomed towards a spot on the surface of the planet, displaying an image of a colony.
Splash: “Oh, what is that place?”
Liara: “It’s a human colony on the planet within the Terminus Systems.”
Aera: “So, that’s where we’re heading next.”
Miranda: “Yes, that’s right.”
Aera: “You guys looked as though you knew something about that colony. Can you fill us in on how or why?”
Everyone stood silent for a bit before continuing. Garrus continued staring at the image of Fehl Prime.
Liara: “Fehl Prime is another planet containing prothean ruins.”
Splash: “There are prothean ruins on Fehl Prime? Not just Eden Prime?”
Liara: “Yes, in fact, there are prothean ruins on many planets throughout the entire galaxy, even inhospitable ones.”
Javik: “Indeed, we have been all over the galaxy, dominating many worlds. Had it not been for the Reapers, the protheans would have truly reigned supreme and absolute.”
Aera: “If you’re trying to gain sympathy from your loss, you’re failing miserably at that, guy.”
Javik: “Hmph! I do not need pity. Do not waste your unscrupulous emotions on me.”
Aera: “We don’t do it because we owe it to anyone, we do it because that’s just who we are.”
Star: “Yeah, maybe you should stop being such a jerk and open yourself up to others’ feelings.”
Javik let out an exasperated look towards Star.
Tali: “I highly doubt that would even be possible for him.”
Star: “Hmmm….yeah….seems like it. Oh, well, had to try.”
Jewel: “Is there anything else about this place that we should know?”
Everyone stood silent again.
Ashley: “Yeah…there is one other thing.”
Liara: “You remember when we mentioned that a prothean beacon was found on Eden Prime, right?”
Aera: “Yeah??? But what’s that got to do with this planet?”
Liara: “There was another beacon much like what was found on Eden Prime. It was…on this planet. We didn’t receive this news right away, but…both were activated at the same time.”
The girls were startled.
Splash: “That Commander Shepard guy was there when that beacon on Eden Prime was activated, right?”
Liara: “Yes, and…around that time, someone else had been struck by the one that was on Fehl Prime.”
Jewel: “Who…who was it…?”
Both Ashley and Liara looked towards Garrus who was still silent. The girls did the same. From there, the girls realized something then and there.
Star: “You don’t mean…!!!”
Garrus: “Yes….it was Jane. She was there when that beacon was activated.”
The girls were still startled from this.
Flare: “What…was she doing there…?”
Garrus: “That’s something that we should talk about with her. For now, as soon as we reach the planet, let’s focus on the vigilante’s monsters as well as take care of protecting the colony’s civilians.”
Star: “Of course. Get in, fight off the monsters and deal with the rest afterwards.”
Garrus stood silently as he continued staring at the image. Everyone in the room looked at him, concerned.
Liara: “She is there right now, isn’t she?”
Garrus: “Yes, I just called her, we’ll be meeting her as soon as we arrive.”
Jewel: “Does that mean that she’s in the middle of the chaos?”
Garrus nodded.
Star: “What!?! Then that means….she could be in danger!!“
She leaned forward a bit.
Star: “We’ve got to get there now!! We need Joker to speed up this giant rustbucket before anything were t-!!!”
Mordin then held his hand out in front of her, almost as though he was preventing her from falling forward.
Mordin: “Hold, Star. We must be patient. Will get there eventually.”
Star: “But…what about Jane?”
Garrus: “Don’t worry about her; she’s tough, so she can take care of herself. I know she would rather die than let any of us risk anything for her sake.”
Miranda: “Yes, she is a lot like her cousin in that aspect.”
Splash: “Does that kind of thing run in the family?”
Liara: “We would think so. They’re capable fighters from what we can comprehend.”
Ashley: “I have some understanding of that. My family and I have the same type of resilience and pride.”
Aera: “Must be easy to know who is related to you.”
Ashley: “Yeah, something like that.”
Flare: “Well…whatever is in store for us, we must prepare. I feel as though each encounter will only get worse.”
Jewel: “So do I.”
Much time later, they managed to reach Fehl Prime. From there, they boarded the shuttle and made their way to the planet posthaste.
Ashley: “You girls should know the routine by now.”
Aera: “Yeah, yeah, we got it: we’ll handle the monsters, you guys take care of crowd control.”
Splash: “What about Jane? Aren’t we going to meet her when we arrive?”
Garrus: “I already told you, don’t concern yourself with her; fighting those monsters is your only priority.”
Star: “But what about you, Garrus? Aren’t you going to look for her when we get there?”
Garrus: “We can’t think about that. We have to take care of keeping the civilians safe, nothing else.”
Splash: “But…you…you’re not going to…what if she…”
Garrus: “Nothing will happen to her. I already spoke with her, she said that we don’t need to look for her.”
Jewel looked at him with a sad look in her eyes.
Jewel: “We understand, Garrus. I just hope…she stays safe out there.”
Garrus: “Yeah….so do I. To be honest, I keep telling myself that she’ll be OK, but…I don’t always believe it, myself.”
Star: “So, you are scared for her.”
Garrus: “Of course I am! I…I…she’s special to me.”
Star: “Yeah, we know that.”
Jewel: “Well if anything, I would hope that she would find us first.”
They were able to arrive within the human colony on the planet. From there, they rushed out to see the entire place in chaos. Many monsters were seen attacking everything in sight. Many of them being Husks and Banshees.
Flare: “Oh, no, he persists once more.”
Aera: “We’ve got to put a stop to this.”
Members of the crew pulled out their weapons.
Garrus: “You girls know what to do.”
Jewel: “Got it. Let’s go, girls.”
The Fayelons stood together.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!!”
They transformed again and rushed out.
From there, the fight began. The girls focused on the monsters while the crew members focused on protecting the denizens, driving them away from the monsters. The fights persisted on with some of the monsters having been dealt with and most of the colonists having been led away to safety. Suddenly, they were approached by a familiar face.
FemShep: “Hey, you guys made it!”
Ashley: “Yeah, and not a moment too soon, I hope.”
Liara: “It’s good to see you again, Jane.”
FemShep: “Same here.”
She looked over towards the girls and watched as they fought.
FemShep: “Guess we don’t need to worry too much about the invading force.”
Garrus: “No, our top priority is getting the colonists to safety as well as giving the girls less to worry about.”
FemShep: “Yeah, that sounds reasonable.”
As the girls fought, Star looked over and spotted Ms. Shepard.
Star: “Hey, girls! Look who it is!”
At that moment, a Husk was about to jump her.
Jewel: “Star! Look out!”
Star was almost taken by surprise. But before the Husk could even touch her, it was knocked back by a gust of wind.
Aera: “Focus on the fight, Star. We’ll concern ourselves about Garrus’ girlfriend later.”
Splash: “Is that what we’re calling that Shepard guy’s cousin now?”
The girls were then caught off-guard by the moaning of the Husks.
Aera: “We’ll worry about titles and names after we’re done with eradicating this threat.”
Splash: “Umm…right!”
They got back to fighting.
A while into the fight, they heard the screeching that they haven’t heard before.
Jewel: “What was that!?!”
Just then, Aera was startled by something.
Aera: “Girls! Look!!”
They looked over and saw another new monster: Brutes.
Flare: “What the…!?!?!”
Splash: “What are those things!?!”
The crew members also took notice of them.
Liara: “Oh, no!”
Tali: “It’s…those monsters!!”
Garrus: “Yeah, I remember them!”
Ashley: “Seems like our vigilante “friend” has created yet another from the Reaper invasion.”
Mordin was on his omni-tool again.
One of the Brutes attempted to ram on to the girls.
Jewel: “Spread out!”
They managed to lunge out of its way within a split second.
Aera: “Jewel! What should we do!?!”
She spent some time looking around for a bit, trying to access her surroundings.
Jewel: “Everyone, leave those things to me. My gems should be fortified enough to handle them. You just take care of the rest of the monsters.”
Star: “What!?! But…we can’t let you deal with these things by yourself!”
Jewel conjured a large octagonal jewel with both of her hands and held it in front of her like a massive shield.
Jewel: “Just do as I say! I stand a better chance against these things than the rest of you!!”
She rushed out.
Star: “But…!!! No, I can’t let you handle these by yourself!!”
Jewel: “You got any better ideas on how to deal with them?”
Star stood by, trying to think of what to do.
Star: “Uhh…umm…I…”
She struggled as though she was holding something in and wanted to let it out. Suddenly, she developed a stern look on her face, then brought out one index finger as though she was pointing towards the sky. She slowly brought down her hand, making it way to pointing towards the Brute. The other girls stood by, startled by what she was doing.
Splash: “Wha…Star…you’re not…!”
Flare: “Is she….she really going to do it?”
Aera: “Ah…it…seems that way.”
The crew members also watched this, confused from this.
Tali: “What is she planning on doing?”
Liara: “I…I don’t know.”
From there, she pointed towards the Brute and everyone remained still for a brief moment.
Star: “Stand clear, everyone.”
Before anyone knew it, a huge bolt of lightning came shooting down from the sky, zapping the Brute severely. From that, it was badly charred. The crew members were stunned upon seeing this.
Jewel: “Star!! You…you…”
She was looking back and forth towards Star and the Brute.
Jewel: “You…you didn’t…was that…has it really come to that?”
She dropped her hand and stood by as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Star: “I always hated using that power, but…”
She opened her eyes; she had a serious look on her face.
Star: “I’m not worried about using it on something that isn’t alive.”
Jewel: “I…I guess…that makes sense; you still don’t know how to make it more subtle. You said you would never use it on anyone until then.”
Star: “Right.”
Jewel: “Well…considering that there’s no one nearby, I think it should be OK.”
Star: “Yeah, let’s take down these hideous abominations.”
Jewel smiled.
Jewel: “Yes, I think we can handle them together.”
They rushed off together. The other 3 still stood by, they seemed quite happy.
Aera: “Huh, it’s not every day that Star is willing to let loose the lightning attacks.”
Flare: “Indeed. Such a destructive power is truly feared by those who do not wish any harm on others.”
Splash: “You know about that a lot more than anyone else, considering that you have another kind of power that you also fear using.”
Flare looked at Splash in a discontent manner.
Aera: “Let’s worry about that later.”
Flare: “Uh, right, we still have monsters to eradicate.”
They also rushed out and back into the fight.
The crew members were still stunned by what they saw.
Liara: “I…don’t believe it…!!! Star…can wield lightning??”
Tali: “It looked like a terrifying power. She must be intimidated by it.”
Liara: “I would imagine.”
Garrus: “Hmm…did you know about that, doctor?”
Mordin: “Hmm…did pick up on another energy signature within her, somewhat different. Did not disclose that as I was trying to figure out what it was.”
He looked up at the sky.
Mordin: “But now can confirm what it was. (Sniff) Quintessence.”
FemShep: “Light magic and electricity. What else are these girls capable of?”
Garrus: “That is a good question. We’ll need to go over that with them.”
Liara: “I feel for them. They hold back so much. I just wish they could be more open towards us.”
Garrus: “We can’t force them to open up to us completely. We need to give them that space so that they can feel comfortable with telling us whatever it is that they fear or can trust with us.”
Liara: “Yes, I know. I believe that they want to trust us, but it’s clear that there’s so much about their situations that they’re afraid of.”
Garrus: “They will get to that point eventually. They have been opening up to us little by little.”
Just then, they were surrounded by many monsters. The girls took notice of this.
Splash: “Oh, no! Hang on, guys!”
Splash rushed over to them. At that point, a Brute was about to attack them. But then a massive water dome appeared, encasing them. They were protected from the Brute’s onslaught as it pounded on the water dome. At that point, Garrus looked towards Splash as she was focusing her magical powers on them.
Garrus: “Splash, don’t worry about us, just focus on the fight!”
From there, a smug look appeared on her face, she then utilized her powers to form spikes from the water dome, attacking the Brute and all other monsters surrounding them. Garrus, as well as the rest of the crew members, were astonished by this. They turned their attention towards Splash.
Splash: “Can’t I do both?”
Garrus: “Uhh….yes, I…suppose you can.”
She smiled again and rushed off.
The fight continued on, bringing down monsters left and right, but the onslaught seemed to have no end in sight. Jewel stood and stared out at the entity in the sky with a serious look on her face. Her friends were nearby.
Jewel: “It seems like he won’t let up this time. Let’s put a stop to this.”
They nodded once. From there, they focused their powers together, then unleashed it into the air. Their combined powers then unleashed a massive barrage that rained down everywhere, impacting each of the monsters with explosions of fire and light energy as well as bit and pieces of crystals, both geo and ice forms, some were being carried around by violent gusts of wind all across the entire area. The crew members, however, were protected from the barrage by the dome of water that encased them as they stood by and watched in astonishment. Many of the monsters were destroyed while many others disintegrated in retreat. The onslaught ended and the entity faded away. The fight was truly over, for now.
With everything finally calming down, the dome of water faded. The girls ecstatically rushed back towards the crew members, happily embracing some of them.
Liara: “Girls! That was amazing!”
Star: “I know, we sure are.”
Aera: “Glad that’s over with. I wonder what he was doing here anyway.”
Ashley: “Who knows? Still, there’s something strange about this attack, but I can’t quite put my finger on why that is.”
Javik: “Perhaps it has something to do with this colony being a former prothean settlement.”
Ashley: “You think so?”
Liara: “There’s no telling if that would be the case or if it’s just a coincidence, but it might be something that’s worth looking into.”
Mordin: “Hm, excellent suggestion.”
FemShep: “Let’s get right on it as soon as we can.”
The girls soon took notice of Ms. Shepard.
Jewel: “So, you did come here.”
FemShep: “That’s right. I didn’t think I would see you girls again here.”
Aera: “Neither did we.”
Splash: “Hello again, Ms. Garrus’ girlfriend! How are you doing!?!”
Splash’s friends had shocked looks on their faces almost as though she had accidentally revealed one of their most embarrassing secrets. The rest of the crew were startled by this. Garrus kind of felt humiliated. Ms. Shepard was taken aback by this a little.
FemShep: “Umm…I’ve been well…although…it hadn’t been long since…the last time I saw you guys…”
Splash: “That’s good to hear.”
Aera had a tense, annoyed look as though she wanted to strangle Splash.
Tali: “Uh, wow, that was…an unexpected thing to hear from one of you.”
Samantha giggled a little.
Traynor: “I don’t think a lot of us would ever let him live this down.”
Garrus: “Can we change the subject, please!?!”
FemShep: “Alright, calm down. No need to get antsy. Believe me, I’m not sure how to handle this, either.”
Kasumi: “Still, I’m quite amazed at how fast the girls caught on to this. I don’t know what they’re culture is like or if they’re familiar with this, but they do seem like incredibly bright girls.”
Miranda: “Yes, they are indeed.”
At that moment, Flare turned towards the sky and walked off from the group a bit. Miranda took notice of this.
Miranda: “Flare, what is it?”
Flare: “I…I can sense…a strong, lingering aura here. Much like…what we found on…Eden Prime.”
FemShep: “You guys went to Eden Prime?”
Garrus: “Yeah, some of us wanted to look into how far back these…visions of the past would go.”
FemShep: “Eden Prime is another former prothean settlement. But…wait, was she able to see visions of…that attack? Can she really see what happened that far back in time?”
Liara: “Yes, she can.”
Javik: “I was brought along to confirm that the visions that she saw there were those that are similar to my own memories. There is no doubt about it, they match up perfectly.”
For a brief moment, they stood by and watched as she meditated. As she did, her face became tense just like last time. Everyone that observed her worried about her.
FemShep: “Is she OK?”
Ashley: “Yeah, she’s fine, believe it or not.”
Liara: “She may look like she’s in distress, but that’s because of the visions that she’s seeing, I believe.”
Kasumi: “She was like this when we were on Eden Prime. It is concerning, but we were assured that it really isn’t anything that we should worry about, at least regarding her.”
FemShep: “Well…given what happened to the protheans all those years ago, it would be no surprise that she would be like this while seeing those visions.”
Flare spent a brief amount of time meditating, but then, she opened her eyes, then looked up towards the sky.
Liara: “Flare…what did you see?”
Flare remained silent for a brief moment.
Flare: “The visions…they were…they were indeed no different from Eden Prime. This place was also badly assaulted. The devastation, it was…unbearable…The Reapers…attacked everything and everyone…this place has suffered a lot…”
Liara: “That’s no surprise, really.”
Garrus: “Umm…I don’t mean to get off topic, but…should you really be undergoing this technique of yours in your alternate form? I shouldn’t be worried about that, should I?”
Flare: “Hm? Oh, sorry, I forgot. Well…when I’m in my Metamorphose, the visions, they seem more vivid and easier to focus. I could see things more clearly.”
Garrus: “But that doesn’t cause any strain for you, right?”
Flare: “I don’t feel strained, but it does require for me to utilize more of my magical energy that is suppressed when in my Dormant form.”
Garrus: “That’s what I was worried about. Perhaps you should not do that again in that alternate form of yours, just so you don’t strain yourself from using too much of your own magical energy.”
Flare: “Hm, of course.”
From there, she changed back into her Dormant form. The other girls did the same, but weren’t seen reverting.
Flare: “I felt like I would be taking the easy way out if I did. My grandfather has taught me that I mustn’t utilize my powers in such a hasty and foolhardy matter. By undergoing this while utilizing only bits of my own energy, I can strengthen this technique so that I would not need to use up so much of my energy to enhance it. Overtime, I would not need my alternate form to fully and vividly conceive these visions. I shall master this without needless shortcuts.”
Garrus: “I’m liking your grandfather more and more, Flare.”
Ashley: “Well, since we’ve managed to finish up what we came here to do, let’s get back to the Normandy.”
FemShep: “Yes, it’s apparent that we have a lot to talk about.”
Suddenly without warning, Jewel lost consciousness and fainted. Everyone was startled by this.
Liara: “Jewel!”
Several of them rushed to her. Garrus was the one to tend to her.
Traynor: “What happened to her?”
Star: “I don’t know, this had never happened to her before.”
FemShep: “Let’s hurry back to the ship, we need to make sure she isn’t in any terrible condition.”
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Episode 31-Recovery

At that moment, Jewel found herself within the empty void again.

Jewel: “Huh? Where am I…? Oh…it’s this place again. But…what am I doing here?”
She then heard a faint voice call her name. It was the same voice that she heard before.
Jewel: “Huh? Who’s there? Wait, it’s you! But…who are you?”
The voice called her name a few times, getting louder each time.
Jewel: “Please answer me. Who are you? Where are you?”
Voice: “I am…everywhere. I am…one.”
Jewel: “What?”
Voice: “One is all and all is one. Everything comes from one source while the one branches its source out to everything. All life has one source and that source extends itself to everything and everyone, therefore, I am everywhere.”
Jewel: “I don’t understand. What do you mean? Why are you…”
Just then, a bright light flashed before her, blinding her.
Almost a split second later, she woke up. She sat up and found herself on a medical bed within the medical bay.
Jewel: “Huh? I…I’m back…in the medical bay…on the Normandy.”
Liara: “Jewel!”
She looked over and noticed several of the crew members standing nearby.
Traynor: “You’re awake! Thank goodness you’re alright!”
Miranda: “We were worried about you for a while there.”
Jewel: “What…happened? How did I end up here?”
Liara: “You lost consciousness when we were still back on Fehl Prime. We brought you here to try and find out how that could have happened.”
Jewel: “Hmm…is that so…? Could it have been…but…what did that all mean?”
Garrus: “Are you at least feeling OK? You aren’t worn down or anything, are you?”
Jewel: “No…I…I’m just confused. I just had a weird dream, that’s all.”
From there, Flare approached her a bit.
Flare: “A weird dream? What was it about?”
Jewel: “I…I don’t know. I found myself in an empty void and I kept hearing this voice. I don’t understand what it’s trying to tell me and…for some reason…it sounds familiar.”
Ashley: “Has she had anything like this before?”
Star: “No, first time I’ve ever heard of it.”
Aera: “A weird voice that sounds familiar. Huh, even I can’t figure out what that could possibly mean.”
Jewel: “Well…at the moment, it’s not important. I don’t even know if it means anything.”
FemShep: “Just let us know if you have another weird dream like that again.”
Jewel: “Of course, I would like to know what any of it meant.”
Liara: “So, Dr. Were you able to find anything that could have caused the sudden change in her condition?”
Mordin: “Nope, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing major, anyway, though did detect something that was not found before. Uncertain of what it is or if it caused her to lose consciousness suddenly.”
Liara: “I see…well…we should keep an eye on that, but for the time being, there was something else that is in need of our attention.”
Mordin: “Yes, already knew that. Shall we?”
Liara nodded then the both of them walked over towards where Dr. Chakwas was sitting. They were seen chatting with her. Garrus has taken notice of this. He then looked back towards the girls. They were hanging around and chatting with Tali, Miranda, Samara, Samantha and Kasumi. Garrus stood by with Ashley and Ms. Shepard, watching them.
FemShep: “They seem to be doing well for themselves.”
Garrus: “Yeah, they are.”
He kept staring at Jewel as she was somewhat withdrawn.
FemShep: “You really do worry about her a lot.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I have.”
Ashley: “Can’t say I really blame you. She had been out cold for a few hours. We had no idea what was going on or what would happen to her.”
FemShep: “Not to mention that you were on edge constantly.”
Miranda: “On edge?”
It was then that Miranda walked up to them.
Miranda: “He was a complete and total wreck.”
Garrus: “Um, yeah, I can’t help myself whenever something like that were to happen to her or the other girls.”
Ashley: “Which was exactly why we needed to have you take your mind off of it.”
Garrus: “Yeah, of course, Mordin and Tali had me watch more of their Pretty Cures with them for 2 hours. They mentioned something about that not being long enough for anime. Oh, and thanks so much for just standing around and doing nothing while they pulled me into that, literally.”
FemShep: “You may not have liked it, but we had to do something to keep you from getting even more antsy.”
Garrus: “Of all the ways to do it, why did you let it be that?”
Miranda: “Because it was a more effective distraction.”
FemShep: “Besides, those 2 really enjoy having you watch their shows with them.”
Garrus grunted a little. Just then, they looked over and noticed Liara, Mordin and Dr. Chakwas standing nearby. They had concerned looks on their faces.
Ashley: “Is there something the matter?”
Liara: “There have been…some important things that we’ve been looking into and…we feel that you guys need to know about this.”
FemShep: “What is it? Is everything OK?”
Liara: “For now yes, but…”
Dr. Chakwas: “This is something that regards the Fayelons. We need to discuss this in private.”
Ashley, Ms. Shepard, Garrus and Miranda exchanged concerned looks with each other.
Ashley: “Alright, we’ll do that.”
Garrus, Miranda, Ashley and Ms. Shepard followed all 3 doctors to the other side of the medical bay. Both groups then stood close to one another, almost close enough to which they would be able to huddle with each other.
Dr. Chakwas: “We’ve been looking into some of the records and the scans that we have taken on the girls and…what we have found have yielded some horrible news.”
Miranda: “What’s wrong? They’re not in terrible health are they?”
Dr. Chakwas: “No, they aren’t, they’re perfectly healthy. In fact, they’re healthier than they were when we first met them. However, that’s what we find worrisome.”
Ashley: “What do you mean? Tell us everything you know.”
Liara: “When we compared readings to how they are now to how they were when we first met them, they’re shown to be in better health then they were previously. We were able to find that this was because we’ve had them eating more than just 1 meal.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Although it had been a short period of time, their health is shown to have spiked significantly. What we were able to find has shown that they are much closer to the the kind of health that is considered normal for young girls like them at their age than they were previously.”
FemShep: “And you’re saying that their health has massively increased since they were fed meals on a regular basis by our standards?”
Dr. Chakwas nodded.
Ashley: “But wait a minute, Dr. Chakwas, when you first examined the girls, you said they were in perfect health.”
Dr. Chakwas: “I know and they seemed like that to me at first, but I didn’t have much understanding about the normal health of Fayelons. They were incredibly strong back when I first examined them, but from what intel we were able to obtain regarding their health, when I first examined them, it turned out that they were just getting by with reserves.”
Miranda: “They seemed incredibly resilient for the kind of health they were in when they were just “getting by”.”
Liara: “But you also remember that during their first battle, they were easily exhausted. I thought it was just from them traveling from one galaxy to another almost non-stop, but it was worse than that.”
Mordin: “Although did receive some readings that perhaps, they have eaten a little more than when they were still at their home.”
Garrus: “And how exactly are you able to figure that?”
Mordin ran his omni-tool.
Mordin: “Did an evaluation of their health and then ran a simulation of when they were living on their “one meal a day” regiment back within their galaxy. Have found that their bodies, based on the calculations, produced much less magical energy then when they were first evaluated upon arriving here, within ours. Their magical readings are shown to be somewhat higher than what was perceived from the simulation.”
Liara: “I’m afraid that’s not all of it. From how much they have eaten on a regular basis within their galaxy, or rather realm, it is revealed that their bodies can only produce so much magical energy by itself but…”
Mordin: “Sustenance serves a more massive purpose to the reproduction of magical energy than we had perceived. At first, it seemed optional but in actuality, to produce the massive amounts of magical energy needed for them is impossible when done on its own. Sustenance, as it turns out, is vastly needed for the reproduction of mystical energy as well as their growth, enhancement in magical abilities, overall decent health. Without it, they could easily wear down.”
Garrus: “Are you saying…these girls were malnourished?”
Mordin: “Exactly. Would speculate that traveling from one “realm” to another somewhat increased their prowess and reproduction of their magical energy. Not by a lot, but sufficient for noticeable differences.”
They stood by, devastated for a brief period of time.
FemShep: “I….I don’t…believe it…”
Ashley: “And their own kind back in their realm are doing this on purpose?”
Liara: “I would think that they’re aware of this. Some would have managed to find out a long time ago, at least.”
Miranda: “This further solidifies that food being nothing more than pleasure is an intentional lie.”
Garrus: “If all of this is true, then these girls are clearly living a system that’s being run by a heinous conspiracy.”
Liara: “That would be the case, but there is still much that we don’t know about their realm or their way of life.”
Ashley: “But what we’ve found out goes against their noble beliefs. Just what is going on with those people?”
FemShep: “It’s clear that this needs further inquiring. We need to find out all we can about how those people live and run their society.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I agree, we have to go over everything that they have lived through with a fine-toothed comb and really try to find just how deep this corruption goes.”
FemShep: “Yeah, we should. From what we have found out, it doesn’t seem like where they came from is at all is truly a wonderful place to live.”
Garrus: “And no doubt, this is far from a fantasy world.”
Miranda: “Absolutely. Comparing them both would be like night and day.”
Ashley looked over towards the girls as they were still chatting with some of the members of the other crew members.
Ashley: “I don’t know about you guys, but this is something that they need to know.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I agree, we have to tell them.”
FemShep: “Would you recommend telling them now to be a good idea?”
All 3 doctors exchanged looks with each other for a brief moment.
Dr. Chakwas: “I don’t find any harm in doing so now.”
Liara: “Yeah, me neither. And I agree, they have to know.”
Miranda: “Of course, but…we don’t have to be gentle with them, right?”
Garrus: “I wouldn’t think so. They’re tough and they’re already aware of how screwed up their society is.”
Miranda: “Not to mention that they said something about a friend of theirs looking into this matter.”
Mordin: “Hm, indeed, would like to know who that friend of theirs is.”
Liara: “We all do, but every time they bring it up, they just couldn’t bring themselves to talk about it, almost as though they’ve been repressing a sad memory.”
After spending a few moments contemplating what to do, they walked back towards where the girls were. The girls took notice of them almost immediately. They noticed that they seemed a bit saddened.
Star: “Umm…hey, guys. What’s up?”
Splash: “Why do you look that way? Was it…that thing I said back in that colony about Garrus’ girlfriend?”
Garrus: “Let’s forget about that for a moment! We have more important things to discuss with you girls!”
Jewel: “What is it? What’s going on?”
Liara: “We…made some new findings regarding your powers and your health and…they were shocking.”
They then went on to tell the girls and the rest of the crew members what they had just discussed. As they were hearing this, they were stunned beyond words. After it was done, they really struggled to figure out what to say about what they had been hearing. The girls, especially, looked as though what they were told had punched them in their stomachs, hard. Some looked almost as though they were about to throw up. Jewel just sat on the bed, stunned, looking like she was struggling to breathe.
Jewel: “Mal-nourished…? All this time…we’ve been…malnourished??”
Aera: “Food really was that important to us?”
Most of the group that informed them of this nodded.
Star: “I…I’ve never even heard of that before.”
Garrus: “Of course you haven’t! In a world where everyone claims that food is nothing more than pleasure, there would be no such thing as malnourished.”
Liara: “But…it’s the truth. Many of your kind have been deprived of the much-needed amount of nourishment.”
Jewel: “I…we thought as much…but…I didn’t realize it was that bad.”
Flare: “No, we did not, although my grandfather had his suspicions. However, it was nothing like this.”
Star: “You guys already told us how important eating has been for us, but…never like this. I just…I just…can’t believe…they’ve lied to us like this.”
Aera: “So…what does that mean for us?”
Ashley: “Perhaps we should get started on preparing another meal for you.”
Flare: “Oh, absolutely! I would love to…! Um…I mean…right, yeah, that would make sense. Have Gardner prepare another dish for us, if he would be…obligated to that.”
Liara: “I will let him know right away.”
Liara walked off. At that moment, Garrus and Mordin looked at each other with serious looks on their faces and nodded once. They both then approached Star. She noticed this almost right away.
Star: “Um…so, what else is up?”
Garrus: “Star? We have something that we’ve wanted to talk to you about. It involves your lightning powers.”
Star: “Um…Oh…OK. You’re…you’re not mad at me, are you? I mean, please don’t be mad!”
Garrus: “No, we’re not. We understand that you girls have your reasons for keeping a lot to yourselves, but I think it would be helpful if you didn’t keep so much of it bottled up.”
Star sulked as she bowed her head.
Star: “Well…it’s not that I didn’t want to tell you guys about it…it’s just…I never liked those powers. As you guys could tell, it’s very lethal and we’re not so much all for killing. The thing is…I couldn’t figure out how to nullify it to where I don’t have to worry about killing someone.”
Garrus: “Have you come across a time where you almost did?”
Star: “No…but…everytime I would use it, well…just from looking at my lightning attacks, they’re always lethal. I would only use them if I had no other choice.”
Mordin: “A last resort. Understandable. Lethal force would often be used if there were no other options.”
Star: “I’ve tried so many times to ask our mentors to try and teach me how to nullify my powers, but they refused. They would say that it’s not possible, but I know they’re lying. They just don’t want to teach me. I…I…hmph!!”
Aera: “Yeah…that seems to be how it’s been for us. They would shove lessons to us that they want us to know and learn, but when it comes down to teaching us what we want to know, it’s like we’re asking them to give us all the answers. They’re response was always “figure it out yourself”, like it was our job to teach ourselves some of this stuff.”
Mordin: “Hmm…do not believe that it’s not possible to readjust your abilities to the desired results. Perhaps…can help you with that.”
Star: “What!?! You can!?!”
Mordin: “Absolutely. Just need to figure out a way to monitor your powers. Hmm…perhaps…yes…can be done.”
Aera: “What do you have in mind this time?”
Mordin: “Already formulating a plan to build a machine that can measure the intensity of your powers, perhaps…could work, but will need to build them first.”
Splash: “Do you have any way to build this monitoring machine of yours?”
Mordin: “No, not at moment, but would need to pick up a few things first. Only one place I can find them: Omega.”
Aera: “Omega? What is that place?”
Garrus: “Omega is a space station that is home to millions of outlaws and criminals. In a way, it’s like a safe haven for some of the worst criminals in the galaxy.”
Star: “And why would anyone as good as you guys want anything to do with such a filthy cesspool of crime and felony?”
Garrus: “We have…some history with that place. I was there for my own reasons. He, on the other hand…”
Mordin: “Hm, started a clinic. Still have contacts on Omega. Could call in a few favors to find what I need.”
Garrus: “I also have a few people that I know on Omega. Granted, not many of them like me considering what I’ve done, but I might be able to help. But first thing’s first, before we do anything else, you girls need to eat.”
Jewel: “No kidding, from what we found out, our regular meals have become even more mandatory.”
She jumped down from the bed.
Jewel: “And we would be all too happy to take you guys up on it.”
The other girls nodded.
Garrus: “Good, then that means I don’t have to worry about having any of you objecting to this.”
Star: “Alright! Let’s get to it.”
And with that, they exited the medical bay.
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