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Magical Girls in Mass Effect


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Episode 36-Realization

Much time later, they met back at the medical bay. The girls were there, as well, with Flare and Star having reverted to their Dormant forms. Star, sitting down on a medical bed, was being evaluated. Some are the crew members arrived.

Liara: “How are you feeling?”
Star: “Fine, never better.”
Dr. Chakwas: “I was just finishing up with the final evaluations of her. She seems to be in good health, if not better after she and the rest of the girls have been put on the regular diet.”
Garrus: “That’s all I needed to hear. We’ll keep the diet going as planned.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Of course, it is important that we keep at that.”
Garrus nodded once. Mordin walked up to Star. As he approached her, she looked at him and smiled.
Star: “Hello again, Dr. Solus. I feel like I’m doing very well.”
Mordin: “That is good to hear, Star. However, there are...concerns regarding your lightning abilities that need to be discussed with you.”
Star: “Concerns? What are they about?”
Liara also stepped forward.
Liara: “We’ve looked over your readings and...they don’t look good at all. I've also found an Intel Crystal that contains information regarding those powers.”
Star: “Wha...what is this about? Am I sick? Would I be succumbing to a horrible condition?”
Liara: “No, no, it is nothing that serious. You are still in good health.”
Dr. Chakwas: “Of course, I looked into whatever I could find about terminal conditions for your kind, so far, you and your friends have nothing that serious.”
Liara: “But it is something that IS very serious regardless.”
Mordin: “Would like to discuss the rest of this in the lab, if you don’t mind.”
Star: “Are you kidding me? I’m always happy to go back to your lab.”
She jumped down from the bed.
Star: “Let’s get going. I want to know everything you’ve found out about my powers!! I won’t wait another minute!!”
Mordin: “Very well, let’s go.”
Star walked out with Mordin and Liara. Everyone else stood by and watched.
Aera: “How bad is it? Did they tell you?”
The group stood by, concerned, almost like they didn’t want to mention anything about the subject.
Hackett: “It is...a critical issue. Again, we just want to remind you that this has no negative effects to her health, but...”
Garrus: “Her health is not our concerns. It’s...it involves how badly she’s been treated.”
Miranda: “We’ve always known that Star received a lot of horrible treatment during childhood, but the more we look into this, the worse that it seems, like...almost like...”
Ashley: “Like a huge trail of abuse is being displayed before us and the further we look into this, the shadier and more disturbing it’s made out to be. I’m sure you girls have been through that, too.”
The girls stood silent for a bit.
Jewel: “Yeah...I guess you’re right....but...when it came to her lightning powers...no one did anything about it....”
Miranda: “Don’t forget that neglect IS also a form of abuse. Some forms of inactions can be damaging.”
Ashley: “She’s right, whenever a caretaker refuses to do anything that needs to be done for those that they take care of, it can cause harm. Your friend’s lightning abilities are one of those examples.”
The girls seemed saddened by this.
Splash: “Poor Star. We’ve always known that our mentors were being mean when they refused to teach her how to utilize her lightning powers, but...we didn’t know it was that bad.”
Aera: “No kidding, they made it out as though they didn’t have to teach us about certain powers, like it was optional, so they just decide that they won’t. What a bunch of crap.”
Flare: “Indeed, my grandfather has told me that all abilities need to be taught and learned properly. Through structure and tutelage should our abilities flourish. So, I knew that what they believed in, or rather what they wanted to believe in, were all lies.”
Splash: “We...we want to know everything we can about this. We want to know how horribly they treated Star.”
Ashley: “Yes, we wanted to show all of you. Let’s go.”
Jewel: “Of course...”
The girls walked out with the group. Jewel looked saddened as she walked out.
Mikhailovich: “I had no idea things were this bad. These girls...their suffering is far worse than I thought.”
Hackett: “We have reason to believe that their conflicts have started before their vigilante went rogue, so we will have to deal with more detrimental issues later on. Also, we have confirmed that these girls and their current conflict with the Dark entity isn’t the first time that this galaxy has dealt with such Darkness.”
Mikhailovich was startled to hear about this.
Mikhailovich: “So, it’s all true.”
Soon enough, they entered the lab. There, they noticed Mordin, Star and Liara. Mordin and Star were at their usual spots with Liara standing near Star. Star looked very startled.
Star: “Are you serious? Is this....really...?”
Mordin: “Yes, all of it is confirmed to be accurate.”
Star: “And....and they knew about this....? All of it?”
Liara: “From what I can tell, yes, they have.”
Star’s friends approached the side of the table that she sat closer to.
Aera: “Star....are you OK?”
Splash: “We...we were told that...what you guys have found out is bad. We came here to find out what it was.”
Star glanced down towards her friends, looking as though she wanted to kill someone.
Star: “Bad!?! BAD!?! Are you kidding me!?! To say this is bad doesn’t even come close!!!!”
Splash flinched.
Splash: “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you!”
Star looked like she calmed down a little.
Star: “No...don’t be sorry. At least....at least I know I can trust all of you with anything.”
Her friends stood by. They were worried but smiled a little.
Garrus: “Tell them everything you’ve found out about this.”
Mordin nodded, then went on the console.
Mordin: “Analyzations from electrical energy indicates that Star’s lightning abilities are very difficult to contain. Because of such, no restrictions can be placed on those powers, therefore making it nearly impossible for her to reduce the intensity of her own lightning abilities to safer levels.”
FemShep: “You didn’t know anything about this, did you, Star?”
Star shook her head.
Star: “Of course not, none of our mentors even bothered to mention anything about this! When I asked, they would say things like “figure it out yourselves” or “there is no way to reduce your power levels” or something like that.”
Mordin: “Untrue. Have found out that such methods are possible.”
Liara: “From the Intel Crystal regarding these lightning abilities, we were able to find that there are special training procedures to help electrokinetic Fayelons to contain these powers better.”
FemShep: “The info. also mentioned that this needs to start at a relatively young age, meaning that Star is far behind on managing those powers of hers.”
Liara: “Yes, that is correct.”
Garrus: “But it’s the mentors who actually have to put forth the effort to train them.”
Mordin dropped his head a little and paused with a slight discontent look on his face.
Mordin: “Yes.”
Traynor: “I don’t believe this! This is terrible! How could they do this?”
The girls stood by silent with disheartened looks on their faces.
Ashley: “Are all of your mentors unwilling to teach you how to utilize your powers?”
Jewel: “Not all of them. We had a few good ones that were willing to take us under their tutelage. They were...the greatest. We...we probably wouldn’t have made it as far as we did without them.”
Star: “Yeah, they were wonderful.”
Aera: “They really did help us out a lot when no one else wanted to.”
Flare: “Hm, indeed. But they did not last...”
Liara: “What happened to them?”
Jewel: “We don’t know. They just...disappeared one day. We haven’t heard from them.”
Garrus: “Hm, it seems like such a bizarre coincidence that all of your better mentors just vanished.”
Miranda: “I take it the same did not happen to the ones who didn’t care about you.”
Star: “No, they didn’t. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the academy just continued on as though the disappearances weren’t anything to be concerned about.”
Jewel: “Although, a handful of them still reached out to us a few times. One that I still remember was absolutely wonderful. She was...the best...a true role model.”
Aera: “Oh, I remember her, it was the first time that I’ve ever had a genuine and caring motherly figure.”
Splash: “Yes, she was like a second mother to all of us.”
Star: “And one who was not a spineless coward, unlike mine.”
Flare: “We had her around for an entire sol cycle. She promised that she would teach so much about how to utilize our powers better. We knew that she would have kept her promise had it not been...”
Flare paused as she sulked. The crew members looked on as though they were a little startled by something.
Tali: “If she had not disappeared?”
Jewel: “Yes...but...a little after she did, we received something from her and she left a message to not reveal to anyone that we had received it or that she had given it to us. We really made sure that no one else found out about that.”
Everyone was stunned and confused to hear this. However, Liara developed a startled look from realizing something.
Liara: “The jewelry box!”
Jewel: “Yes, she didn’t mention that it was her that gave it to us, but we knew. She always seemed like...she was worried about something, like she was always looking over her shoulder. I don’t know why, but...”
Jewel paused, everyone in the room seemed puzzled.
Hackett: “Yes...I think we understand...”
Star: “So...any ideas on how I would be able to...get caught up with the training I was supposed to start as a child?”
Liara: “I don’t know. I’ll try to consult the crystals for ways to do that, but until then...”
FemShep: “This means that you will have to hold off on your lightning powers until we’re able to figure that out.”
Miranda: “At least it doesn’t have a negative effect on your health.”
Star: “Yeah...I’m...I’m glad for that, I was never crazy about my lightning abilities anyway. Still, I can’t believe...they knew about this and did nothing about it.”
Tali: “Is anyone else getting the feeling that we’re finding out things that these girls supposedly shouldn’t know about?”
Liara: “That doesn’t surprise me. We’ve already found out so many things about their world that have indicated to be kept on a need-to-know basis.”
Ashley: “This is ridiculous! How could they do this to these girls!?!”
Miranda: “Hm...a good question, this is looking more and more suspicious.”
Hackett: “By the way. Flare, is this how it has been for your other magical ability?”
Flare: “My...other ability...? Are you referring to...the explosions that I've conjured up?”
Hackett: “Yes, it seems that both you and Star have such dangerous secondary abilities that are clearly in need of urgent training, but you didn’t receive it, either, did you?”
Flare paused as though she was about to ponder.
Flare: “No...I have not...upon the discovery of such destructive power, I asked our mentors to train me to better manage them. They claimed that they would agree to it, but they never did. When my grandfather found out about this, he, himself, offered private tutelage of such, but they declined and continued on the claim that they would train me personally, but never got to it.”
Jewel: “It was so annoying. Her grandfather went to them over and over again, begging to have her receive the training, but it was always the same response.”
Aera: “It was almost as though they were delaying him so that they could intentionally put off the lessons indefinitely.”
Star: “He pestered them so many times until he gave up and offered to pull her away and start the tutelage, himself, without their consent.”
Splash: “It went swimming for a while, until...”
Jewel: “The headmistress of the academy found out. She reprimanded Flare for the “unnecessary” tutelage behind their backs, claiming that they have “interfered” with her other course. She was...also incredibly harsh towards him.”
Flare clenched her fists in frustration.
Flare: “She told him off, calling him a nosey busybody and to never pull that stunt again. He argued that if they had proceeded with the tutelage as they had promised, he wouldn’t have had to do that. She said it still didn’t excuse him from what he did. From there, I was forbidden from ever taking on those tutelages again.”
Liara: “Flare, that’s horrible.”
Ashley: “Why would they do that? Clearly, your grandfather was only trying to fill in where you were clearly being neglected and they just...”
Flare: “They were horrible about it. I could have sworn that I’ve noticed a seemingly unrecognizable sinister grin on the headmistress’ face.”
Everyone in the room was shocked to hear about this. From there, a slight tense look appeared on Ms. Shepard’s face.
FemShep: “Find everything you can about this special tutelage and get her started on this as soon as possible.”
Liara: “No need to tell me twice. It's clear that she and Star will have a lot of work that needs to be done.”
Liara walked out of the room.
Miranda: “I’ll have a chat with Samara about this and see if she’ll be interested in helping out. I’m sure she would be.”
Miranda also walked out. Star stood by, looking frustrated. From there, she banged her fists on the table.
Star: “Damn them!!”
Everyone was startled from this as they looked at her. Star then repeatedly slammed her fist on the table in frustration.
Star: “Damn them! Damn them all! Every single last one of them!!! How dare they!!!”
She stopped and just placed her fists on the table.
Star: “They should have...how could they...? Why...would they....?”
Her lip began to quiver, tears then streamed down her face, she lost it and bawled her eyes out uncontrollably. Mordin, saddened from seeing her crying, grabbed her and held her close as she did the same with him. She also cried on him as they held each other. He placed his hand on the side of her head and stroked it as she continued crying on him. Everyone else just stood by and looked on at them as they saddened by this.
Jewel: “Oh....Star....”
Aera: “It should be apparent why they did, even though...this is unforgivable...and reprehensible...”
Mikhailovich dropped his head a little and sulked.
Mikhailovich: “I was wrong about you girls. I can understand now that you have suffered a lot and it is very clear that you need to be here not just for the support regarding your powers, it’s clear you need emotional support as well. I wish I had known this sooner.”
Aera: “Thanks so much for understanding, finally. You really had no idea what we’ve been through.”
Mikhailovich: “I would still like to look over all of the data that you’ve collected.”
Ashley: “Sure, we’ll provide you with everything you’ll need.”
Mikhailovich: “After I sort through all of the data, I’ll be making my report to the alliance. I will also be needing a lift back to the alliance to send my report about my observations. It seems that the report that I will send out won’t be as crude as I have originally intended. Thank you all for allowing me to observe what you do here with the girls. I have indeed received some firsthand experience as to what goes on here and it is good to see that each of you have these girls and the safety of this galaxy in good hands.”
Much time later, there were examinations done. Both Star and Flare were back in the cargo bay, doing all they could to manage their abilities. Both of them were in their Metamorphose forms with everyone else still standing by watching. It’s very clear that they’re struggling.
Liara: “It doesn’t look good.”
FemShep: “No, it doesn’t. This is very worrisome.”
Star: “Ugh! It’s no use. We can’t do this without any guidance.”
Flare: “Indeed, I still remember the very few that my grandfather has taught me, but...it’s not enough.”
Star: “It was so rude and inconsiderate for that miserable hag to just cut you off from receiving those lessons! Your grandfather also offered to help and they wouldn’t allow him! Did he really deserve to be treated so horribly just for trying to help!?!”
Flare: “He did not. He had made many valid points to them, but...they just wouldn’t concede. All of this had been suspicious from the very beginning.”
Liara stepped up to approach them.
Liara: “That should be enough for the time being. We have something better in mind so perhaps you should meditate for the time being.”
They both nodded and walked off.
Liara: “Hmm...she does indeed make a point and I would say that those suspicions would be warranted. I managed to find an Intel Crystal regarding the pyromancer’s combustible abilities. Such a technique is so dangerous that immediate tutelage of said ability is highly recommended.”
Ashley: “It wouldn’t be detrimental to their health if they didn’t carry out the ability, right?”
Liara: “No, but that’s not the point. They would sometimes carry out these attacks on impulse. These girls have done an incredible job with resisting said impulses, but...there are times when they would need to use them, as we have clearly seen during those few previous fights.”
Garrus: “Yeah, it’s no surprise that they would fear their own abilities, especially if they’re incredibly dangerous. Hardly anything about their situations make any sense.”
Mordin: “Indeed, upon realizing when one has such dangerous abilities, the first course of action would be to immediately place them under special tutelage.”
Tali: “But why didn’t they? What is making them so hesitant to place these girls under these special teachings to help them manage their powers better?”
Ashley: “Your guess is as good as mine. Anyone in their right minds would put them into those teachings the second their powers were discovered, but...something about this definitely doesn’t fit right.”
FemShep: “I agree. I also get the sense that they just didn’t want to do anything about this.”
Samara: “Hm, indeed, anyone with those kinds of powers would need special attention and a second thought about any of this would not come into play.”
Thane: “The same applies for the likes of us. Biotic abilities can be dangerous. Definitely not as dangerous as wielding lightning or the ability to utilize explosions from one's fingertips, but still something that needs to be addressed.”
Garrus: “But is this really just a bunch of neglectful mentors who just don’t want to do their jobs properly or is it...? No, something tells me that it’s much worse than that.”
Samara: “I agree, when Flare was forbidden from receiving tutelage of her combustion powers, I was told that she mentioned something about her headmistress grinning upon giving out said punishment, if I’m not mistaken.”
Ashley: “No, she did tell us that.”
Samara nodded.
Tali: “Not to mention that it was because her grandfather offered to give out said tutelage.”
Garrus: “I agree with her grandfather about these suspicions. They shouldn’t have put off mentoring her for these powers. Why put her through this?”
Miranda: “I don’t know and I agree that so much of this is suspicious. Sounds to me like they’re being singled out on purpose. I can’t think of why they would do this.”
FemShep: “You girls have had some personal experience with this. Perhaps you can tell us from your own point of view what they’ve been doing.”
Jewel: “I can’t say we really understand the full extent of why they treated us the way they did but...we attended our courses like we should have and most of our lessons went normally, but...there have been times when we got the sense that we have been singled out on multiple occasions.”
Aera: “Some members of our specialties were given equal and fair treatment. Too often we would be singled out and whenever we would ask them why, they would always give out lame excuses. They tried to convince us that they’re “reasons” were truly just, but we weren’t stupid.”
Jewel: “They would continue on for the first few rows of compacted rotation cycles.”
Liara: “You mean the first few weeks?”
Jewel: “Yes, it would go on like that, then there was a day in which they would concede to treating us fairly.”
Aera: “And they would go about it involuntarily, almost as though they were scolded and chastised like oversized children who were punished for breaking the rules. I always find it amusing to see the distorted looks on their faces when they had to do their jobs properly.”
Splash: “Though this would not happen all the time. Sometimes, our mentors would teach us like they were supposed to and some were actually nice.”
Miranda: “Yes, we would believe that.”
Garrus: “What I find hilarious is how Aera would describe your mentors as being treated like they were breaking protocols and going about doing their jobs like it’s such a nuisance for them.”
Aera: “It’s even more funny when you see their faces. I’ve taken great pleasure in seeing them so unhappy.”
Garrus looked a bit displeased.
Hackett: “By the way, I've been meaning to ask, does your kind have a form of higher authority? From what I can understand, you would have someone that your kind would answer to and regulate the rules and structure of your realm’s society.”
Aera: “Huh, thought you would never ask. The highest authority of our kind would be mysterious beings that are known as the Disciples of Order. That’s who regulates our society.”
Jacob: “And who would these “Disciples of Order” be?”
Jewel: “We’re not really sure. They are said to answer to the Divine Source, that they are the voices that would speak for the Mother of all Life in the Universe.”
Liara: “The Mother of all Life in the Universe? So, the Divine Source is a goddess?”
Aera: “Yeah, you would think it makes sense considering the “Divine bringer of all life” and all of that.”
Liara: “Hm, yes, from that perspective, that would be the case.”
Hackett: “So, back on the subject on these Disciples of Order. Tell us anything you know about them.”
Aera: “Hmmm....best to my understanding? They’re probably the only kind of authority that I would ever have any respect towards. Unlike too many that I have known, they actually care about withholding true order within our realm.”
Jewel: “As far as we know, aside from the Divine Source, they are the genuine leaders of our kind. They’re held in high regards for their need to maintain peace and order without rest or hesitation. We don’t know how they do it, but it is believed that they are immortal beings that are direct subordinates of the Divine Source.”
Garrus: “They don’t enforce the rules in ways that make you unhappy, right?”
Jewel shook her head.
Jewel: “Not intentionally. There is always something that we would not like that they have to enforce, but we understand that it is for the best interest of all of us. They are fair, just and ideal.”
Aera: “Unlike too many of our own kind.”
Splash: “Ever since we were little girls, our parents always taught us to obey the Disciples of Order as they truly are the Divine bringers of peace and justice and always look out for our wellbeing in the name of Divine Bringer of Light.”
Garrus: “And what about everyone else in your society? What do they think of the Disciples of Order?”
The girls just stood about and said nothing. However, they were also sulking. Garrus seemed disturbed by this. He looked back towards the others who were also troubled by this reaction.
Garrus: “That...that’s not what we want to see...”
Miranda: “Something tells me we should have seen this coming.”
Ashley: “Well, let’s put that aside for the time-being. What’s important is helping these girls with managing their powers a little bit better.”
Miranda: “Yes, I agree. A while ago, I called up Jack and told her everything. She was also appalled by what she heard. So much so, that she really couldn’t hold back on the swearing. She offered to have us return to the academy to train with them.”
Liara: “That sounds like a great idea, Miranda. I’ll be sure to provide everything that we’ve found out.”
Liara walked off.
Ashley: “In the meantime, we’ll have Joker set a course for the academy.”
FemShep: “I’ll give them a call to let them know that we’re on our way.”
Ashley and Ms. Shepard walked off.
Garrus: “I don’t know if this would be as effective towards enhancing your powers and prowess as your standard academy, but we’ll do all we can.”
Jewel: “Not a problem. It should be plenty.”
Aera: “Yeah, and besides, you guys are providing more of an effort to help us out than those half-hearted and apathetic jerks who were supposed to be our mentors.”
Jewel also nodded.
Jewel: “It would be great to attend an academy that would actually put forth more of an effort to actually teach us than the one we have back within our realm.”
Star and Flare were seen walking back.
Star: “Oh, for sure. You’ve provided so much more for us than anyone else.”
Flare: “Indeed, I would also vouch for that.”
Garrus: “I appreciate that, but I won’t take this as being a good thing.”
Flare: “Hm, you would be right about that. It is, without question, the most positive we’ve ever received and for that reason, this is truly a grim situation that we have been part of.”
Splash: “So, while we’re making our way back to this academy, how about we continue training our powers together.”
Jewel: “Well...considering that our abilities will help to negate the lethal effects of your powers in a way, I guess we could do that.”
Splash: “Eeee! Let’s do it, then!!”
Jewel: “Umm...OK, fine.”
Jewel and Splash made their stances and ready themselves.
Jewel, Splash: “Metamorphose!”
They transformed.
Splash: “Let’s go!!”
All the girls ran off with the exception of Aera who just stood by for a brief moment.
Aera: “Eh, what the hey? Might as well join them.”
She also readied herself.
Aera: “Metamorphose!”
She transformed as well and ran off towards her friends. On their way to the academy, the girls spent that duration practicing their powers. Flare and Star utilizing their explosive and lightning powers with Jewel and Splash using their abilities to contain the lethal elements. The crew members stood by to watch this take place. Mordin, on his omni-tool, scanned this progress taking place. Garrus had a slight tense and unnerved look on his face while watching. Ms. Shepard was looking towards Garrus, she seemed quite worried. She went up a little closer to him and placed her hand into his. He looked at her as she had a reassured look on her face. They stared at each other for a bit before resting her head on his shoulder. The both of them then consoled each other.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 37-Misguided

Much time later, they arrived back at Grissom Academy. They docked the ship and entered. There, Sanders, Jack and several of the students were waiting for them.

Ashley: “Hello again, everyone.”
Kahlee: “Welcome back, Normandy crew. We’re so glad you’re here.”
FemShep: “Thank you for allowing us to come back.”
Kahlee: “The pleasure is all mine. After what I’ve heard about, I’ve been eagerly waiting for your return.”
Jack: “Not as much as I am. After what Miranda told me about how those girls were treated, it was just all fu-...uh, ahem, I was pissed. I really wanted you guys back here.”
Miranda: “Thank you for that. We couldn’t have come soon enough.”
Kahlee: “I was also told that you guys have some intel regarding the Fayelons and their...educational programs.”
Liara: “That’s right, we’ve managed to upload a lot of the data and have it ready to be sent to you.”
Kahlee: “We appreciate that. Anything to help these girls out. Now then, if you would follow me, there is much that we need to discuss.”
Sanders walked off with Jack as everyone else followed. Liara, Hackett and a few others walked beside them.
Star: “So, what is that other admiral doing and why did he decide to stay back on the Normandy?”
Hackett: “He’s working on the report that he needs to have sent to the Alliance. He’ll be busy for a while.”
Aera: “Hm, interesting.”
Liara handed over a datapad to Sanders, she began looking through it.
Hackett: “There are other matters that need to be discussed. It involves some other things that we have found out about their...realm that we have been informed about from the girls.”
Kahlee: “Yes, I understand. By the way, I just want to let you know that a lot of our students have become aware of the research that has already been taken on throughout the galaxy, the one regarding the...residual traces of...um...Dark magic, was it? Anyway, many of our research students have offered to take part in this. It has also become another course for our newer and younger classes.”
Liara: “That’s...incredible. I’m sure they will help out tremendously.”
Ashley: “Any help would be appreciated.”
Star: “We should also give them some of the other research that Dr. Solus had been working on, the ones involving the lingering magical energy that Flare is able to pick up on.”
Jewel: “Yeah, I agree. It is also vital.”
Liara: “Yes, that is an excellent suggestion. They would need to look into that, as well.”
FemShep: “Now then, let’s move on to why we’re here.”
Kahlee: “Yes, of course. You’ve already briefed me on the situation. Allow me to lend you one of our classrooms so that you can get started on the procedures that you wanted to work on.”
Garrus: “We appreciate that greatly. These girls need this.”
Kahlee: “I know.”
Within much time, the group was set up within a classroom. There, the girls stood before everyone, with Star and Flare more so up front.
Kahlee: “Now then, from what I was told, Flare and Star contain some...incredibly powerful secondary attacks that are also very lethal.”
Liara: ”That’s right. Flare can initiate explosions and Star can generate lightning abilities.”
Kahlee: “Goodness! I didn’t think they could possess those kinds of powers. Well, Flare, I can understand since she’s a pyromancer, but Star? Does her kind really...I mean, does electricity relate to Light magic in any way?”
Garrus: “Well...they can...I’m not an expert in this...magical stuff, but...it actually does make sense if you think about it.”
Kahlee: “Hmmm....yes...it does, actually...good point.”
FemShep: “Alright, show them what you can do.”
Flare: “Certainly.”
Jewel: “The rest of us will partake in this, just to provide cover.”
Ashley: “That’s a smart idea. Get to it.”
The girls nodded once.
Jewel: “Let’s go.”
The girls stood ready to change.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Area, Splash: “Metamorphose!!”
They changed their forms again and stood in the same positions. Star then generated lightning from her hands with a thrilled look on her face. Sanders, Jack and the other students were startled upon seeing this.
Star: “Let’s get this show started!”
Flare also stood ready.
Flare: “Splash, Jewel, Aera! Prepare the barriers!”
Jewel: “You’ve got it. Let’s do it!”
Aera and Splash nodded once. From there, Jewel and Splash formed walls and barriers made of stone and water. Aera also stood firm. Star unleashed her lightning all over the place. Thankfully, they were being held back by Jewel and Splash’s stone and water barriers. Flare unleashed her explosions, making sure to keep them within the barriers. Everyone stood by and watched this unfold.
Kahlee: “Un...believable...!!!”
Jack: “No way! They really can generate those other elemental powers.”
Liara: “They told us that they never needed to use these powers until recently. They’ve held back on that, however, not long ago, some things have changed.”
Kahlee: “Why didn’t they tell us about this sooner? Is it....”
Sanders kept watching as the 2 girls displayed the lethal powers with the rest of their friends provided indestructible barriers to hold back from hurting anyone.
Kahlee: “Is it...because of their...destructive tendencies?”
Ashley: “Yes, it’s exactly that.”
Thane: “These girls feared their own powers, not wanting to harm others. It really is not hard to understand why they have been hesitant to utilize them.”
Ashley: “But they’re not stupid. They know better to use them around the populace.”
Miranda: “Indeed, they’ve done a good job with using these powers at the right circumstances. They made sure there weren’t anyone nearby so that they could carry them out safely.”
Tali: “Star used her lightning on one of the monsters by directing it towards the creature like a bolt of lightning. Her marksmanship with lightning is impressive.”
Samara: “And Flare was far above a bustling metropolis when she brought forth those explosions, so she knew very well that no one was too close to get caught in her explosions. They are cautious and have paid very close attention to their surroundings, knowing that there is a time and place for unleashing such powers.”
Kahlee: “Yes...I would imagine....having been so fearful of their powers have...motivated them to be so cautious.”
Hackett: “I have to admit that I am impressive with their understanding and utilization of their own powers. They’re clearly passionate towards these abilities of theirs. For a group of young teenagers, their know-how and skillfulness are immaculate. Although, I am not familiar with what a truly skillful Fayelon is really like, these girls would at the very least be on their way.”
Kasumi: “Oh, you would not be wrong about that.”
Liara: “If only their tutelage would have been up to par, but....they have mentioned that their mentors refused to put forth that effort. We believe that they are being neglected on purpose.”
Kahlee: “That’s horrible. You would think that they would start with teaching these girls to control their powers better, even more so their more...lethal abilities.”
Liara: “Star said she wanted to learn how to have better control over her lightning abilities so that she would know how to use them without the risk of killing anyone, but her mentors refused.”
Kasumi: “The same goes with Flare’s combustion magic. Her mentors claim that they would put her on a training regiment, but they were just putting off not teaching her. You would think that when someone is able to wield the power to summon deadly blasts at will, they would immediately get starting on helping them to control that power better; it is common sense after all.”
Garrus: “It seems like these people refuse to do their jobs correctly and teach these girls how to manage their powers better, but everything about these incidences is sounding more and more suspicious.”
FemShep: “Yeah. It’s more than just these people refusing to do their jobs, these girls are definitely being neglected on purpose. It really is that apparent.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I think so, too.”
Kasumi: “I would agree, especially after what Flare told us about her grandfather trying to get her tutored. The way she said it, it was almost as though...they have waited for an opportunity to excuse her from said tutelage indefinitely.”
Garrus: “Hmm...that does sound like it. What occurred up to that moment seemed...a little too convenient. So...any suggestions on what needs to be done, professor?”
Mordin was standing by, pondering as he watched.
Mordin: “Hmm...the girls’ lack of extra tutelage....fear we haven’t even scratched the surface. Been looking over the results of their previous endurance tests. Found some...troubling data...regarding the utilization of their powers.”
Liara: “Oh, right, you mean the ones that you were able to have then carry out during our down time.”
Mordin: “Yes, the data received was indeed most troublesome. Signs of improvement, definitely, but...skills still not up to par. Need to pin down the cause of this. Then we can work on finding a solution.”
Garrus: “So, are you thinking about making them undergo another endurance test now?”
Mordin: “Yes, still need to analyze their stress levels to identify the cause.”
Garrus: “I know I’ve asked this many times before, but...are you sure this will work? I mean, I want to help these girls with the problems involving their powers, but we don’t need to push them too hard to get to that point.”
Mordin: “Understand that, yes, and made certain to not allow that. They know their limits, did mentioned that to you before, did they not, Garrus?”
Garrus: “I...yes, they did.”
Garrus looked out towards the girls as they continued to display their abilities.
Garrus: “They have used their powers enough to understand how far they can push themselves. At least...when they’re being done here, there’s no pressure that would cause them to push themselves any harder.”
Mordin: “Exactly, just enough to receive sufficient results.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I’m at least grateful for that.”
Mordin nodded once. He walked up to the girls. As he was approaching them, they stopped practicing their magical powers and turned their attention towards him.
Mordin: “So, then, would you girls be interested in another endurance test?”
The girls looked as though they were excited, seeming eager to accept his offer.
Star: “Absolutely!!!”
Jewel: “Yes!! Of course!!!”
Splash: “Yes!! Yes!! Absolutely!!!”
Star: “I’ll go first!!”
Flare: “Hold on there, now may not be the best time. We will need to rest up and allow our powers to rejuvenate before we’re to proceed.”
Mordin: “Ah, yes, good idea, Flare. Might need to get something to eat while you’re at it.”
Flare: “Umm...oh! Yes! Gladly! I would!”
The girls ran off while everyone else watched.
After much time, the girls had a chance to eat and rest up a bit. They were soon able to get back out and went on to perform the endurance tests. A little while afterwards, Mordin was looking over the results. Garrus walked in and stood beside him.
Garrus: “So...how does it look?”
Mordin spent a brief moment analyzing the data before he spoke.
Mordin: “See for yourself.”
They both looked at the data before them. Garrus looked a bit discontent as well as kind of taken aback.
Garrus: “You can’t be serious.”
Mordin: “Wish I was, but...we should have known better. However, there have been signs of improvement, even since the results of the previous endurance test.”
Garrus: “Yes, I can see that. Their energy levels have increased since the last time.”
Mordin: “Exactly, does show that the diet plan is working, as well as plenty of bedrest when necessary. No doubt deprived of much needed sustenance for far too long, but as you can see, there is still a problem.”
Garrus: “No kidding, it really isn’t a wonder why they struggle so much and tire out so easily. The answer is pretty much staring us right in the face.”
Mordin: “Indeed, as these results show, there are clear indications of overexertion of their own magical abilities. As displayed here, this is clearly causing an increase in physical strain on their bodies and can affect their health."
At that moment, Liara walked in. She stood right next to Garrus and observed the data as well.
Liara: “So...how does it look?”
Garrus: “There are signs of improvement, but...there is clearly a huge issue going on.”
Liara: “Yes....I can see that....those aren’t good results.”
Mordin: “Good news is the diet regimen is working; however, it could only do so much.”
Garrus: “Yeah, we can see that. Glad that we’re able to do something for them, but this is clearly not enough.”
Liara: “How badly do you think this is? Are the girls at least in good health?”
Mordin: “Thankfully, they are still young. They’ve yet to overexert themselves for too long. However, if not fixed, could have health problems later on. The diet and bedrest will merely delay the health risks, but unless we figure out a way for them to exert their powers in a much less strenuous manner, this will continue to escalate. In the long run, may not be able to fight as effectively (sniff) perhaps even at all.”
Garrus: “Do their mentors know about this? This isn’t something that should be overlooked or even anything that they would or should be unaware of. This really is a serious issue we’re dealing with.”
Mordin: “Pretty sure they know about this. The girls mentioned that this is how they were taught to exert their magical energy. Clearly, they were taught wrong. No doubt in my mind, they know.”
Garrus: “It’s worse than we had thought. This isn’t just neglect that we’re dealing with, this is sabotage. These people are deliberately trying to cripple these girls.”
Mordin: Yes, try, but we’ll find a way to help them. Thankfully, can delay this long enough for them to prevent any serious health problems. For now, they’re only real issue is fatigue, can handle fatigue just fine with diet and bedrest. Everything else, will be able to figure out.”
Garrus: “Yeah, see to it that you come up with a back-up plan in case things get worse for them.”
Mordin: “Already on it.”
Mordin walked off. But then Garrus spoke up that stopped Mordin on his tracks.
Garrus: “You were right about the endurance tests, Mordin. This was necessary. Had we not done them, maybe we wouldn’t have been able to find this out.”
Mordin stood and contemplated on those words.
Mordin: “Yes, but could just as easily have been wrong. If this had not yielded any vital results or revelations, would have tried something else.”
He continued walking off.
Garrus: “I’m glad we didn’t need to. It probably would have been something much more strenuous to them.”
Garrus seemed beside himself, Liara seemed concerned.
Liara: “You OK, Garrus?”
Garrus: “I’m fine, but...don’t worry about me. It's the girls that we should really be focusing on.”
Liara: “I know, but it’s very clear that this is taking a huge toll on you, as well.”
Garrus: “Heh, that doesn’t seem any different for rest of us. You saw how the professor was; even he’s worried about them. There isn’t much that would concern him. This is seriously screwed up. What the hell is wrong with these people? Why are they doing this to them?”
Liara: “I don’t know, I can’t seem to understand why they would have anything against these girls, but it’s very clear that these are corrupt individuals that we’re dealing with, that they’ve been putting up with for far too long. These are clearly people that have no regards to their best interest.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I don’t know much about the society of magical beings, but these girls clearly deserved better. I get the sense that these people...they may be turning their backs on their own beliefs, perhaps their own deity.”
Liara: “Yeah, I think so, too. This goes against everything that they were taught about regarding the Divine Source.”
Garrus: “So...how has your search been going?”
Liara: “It’s been...extensive. I’ve managed to uncover and upload so much data from those crystals into our main harddrive. A lot of what I’ve found out, it’s....astonishing. However, there have been a few in which...well...it’s hard to describe, but...I feel as though...the contents within them are being...blocked in.”
Garrus: “What do you mean by that?”
Liara: “I...when I try to access these particular crystals, it’s almost as though...a dark entity had been inserted into them, preventing whatever is inside them from being accessible. I don’t know any other way to describe it, but...when I would touch them, I feel like I’m staring into the face of something...terrifying and then, I would be thrusted out. That’s the best way I can describe that experience.”
Garrus: “Hmmm....I wonder what that could mean...this...does sound...suspicious...the girls did make sure no one knew that they were in possession of those crystals, right?”
Liara: “I would think so. If anyone would have found out about them, I’m sure...they would have found some way to have them confiscated. I feel as though...this could be something else entirely.”
Garrus turned his head to the side. He was suspicious and discontent.
Much time later, Liara and Garrus reunited with the others. There, the girls stood by, with shocked expressions on their faces. They seemed almost as though they lost the ability to talk for a brief moment.
Jewel: “I...I don’t...believe it....how...how could this...why...?”
Flare: “I had a feeling...that...it would be....something like this, but...I never imagined...that it would be...this bad...”
Aera: “I...can’t believe I didn’t see this sooner....no wonder...they...I...we...”
Star: “Is this why...all this time...is this why....?”
Mordin nodded.
Mordin: “Yes, absolutely sure of it. Suspected this is why they were hesitant to initiate the much-needed training courses to help perfect your lethal powers. Data indicates that your instability with your magical powers caused by the incorrect method of carrying them out makes it impossible to control them better. Had they undergone those courses, it would have become apparent.”
Miranda: “I never suspected it would be anything like this. This is indeed far worse than we had expected.”
Tali: “Yes, it is, but...I feel as though...we should have suspected this, but...it’s just...so awful…”
Jacob: “Yeah, agreed, this is bad, this is really bad.”
Traynor: “Oh.....how terrible...”
Splash: “No...!!! Why??? WHY!?!”
FemShep: “We’re sorry you had to find out this way. We’ve spent so much time looking over the data while having you take on those endurance tests to make sure that they’ve yielded the same results. But it’s clear.”
Kasumi: “I’m also shocked to hear about this. What your mentors have been doing to you, it is horrible treatment; it’s abuse, plain and simple.”
Miranda: “It had been apparent to us that your mentors didn’t care about your success. We don’t know why, but...this is what has been going on with you.”
Liara: “We wanted so much to believe that this would improve, but we knew that there was no way that it could. Your technique, the overexertion of your own powers, it’s apparent that they have taught you wrong.”
Garrus: “And they knew it.”
Jewel, still shocked by this, slowly became frustrated. She clenched her fists as she, standing near a wall, punched it.
Jewel: “Damn it!! How could they...? I’ve always known that they were nasty! They hated having us, they were just...tolerating us, but this!?! We didn’t think that they would even do this to us!!!”
Tali: “Bosh’tet!! This is just so unthinkable!!”
Jack: “B*******!!! How could they!?! They’re just teenagers!! What kind of people would do this to them!?!”
Mordin: “There is a silver-lining to this. The good news is that the diet regimen we’ve placed you on is helping to delay the negative effects it could have on your health. Also, bedrest has been substantial to rejuvenating your bodies. Will manage to last longer than when you weren’t receiving our help.”
Garrus: “The bad news is delaying is the best we can do. This won’t hold off the negative effects on your bodies, health or powers forever, so this is, at best, a temporary solution.”
Mordin: “Yes, however, more than enough time for us to find a way to figure out the correct technique to your powers, until then, will need to rely on this. Can and will last.”
Ashley: “Can it last throughout their battle against the vigilante?”
Mordin: “Could, definitely, however, vigilante is the least of our worries. Worse problems ahead, a much more devastating conflict to come.”
Garrus: “So, hopefully, we’ll have figured out a better technique for you other than what you know so far.”
Jewel: “Yeah...I suppose...we can last...we’ll...we’ll do what we can.”
Mordin: “Thankfully did get a good head start on this. You’ve shown to have eaten more since your departure from your realm. That is good.”
Star: “Of course, after we left our realm, we felt that we could do whatever we wanted, aside from having to protect the keystones from that jerk.”
Flare: “The first thing we did upon arriving at our first realm was to find all we could to eat whatever we can away from prying eyes.”
Flare seemed as though she was beginning to drool.
Flare: “It was a glorious sensation to eat so much delicious food more frequently again!!!”
Jack: “Calm down, Flare. You look like you’re about to drool all over yourself.”
Flare: “Oh, sorry, I...tend to lose my composure from the very thought of food.”
Jack: “Yeah, I kind of figured as much.”
Kasumi: “She had always been one to devour everything in sight.”
Splash: “That’s pretty much how it’s been.”
Ashley: “Huh, despite you girls eating more than you usually do, you still were deprived of so many necessary nutrients. I guess you just ate nothing but snacks and not a real meal.”
Aera: “Yep, pretty much.”
Jacob: “Heh, you can only live on snacks for only so long. Although, even that seemed to have been better than how you’ve been fed within your realm.”
The girls then went silent. Everyone else seemed concerned by them.
Hackett: “So...what do you girls plan to do after the vigilante has been dealt with?”
Jewel: “Well....you may not be able to believe this, but...we have to go back home. We’ll need to finish up our courses.”
Everyone was shocked to hear this.
Traynor: “Are you...are you sure about this?”
Jewel: “Yes...we understand if you don’t find this reasonable at all, given what we’ve found out, but...we have to. It’s...an obligation of ours to finish up with our courses at the academy.”
Tali: “But...they have hardly cared about you, are you sure this is what you have to do?”
Jewel: “Yes, it’s part of our system and to defile it would be insubordinate.”
Ashley: “How much more are your programs and courses do you need to complete?”
Flare: “We still have a sol cycle left. After this, we will be graduates and then, our obligations will be what we choose.”
Star: “All the more reason for us to go back and finish up. When we’re done, we can always come back and hang with you guys for as long as we want, whenever we want!!”
Splash: ”Absolutely. We couldn’t keep away from this realm. We love you guys.”
Miranda: “Awww, we love you, too.”
Liara: “I would indeed look forward to your return.”
Traynor: “So would I.”
Tali: “Same here.”
FemShep: “Heh, I can’t say things would be as exciting without you here. We would be happy to have you come back.”
Garrus: “Oh, absolutely, we would be glad to welcome you back after you’ve finished up at your academy. But...do you think things will get better for you after you defeat that monster? You do realize that your own mentors have been trying to cripple you for a long time.”
Aera: “Yeah, we realize that. When we get back to the academy, we’ll have so many questions to ask about what we’ve found out and what they’ve kept from us.”
Star: “And besides, when we defeat that mass-murdering vigilante, we’ll be praised as heroes. They’ll have to oblige by whatever we want from them.”
The crew members seemed a bit startled, each of them exchanging concerned looks with one another. Garrus had a stern look on his face and the crew members knew this. He jerked his neck to signal them to follow him out of the room and they did just that.
Within another room, they stood amongst each other as they chatted.
Garrus: ”Alright, let’s get one thing straight: we know that things will not get better for them.”
Miranda: “Oh, absolutely. The way their situation had been going, it wouldn’t be a surprise to me if these people didn’t even care about obligations at all. There was no sense of urgency towards helping them grow and develop the way that they should have.”
Ashley: “It seems more like the opposite. They were doing all they could to break them down both physically and emotionally. They’ve been going through this since childhood.”
Traynor: “I can’t believe they were treated so horribly by their system, their own people. Why?”
Kasumi: “I couldn’t understand it, either. They’re such sweet girls.”
FemShep: “Do you think it had something to do with them being so obligated to serve their deity?”
Ashley: “The girls said that their kind can choose to uphold that obligation, not all of them have to fall in line with that. Truth be told, it’s impossible to have everyone be subjected to it.”
Liara: “But it’s apparent that some would be happy to uphold such a responsibility and these girls clearly want to do that. It seems like something that means a great deal to them.”
Jacob: “So, why cripple them if they just want to protect the universe?”
Liara: “Well, we have reason to believe that it’s something far worse than refusing to take on such a daunting task. Those who wouldn’t want to would be thrilled by those who would.”
Tali: “I agree. I would think that they’d be pleased with someone taking on the obligation so that many others would not need to. It makes sense to me, at least.”
Traynor: “But they’re beings from a different galaxy, is there really any way to tell how they’re like or what their mindsets would be so easy to understand?”
Kasumi: “Can a society of magical beings be that difficult to comprehend? I wouldn’t think so.”
Garrus: “I doubt that they’re mindsets would be far too complicated for us to understand, even if they’re magical beings. They seem to think the same way as any other sapient lifeform.”
Liara: “Well, I find their culture to be fascinating. From what I have found out, their system seems very straightforward and not at all complicated. They’re part of a beautiful society.”
Mordin: “Hm, yes, have already learned so much about the Fayelons and what they’re like. However, have yet to find out anything regarding what the girls have endured. No indications from the crystals of any corruption or means of turning away from beliefs or obligations.”
Ashley: “But we know that such is part of their world.”
Mordin: “Yes, only understand the systematic concept of their culture, the individual circumstances, however, can’t simply be learned from data. Personal experience is the best way to obtain that. These girls, their personal experiences, (sniff) best we can gather from such.”
Hackett: “Perhaps it would be for our best interest as well as theirs if they were to return after their fight against the vigilante. I wish to know more about the actual people from their realm, to find out more of what they’re like. We need to find out all we can about those who are corrupt.”
Garrus: “Yeah...I hate to say it, but you do make a valid point. I feel like we’re allowing them to return to what is their equivalence of a Varren pit, but they know this.”
Miranda: “Yes, that is true.”
Jacob: “Well, it is their choice and there really isn’t anything we can do to talk them out of it.”
Garrus: “Yeah, that’s true, too.”
Kasumi: “I’m sure the girls can manage. They seem to be a lot tougher than they look, given how they fight.”
Ashley: ”Yes, I agree. They’re strong, they can get through this and if worse comes to worst, they can leave whenever they feel like it. They know that they can and they would know what to do.”
Garrus: “Yeah, they’re brave and resilient; it’s how they were able to find us, after all.”
Everyone else nodded in compliance.
Traynor: “I just...I really would love for them to be praised as heroes by everyone back within their realm. They would truly earn it after putting an end to that vigilante monster’s reign of destruction and death.”
Miranda: “Yes, that would be a nice thought.”
Hackett: “I would most certainly be impressed if they were to achieve that somehow. But...”
Garrus: “It’s not a means to an end. We will see them again after they leave to return home, perhaps much sooner than we would expect.”
Ashley: “And when they do, we’ll be here for them.”
Miranda: “Absolutely.”
Tali: “Of course.”
Liara: “Yes. We will.”
Kasumi: “As would I.”
Traynor: “Nothing else would make me happier.”
Jacob: “Same here.”
Hackett: “Yes, absolutely.”
Mordin: “Hm, indeed.”
Garrus: “Yeah...no doubt in my mind about that.”
Everyone nodded in compliance and they returned to reunite with the girls and the rest of the group.
Hackett: “Thank you for allowing us to return here, Sanders.”
Kahlee: “It has been a pleasure; I just hope we’re able to provide some help.”
Hackett: “You have. Your resources were helpful. I can’t thank you enough.”
Kahlee: “And I appreciate what you have provided for us. Our research students have already started looking into everything. They’ll be busy for quite some time.”
Hackett: “That’s good to hear. Listen up, everyone, there is one other location that we’ll need to make our way to before Mikhailovich and I must return to the Alliance fleet. I received a transmission from ExoGeni Corporation, they would like to look into the data regarding the girls as well as provide us with their findings.”
Jewel: “ExoGeni? What are they?”
Miranda: “ExoGeni is an interstellar company that specializes in planetary exploration and colonization.”
Ashley: “Let’s just say the last time we met them, they’ve done some questionable things to one of the colonies that they’ve been working with.”
Star: “So, this ExoGeni would like to meet with us?”
Hackett: ”That’s right.”
Tali: “You’re serious about this?”
Hackett: “Yes, they would also like to examine the girls and their powers for themselves. They asked us to meet with them at their facility on Feros.”
Garrus: “Hold on, I’m not crazy about having those people go anywhere near the girls, much less examine them. If they so much as even look at them the wrong way, I swear I’ll...”
Kasumi: “Hasn’t ExoGeni changed since that incident on Feros? From what I’ve heard?”
Liara: “Yes, things between them and Zho’s Hope have improved immensely. I think it’s safe to say that they have made amends with the colony.”
Hackett: “Well, I believe it’s safe to say that we don’t need to worry about them. They have made certain that what they did to Zho’s Hope won’t ever happen again, not to them nor to anyone else within the galaxy.”
Garrus: “Well...yeah, I remember Shiala mention something like that when we met with her on Ilium.”
Miranda: “Then, let’s go, I’m sure that they wouldn’t even dream of laying a hand on the girls, much less commit to performing sick experiments on them. I’m absolutely certain that we can put that out of our minds, Garrus.”
FemShep: “Let’s go, we should at least hear what they would like to share with us.”
Garrus: “Ugh! Fine, where would they like us to meet them?”
Hackett: “On Feros, of course. The colonists of Zho’s Hope would also like to meet the girls. They would feel most welcome with the hospitality that they would like to provide for them, make them feel comfortable and at home.”
Garrus: “Good, I want nothing more than for the girls to be comfortable wherever they would need to go.”
Kahlee: “We’ll meet you on Feros. At the moment, we’ll need to take care of a few things here.”
Jack: “See you guys then.”
Flare: “Yes, I shall look forward to meeting with you on this Feros and Zho’s Hope.”
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Episode 38-Feros

As they were making their way to their next destination, some of the crew members, the girls and the admiral met back at the lab. Mordin and Star were at their usual spots.

Splash: “So, tell us about these...other places that we’ll be heading to.”
Ashley: “The planet we’re heading for, Feros, houses a facility owned by ExoGeni as well as a human colony known as Zhu’s Hope. It was founded by ExoGeni and houses over 300 humans.”
Splash: “Why is the colony named Zhu's Hope?”
Liara: “Because the colony was founded on the idea of renewed hope. At least...that was the original idea.”
Aera: “So...what happened with ExoGeni and Zhu's Hope that has made you guys so worried?”
Liara: “A while back, prior to our arrival on the planet, ExoGeni discovered a Thorian, an ancient plant buried below Zhu's Hope. This plant, it had some...unique attributes, one such being that its spores could induce mind-controlling properties on those that it infects.”
Aera: “I already don’t like where this is going.”
Garrus: “No, I don’t think you would, Aera.”
Tali: “ExoGeni decided on making the colonists part of a control group to study the effects that it would have on them.”
Jewel: “That’s...terrible...”
Star: “So, they basically turned those Zhu’s Hope people into lab rats to look into this mind controlling plant?”
Liara: “Yeah, that’s exactly right.”
Flare: “But...why would they do such a thing?”
Aera: “My best guess would be to study what this thing can do, right?”
Hackett: “That is correct. I have heard about these events on Feros. I was shocked that such a thing would be allowed to transpire. Thankfully, we’ve dealt with the individuals responsible for such projects.”
Star: “No kidding!! That’s just sick!”
Mordin: “Hm, agreed, would never commit to such inhumane experiments. Horrible! Disgusting! A crime against human decency and moral standards.”
Aera: ”No wonder why Garrus is worried about letting these people examine us.”
Miranda: “Well, as mentioned before, ExoGeni has changed after that incident. That particular facility had been reprimanded by the company and they have time and again redeemed themselves.”
Aera: “Yeah, good for them.”
Garrus: “Also, you can be sure that I will never allow those people to do anything to you.”
Jewel: “We know.”
FemShep: “Yeah, we all won’t, but I think we can relax; ExoGeni will be walking on eggshells around us. They won’t even dare to touch you in ways that you shouldn’t be.”
Garrus: “Yeah, for their sake, they had better not.”
Liara: “Besides, I’m interested in what new data they have to share with us.”
Ashley: “Yeah, I’m interested, too. From the reports I’ve received, they mentioned something about some new data regarding the residual dark energy.”
Hackett: “They specifically asked for data that we have about the lingering magical energy that contains those visions that Flare is able to pick up on. Something tells me we’ll be seeing more of that once we arrive at the colony.”
Liara: “Hm, yes, I believe so, too. Feros contains many surviving artifacts from the protheans.”
Flare: “Then that would mean more visions of the past.”
Liara: “Yes, that may also be the case.”
Much time later, they finally arrived at Feros. They looked outside the window to gaze out at the planet.
Ashley: “Time to go, girls.”
They left on the shuttle and made their way to Zhu’s Hope. They docked and exited the ship. There, they were greeted by Shiala. Several of the colonists were also nearby.
Shiala: “Welcome back, Normandy crew.”
Liara: “It’s good to see you again, Shiala. How have things been?”
Shiala: “We are doing well. Things could be better, though they are not great but we are managing.”
Liara: “That’s good to hear.”
Shiala soon noticed the girls.
Shiala: “So, you must be the...magical girls that we’ve heard so much about.”
Jewel: “That’s right. I’m Jewel, this is Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Shiala: “It’s nice to finally meet you. Welcome to Zhu’s Hope. We’ll do what we can to make you girls feel at home.”
Flare: “That would be most hospitable, thank you.”
Star: “So, where are these...ExoGeni people we’ve heard about?”
Shiala: “Their facility is on the far side of the skyway. They’re expecting you.”
Star: “Great, let’s go.”
Shiala: “Hold on. Maybe you girls should stay here for a bit and rest. The ExoGeni researchers are still looking into some things, but I will let you know when they are ready to see you.”
Splash: “Huh, really?”
Flare: “I suppose we could rest up a bit before we continue on. There is a lot about this place that I must evaluate.”
Jewel: “Sounds like a plan. Let’s stay for a bit.”
And with that, everyone stayed within the colony.
During their stay, they had a chance to get to know the colonists and how the entire place functions. Several of the crew members went all over the place, some looking around as if they were patrolling the place, others mingled with the colonists. Flare broke off a little and spent some time meditating, picking up on the images of past events within the area.
The girls were brought together within a little amount of time, with Flare having rejoined them. Some of the crew members also rejoined them as well as a few of the colonists and the admirals. Mikhailovich approached Aera who was sitting close to Cortez.
Mikhailovich: “So...Aera, was it? I’ve been meaning to have a word with you.”
Aera: “Hm, so what of it, guy?”
Mikhailovich: “Listen, I’m not...I’m not angry about you and your previous attitude. In fact, I have definitely gotten the sense that you have such a harsh grudge against people of my stature. I would like to know more about what got you to be that way.”
The other girls were visibly concerned with Jewel and Splash even more saddened, with them exchanging a brief glance with each other. Aera sulked.
Steve: “Did it...have anything to do with your father? You speak so fondly of him, and yet...”
FemShep: “You mentioned something about him being dead.”
Ashley: “Something tells me there’s more to this story than just that.”
Aera hesitated a little.
Garrus: “Was it true that your father was gay? Because by how you spoke about Cortez after him admitting that about himself, you might have given that impression.”
Aera still sulked a little more before she spoke.
Aera: “Yes...he was...”
Liara: “But you said that such a thing is deeply frowned upon in your culture, or perhaps even illegal.”
Ashley: “Yeah, so much so that supporting it is severely discouraged. Everyone back in your realm is pretty much forced to live in such a way.”
Aera: “Yeah...it’s true...my dad loved men, but then my mother...”
A slight discontent look appeared on her face.
Liara: “Your...mother...?”
Aera: “Yeah...the other person responsible for my existence? Of course...”
Everyone was surprised to hear this.
Liara: “We’re not questioning you, that is apparent, but...”
Miranda: “Based on how you girls informed us about your kind reproduces, some things about it are contradictory.”
Liara: “Yes, you did say something about Fayelons having strong feelings for each other in order to reproduce, right?”
Aera: “That’s what we were taught, but don’t get me wrong, my dad did love my mom at one point, but...my mom never felt the same about him.”
Liara: “What!?!”
Tali: “But...how is that...?”
Kasumi: “If your mother never had any feelings for your father, then how is it possible for them to have you?”
Flare: “That’s something we’ve always wondered about.”
Mordin: “Hmmm...definitely contradicts what we have heard about the reproduction of your kind.”
Garrus: “I know, it's apparent that what they've been told about intimacy being the only thing that could make Fayelon reproduction possible be another lie.”
Aera: “I wouldn’t doubt it one bit. The relationship they had could never make it possible for them to have me if it were true. Everyone claims otherwise, that my mom loved my dad and their love for each other was strong enough to bring me into existence, but I always knew that they were full of crap; my mother was never capable of love.”
Liara: “What kind of person is your mother?”
Aera: “She’s a heartless, evil, manipulative and tyrannical monster. My nickname for her is the Evil Queen.”
Splash: “Sounds just like her, alright!”
Jewel: “Absolutely.”
Garrus: “I’m guessing abusive is also part of her personality trait.”
Aera: “Yes, but...my dad always got the brunt of her abuse. Regardless of what he went through, he did all of it for me.”
Traynor: “He sounds like he was a wonderful father.”
Aera: “He was, I loved him so much. He would take every brunt and blow from everyone who mistreated us. Many from our realm would see him as a defect or something like that and was a bad person for his being that way, but...I never saw that in him. He was...the most amazing person I've ever known.”
Jewel: “Yeah, he was amazing. He was everything that a good father would be.”
Garrus: “You knew him personally, didn’t you?”
Splash: “Yeah, we did!”
Jewel: “We’ve known him since we were really young.”
Splash: “We really liked her dad. Her mother, on the other hand...”
Jewel: “Yeah, she was a nightmare. She hated the idea of her daughter having friends, much less with those who have different powers, so she never liked me or Splash.”
Star: “Oh, yeah, she sounds like a total nightmare.”
Flare: “Indeed, we have never met her, but from what we have heard, she’s incredibly unpleasant.”
Mordin: “Star, Flare, you were not there with them?”
Flare: “Hm? Oh, no, we have not. Jewel, Aera and Splash have been friends since childhood. Myself and Star have not met them until after we began attending the academy. I first met them around the time that we have just arrived.”
Star: “Yeah, lucky you, I wish I came around instead of...”
Star paused as she sulked.
Flare: “Do not be so hard on yourself. You were still trying to find who you are, just be happy that you came around.”
Mikhailovich: “So, what does this have to do with your grudge against higher-ups?”
A slight smug grin appeared on Aera’s face.
Aera: “Oh, this is where the fun begins. My mother was always such a high influence in the community that I used to live in, so pretty much everyone bent to her will. I’ve always suspected that she pulled so many strings and coerced the rest of the denizens to have my father and me live such oppressive lives. I voiced my suspicions on this, but they always denied it. They claimed that there wasn’t any reason for that, but I’m not stupid.”
Garrus: “Obviously.”
Liara: “What kind of life did you live?”
Aera: “A hard one, no one liked us. I didn’t know why. Throughout my life, I was treated horribly by my mother, everyone turned a blind eye, they pretty much ignored me, I was put down so badly that I didn’t have the courage to stand up for myself. I was always shy and meek.”
Garrus: “Wait, you? Shy? I find that hard to believe.”
Jewel: “Heh, believe it or not, she was, ever since we were kids, she had always been timid. She never had any friends aside from us.”
Splash: “That’s right, Jewel and I were the only ones who were truly there for her.”
Jewel: “It really took both of us, our parents and her father to tremendously help her come out of her shell.”
Traynor: “Really? Is that how she became what she is now?”
Aera: “No, that’s not what did it, although, they did play a part in that, I believe some helped out with that a lot.”
She made another annoyed anime expression as she glanced over towards Splash, who was smiling and giggling. Everyone else also looked towards Splash as well.
Garrus: “Yeah, I would believe that, too.”
Aera: “But my dad, he was my greatest role-model. He loved me and cared for me. He had fought my mother so many times over the years to try and pull us away from her and the rest of the community. Overtime, my dad found a way to do that and after a long, hard fight, he was ready to separate from her to live someplace far away from the rest of the scummy windbags.”
Tali: “How was he able to do that?”
Aera: “He had to prove to the higher-ups of our world that my mother’s an abusive monster. My dad wanted to separate from her, he fought for us to be freed from her. He was able to convince the higher-ups that my mother was unfit to be a mother and they agreed. They were finally able to see her as the horrible parent that she is. We were free from my mother, my dad would be able to continue raising me on my own. It was such a glorious day....but it was short-lived. Before we would even have the chance to, my dad...died.”
Miranda: “What?”
Ashley: “But...how?”
Jewel: “We have our suspicions, but...”
Aera: “Not long afterwards, the higher-ups immediately granted custody of me to my mother.”
FemShep: “Just like that? She was given custody of you? Even though she was proven to be an unfit parent?”
Aera: “Yes...”
Garrus: “They didn’t even look over how your father died?”
Aera: “No, they just decided to hand me over to my mother, just like that.”
Tali: “Did you try to protest it?”
Aera: “Of course I did, but I was too young to fight for myself. They said there was no other choice, but only a moron would believe in such an obvious lie.”
Everyone stood by quietly, they exchanged concerned and suspicious looks.
Garrus: “Some things about this...does not add up.”
Ashley: “I see that, too. I mean, your mother was proven to be abusive but they were willing to hand you over to her? Just like that? After your father died? I don’t buy it. So much about that is just too suspicious.”
Miranda: ”I know, it’s almost like it was far too convenient.”
Tali: “You didn’t end up in custody of your terrible mother, were you?”
Aera: “No, I would have, but then...the Disciples of Order intervened. They were livid, mentioning to the higher-ups that they have looked over my custody case and find their decision to just hand me over to my mother to be completely unacceptable. They demanded to have the decision overturned or they would have suffered severe consequences.”
Traynor: “So, did they?”
A petite smile appeared on her face.
Aera: “Of course, when the Disciples of Order tell you to do something, it would have to obey. It doesn’t matter how much you hate it; it would be extremely foolish to defy them.”
Jewel: “Had her mother had her way, she would have never been able to see us again.”
Splash: “We really liked hanging out with her when we were kids and her mother hated us immensely.”
Kasumi: “Good thing she didn’t.”
Aera: “It was so satisfying to have them concede and through gritted teeth. And my mother? She threw a fit. She really hated the Disciples of Order intervening. As she went on her tirade, something in me changed, I went from that shy little girl who was so easily timid to talking back at her. I was so done with her constant bullying and chastising.”
Garrus: “I’m guessing you were also snarky towards her.”
Aera: “Yes, I just let out everything that I felt about her, all the years of her pushing me and dad around, believing that she could have absolute control over me, I just laid into her and never let her have a word in. Every bit of anger that I felt towards her just came out all at once. Even the higher-ups were stunned to see me like that. It was the first time that I ever stood up to anyone...”
Her smile grew bigger and more apparent.
Aera: “And it felt so good.”
Jewel: “I remember it like it was yesterday, she gave her mother a serious tongue lashing, the likes of which we had never seen from her before, at the time, of course.”
Splash: “It was amazing!! She was so awesome that day.”
Kasumi: “I would bet.”
Liara: “So, what happened to you afterwards?”
Aera: “I was sent to another part of my airy world, I was looked after by a close relative of my dad, they looked after me for a year before I was of age to attend the academy. I admit that my time with them was short, but it was some of the best moments of my life.”
Ashley: “That was great, too bad the higher-ups of where you were raised tried to prevent that.”
Aera: “Yes....”
Her smile faded to slightly tense scowl.
Aera: “I hated them even more.”
Mikhailovich: “Yes...I can understand...with what had happened to you, it’s no wonder you’ve held such a terrible grudge with higher-ups, especially ones that feel as though they could do whatever they want.”
Garrus: “I’ve always hated those kinds of people. I can’t even tell you have many of those scumbags I’ve had to deal with during my days at C-Sec, whether it be someone within C-Sec or otherwise, so I share your frustration.”
Aera: “Even though I may seem...out of line, whenever I see another higher-up treat me or my friends in such a harsh manner, it takes me back to all of those times when those jerks mistreated me and my father so terribly, when they tried to oppress us and talk down on us. I can’t help but talk back to anyone who’s like that.”
Everyone stood around, they seemed despondent, Hackett walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
Hackett: “We understand completely, those kinds of people caused you so much pain and so much of it was needless and unnecessary, but try to be careful whenever you do speak to someone of authority. You might get yourself into a lot of trouble. I would vouch for you the best that I can, but I can only do so much for you and your friends.”
Aera: “I know...and I’m sorry for any trouble that I caused because of my uncontrollable urge to lash out. I will try to exercise self-restraint a little bit better. Thank you for letting me talk about this. I feel so much better.”
Ashley: “We’re glad you feel better, Aera, but...”
Liara: “We’re so sorry for everything that you have endured. All those people sounded so terrible.”
Aera: “Yeah, they were, I hope I never see them again. I’m done with all of them and they had better keep away from me if they knew what’s good for them.”
A lot of them smiled. Soon enough, Shiala approached them.
Shiala: “The people of ExoGeni would like to see you now.”
Ashley: “Thank you for letting me know. Well then, shall we get going?”
Star: “Heck yeah! Let’s get going, you guys.”
The girls as well as the admirals and some of the crew members walked off with Shiala. Ashley looked back towards the other members.
Ashley: “Stay here within the colony. Keep an eye on anything that may happen here.”
Zaeed: “Roger that.”
James: “Have fun at ExoGeni.”
A petite smile appeared on Ashley’s face.
Ashley: “Something tells me that they will.”
Ashley walked off.The group made their way out of the colony towards a massive truck. They boarded it and made their way towards the facility on the far end of the skyway. When they arrived, they stepped out of the truck to meet with 2 other women: Juliana and her daughter Lizbeth. They were also able to meet with Kahlee and Jack.
Shiala: “Hello again, ladies. How have things been?”
Juliana: “Things have been going quite well, thank you.”
Shiala: “That’s good to here.”
Miranda: “Good of you to have made it here, Jack.”
Jack: “Heh, it was no hassle getting here.”
Kahlee: “We were going over a few things with the ExoGeni scientists when we arrived. We’ll meet you within the facility as soon as Juliana and her daughter have gone over a few things with you.”
Kahlee and Jack walked off. Both Juliana and her daughter looked towards the girls.
Juliana: “So, these must be the magical girls that we’ve heard so much about.”
Shiala: “That’s right, these are the Fayelons. This is Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Juliana: “It’s a pleasure to meet you girls. I’m Juliana Baynham, one of the scientists who work for ExoGeni, this is my daughter, Lizbeth.”
Lizbeth: “Hello, it is nice to meet you.”
Jewel: “Nice to meet you, too.”
Aera: “So, how have things been with you guys? You and the people of Zhu’s Hope are getting along just fine, right?”
Juliana: “Yes, yes we are.”
Aera: “Well...we heard about what your people tried to do to the colonists with the Thorian. I can’t say I’m thrilled to hear about that kind of stuff.”
Flare: “No, none of us are.”
Juliana: “Yes, well, you have every right to feel that way, however, not all of us did approve of the whole procedure. Even more so, not all of us were aware of what was being done to the colonists, myself included. Because of this, my daughter and I were brought out here as representatives of the ExoGeni as we are some of the more trustworthy members of our team.”
Garrus: “That’s great, I couldn’t think of anyone else for the position.”
Lizbeth: ”I’m surprised that I was brought into this, I had also been involved with the Thorian project.”
Garrus: “You tried to make amends for what you did, I don’t know about everyone else, but that’s enough for me.”
Lizbeth seemed content by his words.
Star: “Now then, when are we going to get started with whatever you need from us? I’m itching to get this done and over with!!”
Splash: “You won’t be doing anything to us, will you?”
Juliana: “Do not worry. We just want to analyze your abilities and magical energy. I promise you that it won’t hurt.”
Splash: “Oh, good, because from what I can tell, analyzing seems like a process that’s completely painless.”
FemShep: “That’s kind of the whole idea. Scans were never meant to be painful, it’s just harmless retrieving and collecting of data. We do it on ourselves all the time.”
Mordin nodded.
Mordin: “Wouldn’t be able to go as far as we have if not for analyzation. Very helpful in the medical department as well as collecting data.”
Star: “Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get to it.”
Ashley: “Right, let’s go.”
They proceeded to walk into the building. A few of the crew members, such as Garrus, Liara, Mordin and Jane walked beside the ExoGeni women and Shiala as well as the admirals. The rest of the group followed after them, including the girls. The women were handed a few data pads by the admiral, Liara and Mordin. Admiral Hackett walked up to Juliana and handed her a data pad.
Hackett: “Here is some of the data regarding the Fayelons and everything else related to them.”
Juliana: “Thank you, we appreciate this very much.”
Liara: “We expect the same from you whenever you can.”
Juliana: “Do not worry, I will provide you with what you need, but I would like for you to look into it before we can transfer it to you.”
Liara: “Sure, we can do that.”
Garrus then leaned in closer to the women, about to whisper something to them.
Garrus: “Word of caution before we get started: Splash has a severe disdain towards all kinds of aquatic cuisine, so be careful not to mention anything about them.”
Juliana: “We will keep that in mind. Thank you for letting me know.”
Garrus: “Trust me, your life depends on it because if that were so much as to slip out, she would go into an uncontrollable rage and can pretty much rip anyone to shreds.”
Lizbeth: “That...sounds....terrifying...”
FemShep: “Thankfully, she never got her hands on anyone when she was in that rage and we’re also thankful that the rest of the girls have been nearby so that they would prevent her from hurting anyone.”
Hackett: “We have a way to calm her down whenever she would become enraged, or rather Jewel does.”
Juliana: “Yes, I understand.”
They made their way into the facility and continued on their way.
Aera: “So, I hope you don’t mind telling us a little more about this Thorian experiment that had been done on the colonist, do you?”
Lizbeth: “Um...well...it would be fair to share with you everything that has happened here, but rest assured, nothing like that will ever happen again.”
Aera: “Better not.”
Lizbeth: “Several weeks prior to when Commander Shepard and his crew arrived on Feros, the colonists discovered the Thorian beneath Zhu's Hope while investigating the ruins near the colony. We quarantined the outpost after they were infected and then we began studying the infection. As we observed them, we found that they were behaving strangely. It was from the infection, but then we began to notice that there was more to their strange behavior. More than half were infected within 3 week and then after another week, there were more. Eventually, most of the colonists have been infected. Our company decided to make them into a controlled group to study these effects.”
Splash: “Why would anyone want to commit to such horrible research?”
Juliana: “Some of us wanted to try understanding the true potential of the plant, the...lifeform. Don’t ask me why they would be interested in something of that effect, I have remained in the dark through most of this.”
Lizbeth: “I was an assistant throughout this research. I had questioned the integrity of it all, specifically how we were handling the colonists. I tried to put a stop to it, but...I was put on probation.”
Aera: “Good on you to question this twisted research.”
Lizbeth: “Thank you, Aera. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do much, for as I tried. I just couldn’t handle how we were treating them, they’re not lab rats, they’re people.”
Aera: “Huh, you know, you sound alright, I can totally get behind anyone who thinks like we do. I always get a thrill out of blowing off any self-righteous windbags who feel that they can demand anyone to do whatever they want them to do, especially if it’s wrong.”
Lizbeth smiled.
Garrus: “Umm...did you just make a double pun? I thought you hated puns.”
Aera: “What? Puns? That’s how we usually talk back on my world.”
Garrus: “So...your people tend to speak with wind-based bad puns on a regular basis?”
Aera gave Garrus an annoyed look.
Splash: “So, why were you Normandy people here on the planet?”
Ashley: “We came because we received reports of geth activity occurring here. We needed to investigate why Saren was interested in this place.”
Jewel: “Hm...geth...that’s...interesting...”
Star: “Did you guys eventually find out why those machines were brought here?”
Garrus: “Take a wild guess. I think you might be able to figure it out.”
The girls thought for a bit.
Aera: “Did it have something to do with the Thorian?”
Garrus: “Yes, that’s right.”
Flare: “Hmm...fascinating...did this interest have something to do with its mind-control abilities?”
Ashley: “Something like that.”
Liara: “There was more to it than just that. You see, the Thorian was very ancient.”
Splash: “Ancient? What do you mean by that?”
Liara: “It was over thousands of years old.”
Splash: “You mean it actually lived over thousands of years!?! Wow! That’s amazing!!!”
Jewel: “Hmmm....if Saren came here because of the Thorian and his main goal was connected to the protheans and their beacons....does that mean that the Thorian knew something about the protheans? Almost as though...it knew them?”
Liara: “That’s right. In fact, the Thorian was a lot older than that.”
Jewel: “A lot older? How much older?”
Liara: “We’re not sure, but we do know that it had been around even before the protheans.”
Star: “Wow!!! It was even that old!?!”
Liara nodded.
FemShep: “Saren needed to understand the contents from the beacons. In order to do that, he needed to understand e`verything there was to know about them. Only the Thorian knew what they were like.”
Aera: “I take it this was before you guys met Javik because there was no way any of you would have gone through all of this trouble if you have.”
Ashley: “That’s just about right.”
Splash: “So, what is your involvement in all of this, Miss Shiala?”
Shiala: “I was a subordinate of someone who used to have been loyal to Saren. I was given to the Thorian as a trade for what it knew about the protheans. I was...its prisoner.”
Flare: “What? That’s horrible!”
Splash: “I can’t believe he would actually do that!!!”
Star: “What did that weird plant thing want with you?”
Shiala: “It’s not so much what it wanted with me, but more so what I could provide.”
Splash: “I don’t think I understand.”
Liara: “Asari have the ability to meld minds with others.”
Splash: “Meld...minds?”
Liara: “It’s basically transferring images and such from our minds into yours. It’s similar to how the Intel Crystals can transfer information that’s stored into them into our mind.”
Splash: “Oh, so it’s just like that!!”
Shiala: “Um, yes, that. I was able to meld my mind with the Thorian and through this process, I transferred this into Saren’s. From this, he was able to obtain just what he needed to understand the images that were presented to him from the beacons.”
Jewel: “Huh, so that’s what happened here.”
Flare: “Hm, another vital piece of the puzzle, I presume. Yes, it makes sense.”
Splash: “Well, I’m just glad that you guys were able to save this place and the people from that horrible plant and those killer robots.”
Aera: “Yeah, things really worked out well for all of you in the end.”
Juliana: “Yes, it did.”
Star: “So, what is it you will need us to do?”
Juliana: “We would like for you to display your powers by however makes you comfortable.”
Star: “Oh, sure, that can work. We will have absolutely no problem with that.”
Splash: “Certainly. We love to display and train our powers. It’s always a fun exercise for us. It really does help with developing our abilities. We even learned to utilize new attacks.”
Star: “We used to do this all the time back at the academy. Our mentors would have us perform these training exercises so many times. We would learn so much about our own abilities and what we can do with them.”
Garrus: “The ones who actually do care about you?”
Jewel: “Umm...more or less...”
Garrus looked at her with a concerned and perplexed look on his face.
Star: “So, where do we start?”
Juliana: “I think it would be good to utilize your powers within an observation room.”
Aera: “Eh, whatever works for you guys.”
Splash: “Ooh! Ooh! Can I have a small, closed-off room with windows so that I can perform my powers?”
Lizbeth: “Whatever you need, we’ll be happy to provide.”
Splash: “Ooh! Awesome!! I am going to have so much fun!!”
Kasumi: “Any ideas on why Splash would prefer a small, closed-off room?”
The other girls exchanged looks with one another, seeming slightly disturb.
Jewel: “Umm...you’ll find out.”
Within the short amount of time, the girls transformed and got on to practicing their powers in front of the ExoGeni researchers. As usual, Garrus was close by to supervise the girls and Mordin to analyze their abilities. Several others stood by, including the admirals. At some point during the exercises, Flare and Star were able to demonstrate their dangerous abilities with Jewel and Aera close by to contain their abilities. Splash was...somewhere else. As they demonstrated their abilities, the ExoGeni researchers were closely monitoring them with Juliana and her daughter, Lizbeth, supervising the team. They collected data on their powers, abilities and magical energy. This went on for several hours. They could tell that this is hardly work for the girls as they enjoyed this a lot, much to Garrus’ relief and Mordin’s delight. Admiral Hackett seemed amazed as well as Admiral Mikhailovich.
Eventually, the girls stopped to take a break.
Jewel: “Oh, wow, that was fun.”
Juliana: “You girls look like you were enjoying yourselves.”
Star: “Yeah, we always love doing this. These exercises really give us a chance to practice our powers at our own pace without any pressure.”
Shiala: “That’s good to hear.”
Lizbeth: “Although, it looked like you were struggling a bit for a moment there. We were worried during that time.”
Flare: “Yes, we have. As you can see, our more...complex abilities are still hard for us to manage. We still haven’t figured out how to utilize them correctly.”
Juliana: “And from the intel we received, it really is no surprise as to why.”
Lizbeth: “I know, from what we have seen, this could have a negative effect on your health unless we find a way to deal with that problem.”
Mordin: “Thankfully, what we’ve been doing has helped to delay the negative effects to their health.”
Garrus: “But it won’t delay the effects for long. Hopefully, we will find the correct method for them to utilize their powers before then.”
Mordin: “Thankfully, we will have plenty of time to figure it out.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I hope so.”
FemShep: “At least there have been signs of improvement, right?”
Ashley: “From what we’ve seen, yes, but not by much.”
Mordin: “Indeed, but signs of improvement nonetheless, so it is a step in the right direction.”
Ashley: “I just can’t believe they have been lying to the girls for so long.”
FemShep: “I know, they deserve so much better.”
At that moment, Lizbeth was seen looking around, noticing something.
Lizbeth: “Say, has anyone seen Splash?”
Garrus: “Huh? Oh, she didn’t get back from her practice, did she?”
Ashley: “No, she hasn’t.”
Lizbeth: “Hmm....hey, girls. Do you know where your other friend is?”
They looked at her as though they knew the answer, not only that, but anticipated someone asking them.
Aera: “Oh, she must still be practicing.”
Lizbeth: “Practicing? But I thought...shouldn’t all of you be taking a break right about now?”
The girls didn’t say anything, still having the same looks on their faces and walked off. The others stood by and watched them leave before following them.
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Episode 39-Emerging

They arrive at what appeared to be a small, closed off room. There, they saw Miranda, Liara, Jack, Kasumi and Samara as well as a few others observing it from outside it. They seemed a little surprised with what they saw as they arrived. Kasumi was munching on a bag of popcorn as she was watching. From within the small room, they could see Splash as she was utilizing her mystic water powers. She was holding up a huge sphere of water above her, dazzled and amazed by it.

Garrus: “Huh, so that’s what she’s been doing. I should have known.”
Miranda: “She has been at this for hours already.”
FemShep: “And you guys have been here this whole time?”
Samara: “Yes, we have been observing her utilization of her water magic.”
Kasumi: “You have to admit, it is amazing to watch.”
Liara: “Yeah, quite the spectacle.”
Ashley: “The other girls are done. She still hasn’t let up, yet?”
Kasumi: “No, in fact, she looks as though she’s enjoying this very much.”
As this continued, the orb of water instantaneously froze into a huge ball of ice. A few of the group were startled from seeing this.
Juliana: “Incredible! So, she’s a cryokinetic, as well.”
Garrus: “It makes sense considering that ice is another form of water.”
Mordin: “However, water and ice are categorized as their own forms of magical elements separate from one another.”
Lizbeth: “So, there are some aquamancers that also have power over ice.”
Mordin: “Correct. From what we were told, the Fayelons are no exception.”
Lizbeth: “Hm.”
Suddenly, the ball of ice cracked and was shattered into many tiny pieces of ice crystals. Again, some in the group were startled by this.
Lizbeth: “Amazing!!!”
Mikhailovich: “Huh, she really is skilled with these ice powers of hers.”
The ice crystals were then reverted to small drops of liquid. It was truly amazing to watch.
Mikhailovich: “I would think that your aqua kinetic friend is a master of these abilities?”
Aera: “Oh, she has practiced these powers of hers many times when we were younger. Believe me, she knows the ins and outs of utilizing her own water powers.”
Lizbeth: “Her powers are beautiful.”
Tali: “Yes…they seem…almost mesmerizing.”
Splash then increased the size of the water droplets and used them to fill the entire small room completely with water, smiling as she was doing this. Everyone except for the girls became startled, anxious as they watched this.
Ashley: “What is she doing!?!”
With the small room completely filled, she swam around within it, with a huge smile on her face.
Tali: “Someone do something!!”
FemShep: “We have to get her out of there!!”
Liara: “Is there any way we can!?!”
Shiala: “I’m afraid not. She has locked herself in. Also, the glass is completely shatterproof.”
Star: “What are you guys so worried about??”
Jewel: “Yeah, this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this. She loves doing this.”
Garrus: “You mean…she doesn’t drown from this?”
Aera: “Drown? How do you do that?”
Garrus was startled.
Garrus: “Uhh….um…you girls…do know what breathing is, right?”
Jewel: “Hmm…I hear…it’s what…non-magical beings need to do in order to live? I heard something like that.”
Jack: “You girls…don’t need to breathe?”
Star: “No, it’s not something we necessarily need to do like all time, unlike you non-magical beings.”
Flare: “Hm, indeed, it is more so a form of rejuvenation for us. I would undergo these “breathing exercises” during meditation, but it is not so much a need to live.”
Samara: “Hm, yes, I have noticed that during our meditation sessions. Those are the only times that you would breathe, is that correct?”
Flare: “Yes, that is correct.”
Hackett: “Hm, so Fayelons breathe as a means of rejuvenation. That’s interesting.”
Everyone around them stood around with awkward looks on their faces.
Garrus: “So, I’m guessing we don’t have to worry about anything happening to her.”
Aera: “Nah, she does this a lot. This is like euphoria for her.”
Star: “Yeah, she’s having the time of her life.”
Jewel: “No doubt you made her day when you were able to give her this small room for her to practice in.”
Garrus: “There’s still a lot we don’t know about you girls.”
Jewel: “Of course not. We never told how we’re able to get killed.”
Everyone still stood by, awkward.
Much time later, Splash had let herself out of the tiny room, having reverted to her dormant form. A few of the group walked off with several others still standing by.
Garrus: “That was…quite an interesting thing you did back there, Splash.”
Splash: “That was soooo much fun!! Thank you for letting me have that!!”
Shiala: “You’re…welcome.”
Splash closed her eyes as she smiled and giggled a little. She along with the rest of the girls walked off. They were joined by Tali, Kasumi and Samara. The rest stood with one another.
FemShep: “That…almost gave me a heart attack.”
Garrus: “Heh, not as much as it did with me.”
Mordin: “Hmm…so Fayelons have no need to breathe in order to live. Yes, understandable.”
Ashley: “Wait, you mean you weren’t surprised by this?”
Mordin: “From the scans of their physiology, no. Though did not expect to see Splash just fill that entire tank with water like that. (sniff) Most shocking. However, her movements within that tank after filling it with water seemed…unusual.”
Miranda: “Yes, I’ve noticed that, too.”
Ashley: “She has mentioned many times that she believes she’s a mermaid. From how she swam, that’s obvious.”
Liara: “She swam like this when she was skinny dipping in that large pond a while back.”
Jack: “Oh, right, when she was trying to “revert” to her “true form” as a mermaid? She is a strange one.”
Miranda: “But a surprisingly good swimmer. There’s no doubt she is incredibly strong in the water.”
FemShep: “Yeah, she may not be a mermaid, but she definitely has the heart of one.”
Mordin: “Hmm…would like to dissect her and find that out for myself.”
Everyone glanced over Mordin with awkward looks on their faces.
Liara: “You’re…you’re not actually going to do that to her, are you?”
Mordin: “Of course not. Only joking, would never even consider something so horrible and disgusting, so wouldn’t dream of cutting her open like that, unless in need of open-heart surgery; have done it many times before.”
Garrus, annoyed, walked over to Mordin and snapped at him.
Garrus: “Only that and nothing else!!”
At that moment, Shiala walked back towards them.
Shiala: “Everyone? I…there is something that Juliana and Lizbeth wish to speak to you. It’s…about the data that they’ve been looking over, some of it being what you have sent them.”
Miranda: “Understood.”
Ashley: “We’ll be right there.”
They walked off with her. A few others stood by with the girls.
They made their way towards a monitor and turned their attention towards it.
Juliana: “Here is what we have managed to put together.”
The group seemed startled by what they were looking at.
Liara: “Is that…what I think it is?”
Juliana: “Yes, as you can see, we have uncovered a lot. We were able to bring together the data collected by many of our colleagues as well as several other researchers. All of our research seems to have presented a very clear picture.”
Liara: “This is…unbelievable…”
Miranda: “I know…it says here….that…these dark readings have really been spread throughout many reaches of the galaxy, scattered across many regions.”
FemShep: “It seems that Mordin’s theory of this extending throughout the entire galaxy could actually be true.”
Shiala: “That’s not all that’s revealed here. You should also notice something else.”
Hackett: “Yes, I can see that. These readings indicate that this dark aura seems too similar to the lingering magical energy that can be sensed by Flare’s special powers.”
Lizbeth: “But what does all of this mean? What had this magical energy been doing in our galaxy?”
Miranda: “We’re not sure, but it does indicate a very strong connection between us and the Fayelons.”
Juliana: “But it’s very clear that they had nothing to do with us.”
Ashley: “Not us, but their true origins. We’re beginning to realize that there’s more to this conflict than just them and the vigilante.”
Liara: “It could also provide answers to so many other questions that have come to realization.”
Lizbeth: “I already have a good idea as to what those questions are. It involves their deity, their Divine Source, the master of this massive Light magical energy.”
Garrus: “That’s right. You should have already guessed that this entity has the power to protect our galaxy from massive threats, such as the Reapers.”
Juliana: “And yet, they haven’t.”
Mordin: “But this revelation…perhaps…could provide those answers, but still much more research is needed for that.”
Garrus: “And how do you suppose we would be able to find those answers?”
Mordin: “Hmmm…already…have something in mind that I intend to put together, but…will need to run tests on this data, hopefully will provide us with what we’ve been looking for.”
Miranda: “A way to solve these mysteries?”
Mordin: “Exactly.”
FemShep: “It’s very clear that there’s still so much that we don’t know yet, such as how far back this goes.”
Liara: “We do know that it’s been going on long before even the Protheans; of all the people that this has affected.”
Garrus: “Yes, it would actually clarify why the Divine Source couldn’t do anything about the Reaper invasions.”
Liara: “Yes…there is no doubt in my mind, this Dark energy is very, very much connected to that.”
Lizbeth: “But…what has it been doing? Why did this happen?”
Miranda: “Well, we know that Darkness and Light have been at war with one another for many eons, perhaps since the beginning of time.”
Garrus: “Hmm…it may be possible that our galaxy got caught in the crossfires.”
Shiala: “Yes…that…may be so…”
Lizbeth: “Would it really be possible to find those answers? This conflict does stretch back to a time long before even life ever existed. Could such a way even be possible?”
Mordin: “Hmm…believe there is. Already formulating a way to calculate that, but…could take a while.”
Garrus: “What do you have in mind exactly?”
Mordin: “Can’t tell you, yet. But if this works out…could actually paint a clear picture of everything that has happened within particular periods of time, just need to bring together all of the necessary readings and data to put all of this together in order for this to work.”
Liara: “Are you suggesting that you can build something that can really project vivid images of what has happened during particular periods of time?”
Mordin: “Yes, based on the data collected from the lingering magical energy, could work on an image projector to fully display those particular images from past events.”
Garrus: “Are you saying that you can actually create a program that would display precise images of past events?”
Mordin: “Based on what can be extracted from the lingering magical energy, yes. If Flare can perceive these past images from the magical energy, then it is possible for us to do the same.”
Liara: “That’s…unbelievable…!! This may be the greatest discovery, almost like…something that I’ve wanted for a long time. This is…amazing!!!”
Juliana: “I agree, no one could have ever come up with something so incredibly detail-oriented or accurate. It’s almost as though…we would be able to see things that we have yet to record or even…”
She paused.
Lizbeth: “We could…actually see everything that has happened, from any era, any time period.”
Shiala: “Yes…this would truly be…the greatest discovery we’ve ever made. I…I just don’t know…what to say…”
Garrus: “Hold on a minute. We’re not going to do anything to the girls in order to get this to work, right? Because there is no way that I’ll let any of you use them or their powers for any of this.”
Mordin: “Not to worry, already discussed this with them. They seemed interested. Had a few conversations with Flare as well about this. She seemed curious as well as interested in this project. All of them seem eager to do whatever they can to help with this. Luckily, don’t need to do anything to them or even Flare for that matter other than careful analysis of her abilities and how to shape these images that she is able to ascertain from the lingering magical energy. Promise you this will be completely painless on their part, won’t even feel anything being done to them.”
Garrus: “Well…OK, if they’re on board with this, I can accept that, but if you so much as treat them horribly for this project of yours, I’ll break your spinal cord in half!”
Mordin: “Would take that into consideration.”
Ashley looked back towards the girls who were with a few other members of the group, which included Admiral Mikhailovich. They were chatting with one another.
Mikhailovich: “So, when you girls left your…realm, aside from leaving behind family, are there any boyfriends that you also left behind?”
The girls paused, almost as they were shocked by the question. They then started snickering and then bursted out laughing. Everyone around stared at them in a confused manner.
Mikhailovich: “Uhh…did I…did say something funny?”
Everyone else nearby just shrugged their shoulders.
Star: “Please, as if we care about boring, trivial crap like that.”
Flare: “Indeed, there are plenty of other things that we value.”
Splash: “We never had any interest in finding what everyone else calls they’re “special someone”.”
Star: “If everyone else likes that, more power to them, but it’s just not for us.”
Aera: “Yeah, we would prefer to not have any of that shoved into our faces if that’s not such a detrimental problem with anyone else.”
Mikhailovich: “Umm…so…you girls aren’t interested in any…intimate relationships of any kind?”
Jewel: “No, not really.”
Mikhailovich: “None of you…even had any crushes?”
Aera: “Heh, hardly!”
Kasumi: “So…you never found any guy that you liked?”
Samara: “That…is something that I did not expect.”
Kasumi: “Girls at their age are usually interested in boys and relationships…hmmm…This…isn’t a Fayelon thing, is it?”
Aera: “Tch! As if! This kind of thing is demanded amongst our kind; they say it’s vital for reproduction. Seriously? Do all of us have to fall in line with any of it?”
Splash: “And besides, how do they expect us to, especially with…how…”
The girls sulked, with concerned looks being directed towards them.
Mikhailovich: “You’re…not very well liked by many of your peers, are you?”
Tali: “From what we have heard, no, they’re not.”
Jack: “Damn, it really is no wonder they never cared about romance.”
Jewel: “Well, it’s not just that, but yeah…it is one of the reasons…”
The girls continued to sulk. Just then, Flare reacted to something.
Flare: “Hm?”
She rushed over towards a nearby window.
Samara: “Flare? What is it?”
She stared out at the window that was directed towards the same direction of Zhu’s Hope.
Flare: “I can sense…a strong dark aura…coming from the colony.”
Jewel: “What? Is Zhu’s Hope under attack?”
Flare: “I’m not sure…it’s faint but….potent…I cannot tell what is happening. Hmmmm….strange…”
Jewel: “We need to head over there now!”
The other girls nodded, and got up to walk towards the window.
Kasumi: “Wait! Are you…going back to the colony?”
Jewel: “We have to! We need to protect Zhu’s Hope. Let’s go, girls!”
The girls readied themselves.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!”
They transformed again. They rushed over to jump out the window, rematerializing their wings.
Garrus: “Wait! Let us take you back there, ourselves.”
Jewel: “There’s no time! We have to leave now!”
They darted out towards the colony at great speed.
Garrus: “We need to get back to the colony as fast as we can.”
They rushed out of ExoGeni almost immediately.
The girls were able to return to Zhu’s Hope. When they did, they noticed the other members of the Normandy crew fighting off several dark monsters.
Zaeed: “It’s about g****** time you girls got back here!!”
Star: “Don’t worry, we’re here to help.”
Aera: “Let’s get on it!”
The girls went off to fight off all of the monsters.
Shortly afterwards, the rest of the crew returned to the colony. They didn’t seem startled to see what was happening as they had serious looks on their faces.
Garrus: “This is already looking serious.”
Liara: “But…at least we’re not too late.”
Ashley: “Let’s help out the colonists and leave these dark monsters to the girls.”
They rushed out and tended to the colonists. The girls fought off the monsters. There didn’t seem to be too many of them and it seemed like they were making quick work of them. After a while, the last monster was eradicated, everything had quieted down.
Aera: “Phew, that’s the last of them.”
Jewel: “Is everyone alright?”
Ashley: “Yeah, everyone’s fine.”
Shiala: “Good thing we returned when we did. This place would have been decimated by those creatures.”
James: “Eh, I wasn’t too worried. We managed to hold them off so that the girls could get here.”
Jack: “Aw, man, I didn’t even get a piece of the action.”
Grunt: “Heh, tough luck.”
Thane: “At least they’ve been dealt with.”
Jacob: “Yeah, thank goodness.”
Jewel stood around; she had a serious look on her face.
Jewel: “Something’s not right. That was too easy.”
Jacob: “What?”
James: “Too easy? What do you mean by…? She can’t be serious.”
Garrus: “No, she’s right. An enemy attack like this is usually of a higher magnitude. There didn’t seem to be a lot of those monsters this time.”
Jacob: “Hmm…now that you mention it. I thought there were a few less monsters than what we were used to.”
Splash: “Maybe our enemy is getting weaker.”
Aera: “Uh, no, I sincerely doubt that. Our enemies would get stronger as we progress further, not weaker.”
Javik: “Hmph! So much for that occurring.”
Jacob: “Then why did our vigilante friend hold back?”
Jewel: “Hmm…I don’t know…but I have a bad feeling about this. Hey, Flare, do you…”
Shortly after glancing towards Flare, Jewel noticed that she had a stunned look on her face, almost as though she seemed terrified for some reason.
Jewel: “Flare, what’s wrong?”
Flare: “I…I sense something…a massive collection of Dark energy…directly below us!!”
Jewel: “What?”
Miranda: “What could this mean?”
Jewel’s face became even more serious. Suddenly, they felt a massive tremble from below them. Everyone within the colony took notice of this as they struggled to maintain their balance.
Star: “W-what’s going on?”
Jewel: “Ah!”
The ground below, a dark aura appeared in the form of a massive crack and within the crack, a gigantic creature emerged from it. Upon it completely emerging, it revealed itself to be the thorian. Everyone stood out towards it in shock and horror, not believing what they were seeing.
Shiala: “No…it can’t be…”
Jewel, however, had a slight tense look on her face.
Jewel: “I knew that fight was too easy!”
Alongside the creature were several Thorian Creepers, looking somewhat darker than the ones from the previous encounters. From there, they attacked, the girls fought back as well as some of the crew members.
Shiala: “But…that…that’s not possible…how could the thorian…I thought it was…”
Mordin: “No! Not the thorian!”
Mordin had shown to have his Omni-tool already out.
Mordin: “Readings show to consist of Dark energy. No doubt forged from Dark magic.”
Garrus: “Another dark replica?”
Liara: “But…how could this be? How did he…?”
Garrus: “Something definitely doesn’t add up. There really is no way for our vigilante friend to have known about the thorian, much less what it looks like.”
Mordin: “Hmm…indeed. Clearly, other forces are involved.”
Miranda: “That was apparent from the beginning.”
Ashley: “Let’s worry about that later, right now, we need to protect the colonists and fight off these monsters.”
Liara: “Agreed. Let’s go.”
From there, they ran off in different directions.
The fight took off from there. The girls and the crew members fought off the monsters the best they could, but it was a struggle. The girls shifted between fighting off the thorian and the creepers, the crew members focused on fighting off the creepers and protecting the colonists. Shiala, Lizbeth and Juliana helped by luring the colonists away to safety. At one point, a pair of colonists were cornered. Mordin, nearby, took notice of this and rushed over to them immediately. He brought out his Omni-tool as he rushed over. He stood in between the creepers and the colonists, standing in front of the creepers unfazed. From there, he held out his left hand and, with the use of his Omni-tool, zapped the creepers, bringing them down. The colonists were stunned to see this.
Mordin: “Go! Now!”
They were still hesitant.
Mordin: “Don’t worry about me, can handle these just fine. Go!”
The colonists hesitated a little bit then nodded and ran off.
At that time, Garrus was standing back-to-back with Jane, shooting at as many of the creepers around them as they could. Garrus turned his head to look towards her. She was trying all she could. Garrus stood by for a bit.
Garrus: “Here, I think this will help.”
He went on his Omni-tool. Jane went on hers and checked it.
FemShep: “What is this?”
He hesitated before pushing her out of the way a bit and used his Omni-tool on one of the creepers nearby, zapping it. Jane seemed surprised by this. He looked back towards her, giving her a serious, reassured look. From this, she understood, tried her Omni-tool again and with that, she zapped a few other creepers. She seemed surprised.
FemShep: “What…was that?”
Garrus: “Pure Light magic. These creatures are easily weakened by it.”
She looked back at Garrus and smiled.
FemShep: “I suppose I should thank you for that.”
Garrus: “Not really. The professor invented it; you should be thanking him.”
FemShep: “But you delivered it to me.”
He seemed surprised for a bit.
Garrus: “Fair enough.”
FemShep: “Alright, let’s get back to the fight.”
He nodded once and with that, they got back to fighting.
At one point during the fight, the creepers, while attacking the crew members, struck the nearby pipe, causing water to shoot out of the opening. Everyone that took notice of it were startled by this, including Shiala and Miranda. One of the colonists, Macha Doyle, screeched in frustration. The water flooded the nearby area. Splash, having to also be nearby, looked down on the water. She also seemed surprised at first, but then a cheerful grin appeared on her face. With that, she utilized her powers to control the water all around them. The water then reacted around the creepers. They were encased in ice within the blink of an eye. Everyone nearby stood around, awestruck from what they had seen. Splash, with a sly grin on her face, utilized her powers to shatter the ice that encased the creepers, obliterating them.
Shiala: “That’s…impressive…”
Miranda: “Being that she’s a master of water and ice, this has given her a huge advantage.”
Shiala: “I can see that.”
Splash continued to utilize the water to her advantage.
Elsewhere, Star was blasting away at creepers with her energy balls. She looked over and noticed a crowd of creepers approaching a small group of people with Ashley and EDI trying to fight back. Star flew over towards them almost immediately. Hovering a little above them, she generated a huge orb of Light and shot it down at great speed. The immense blast was able to decimate them, however, the people were left unharmed, much to their surprise. They looked up at Star with the same look on their faces.
Star: “Relax, will ya? My Light magic can only harm evil.”
She flew off, leaving the spellbound spectators still mouth agape.
Ashley: “She’s right, actually. The girls are hardly ever reckless with their powers.”
EDI: “Hm, indeed, they tend to be quite scrupulous with their more lethal attacks.”
Ashley nodded.
The fight persisted on with the crew members doing all they could against the creepers with the girls fighting off the creepers as well as the thorian with Jewel taking the fight against the thorian mostly. There had been one close call after another with several of the colonists being injured but were led to safety. The fight kept getting worse. Jewel looked over to the rest of her friends fighting off the creepers and protecting the colonists. From there, she was stunned by their struggling to fight back, then became frustrated with what to do. Just then, her mood changed to much more calm but stern.
Jewel: “Guys!”
The rest of her friends looked towards her.
Splash: “Jewel, what is it?”
Jewel: “Everyone, I have a plan, but I’m going to need your help.”
The rest of her friends looked at her, they seemed worried.
At that time, the rest of the crew were still fighting against the creepers. They couldn’t hear what Jewel was telling her friends, but she revealed to them very loudly and clearly what she had in mind.
Flare: “You can’t be serious! Do you really intend to utilize that!?!”
Jewel: “Yes, Flare, I do.”
Star: “But, but…you have yet to master it! You’re still struggling to…to even…”
Jewel: “I know, that’s why I need your help.”
Aera: “You sure you can at least pull this off, Jewel?”
Jewel: “No…but…I have to try…”
She looked around at the crew members struggling throughout the battle. From the look on her face, her resolve was very clear at the time.
Jewel: “We’re running out of options and this could be the only way.”
Her friends stood by, concerned for her. Star and Splash exchanging concerned looks with one another.
Flare: “Alright, we will be ready to strike on your command.”
Jewel, with a resolved look, nodded once.
Jewel: “OK then, let’s do this.”
The girls flew off in different directions.
The thorian continued its attack on the colonists with several of the crew members trying to fight back. It made its way towards the crew members, about to strike. At that moment, Jewel stepped in the way. Holding out her right arm, she formed a gem on it in the form of a massive shield and took the fight to the thorian. The crew members stood by and watched as Jewel went head on with the massive creature. Garrus seemed worried about her as he watched, but then realized something.
Garrus: “Wait, why is Jewel fighting with just her right hand? Isn’t she left-handed?”
Mordin, having been nearby, looked down and noticed something, he seemed pleased by what he had seen.
Mordin: “That will come into play.”
Jewel fought against the beast for a bit, struggling against it. However, she kept her left-hand rested on her lower back the whole time. At one point, she was unable to continue fighting causing her crystal shield to crack. The crew members watching were startled.
Liara: “This isn’t good.”
Soon enough, it bashed on the shield, shattering it completely, Jewel was knocked back. However, as she was flung back, she pulled out her left hand from behind her back, tossing some sort of shining object towards the thorian, it cut through its exterior and went directly inside it. Mordin saw this happen and smiled. Jewel, having recovered from being knocked back, flipped back and landed in a crouching stance position. A tense look appeared on her face and shortly changed into a tense grin. The thorian was about to attack again but then paused. From there, a rumbling noise was heard within it. Jewel held her hands with her lower palms placed together and her fingers flexed down in an enclosed position, the fingers of both hands nearly touching each other. She held her hands close to her chest. From within the hand position, a glowing aura appeared. She held her hands out as an unusual change with the thorian occurred. There was a glow from the gem that she inserted into it, that glow got brighter and brighter with each passing second. Soon enough, spikes were poking out of the creature as it screeched very loudly in pain. Everyone nearby was startled as they watched this.
Garrus: “Wait…is that…?”
Jewel, then with great force, pushed out her hands, remaining in the same position, letting out a loud grunt as though she was pushing a large object at full force. With the use of the gem she inserted into the thorian, she pushed the massive creature out, holding it high above everyone. Jewel struggled to hold it out as she squinted, her face tensed up from the excessive labor.
Jewel: “Flare! Star! Now!”
Flare and Star, standing back to back, both held out one hand towards the thorian, from there, the explosions and flash bangs traveled criss cross on it, with Flare’s explosions moving from the upper left to the bottom right and Star’s flash bangs going from the upper right to the lower left. The gem within it expanded even more as more and more spikes appeared from it. Jewel was still hanging in there but was shown to be struggling a little less.
Jewel: “Aera! Splash!”
Aera and Splash sent out gusts of wind and streams of water towards the creature, striking it hard with both. The gem expanded even more and glowed brighter. And with that, Jewel was able to push her hands all the way out, opening her hands while letting out a large shout, the gem then burst within the thorian, with the creature being obliterated with the gem. From the explosion, the creepers screeched as they disintegrated. Everyone stood by, watching all of this unfold. From there, all was quiet and the chaos was finally over.
From directly above them, they saw crystal dust sprinkle down towards them, covering everything and everyone in a light coating of the dust that was very much like sparkling snow. Some held their hands up to take a good look at the crystal dust that’s covering them. However, Jewel fell to her knees and then fell on her hands, exhausted and panting from carrying out such a difficult technique. She looked up after she stopped panting, exhausted and amazing at what she had done.
Jewel: “I don’t believe it…it actually worked…”
Star: “Jewel!”
Her friends rushed over to her as fast as they could and tended to her.
Flare: “Jewel, are you OK?”
Splash: “That was so incredible!”
Aera: “Yeah, if not a little reckless.”
Star: “You were amazing, Jewel! I can’t believe you actually did it!”
Jewel: “Yeah…neither did I…but…I did…”
She looked to her friends and smiled.
Jewel: “Thank you…I…I wouldn’t have been able to successfully pull it off without you guys.”
Flare: “Well…we were glad to be able to help, but I prefer you don’t ever try something like that again. That could have not ended well, you know.”
Jewel: “Yeah…I wasn’t sure if it would, but I had to try…I couldn’t let this continue…”
Flare: “We understand…I just…”
Splash: “We wish you didn’t feel like you have to take such huge risks to save everyone.”
Jewel: “Believe me, neither do I.”
Aera: “And you know what? You really don’t. Haven’t you forgotten when we agreed to take the keys and leave our realm that we’re in this together, no matter what? That way, you don’t have to deal with all of this by yourself.”
Jewel: “Yeah, I know, I haven’t forgotten. Do you think that I wouldn’t have kept the most important people in my life in mind at all? Not a second goes by that I wouldn’t remember what you said to me, back when we started this. Without any of you, I wouldn’t be strong.”
Aera: “You’ve got that right.”
Splash cheerfully and gently embraced Jewel from her neck.
Splash: “We will never leave your side, Jewel! No matter what, because we love you!”
Flare: “Yeah, indeed we do.”
Jewel let out a soft chuckle.
Jewel: “I love you, too, guys. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends.”
All the girls huddled around Jewel as she enjoyed every second of it. Everyone nearby watched with sweet smiles on their faces, touched by this incredible moment.
Sometime afterwards, everyone was cleaning up the colony from the aftermath of the fight. The colony also received some help from members of ExoGeni. The girls stayed in their Metamorphose while they helped out so that their powers would be more effective towards that. Jewel had already cleared out the crystal dust and was currently sitting on a bench within the side of the colony. Shiala walked up to the girls. Splash, however, was a few feet away, dealing with the water that leaked out of the nearby pipe.
Shiala: “Thank you so much for helping out.”
Star: “No problem. It’s our pleasure.”
Flare: “Indeed, also, we would like to express our gratitude towards providing much needed resources for our training. It was…wonderful.”
Aera: “I’ll say, Splash spent hours in that tank. She could stay in there all day if we had the time.”
Shiala: “Hm, yes, we have taken notice of that.”
She looked towards Splash, still tending to the water.
Shiala: “Splash is…an unusual one. She must really enjoy playing with water, a lot.”
Aera: “Oh, wouldn’t you know it?”
Splash was still continuing on. At that moment, 2 colonists, a man and woman, walked by her.
Male colonist: “Seeing all of this water is making me hungry. I sure could go for a sashimi flambé right about now.”
The girls, plus a few of the crew members nearby, were startled from this.
Aera: “Crap!”
Splash tensed up as she had her back turned towards the 2 colonists.
Splash: “What…did you just…SAY!?!”
As she turned her head, she had a look of intense rage in her eyes displayed dramatically.
Jewel: “Oh, no!”
Garrus: “I would assume that she is much worse like this when in her Metamorphose.”
Jewel got up from the bench and darted over as fast as she could, but not as fast as she used to as she was still fatigued.
At that moment, Splash, with a wave of her arms, sent the massive amount of water from the ground towards the 2 colonists like a large typhoon.
Splash: “FISH KILLER!!!”
The 2 colonists turned back around and were startled by the massive typhoon heading their way. Jewel was able to reach Splash, having brought out the Fantasy Crystal that she would use on her, placed it on the outer side of her left bicep near her shoulder. From there, Splash fell back into her trance. She softly moaned as she fell over, with Jewel catching her in her arms, breaking her fall. The typhoon dropped instantly just before the colonists were directly hit by it. They, along with everyone else nearby, stood around, shocked by what they saw.
Juliana: “Oh, my gosh!”
Lizbeth: “Wow, she really does have some serious anger issues, just like you said.”
Garrus: “Yes, but…”
Mordin: “Hmm…first time we’ve seen her like this in her Metamorphose.”
Garrus: “I was somewhat curious to see what it would be like to have that incident happen in said form; I always suspected that it was worse.”
Tali: “Now we don’t have to wonder anymore.”
Garrus: “I was almost terrified by the thought of it, though; that kind of rage with an immense amount of influence over her powers.”
Mordin: “Hm, indeed, the math would not be so hard to figure out, no doubt it would be…disastrous.”
Both Tali and Garrus nodded.
Jewel tended to Splash as she remained in her trance. At that moment, Macha Doyle was screeching in frustration again. Everyone nearby took notice of it. She rushed over to Jewel who continued to tend to Splash.
Macha: “What is all of this!?! I thought she was going to clean all of this up!!!”
Jewel: “Oh, sorry, there was…an incident. I had to put her to sleep. I think she’s good to wake up now.”
Jewel removed the crystal from the side of her arm, causing her to awaken from her trance.
Splash: “Yay! Swimming with all my fishie friends is so much fun! Huh? Oh, I’m back in this colony.”
Macha: “Weren’t you supposed to clean up all this water!?! Just what the hell are you doing!?!”
Splash was still not aware of what was going on, then became startled as it dawned on her at that moment.
Splash: “Oh!!”
She stood right back up and utilized her powers to clear out all the water almost immediately. She then in a frantic state bowed her head with her hands clasped and held down in front of her.
Splash: “Sorry! Sorry! Truly sorry!!”
She then ran off with everyone around still watching.
Macha: “Well…at least she managed to clear out the water. Guess I can’t stay angry at her now.”
The other girls had nervous looks on their faces, Star was scratching the back of her head in such a manner.
Macha: “Now all that needs to be done is to filter the water and this will finally be over with.”
She walked off. Everyone else still stood by.
Ashley: “Wow, she responded to that awfully fast.”
Jewel: “Splash had always been taught to take responsibility for her mistakes.”
Aera: “Too bad everyone else she lived with didn’t take on that mindset.”
The other girls nodded. Liara exchanged concerned looks with Shiala.
Much time later, several members of the Normandy crew gathered with the admirals.
Hackett: “Well, it’s been a real honor being here.”
Garrus: “Yes, it has.”
Ashley: “It’s been a pleasure to have you here with us.”
Femshep: “We appreciate you being here with us. Especially you, former Rear Admiral.”
Mikhailovich: “Indeed, it has. I have learned so much from observing you and the girls. I never would have guessed that there was so much involved in this conflict.”
Liara: “So, I guess you and Mikhailovich will be taking your leave now.”
Hackett: “That is correct. There is still much that I need to finish up but I will meet with all of you again.”
Miranda: “Yes, we’re looking forward to it.”
Mikhailovich: “I have to admit, seeing those girls take on this dark threat has indeed been enlightening. I will be getting started on my report as soon as we leave here. At first, I was going to write a scathing remark about these…Fayelons and their dark nemesis, but I believe that I will be writing out something much more optimistic.”
Tali: “We would love for you to send us a copy of it once you are done.”
Mikhailovich: “Oh, don’t worry, all of you will be the first to see the finished draft.”
Femshep: “We look forward to it.”
Hackett: “I suppose you will be leaving here sometime soon, correct?”
Garrus: “Yes, but there are a few things that we need to take care of here.”
Mordin: “Indeed, lots more cleaning up to do, plus will be collecting the last of the data processed here to look over once we return to the Normandy.”
Hackett: “Understood. I look forward to seeing how far you’ve come to analyzing the data as well as how much more you’re able to discover.”
Mordin: “Yes, as am I.”
They looked up and noticed a shuttle descending towards them.
Hackett: “Well, this is goodbye for now.”
Ashley saluted both admirals as well as Ms. Shepard.
Ashley: “Take care, admirals.”
Mikhailovich did the same with her and the rest of the crew.
Mikhailovich: “You, too, Normandy crew. Continue giving those girls the best treatment they could possibly get.”
Garrus: “Yeah, we will.”
Mikhailovich: “And my regards to your cousin, Commander Shepard.”
Femshep: “Thank you, we have faith he will come to.”
Both admirals boarded the shuttle, it took off and left the planet. Everyone else stayed behind and watched as the shuttle lifted off and flew away. As the crew members and the girls continued with tending to the mess within the colony and the admirals were on their way back to the Alliance, Mikhailovich was thinking deeply about what to put into his report. Eventually, the report came out with the following statements:
When I first met the girls, I thought that they had brought this cataclysm upon our galaxy but after spending some time with them and the Normandy crew, I realized that I was wrong. As it turns out, there is so much more to this than what can be seen from the surface.
I had been told that these girls, the Fayelons, have drifted from one galaxy to another, or realm as they would call them, doing all they can to prevent this monster from doing to these realms what it has done to their own. However, upon entering ours, they were able to ascertain that they could no longer run and because of that, they have to stay. I had been ignorant of this. If I had known this sooner, I wouldn’t have criticized the girls as harshly as I did.
However, there is more to this than just this cataclysm. You see, their ongoing drifting from one realm to another has caused a sense of fatigue in which they cannot continue to run from this menace. But that is not all to their fatigue. As it turns out, the Normandy crew have looked into their conditions and have found that the girls have suffered from multiple cases of neglect and abuse by their mentors and caretakers and because of that, their powers were unable to develop as efficiently as they were supposed to. The Normandy crew have agreed to help these girls with developing their powers like they should have. This is indeed another reason why they have to stay within our galaxy.
The Normandy crew provide more than just assistance and servitude towards the girls and helping with their powers. They provide them with love and friendship; 2 factors that have clearly been neglected from these girls for far too long. From this, they have begun to grow and develop in ways that they should have. A promise made by the good people of the Normandy that they have been happy to fulfill and carry out. The girls and this galaxy couldn’t be in better hands.
Whether or not these girls were the cause of this calamity, it does not matter. It is very clear from my close observation that they need to be here, regardless of such. This was not their intention, they did not want to stay, but after realizing that they could not run anymore, this was the only choice that they had to make. Had I known that sooner, I wouldn’t have blamed them for luring this threat into our galaxy. They never wanted this, they never intended for this, but it is here and it should be clear that leaving is not an option. They are aware that staying would be the entire galaxy at risk, but believe it or not, this is the best decision. Not only that, but I have come to the realization that this isn’t the first time that this galaxy has faced such Darkness. This may also be another reason for this threat to loom over our galaxy. From this, I can fully understand that these girls truly aren’t to blame for this. If anything, they merely sped up the process for this Darkness to threaten us all. Believe it or not, this is the best outcome; at least we have the means to combat this.
It was fate for them to arrive here. I don’t expect everyone to accept this, but I, at the very least, would like for them to understand. I, for one, fully understand that this has to be. I could not think of any better circumstances for this threat, this Darkness to be combatted. I can rest easy knowing that it can and will be dealt with by the best possible care we could ever receive. These girls will save us from this and perhaps they could do so much more for us.
What I’m about to say is not solely one of a professional manner. I cannot lie, this is something that is truly personal for me. After meeting these girls, these Fayelons, and seeing firsthand who they are and what they’ve been through, all that they have suffered through and endured, I will give them my full support. I can only hope that many within the Alliance are willing to do that same.
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