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Magical Girls in Mass Effect


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Episode 40-Stowaway

Within some time, the crew members were still cleaning up the mess at Zhu’s Hope from the aftermath. Several others were standing by, watching as the mess continued to be cleaned up. Garrus was on the sidelines by himself, watching for a bit. He then turned around and walked off to someplace secluded. Mordin took notice of this and looked behind him to see Garrus walk off. He went off after him.

Garrus, within a secluded area of the colony paced a little, pondering to himself. Shortly afterwards, Mordin arrived, having stood near where they entered, standing a good distance from him.

Mordin: “Is there something the matter?”

Garrus looked at him. Neither of them seemed to have any reaction to each other. Garrus turned his head back to his front, looking up. His mood still hasn’t changed.

Mordin: “Mind telling me what’s on your mind?”

Garrus paused a little before saying anything. He had a slight mood change, almost as though he was smiling a little.

Garrus: “She did it...she actually did it...”

Mordin didn’t say anything as Garrus paused, then began to ponder.

Mordin: “Hmm...”

Garrus looked directly at him.

Garrus: “You do know what I’m talking about, right?”

Mordin: “Hm, yes, the technique that Jewel used on the Thorian. Her ability to conjure up a gem and then expand it on the spot. Yes, that technique.”

Garrus turned his head back to his front, looking back up.

Garrus: “She has struggled with that technique for such a long time. I wasn’t sure if she would actually...actually carry it out, but she did...she actually did it...”

Mordin: “No, not quite, she still struggles with it. Had not been able to succeed without the help of her friends.”

Garrus: “I know. It’s not like that wasn’t apparent.”

Mordin: “But she was able to utilize it, not like before. A sign of improvement.”

Garrus: “That is...also true...”

Garrus stared into the sky for a bit before dropping his head down. Mordin continued staring at him for a bit without saying anything. Garrus then looked back at him.

Garrus: "Tell me the truth. The girls...their...powers...do you think they would be able to...master their...more advanced powers? Would Jewel have a chance to carry out that ability of hers without any problems?”

Mordin, having pondered for a bit, then shook his head.

Mordin: “Don’t think so. That technique she did, she said it’s a more advanced form of her Gemma kinetic powers, very difficult to master, but can be done with a lot of hard work and determination. However...due to their...incorrect and strenuous methods of carrying out their powers, to master such techniques...will not be possible. Causes a great deal of strain on their bodies. Such techniques would need an extra amount of focus and physical labor on their part to utilize. This could cause a greater deal of stress on them and damage them all too quickly.”

Garrus let out an exasperated sigh as he looked away and dropped his head.

Garrus: “I was afraid of that.”

Mordin: “Good news, however, their health and accumulation of magical energy in their bodies have improved significantly. All thanks to proper diet and rest. Other changes to their abilities and mystical prowess have also contributed to this.”

Garrus: “Well, at least there’s some good news.”

Mordin: “Yes, if not for this, they would have tired out much quicker and more frequently, so that is definitely a plus. However...all of this...is just...(sniff) temporary improvement on their end. With them exerting their powers like they are, the amount of stress they undergo will be counteracted to a point where their health would be affected badly. Carrying out their more advanced technique may speed this process up. Without the correct procedure to the utilization of their powers, they will never master their more advanced abilities and overtime, even their less effective attacks will wear them down.”

Garrus: “And their mentors are aware of this?”

Mordin: “Would be surprised if they weren’t. They should know the proper way to teach the girls how to carry out their attacks and abilities. This is clearly not the way.”

Garrus clenched his fist.

Garrus: “Unbelievable...!!! How could they do this to them??? Why would they want to deliberately cripple those girls??? What seems to be their problem with them??? All they want to do is help others. Why would anyone want to treat them so badly??”

Mordin: “Uncertain. Many reasons, hard to pinpoint, but no doubt that some amongst their kind are corrupt.”

Garrus: “I don’t deny that one bit.”

Garrus began walking back towards the others, walking past Mordin. As Mordin spoke up, Garrus paused.

Mordin: “If anything...the girls are lucky to have you. You’ve been good to them. Treated them exactly how they should be, how they needed to be. No one could be better for the position of their main caretaker, especially not me. Always believed that you were the best fit for this, Garrus.”

Garrus looked back at him.

Garrus: “Thank you. For what it’s worth, you’re not half-bad yourself, Mordin. I can understand why the girls like you so much. You never do anything to disrespect them in any way. If anything, you really have been helpful. A lot of us would be in the dark without you.”

Mordin: “Thank you. Always strive to try my best. Not for myself, but for them. Always been about them.”

Garrus nodded and continued walking back. Mordin followed after them.

They made their way back to the others. Jane took notice of this.

FemShep: “Oh, there you are. Where were you guys? Is there something the matter?”

Mordin and Garrus exchanged looks with each other then looked back at Jane.

Garrus: “Not really, just discussing a few concerns.”

Mordin nodded.

FemShep: “I see. We can put that aside for the time being.”

Ashley: “We’re just finishing up with the last of the cleaning that needs to be done here and then we’ll be heading out.”

Garrus: “Good, we’ve been here for a while and I’m looking forward to getting where we need to go next.”

Shiala: “It’s been great having you guys here again. It has also been a pleasure to meet the girls.”

Liara: “It has been a pleasure to return here. The girls were very happy to be able to demonstrate their powers to ExoGeni. They really enjoyed it.”

Juliana: “Indeed, they have.”

Lizbeth: “I really enjoyed having them here. I hope you guys can come back. I would love to do this again with you.”

Garrus: “We’ll see.”

Juliana: “Thanks so much for the data that you have provided for us. I hope that what we have given you was plenty.”

Mordin: “Yes, adequate. Will continue looking into the data. Also, have made requests to our next destination of another type of data that needs to be looked into. Much of it is related to...medical procedures...somewhat.”

Juliana: “Well, you do what needs to be done.”

Mordin: “Certainly.”

Kahlee: “We’ll be returning to Grissom Academy. Our research students will have so much to look into. The data we have collected about the Fayelons and their powers will keep them busy for quite some time.”

Ashley: “Yeah, I’m sure that they will.”

Jack: “Heh, I’ll be heading back, too. I have so much that I need to study as well as teach the rest of our students back at the school.”

Miranda: “Keep up the good work. Any extra help will always be appreciated, especially from you.”

Jack: “Watch it, cheerleader.”

Kahlee: “We’ll keep in touch encase we find out about anything else.”

FemShep: “Same here. There’s clearly so much that we’ll need to help each other out with.”

Ashley: “It’s almost time to leave. Once the girls have finished up, we’ll be good to go.”

Shiala: “Thank you and we hope to see you soon.”

FemShep: “Yeah, so do we.”

With the last of the cleaning up having been done within Zhu’s Hope, the Normandy crew boarded their ship with the girls, took off and left Feros.

Juliana: “Best of luck, Fayelons. We’re all going to need it.”

Lizbeth: “Yes, we do.”

Shiala: “May your travels help you through all of your hardships.”

The Normandy, after having departed Feros, made its way out towards the next star system. Some of the crew members, including the girls, were within the lab. Mordin and Star were in their usual places.

Star: “So, where to next?”

Ashley: “Our next destination will be Therum. Another planet within another star system.”

Aera: “Anything special about that place?”

Miranda: “Therum is an industrial human world. It’s thriving quite well.”

Liara: “There is also a huge abundance of prothean ruins. I remember studying those ruins.”

Tali: “Say, isn’t Therum where we first met you, Liara?”

Liara: “That is correct. I still remember it so vividly. When Commander Shepard found me, I was caught in a prothean trap. I needed his help to get me out of it.”

Javik was heard chuckling under his breath.

Javik: “You stupidly fell into one of our traps? You primitives must not be as smart as you claim to be.”

Ashley: “Hey! Cut us some slack! We didn’t know much about your tech, much less if it was still functional.”

Javik was still smiling, but chuckled much less.

Liara: “There is also a lab there that we’ll need to stop at. We just got word that some of the researchers that have been looking into the mystical readings and would like to meet with us.”

Mordin: “Have also reached out to a few of them, been working on another project that would help you girls out. A supplement should enhance your magical productively and should improve any slight damages to your health.”

Garrus: “Wait, you have another way to help the girls?”

Mordin: “Yes, but also another temporary solution. Will not fix the deficiencies with how they exert their powers, but will buy us a little more time for us to figure out a solution to their improper method of utilizing their powers.”

Garrus stood in a stance that indicated that he was a tad bit displeased.

Jewel: “Well then, it looks like we have a plan already.”

FemShep: “Yes, also, there are a few other people who would like to meet you; a few friends of ours are already there.”

Star: “What? Really?”

FemShep: “Yep, I just came in contact with them. I have also heard that the Salarian Special Tasks Group have been stationed there for quite some time.”

Splash: “What? You mean we’ll be able to meet more salarians!?! That sounds exciting!!”

Star: “I highly doubt any of them would be anywhere near the same standards as Mordin. No way any salarian would have anything on Mordin, much like how no turian in the galaxy would ever measure up to Garrus.”

Everyone in the room seemed speechless. Garrus and Mordin exchanged awkward glances with one another. Mordin just shrugged his shoulders.

Tali: “Umm…huh, you really do have such high standards when it comes to people.”

Aera: “Yeah…she tends to be that way.”

Traynor: “She is just adorable when she’s like this!”

Star: “What can I say? I like unique personalities and people who make me happy. Besides, with friends like these, why would I need anyone else?”

Everyone in the room continued their silence. Garrus tried to not look flattered but couldn’t help but show that he seemed pleased by her compliment.

Miranda: “Well...regardless, I don’t think it would hurt to meet these other people. I’m sure they would be quite pleased if you gave them a chance.”

Star: “Well...yeah, OK. I don’t have anything against meeting new people, really, I don’t. I just don’t want anyone to rub me the wrong way.”

Ashley: “We’ll...make sure that they don’t.”

Star: “Good! Now then...”

She then stood up on the table and did a pose of placing her hand on her hip and holding her other hand, pointing out.

Star: “Onward, our next destination awaits!!”

Garrus walked up closer to her and stood beside where she was standing.

Garrus: “Don’t stand on the table like that!!”

Star’s face then changed to an anime expression with which her eyes shrank down to being mere dots, complete with a sweat drop on the side of her head. She then dropped back down to sitting, bent over with gloomy expression of colored lines over her eyes as well as a small, gloomy background behind her a little.

Star: “Sorry....”

Garrus was a little taken aback from the sight of this visible, overly exaggerated emotion.

Garrus: “Uh...no...it’s OK...don’t...worry...about it...really..."

Garrus looked towards the rest of his friends who felt just as awkward about this as he did.

Liara: “So....um...anything else we would like to talk about?”

Ashley: “Hmm...”

Splash: “Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know! Let’s talk about how we can be killed!”

Everyone looked at her as though she just said the craziest thing anyone could ever suggest. Aera, on the other hand, had a miffed look as though she wanted to strangle Splash on the spot.

FemShep: “Wow. That…came out of nowhere.”

Liara: “Umm...don’t you think that’s...a bit too extreme?”

Traynor: “Actually, I have been curious about that for some time. You girls are not as easily killed by any way that us non magical beings could be, if I’m not mistaken.”

Jewel: “If we have enough magical energy to regenerate ourselves from what you would call “fatal injuries”, then yes, it wouldn’t be easy and very rarely do we not.”

Star: “But...there are a few ways in which we could be killed.”

Aera: “However, not any of them could be so easily utilized by any non-magical beings, or at all for that matter.”

Splash: “So, it would be safe for us to totally trust you with any ways for us to get killed, knowing you could never, ever kill us in any way.”

Miranda: “Are you sure about that?”

Splash: “Yep!”

Miranda: “Hmm...”

Traynor: “So...if you don’t mind...perhaps you can tell us?”

The girls stood around, not saying anything. It seems almost as though they were thinking.

Star: “Well...we do know of one way and again, it can only be done by another magical being.”

Flare: “We...are able to reach inside one another, in a way, and extract essence of our magical energy from out of us.”

The crew members seem stunned to hear this.

Garrus: “And...how can this be done...exactly?”

Jewel: “Well...it’s not exactly easy to explain but...to put it one way, we are able to do that by looking deep into another’s eyes, then use our own energy to reach into them and pull out some of their magical energy into ours.”

Star: “It’s actually some sort of exchange of essence. It can arouse a form of ecstasy, or whatever. A bunch of weird intimacy crap that we don’t care about.”

The crew stood around, spellbound at what they have just heard.

Ashley: “So...let me see if I got this right: you’re able to extract some of the magical energy of another Fayelon...by looking into their eyes?”

Flare: “I can understand if this is too complex for many of you to comprehend, but...yes. I have read somewhere that it is believed that the eyes are the window into someone’s soul. It is very much like that.”

Tali: “O.....K?”

FemShep: “It makes sense…I guess…”

Flare: “However, if you were to extract too much of their own magical energy, well...it is proven to be fatal.”

Jewel: “We call it “snuffing the Light from our eyes ”.”

Garrus: “Is it really possible to actually drain someone’s magical energy from their eyes just enough to kill them?”

Star: “Yes, of course! It’s been done many times before! Geez, you non-magical beings are such simple-minded creatures!!”

Everyone exchanged confused and perplexed looks with one another.

Garrus: “Alright, I think we’ve heard enough about this. In fact, don’t ever bring up anything like this again.”

Javik: “Yes, I do not appreciate being called a primitive, especially around…magical beings…”

Aera: “What’s the matter, Javik? Have we taken a few jabs at your extremely long-lived ego?”

Star was heard giggling. Javik scowled and sneered at Aera.

Aera: “Anyway, that should be no problem. Believe me, we would have rather kept this to ourselves.”

Tali: “Perhaps it’s better that you do. It feels almost like way too much information for us.”

Ashley: “Yeah, in more ways than one.”

Mordin: “Still, quite fascinating, to hear that Fayelons can’t be killed as easily as the rest of us. Indeed, brings a whole new perspective to the understanding of how other beings can function. Hmm...”

At that moment, a large bang could be heard. Shortly afterwards, James’ voice can be heard on the speaker.

James: “Uhh....you guys might want to get down here, something just...emerged in the cargo bay.”

Everyone in the room stood by, startled.

Ashley: “Right. Let’s go.”

They all rushed out as fast as they could.

They arrived within the cargo bay, where they met with James, Zaeed, Wrex and Grunt.

Garrus: “Just what the hell is going on...WHOA!!”

They were immediately startled when they saw a massive, grotesque dark creature.

Liara: “What is that!?!”

James: “I’m guessing it’s a “friendly gift” from our vigilante.”

Mordin brought out his Omni-tool and scanned it, then checked the results. He seemed troubled by it. The girls stepped up, walking in front of the crew member.

Jewel: “Let us handle this.”

They stood firm as they stared up at the large monster.

Jewel: “Let’s do it, girls.”

The other girls nodded once.

Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!”

From there, they transformed, ready to fight the monster.

Jewel: “Aera! Give us a lift.”

Aera: “You’ve got it!”

Aera summoned 5 mini-cyclones, each of them rushed into one and were launched high up. Their wings materialized and they flew off towards the monster.

As the girls fought, the crew members stood by to watch.

Ashley: “Can someone tell how this happened?”

James: “I don’t know! I was just minding my own business and then this thing just showed up out of nowhere.”

Zaeed: “I saw it, too. It just materialized from nothing. Don’t know how it got in here or where it came from, all I know is that it had to have been formed by that vigilante.”

Javik: “Hmph! Our necromancing foe has become quite crafty with forging monsters from this Darkness.”

Mordin was on his Omni-tool, he seemed tense by what he was looking into.

FemShep: “That may be the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen.”

Tali: “It must have taken a lot of Dark energy in order to forge this thing.”

Wrex: “Heh! That thing might be able to take down a thresher maw.”

Grunt: “Seems like that vigilante is really pulling the stops this time.”

Garrus: “Hm, I get the feeling that our “friend” had been biding his time to forge this. Hey, doc, were you able to find anything on this monster?”

Mordin: “Hmm...strangest thing. The readings show absolute Dark magic. No traces of the vigilante like the previous encounters with these monsters.”

Everyone was startled when hearing this.

Garrus: “What do you mean?”

Mordin: “Was able to pick up on a distinct magical signature during previous encounters, a signature that the girls confirmed was the vigilante. However, detect no traces of his magical energy, just pure Darkness.”

Ashley: “Wait, so...are you telling me that...this thing...may not at all be involved with him?”

Mordin: “Uncertain. This was not forged by him, but rather, a far greater force.”

Garrus: “So, are you saying that this Darkness may have a mind of its own? Or is there someone else controlling this?”

Mordin: “The Darkness, itself, not so much an entity, but something that may be controlling it. An untapped force that is yet to be identified.”

Ashley: “Hmm...so...the vigilante is not so much in control of this Dark magic. But what could this mean? Could he be willingly working with it?”

Javik: “Perhaps it is not the vigilante who is the one in charge here.”

Garrus: “There’s much that we don’t know about this. The girls say that a male Fayelon could not control a massive amount of magic, much less Darkness.”

Miranda: “We’ve always suspected that there was far more than just their battle against the rogue vigilante.”

FemShep: “But there are still so many unanswered questions.”

Garrus: “I know.”

They looked up to continue watching the battle.

The girls fought fiercely against the monster, using their abilities the best that they could, throwing everything they’ve got at it, figuratively and literally.

Aera: “That is one powerful Dark beast!”

Splash: “What’ll we do!?! Our attacks aren’t working against it!”

Jewel: “Hmm...then we’ll have to combine our abilities. We’ll need to utilize several tactics in order for this to work.”

Flare: “Hmm...it could work. Star and I will need to combine our powers with your gems and that could make it work.”

Star: “Yeah! Let’s go for it!”

Jewel: “Alright, but we’re going to need to pummel that beast with an ongoing barrage to keep it occupied.”

Aera: “Splash and I will handle this. We’ll utilize a combined attack of our own.”

Splash: “Yes! Of course.”

Jewel: “OK, then, let’s do it.”

The girls fly off in different directions. Jewel hovered midair with Flare and Star a good distance from her from both sides. Jewel then conjured up multiple pieces of jewelry. Flare inserted her powers in one set and Star did the same on another set. At that time, Aera and Splash hovered above the beast. They looked at each other, nodded once, then with the use of their powers, combined them together to create a fierce gust of wind containing large bits and pieces of Splash’s ice shards. A direct hit on the monster as it was pummeled by this attack. The crew members watched in amazement as this display of the girls’ convergence was taking place.

Liara: “Incredible.”

Miranda: “Their powers really are quite amazing to watch.”

Tali: “Yeah, they are.”

FemShep: “They also seem to be planning something. Look at what Jewel and some of her friends are doing.”

Liara: “It looks like...another convergence.”

Zaeed: “And the other 2 are diverting attention from that monster.”

Javik: “Hm, they seem to be quite the coordinated bunch.”

Garrus: “That’s what makes them a good team.”

Jewel, Flare and Star had just about finished with their magic fusion.

Jewel: “Alright, that should do it. Let’s finish this.”

The other 2 were still using their powers on the monster.

Jewel: “Aera! Splash!”

They stopped to look up at Jewel. Having already finished with their convergence, Jewel was primed and ready.

Aera: “Hah! Alright! It’s finally time.”

Splash giggled a little.

From there, Jewel launched the set of jewelry infused with Flare’s magic to cause explosives that were incredibly damaging. Aera helped with her wind magic. While the monster was being damaged by the first set, Jewel launched the second set into the beast’s mouth.

Splash: “Let me help!”

Splash sent a huge amount of water into the beast’s mouth. A smile appeared on her face.

Jewel: “That should do it!”

From there, the jewels within the beast began to unleash huge bursts of Light, which was intensified by the water within it, from the burst, the monster was about to burst, with the light rays shooting out it of it and with that, it exploded from the burst of Light magic and disintegrated.

From the explosion, the entire cargo bay was silent. The girls regrouped with each other, pleased with their efforts during the fight and the end result of it. They then descended back to the floor; their wings retracted. The crew members stood by and continued looking out toward them.

Jewel: “Good work, girls. Another nasty surprise has been dealt with.”

Flare: “Hm, yes, that was indeed a close one.”

Star: “Man! These monster attacks just keep getting worse.”

Aera: “Any ideas on what would happen next?”

Jewel: “I don’t know, all I know is that our enemies are getting crafty.”

Splash: “Oh....I don’t like this one bit!”

Jewel: “Hm, neither do I. Well...I suppose that’s enough for now.”

The girls reverted to their dormant forms and walked back towards the crew members.

FemShep: “That was another tough battle, but you girls did it.”

Miranda: “Are you OK?”

Jewel: “We’re fine, we just...”

Flare: “We are concerned about...what went on here.”

Ashley: “Yeah, so are we. It seems that...there’s more going on here than can be seen.”

Mordin: “The monster was...pure Darkness. No traces of the vigilante from it.”

Jewel: “We...figured as much. We don’t understand it ourselves, but...we’ve had our suspicions that he may not be in complete control.”

Garrus: “Yeah, it seems that your vigilante isn’t the only one calling the shots here. It makes sense considering male Fayelons wouldn’t be capable of controlling Dark magic.”

The girls looked worried as their gazes shifted towards the ground.

Jewel: “That may be, but...”

Aera: “We’ll need to take him down if we're to deal with anything else. As long as he’s a threat, he’s our main priority.”

Ashley: “Yes, we know.”

Grunt: “Well...that monster has been dealt with. What now?”

FemShep: “Now, we look into this encounter and what we’ve found out.”

Mordin: “Hm, indeed, so many questions left unanswered, so much that needs to be done. Lots to look into and work on. Many projects, as well.”

Star: “Well then, what are we waiting for!?! Let’s get back to the lab and start working on this already!!”

Garrus: “Hold on there, Star. I think maybe it’s time for us to get something to eat.”

Star: “What? Really? Now?”

Splash: “Is it that time already?”

Liara: “Well, of course. It’s almost time for supper.”

Miranda: “I’ve already had Gardener get started on making the meals for you girls. It should be ready within another few minutes or so.”

Flare: “Oh! Really!?! Um! Well then, I suppose we should grab a bite to eat. I am feeling kind of famished.”

Grunt: “Heh! Who knew that Fayelons could actually feel famished?”

Garrus: “Alright, let’s go.”

They were making their way out of the cargo bay.

Zaeed: “Bout time! I’m already starvin’.”

Wrex: “Let’s hope there’s still plenty left if Flare gets there first.”

Grunt: “Surprised there would be anything left with her huge appetite rivaling that of any krogan.”

The group were just about to leave the cargo bay. Jewel, however, stopped, then turned her head behind her with a serious look on her face.

Jewel: “You will never find her, Romrick. We’ll make sure of that.”

She turned back around and continued on her way out.

Soon enough, Mordin was back in the lab. With him was Star, as usual. Star sat on her usual spot, with her arms crossed and her left leg crossed over her right thigh. She seemed frustrated. Mordin, working on the console, took notice of her and was looking back towards her a few times.

Mordin: “Something the matter, Star?”

Star: “Hmph! I don’t know...I just...hm, something about that...that creature we fought in the cargo bay, something about it just...rubbed me the wrong way.”

Mordin: “Hmm...perhaps...it has something to do with the findings I’ve made about it.”

Star: “What? What do you mean?”

Mordin: “That creature, pure Darkness, no traces of your...vigilante.”

Star: “What? Oh, that. Yeah....we kind of figured as much...”

Mordin: “Hmm...Star...there are...indeed some traces indicating that your...vigilante...is not fully in charge of what has been happening lately.”

Star: “Hmm...you know? My friends and I have noticed that, too, but...we don't know what, or why this is happening. It’s all so strange. We still don’t know how he even got involved in this Dark force. It was like...one day, he was this strong, brave hero and the next, he’s killing so many in the name of justice and then...well...”

Mordin: “The Darkness got involved?”

Star: “Something like that....”

Mordin: “Hmm....an interesting timeline. Would like to discuss this with you girls later.”

Star: “I’m guessing Garrus would also like to hear about this.”

Mordin: “Absolutely, he would be very interested.”

Star: “Hmmm...”

She pondered for a brief moment.

Mordin: “Star...may I ask you one other thing?”

Star: “What is it?”

Mordin: “When you and the girls discussed that one way in which your kind is able to be killed.”

Star: “Oh, you mean snuffing the Light from our eyes?”

Mordin: “Yes, that. That technique. Such can be used to kill other Fayelons, but wouldn’t so much be fatal towards non-magical beings, if not mistaken.”

Star: “I wouldn’t think so. You need to have any magical energy in your body in order to have that happen to you.”

Mordin: “Hm, yes, understood. Would you mind...trying that on me?”

Star: “What? You want me to do that to you?”

Mordin: “Of course, just want to analyze the whole process, get a better understanding of how this is done. Of course, you don’t need to if you don’t want to. Just a thought.”

Star: “Actually...I’m kind of curious about this, too. Also, as much as I am nervous about using this on you, I’m not worried about hurting you in any way. You’ll probably not be affected by this in any way.”

Star then moved up closer to him, kneeling on the table, looking directly into his eyes.

Star: “Sure, I’ll give it a try.”

He stood still as he stared back into hers. From there, her eyes glowed an eerie glow, the same as her eye color, they stared at each other like this for a few minutes, not blinking, remaining still and motionless. Mordin, however, had his Omni-tool out, scanning her while she continued this. Garrus suddenly walked in and noticed this taking place almost immediately.

Within very little time, her eyes stopped glowing.

Star: “There, that should do it. By now, you would have been dead, but thankfully, you didn’t have any magical powers, or even any magical reserves.”

Mordin: “Thank you for that. That was...interesting.”

She smiled while shutting her eyes.

Star: “No problem! I would love to hear about what you were able to find out from that.”

Just then, they heard what sounded like Garrus clearing his throat. They looked over and noticed him right there.

Garrus: “I would hope that this is much less disturbing than it looks.”

Star: “Oh! Garrus! Umm...I...not really. Dr. Solus just asked me if I could try to snuff the Light from his eyes, at least...how we would be able to do it.”

Garrus: “Uhhh...you weren’t trying to kill him, were you?”

Star: “Um, no! It doesn’t work on non-magical beings! Duh!”

Mordin: “Was just analyzing the process. Picked up on some interesting data. Will plan on looking into this, along with many other findings.”

Garrus: “Uh...huh...O...K?”

Star then zipped over to just literally the other side of the table from where she was kneeling to move up closer to Garrus

Star: “So, how about you? Would you like for me to try and snuff the Light from your eyes?”

Garrus: “Um, no, I think I’ll pass.”

Star: “Oh, OK, then. So, what’s up?”

Garrus: “Uh, just want to let you know that dinner’s ready. You might want to get to the mess hall before Flare tries to devour everything...again.”

Star: “Yeah, yeah, I already know that.”

She let herself down from the table, making her way to the door.

Star: “Thanks for letting me know. See you soon.”

She left the room with Garrus watching her. He then looked back at Mordin with a perplexed look on her face. Mordin was still working on the console.

Garrus: “You OK? You don’t look like she...uh...drained your lifeforce or something like that.”

Mordin: “Not at all. Could do very little to try and kill me from that, though do feel a little light-headed, nothing too serious, though.”

Garrus: “Uh-huh. You know, to be honest, between what we’ve found out on Feros and the academy, plus that monster in the cargo bay, and also finding out that Fayelons have this unusual method of killing each other, this really is a lot to take in.”

Mordin: “Not for me. Learned a lot of interesting things. Have a lot to look into, still looking forward to what we’re to find out on Therum. So many research projects. So much left to discover, so much incomplete data to look into.”

Garrus let out an annoyed grunt.

Garrus: “This is all too much for me to deal with at once. I need to clear my head.”

He was just about to walk out.

Mordin: “Would you like for Jane to meet with you later?”

He stopped to look back towards Mordin.

Garrus: “Yeah, I would appreciate that. Someone can let her know that I’ll be in the commander’s quarters waiting for her.”

He walked out of the room.

Mordin: “Not a problem.”

Later afterwards, Garrus was in the commander’s quarters, sitting on the chair that was next to the commander’s bed, with Commander Shepard still lying unconscious on it. Garrus seemed a bit anxious as he sat on the chair, looking around the room a bit before looking directly at the commander. He let out a dejected sigh.

Garrus: “Oh, Shepard. I just wish...you would come out of your coma right now and help guide us through this like you always have. I have to admit, I’m not as good at this as you are. If only...there was some way...I would receive some help...through all of this. I just hope that I’m at least doing something right.”

At that moment, he heard the door open, he looked over to see Jane walking into the door.

FemShep: “Hey there. Having a...nice little chat with my cousin?”

Garrus: “Something like that. Jane, give me your honest opinion. How well do you think I’m handling this? Am I at least...doing something right? I feel like all of this...is just so overwhelming that...there’s something that I’m missing that could make this a lot better.”

She let out a soft chuckle and went over towards him, she placed her hand on the back of his head as she looked towards him.

FemShep: “You’re doing just fine, Garrus. At the moment, I don’t know how you could possibly do any better. There is still so much that we don’t understand, but things are stable. You’ve done wonderfully.”

Garrus: “Are you sure about that? I just sometimes...I just...I want to do more for them. There’s clearly so much that needs to be done for them. Their powers...they...there’s still a lot for them to improve on.”

FemShep: “Yes, that’s true, but what you’ve done, what we’ve done, it has been helping them. We have helped them tremendously. They have even admitted that. Things could have been a lot worse for them if not for us, if not for you. They’re all very happy.”

Garrus: “Well...I suppose...but what we know...what we’ve found out...it’s still not enough. We’re at the very least buying them some time with what we’ve provided for them. Between the diets and making sure that they get plenty of rest, yeah, their conditions have improved.”

FemShep: “And they have admitted that it’s so much more than anyone could have ever provided for them. It’s an improvement and you should be proud of that.”

Garrus: “Yeah, I guess, but...that’s something else about this that bothers me. To find that we’re able to find out things that so many back at their home, their realm would have already known? To find out that so much of it was kept from them, those people, their mentors and caretakers, they were all deliberately trying to cripple them. It’s just...I can’t believe...they would have to travel for who knows how long or how many galaxies or realms they have traveled just to find people who actually do care about them, to find us. It’s...”

FemShep: “It’s infuriating, isn’t it?”

Garrus: “Yes!! I can’t even begin to tell you how frustrated I am for a bunch of teenage girls, magical or otherwise, to be treated so terribly!! To find no one in the universe who actually cares about them, not even their own kind would bother to do that for them!! They’ve been misguided, mishandled, most likely abused!! I don’t like this, Jane. I know that they...if things really are as bad as we believe they are...I get the feeling that they will return here much sooner than they realize.”

FemShep: “You’re scared, you’re worried. I can understand that.”

Garrus: “They’re just children, adolescence. Some monstrous psychopath, maybe under the control or influence of some Dark entity, is committing one atrocity after another and those girls seem to be the only ones that care. They’ve gone out of their way to do what they did in order to protect their homes and their people, and do any of them give a damn about those girls? Are we the only ones who...are willing to do anything for them?”

Jane remained silent and thought for a moment.

FemShep: “I don’t know. There’s still so much that we don’t understand. Maybe their kind can’t do anything and those girls are the only ones who can. Maybe...they’ve been severely underestimated by everyone back at home. But...I feel that...they were very lucky to have found you. To see that you actually care about them. It’s incredible. You are a good person, Garrus. And they could not be happier to have found you.”

Garrus’ mood did not seem to change much, as what he heard made him sulk even more.

Garrus: “I wish they had better luck than to find me. Things really aren’t so good with them if they had to fly so many realms for such a long time to find me, this galaxy, us. Why is it...that we’re genuinely the only ones that actually care about them? They deserve so much better.”

FemShep: “Yeah...that’s true...all of it, but...whatever the reason is, they’re still happy to have met us, to have come here, to have met you. They do speak very highly of you, saying that you’ve been protecting them since they first met you. You’re probably the best thing that’s ever happened to them. For better or for worse, none of that matters to them. It's no use dwelling in the fact that they’ve had spent so long trying to find those who would actually care about them and there’s no doubt that we will find out the truth behind that. But for now, I think you should at least feel grateful that they’re happy to have you.”

Garrus: “Jane...”

FemShep: “There is a reason why most of the crew have chosen you as their main caretaker, because you’ve looked after them like any good parental figure ever could. You may not think that you’re fit for the position, but you have shown that you’re more than qualified for it, you continue to be protective of them, not because they’re magical beings, but you see them…like they’re your daughters.”

Garrus: “Daughters….I guess you’re right about that.”

FemShep: “You really are good at this.”

Garrus: “I still don’t know if I should give myself any credit for any of that.”

FemShep: “You should! Really, you deserve it. Everyone can see that. We all care about them and are doing all we can for them, to pick you as the main caretaker, we all agree it’s the best decision we’ve made and the best that we could have done for them.”

Garrus: “I just want those girls to be happy, to find the kind of lives that they would have wanted, to become what would make them happy. If saving people and being heroes gives them just that, then I want to do what I can to help them get there, but I’ll also worry about them and what they go through, what they’ve been through.”

FemShep: “Yeah, any decent caretaker would. There’s no doubt in my mind that things will continue to be just fine as long as you’re here.”

He looked up at her, he had a bit of a sad look in his eyes.

Garrus: “Jane...”

She looked at him as well, a small smile was on her face. She moved up closer to where she was pretty much sitting right next to him, holding her head close to his, she whispered to him.

FemShep: “You can do this. We all believe in you, especially those girls.”

Garrus remained silent, from there, they had their special moment.

Garrus: “Jane...thank you...”

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Episode 41-Therum

After another long journey through space, the Normandy arrived at the next destination: planet Therum. The girls observed the planet from a window in the observation deck.

Jewel: “So…that’s planet Therum, huh?”
Ashley and Liara approached the girls.
Ashley: “Yes, that’s it. Our next stop.”
Liara: “There are many people who would like to meet you.”
Splash: “And these people…they’re…friendly, right?”
Liara: “For the most part, yes.”
Ashley: “We reached out to them ahead of time. We let them know to treat you with the utmost respect.”
Star: “Sure, unless these people would also prefer to face the wrath of Garrus and his overprotectiveness towards us.”
Aera: “Yeah, I would feel sorry for any of those poor, unfortunate saps if they ever did.”
Garrus: “These girls don’t spare a second to blurt out any more of their snippy remarks.”
Ms. Shepard placed her hand on Garrus’ shoulder.
FemShep: “It means you’re doing your job correctly.”
Mordin: “Indeed.”
Garrus let out an abrupt grunt as he folded his arm.
Garrus: “Teenagers have such funny ways of expressing their appreciation!”
Jane chuckled a little. The girls continued staring out the window for a bit.
Much time later, a shuttle made its way towards the planet. Upon entry, it made its way towards a settlement. It eventually found a dock to land on. There, a few people waited for them. Among them was Kelly Chambers. After the ship landed, the girls stepped out along with several crew members. Kelly smiled upon seeing them.
Kelly: “It’s good to see all of you again.”
FemShep: “Miss Kelly Chambers. You look like you’re doing well for yourself.”
Kelly: “You, too, Jane. How is…your cousin doing?”
FemShep: “Still the same. But we’re still not giving up hope.”
Kelly: “Neither will I. I know he’ll pull through.”
Ashley: “We all do.”
Kelly: “So…these must be…the magical girls that I’ve heard so much about. The…Fayelons, right?”
Liara: “That is correct. This is Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera and Splash.”
Kelly: “It’s nice to meet you.”
Splash: “It’s our pleasure, too!”
Jewel: “What was your name again?”
Kelly: “I’m Kelly. I used to work at the Yeoman of the Normandy back when it was still under ownership of Cerberus. I was also the ship’s unofficial councilor.”
Splash: “Counc-ler? Like those other guys who are in charge of the Citadel?”
Ashley: “Actually, this is a different type of councilor.”
Kasumi: “Unlike the harda**** who are in charge of the Citadel, she’s really nice.”
Kelly: “I have a degree in psychology, so I’m really good at reading people.”
Aera: “Hm, you don’t say?”
Star: “So, what are you doing here, Ms. Chambers?”
Kelly: “I work here as an assistant. I’ve spent some time dabbling in a few fields in this place.”
Flare: “We were told that there is a lab here that we are to look into.”
Kelly: “That’s right. Many of the researchers have been looking into a lot of the data that was given to them regarding this…magical energy, as it’s called.”
Jewel: “Yes, we are aware of that. Have they found anything significant?”
Kelly: “Last I heard, they seemed to have made a breakthrough with the data that Mordin gave them, data regarding the…miraculous survivors.”
Ashley: “You have!?!”
Liara: “We would like to look into this if that’s OK with you.”
Kelly: “Oh, you will, they’re just finishing up with the last of the analysis. In the meantime, there are a few other people who would like to meet you girls.”
Mordin: “Hmm…”
He looked over to see a few salarians standing before them.
Mordin: “Members of the Salarian Special Tasks Group, if I’m not mistaken.”
Kelly: “Oh, not at all. They arrived here just a while back.”
Kasumi: “What is it the STG are doing here again?”
Kelly: “They’ve been working to take care of a few monsters that appeared here a while ago. They looked a lot like those…genetically modified turians during the Reaper War.”
Garrus: “What!?! Are you saying there’s been sightings of Marauders here!?!”
Aera: “Hm, more of those Reaper monsters, huh?”
Jacob: “We’ve already dispatched a few of our good fighters to help out with the fight.”
Thane: “Yes, it seemed as though the Special Tasks Group seem to be handling the situation, but a few extra hands are always appreciated.”
Garrus: “Not to mention that Mordin was more than eager to test out a few new modifications that he’s been working on.”
Mordin was seen with a distinctive smile appearing on his face.
Kelly: “It’s strange, there have been sightings of monsters like these all over the galaxy. We really have no idea what’s been going on.”
Ashley: “We have a feeling it has something to do with that Dark Entity lingering over us.”
Miranda: “As to why this is happening, we don’t know.”
Mordin: “But have confirmed that they’ve been forged from Dark magic.”
Garrus: “Unfortunately, that barely scratches the surface of what has been going on here.”
Kelly: “From what I’ve seen, yeah, I can understand that. There’s still so much to look over. A lot of researchers will be looking into this for a long time.”
Mordin: “It’s progress.”
Star: “He’s right, every little step will always reveal something important.”
Jewel: “We will find all the pieces to this mystery and bring them together.”
Kelly: “Yes, I know we will.”
Flare: “Now then, shall we have a look around the place while we await the results of those analyses?”
Kelly: “Of course, you’re more than welcome to.”
Star: “Absolutely! Now then, if you don’t mind, we would like to meet these….Salarian Special Tasks guys or…whatever they are.”
Kelly: “Umm…sure, but…what’s wrong? Is there any problem?”
Star: “No, I just want to…evaluate these…other salarians for myself.”
Kelly: “Umm…O….K?”
Splash: “We…will have time for this before the researcher people finish with their analysis, right, Miss Chambers?”
Kelly: “Yeah, of course.”
Star: “Great, now let’s just meet with these other salarians and see if they’re good enough.”
Kelly seemed surprised, she then looked up towards the rest of the crew members, she saw Garrus slumped over as he let out a dejected sigh.
Kelly: “Uhhh…what’s going on? What does she mean by that?”
Garrus: “We’ll….we’ll tell you about it later, let’s just…meet with the Salarian Special Tasks Group.”
Kelly: “Umm…OK…right this way, please.”
She walked off while everyone else followed her. Garrus, still annoyed, was still slumped over. Jane grabbed hold of his arm as she continued walking with him.
FemShep: “It’s OK, Garrus. I’ll be with you 100% of the way.”
Garrus seemed touched by this as he allowed her to continue having a gentle hold on him.
After a few short steps, they approach a few members of the STG, one of them being Major Kirrahe.
Kelly: “Girls, these are the members of the Salarian Special Tasks Group.”
Kirrahe: “So, you must be the magical girls that we’ve heard so much about. It’s nice to meet you.”
Jewel: “Yes, we are. I’m Jewel, this is Flare, Star, Aera and Splash. It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”
Aera: “So, who are you, exactly?”
Kirrahe: “I’m major Kirrahe. I’m the leader of this group from the Salarian Special Tasks Group.”
Aera: “Hm, interesting.”
Throughout the exchange, Star had a look on her face that indicated that she seemed unimpressed to meet the group. She walked over to Kirrahe to take a good look at him. He looked at her nervously as she examined him closely. She seemed to move in different directions, looking at different sides of him, almost as though she was able to warp to different side within the blink of an eye, she moved so quickly. All with the same look on her face.
Kirrahe: “Uhhh…is there…something the matter?”
Garrus let out a slight dejected sigh.
Garrus: “If I had to guess…I would say that…she tends to be very picky about people she meets.”
Kirrahe: “I…don’t think I follow.”
They kept going for a bit more. Then she stopped.
Star: “Eh, you’re fine.”
Kirrahe: “Uhh…thank you?”
Star: “Still, he’s nowhere near my standards, especially with being to match up to my besties. But I suppose you’re OK. Now then, shall we get started with evaluating this data? Mordin?”
Mordin: “Hm? Uh, sure…indeed.”
Star: “Great. Let’s go.”
She walked off. Everyone else watched as she walked off.
Kirrahe: “Uhh…that was…odd…”
Aera: “Yeah, she…tends to be like that.”
Kirrahe: “Hm, I wonder what that was all about?”
Splash: “I believe she was also like that with that Primarch guy.”
Kirrahe: “Oh, you mean Primarch Victus? She’s not crazy about him?”
Garrus: “No, not really. It’s…complicated, but to put it one way, you won’t become one of her coping mechanisms.”
Kirrahe: “I’m afraid I still don’t follow.”
Garrus: “She’s a victim of child abuse and her attachment towards those that she’s close with is one of many ways of how she copes with it.”
Kirrahe: “Ah, I see. Abuse can cause some strange effects to one’s mind.”
The other girls were seen sulking. Kelly took notice of this.
Miranda: “That would be putting it lightly. I know of at least one prime example of that.”
Garrus: “Good thing she isn’t here to catch you saying that.”
Miranda: “Heh, I know, to be honest, it’s a real shame. I do enjoy the look on her face whenever she gets like that.”
Aera: “Do you have a death wish, Miranda!?!”
Miranda: “Don’t worry, she would never do anything to me.”
Flare: “Hmm…I think we can all agree that she is not completely at fault for how she is.”
Jewel: “Yeah, that much is true.”
Kelly: “I know, it is a real shame how she was badly treated. I do feel sorry for her, even before Shepard took on the Collector’s Base. It was hard to hear about…all of it…”
Kelly also sulked. Everyone else had the same demeanor.
Kelly: “Now then, shall we get going? I believe the data analysis should be done by now.”
FemShep: “Yes, let’s go.”
Everyone walked off, Kirrahe joined them while the rest of the salarians stood by.
They arrived within a large lab. There, they were guided towards a holographic projector. From there, an image of the Prime Minister appeared before them.
Prime Minister: “Good morning, everyone.”
Everyone: “Good morning, Prime Minister.”
Prime Minister: “I believe introductions would not be necessary, so I’ll just skip to the point.”
Kirrahe: “Yes, Prime Minister, we know who you are.”
The Prime Minister looked annoyed for a brief moment before continuing.
Prime Minister: “Now then, on to the matter at hand. I am certain that you are aware of the research that has been occurring here.”
Ashley: “Yes, ma’am. It has something to do with this…magical energy.”
Prime Minister: “Naturally, yes, but this regards the data collected from the miraculous survivors throughout the entire galaxy. I’m sure you may have guessed what our findings consist of.”
Mordin: “Hmm…if not mistaken, my theory of the involvement of Light magic has been confirmed.”
Prime Minister: “Yes, doctor, that is correct. Although we have yet to scan and collect data of all the miraculous survivors, the ones we have looked into have yielded the same results.”
Mordin: “That would include…myself, right?”
Prime Minister: “You would be correct. There has been no doubt in any of our minds about this but now, we have undeniable proof: all of you have been saved by Light magic.”
Mordin stood quiet, pondering, although he had shown slight indications of emotion. Everyone looked at him in a concerned manner, especially those that stood close to him.
Mordin: “Yes…thought as much…no other possibility. No other way…any of us could have…survived what we did…”
Miranda: “This definitely points to the possibility of someone with that kind of power having saved all of them.”
FemShep: “But this is just a fraction of the mysteries that we have yet to solve.”
Liara: “Hm, indeed. This did very little to solve all unanswered questions.”
Javik: “Yes, that much I am aware of, such as why my people weren’t saved in this manner.”
Garrus: “That’s true. This…wielder of Light magic is more than capable of saving everyone in the galaxy, or perhaps even prevent the Reaper Invasions from ever happening.”
Prime Minister: “I believe the answers to some of those other questions lie within Dark magic, itself.”
Mordin: “Yes, also believe that. Indeed, Dark magic may have played a massive influence in this.”
Kasumi: “But we don’t know how.”
Jacob: “Hmm…any thesis, doctor?”
Mordin: “Hmm…Light magic and Dark magic…caught in an endless conflict that lasted since the beginning of time. No doubt our galaxy fell into the crossfires. Question: what could have happened here that prevented Light magic from undergoing these miracles for so many eons?”
Prime Minister: “As I have said before, the answers, no doubt, lie within the residual dark energy. We have yet to collect enough pieces to even paint a clear picture, but what we have seen so far, it doesn’t look good.”
Jewel: “What could have happened within this realm? What…did they intend to do?”
Flare: “We will do what we can to help you solve all of these puzzling mysteries.”
Prime Minister: “We greatly appreciate that.”
Garrus: “Don’t forget your other priorities, girls.”
Jewel: “Of course, taking HIM down is our main priority. We never forgot that, but…”
Aera: “There is definitely more to this than our conflict with him.”
Splash: “Yes…we have noticed that.”
Star: “There are also the connections between our conflict and your Reaper Invasion, such as how our enemy even knew about those Reapers or how they were able to forge monsters that you guys fought during that Invasion.”
Ashley: “Yes, there is that.”
Splash: “There have been so many realms within the universe that have fallen under the protection of our kind for so many eons and we always knew that there were many others that we have yet to encounter.”
Star: “Yeah, such as this one.”
Miranda: “Well, it is kind of hard to find ours within such a secluded corner of the universe, so that shouldn’t come too much as a surprise.”
Jewel: “Yes, but…”
Flare: “There have been many of us that have also dedicated ourselves to seeking out other realms and providing them with our divine protection against the Darkness.”
Splash: “Ah! Yes! The ones our mentors believed that there would have been no possibility of their existence!”
Liara: “What!?!”
Jacob: “What do you mean by that!?!”
Splash: “Umm…well…it was…vague, but…”
Aera: “When we were younger, our mentors believed that we shouldn’t risk our own lives to search through the darkest corners of space to find realms that might not be out there.”
Splash: “Even if it’s our sole priority to seek out and protect unknown realms from the forces of evil!!”
Aera: “Those of us that choose to be guardians, anyway.”
Liara: “Huh, is that so?”
Thane: “But what did your religion say about seeking out other realms?”
Jewel: “Well…it doesn’t go against anything that we have been taught in our religion, but…our mentors have worried about losing ourselves in Dark Space to search for such realms.”
Miranda: “Have there been…any instances of your kind disappearing in Dark Space looking for other realms?”
Jewel: “Some, yes. There were those who have been dedicated to finding other realms that we have never been aware of that could be out there and…they were never seen again…”
Everyone in the room became shocked, exchanging startled glances with each other.
Jacob: “Being a guardian of the Universe must be a very risky job.”
Jewel: “More or less. It used to be our sole purpose but there have been some of us that don’t want to be guardians, some of us just wanted to live our lives however we please.”
Flare: “Our deity, the Divine Source, although didn’t expect this and didn’t intend for it, eventually accepted that. All life in the Universe should always have a choice to live however they wish and that includes us Fayelons.”
Star: “If some of us wanted to be guardians and protect all life from the forces of evil, then that should also be acceptable. Whatever life we wanted; the Divine Source would always be happy with our decisions.”
Splash: “Absolutely!”
Everyone stood around, they seemed touched.
Kasumi: “That…does sound wonderful.”
Aera: “Too bad not everyone respects those decisions.”
Some, however, didn’t seem so touched. Garrus and Mordin especially, as they seemed suspicious of something.
Garrus: “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
Mordin: “Yes, where there is freedom, there’s also those who wish to exploit it, especially when it comes to others.”
Garrus: “Yeah, I know. I think we’ve already received that impression from what the girls have told us about their kind, such as how they’ve been treated.”
Mordin: “Hm, indeed, as well as having been lied to. What Aera has pointed out was truly valid.”
Garrus nodded once.
FemShep: “Well, regardless, all those answers will come to us in time, we just have to keep digging.”
Garrus: “I agree. I am curious with how bad this really is, also I feel that we should look into this, for the girls’ sake.”
Mordin nodded.
FemShep: “Yeah, I think so, too.”
Prime Minister: “Well then, let’s get to another matter at hand, another matter regarding this…mystical Light energy. But before we move on, is there anything else that any of you would like to add?”
Mordin: “Yes, Prime Minister. Umm…regarding the Dark energy. From our most recent findings, we have found that this energy has the same readings as the residual magical energy that was picked up by Flare.”
Prime Minister: “Ah, yes, of course. I have been made aware of that. Many of those pieces have been found but there is still lots more to look into and seek out. We have yet to paint a clear picture of this, but what we have found out is…most troublesome.”
Flare: “However, unlike the other forms of residual energy, I can not pick up on any visions of the past. Although…I did sense a most…unpleasant aura within the Darkness. It is not overpowering but I still feel an uneasy feeling of dread, almost as though I am able to sense out what a nightmare feels like.”
Mordin: “Hmm…interesting. These sensations felt from the remains of Darkness truly match what we are able to comprehend so far. In the coming time when we are able to collect all the data we can from this, the image and findings will indeed be…grim, but such that needs to be seen regardless of how they may look or…feel, for a lack of a better term.”
Prime Minister: “Agreed. Obviously, all of these are related, but how they fit together with the Fayelons’ current conflict, aside from the obvious, is something that we have yet to find out. Well, with that out of the way, you might have noticed something unusual about these…Light magic readings from the miraculous survivors.”
Mordin: “Hmm…now that you’ve mentioned it…did notice that. Many of them have formed some unique patterns.”
Garrus: “Patterns? What do you mean by that?”
Mordin: “The Light energy from these readings indicate unique characteristics. Some have been heavily radiated from fatal injuries. No doubt indications that said energy was focused on those injuries in order to heal them.”
Thane: “Ah, yes, of course, you did mention something about noticing that from my injuries.”
Mordin: “Yes, many miraculous survivors contained those readings, however, a most…unusual characteristic from these residual traces were also identified.”
Tali: “What do you mean by that, professor?”
Mordin: “Better for me to demonstrate.”
Mordin walked off towards another part of the room. He approached a medical bed nearby and lied down on it.
Ashley: “Umm…what are you doing?”
Mordin: “One such characteristic I’ve noticed. Would need to recreate the condition of this. Flare, would like for you to help out with the use of your special abilities.”
Flare: “Um, OK.”
Flare used her sensing powers on Mordin as he lay down on the bed.
Garrus: “Is this…really necessary? I understand if you feel the need to be thorough about your findings, but…are you sure about this?”
Mordin: “Willing to do anything I can to help out with this. The girls give so much of their own resources to help us out with what we need, only fair that I must give so much of myself however I can.”
Garrus: “You’re a good man, doctor. That much I always believed.”
From there, she finished and stood by, pondering for a brief moment.
Aera: “So…what was it you were able to sense?”
Flare: “I can sense…a strong and vivid, residual trace of Light magic, all around him.”
Liara: “Do you know what this could have been?”
Flare: “No, I don’t, but…from what I am able to sense out, it was almost as though…he was encased in an aura of pure Light magic.”
Garrus: “Well, that’s not a lot to go by.”
Mordin: “Maybe not, but…hundreds of readings have picked up on the same characteristics. Found out recently that I, myself, was among them. Don’t know how I was able to survive the collapse of that tower, but feel as though it had something to do with this.”
FemShep: “It still doesn’t clarify much, but it seems to lead on to something.”
Mordin: “My thoughts exactly, Jane. Star, if you wouldn’t mind, would like a scan of this residual energy that continues to surround me.”
Star: “Be right there, doctor.”
She brought out her Omni-tool and used it to scan Mordin. From there, she checked the results. Flare stood closer beside her to observe the results with her.
Star: “So, what do you think? Is this what you were able to sense?”
Flare spent a few moments looking at the data without saying anything.
Flare: “Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve sensed out! It’s just like how I imagined it would look!”
Jewel: “Professor, you’ve mentioned something about receiving readings of others having the same types of residual traces.”
Mordin: “Yes, have collected data from many of the miraculous survivors from hospitals and medical clinics all over the galaxy. All of them have precise similarities to this.”
Mordin stood back up.
Splash: “But what about others that didn’t have these types of readings, Dr. Solus?”
Mordin: “Hmm…others contain vivid readings of this type of energy focused on specific parts of their bodies. All parts consisting of where fatal injuries were located.”
Aera: “Obviously, that can’t be a coincidence.”
Mordin shook his head.
Mordin: “No, they align with each other far too well to merely be just that. No doubt, something or someone focused that energy on these survivors as well as their injuries.”
Liara: “And what of the readings that indicate those that imply the surrounding residual aura, much like yours?”
Mordin: “No clue, best guess would be…protection.”
Miranda: “Hmm…from what we were to tell, that would make plausible sense.”
Ashley: “But how exactly did this energy protect them in any way?”
Mordin: “Not enough evidence to confirm that. But no doubt in my mind…”
He thought back to when he nearly died in the tower that dispensed the genophage cure prior to its collapse.
Mordin: “No other way I could have survived. Probability…impossible.”
Liara: “You obviously knew that.”
Mordin: “Yes…something…or someone…did save me…”
He walked over to the center of the room with a massive hologram projector in the middle of the room. Everyone in the room seemed concerned about him, as were the girls.
Prime Minister: “Of course, I will contact Admiral Hackett and let fill him in on anything else that you manage to find out. Until then, I will be signing off.”
The Prime Minister’s transmission was shut off. Liara stood by, still seeming concerned until she was startled by something for some reason.
Liara: “Hold on a moment.”
Liara walked up to Mordin.
Liara: “Professor, I just remembered something.”
Mordin: “Yes?”
Liara: “Umm…it was…it’s about…what Flare…what she said…when we were still on Tuchanka. When she…she was sensing out those…residual traces and saw images of the past…”
Mordin: “Hm? Oh, yes, that. Was also thinking about that myself.”
Flare walked up beside her.
Liara: “She mentioned something about…”seeing” a figure embracing you from behind.”
Mordin: “Hmm…”
Liara: “I believe…it must have been…an entity, probably forged from pure Light energy. But…what was it exactly…?”
Flare: “Hmm…I do remember seeing something like that. But…I can’t see its face. Although, something about it…does feel familiar…I wonder why…”
Mordin: “Feels…familiar…hmm…also believe this…to be true. However, not the only thing…that I feel…”
Liara: “What do you mean?”
Mordin: “From behind, I could feel it, but I also felt…other things…emotions… could feel…sadness…pain…but also…Love…”
Liara: “Huh…is that so…”
Kasumi: “Well…that’s…odd…”
Ashley: “Any ideas as to why?”
Mordin: “Not certain, but believed to be…from the entity…”
Tali: “But…why? Where did all of those feelings come from and for what reason?”
Mordin: “Hmmm…”
Flare looked up at him, she seemed concerned. Jewel also seemed concerned for him. Both girls exchanged the same glances with one another.
Mordin: “Such will eventually reveal themselves with time. For now, will need to look into other matters. Have found out another mystery that needs to be looked into.”
Thane: “Ah, yes, which brings up the reason why I’m here.”
Mordin: “Yes, shall we get started?”
Thane: “Of course.”
Both of them made their way back towards the medical bed. Everyone else stood around. Garrus just walked off, Jane took notice of this and followed after him. At that moment, Ashley signaled for Kirrahe and he walked off with her across the large room.
Ashley: “How’s the assault going?”
Kirrahe: “So far, my team seems to be handling it just fine.”
Ashley: “I see, they’re…holding the line, just like you’ve said during your speeches.”
Kirrahe: “Is that a jest you just made, Lt. Commander?”
Ashley let out a small chuckle.
Ashley: “Maybe, but…that’s beside the point.”
Kirrahe: “Well, joking aside, things seem to be going smoothly. The modifications to our Omni-tools that were brought to us by Professor Solus have helped out tremendously.”
Ashley: “Well, that’s good to hear. But I do remember you and the doctor talking about using other modifications against those dark monsters.”
Kirrahe: “Yes, he did, he seemed to have been working on some mods for weapons that could make them more susceptible to those creatures.”
Ashley: “Yes, I remember hearing from Star that he was talking about something like that.”
Kirrahe: “He offered them to us as a means of testing out these modifications.”
Ashley: “Hm, that does sound like him alright.”
Kirrahe: “Well, with these improvements that will help fight against these dark creatures, how could we pass up the opportunity? Naturally, we are more cautious when out on enemy lines.”
Liara had been looking towards them as they were talking.
Ashley: “Yes, he has been working tirelessly researching this magic energy and finding all kinds of ways for all of us to combat this dark threat.”
Kirrahe: “I’m betting Garrus would really love to get his hands on those modifications.”
Ashley: “Yes, he would, although I would be surprised if he hadn’t heard about this yet considering how much those have been conversing with each other lately.”
Kirrahe: “They’ve been conversing? Like, a lot more?”
Ashley: “Heh, yeah, they have, it’s…funny, actually, but there is a good reason why.”
Kirrahe: “Is it because of the girls?”
Ashley: “That actually is why.”
Kirrahe: “Hm, they must have a shared interest in them.”
Ashley: “Well…It’s…something like that.”
At that time, Garrus was standing outside on a balcony looking out on everything. Jane later walked up to him and stood beside him.
FemShep: “Taking in the view, I see.”
Garrus: “Hm.”
FemShep: “You know, there really isn’t much to see here.”
Garrus: “That’s fine. I just…”
He let out a soft sigh.
FemShep: “Just need to clear your head?”
Garrus dropped his head a little.
Garrus: “There’s just…a lot to think about. The girls, all this magical energy, the miraculous survivors. It’s all so overwhelming. I don’t think that I…that any of us…could possibly ever…”
She moved a little close to him, resting herself on his shoulder while she wrapped her arms around his bicep.
FemShep: “I know, it is hard for all of us to process, but we’re doing all we can. We just need to take this a step at a time, that’s all.”
Garrus: “I know, it will take a long time before we understand everything about this.”
FemShep: “It seems to me like there’s something else on your mind.”
Garrus: “I…no, I don’t feel like talking about it…”
Jane nuzzled his shoulder a bit.
FemShep: “It’s OK. You can tell me anything.”
Garrus: “Well…it’s just…”
He lifted his head towards the sky and stared out at it.
Garrus: “Many things about this have been bothering me. One of them, as I’m sure it also bothers everyone else, is the account of these miraculous survivors.”
FemShep: “Yes, it has been bothering everyone.”
Garrus dropped his head again.
Garrus: “So much about this…it’s…hard to wrap my mind around it. I mean, I’m glad to see so many of our friends who we thought were dead are still here, but…”
He paused.
FemShep: “I understand…there really is so much about this that…well, there are so many mixed emotions about it all.”
Garrus nodded.
Garrus: “Relief, pain, sadness, confusion, really hard to know what to think about it. It is such a good feeling to see so many that we thought were dead…well, they would have died under normal circumstances. I’m so confused and anxious about it, but…I also can’t help but to feel so overjoyed that they have survived because of this.”
FemShep: “Hm, yeah, all of this happening just after the Reapers were eradicated. There’s no doubt in our minds that magic was what…”
Garrus: “Yes, magic did save all of those people, there’s just no other explanation to it. But still, why did it happen?”
FemShep: “Why, indeed. Also, Javik did bring out a very interesting point to all of this.”
Garrus: “Yeah, this magic…it’s more than capable of causing this blessed miracle. It could even…no…could it…?”
FemShep: “What are you thinking?”
Garrus: “Well, there’s much we still don’t know about it. I…might have been able to…stop the Reapers, even before the first of their invasions.”
FemShep: “And yet, it didn’t, not to mention why only now did the miraculous survivals start to happen now.”
Garrus: “Exactly. Something did happen here, in our galaxy. Dark magic…might have something to do with this, but…what exactly?”
FemShep: “Well…many researchers are doing all they can to find the answers. And it’s apparent that our own scientist is also working around the clock to try and find those answers.”
Garrus: “Ah, yes, that crazy salarian. I have to admit, I really didn’t think much about him, but…all of a sudden, I’ve been developing a fondness for him. I don’t know, maybe…it’s because…he’s the only one we can depend on to find the answers to these mysteries. Or maybe…”
Jane just stared at him as he paused.
FemShep: “I’ve noticed that you both have a shared interest in those girls, as well as their best interests and both of you want to do all you can for them.”
Garrus: “It’s hard to believe, but…yeah, we have talked a lot about those girls. He doesn’t seem like he’s looking into them for the same reasons that he would probe us or commit to other crazy experiments.”
FemShep: “It’s not every day that he has taken a personal interest in anyone. But those girls…”
Garrus: “Yeah…he has developed a relationship. It really isn’t hard to understand why they like him so much. It’s almost as though…he understands them, Star has mentioned that her own personal demons, her past torments and horrible childhood have been the reasons why she’s been so close to him.”
FemShep: “Those 2 did look like they’ve developed a genuine bond.”
Garrus: “Can’t really blame her…with what she has been through, it’s no wonder why Mordin became like a coping mechanism for her…”
FemShep: “It looks like you’ve also become one for her.”
Garrus: “I know…those girls…they…they enjoy being around us, that includes Mordin. Jane, I get the feeling…when they return…they won’t stay. I know it.”
FemShep: “Yes, I also know this, we all do. They may not see that. But I believe you are right, that we will see them again much sooner than even they would ever anticipate.”
Garrus: “I wouldn’t be surprised. They love it here. They…love being with us…”
She nuzzled him again.
FemShep: “I know that I love being with you, too. Who can blame them? I know how they feel.”
Garrus stood by, a little startled by her affectionate demeanor. They spent some time together as they simply enjoyed each other’s company.
Garrus: “Jane…”
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Episode 42-Progressing

Back in the lab, Mordin was still accessing Thane, who was lying down on a medical bed. He seemed to have a serious and tense look on his face as he continued evaluating the scans.

Thane: “So…how does it look, doctor?”
Mordin: “Hmm…unusual readings from these scans. Clearly have confirmed potent traces of this Light energy on your fatal wound, a clear indication that the energy has been focused on said wound to heal them. Nothing like this has ever happened before.”
Kelly: “Many researchers from all over the galaxy have received readings like this. Many of these miraculous survivors have shown signs of having fatal injuries, all of them consists of readings containing residual traces of this Light energy having been focused on them.”
Liara: “From previous analyzations and reviews, all of this is a clear indication of something or someone utilizing this energy to heal all of these people. Without this, they all would have died from their injuries.”
Mordin: “Yes, all of this is best known to us as a “miracle”, however, there is evidence to suggest that such a thing could have been possible and could have occurred many times before, however…”
Kelly: “They never did.”
Mordin: “No, and as such, we are experiencing this for the first time.”
Kelly: “But why? Why is this happening just now? And did it take so long for this to actually happen?”
Mordin: “No clue, but suspect that the answers lie within the residual traces of Dark energy.”
Tali: “It makes sense considering all of those stories about Darkness and Light.”
Kasumi: “There’s no doubt the Darkness did something to our galaxy.”
Ashley: “Any ideas on what that could be yet?”
Mordin: “No clue, but clear indications that Dark magic has been spread throughout the entire galaxy. As to what it did to interfere with the Light undergoing these “miracles” that it could not do before, not enough data to find that out. Not yet, but won’t stop until we find those answers.”
Jacob: “And no doubt what we were able to find out does not paint a pleasant picture, in spite of it still being so vague.”
Mordin: “Yes. We cannot stress that enough. But more mysteries still remain.”
Kelly: “What do you mean?”
Miranda: “You must be talking about his Kepral’s Syndrome.”
Mordin: “Yes, apparent the disease should have killed him by now, although a regiment would help him last much longer, but not the point.”
Aera: “Are you talking about…his disease somehow reverting to its earlier stages?”
Mordin: “Yes, a strange and inexplicable phenomenon.”
Javik: “I would assume that you believe magic had something to do with this.”
Aera: “Hey, watch your tone, prothean. Anything is possible, we’ve seen it first-hand.”
Mordin: “Hmm, surprisingly, he’s right.”
Ashley: “What?”
Mordin: “Detect small readings similar to Light magic within his system, most of them nowhere near his fatal injuries.”
Thane: “Is that true? Could this magic have somehow reduced my illness?”
Mordin: “Scans indicate the only logical possibility. No other way for this to occur, would be impossible.”
Ashley: “So, this magic can reverse sickness.”
Mordin: “Light magic is undoubtedly an incredibly powerful magical energy, could commit to miracles beyond our comprehension, including mine.”
Liara: “And yet, these miracles never happened.”
Mordin closed eyes and shook his head before opening his eyes again.
Mordin: “No, although Light magic is an incredibly powerful form of magic, have some understanding that Darkness also tried to surpass that.”
Miranda: “Yes, it would explain why these never happened before.”
Ashley: “And yet, we still don’t know what it did.”
Mordin shook his head again.
Mordin: “No, still need more data. Plus, still working on that other project.”
Liara: “Right, the one we talked about when we were back on Feros. That special project of creating images from the residual traces of magic.”
Mordin: “Yes, that, may be able to form an image of what has occurred here as a means to find answers to these mysteries we so desperately wanted.”
Kasumi: “I look forward to seeing that when the project has been completed.”
Thane: “As do I, Miss Goto, as do I.”
Mordin: “Now then, on to another matter.”
He walked off to another part of the room.
Liara: “What do you mean?”
Mordin: “Have another project in mind. Been reaching out to other medical professions and nutritionists about what can be done to help out the girls and their magical deficiency.”
Liara stood by, confused. Thane stood right up.
Thane: “Well then, I think perhaps we should check up on how the others are doing with the fight just outside.”
Ashley: “Yeah, I was worried about that, myself.”
Both of them walked off while Liara stood by and watched them.
Much time later, Garrus and Jane walked back into the room.
Liara: “Oh, you’re back.”
Garrus: “Hey, how are things going so far?”
Liara: “This are…just fine. Mordin had just evaluated Thane. He did look into the fatal injury to analyze the residual magical energy.”
Miranda: “It’s no different from the other readings we’ve received.”
Garrus: “I would suspect as much.”
Liara: “But there is more. He was also looking into his Kepral’s Syndrome and found that this energy indeed had something to do with reverting the disease to its earlier stages.”
Garrus: “Is that…so? I suspected as much and yet somehow…I’m surprised.”
Liara: “Perhaps it’s because this is something that is very surprising and unexpected.”
FemShep: “Nothing like this has ever happened before.”
Garrus: “Yes, but…how did this happen?”
Liara: “We don’t know, not yet. We don’t know how this magical energy could have possibly reverted this disease or how it could even be done.”
FemShep: “We’ll figure it out, if there’s anyone who can find those answers, It’s Mordin.”
Flare was seen looking back at them as was Jewel. At that time, Kirrahe was seen approaching the girls.
Kirrahe: “Hello, girls. There are some things that I would like to discuss with you.”
Jewel: “Um, OK, sure.”
Kirrahe looked towards Garrus.
Kirrahe: “Garrus, I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to speak with the girls.”
Garrus: “That’s fine, but don’t do anything else without consoling me.”
Kirrahe: “Absolutely. Now then, if you would come with me.”
Kirrahe left with the girls. Thane walked in with Ashley.
Ashley: “What is…Major Kirrahe doing with the girls?”
FemShep: “He said he wants to discuss a few things with them.”
Ashley: “Um, OK.”
Thane: “If it’s not a problem, we would also like to join in on the conversation with them.”
FemShep: “Go right ahead, they’re not going anywhere.”
Thane nodded once then walked off with Ashley towards Kirrahe and the girls.
Shortly afterwards, Mordin walked in. He was looking into a data-pad. He looked up and seemed startled by something.
Mordin: “Ah! Garrus, just who was I was hoping to see.”
He walked up to Garrus and pulled him aside.
Mordin: “Come, been wanting to show you something.”
Garrus: “Umm, OK?”
They both walked towards another part of the room, up to another console. Mordin went on his Omni-tool.
Mordin: “Just finished up on another special project. Came in contact with several other experts in the medical field, doctors, medical researchers, nutritionists. Been looking into much of the data regarding Fayelon physiology.”
Garrus: “Um, great. So, you guys managed to come up with something to help the girls out…and judging by you mentioning that you reached out to a nutritionist, what exactly did you come up with? A much more thorough diet regiment for them?”
Mordin: “No, no need for any more additional meals and such. Actually, we discussed a few things, brainstorming, researching, the works. Eventually came up with some extra additives to their diets.”
Garrus: “Extra additives?”
Mordin: “Yes, supplements.”
After Mordin got done fiddling with his Omni-tool, a container appeared before them from within the nearby console. They just stared at it for a bit. Garrus didn’t know what to make of it, but then Mordin grabbed the container, twisted open and tilted it over his hand. From there, a few round colorful morsels poured on to his hand. There were 5 that fell into his hand: one was a light green, another a bright orange, another a pale yellow, another a bright lavender and the last being a slight saturated aqua blue. Garrus looked at them for a bit, he didn’t seem impressed.
Garrus: “Candy? You made candy for the girls?”
Mordin: “No, not candy. Although may look like such. They’re dietary supplements made specifically to help with enhancing the amount of pure energy produced from regular diets. Said production of pure energy can also help with some repairs to their physiology caused by their incorrect assertion of utilizing their powers.”
Garrus: “Huh, is that so?”
Mordin: “Although, not taken aback by the misunderstanding of mistaking these supplements for candy. Not uncommon for dietary supplements to look like candy or even taste like them for that matter.”
Garrus: “OK. Hmm…I take it each color caters to one of the different girls, correct?”
Mordin: “Yes, each one satiates each of the girls’ different tastes, color-coded as such so it is easy to identify which one each of them should take. Had many of my colleagues look into the research I have done on the girls, comparing notes, reached out to multiple experts, one of them even reached out to a well-known candy company. Convinced them that it was also essential to my research. Not a total lie.”
Garrus: “I see…”
Mordin: “Will need to have the girls take one with each meal. Should help a little with stabilizing the balance of magical energy within their bodies, for now.”
Garrus: “Another temporary solution? I get it.”
Mordin placed the morsels back into the container and sealed it shut.
Mordin: “So, what do you think?”
Garrus: “Hm, it sounds to me like you and a lot of other people really put so much effort into this. This might help them out a little more.”
Mordin: “Glad you approved. You’re always the first I wish to seek approval from since you’re the one chosen to be their main caretaker.”
Garrus: “Yeah, not like I had a choice in the matter. All of you were pretty much adamant about it.”
Mordin: “Of course, you were the only one who was the perfect fit for the position. No one else would have been a better fit, not even Shepard.”
Garrus seemed startled.
Garrus: “What? Are you saying that even Shepard couldn’t fill the position any better?”
Mordin shook his head.
Mordin: “No, not really. Shepard is a leader, no doubt about that, but never thought of him as a father figure, you’ve shown to be so much better at it. Always knew that from the very beginning. Heard how you have been towards them, always looking after them, protecting them, even go so far as to threaten anyone who would dare to inflict harm towards them; exactly what they need.”
Garrus seemed speechless, he couldn’t think of what to say next.
Garrus: “I…I need to think about this.”
He walked out of the room; Jane followed after him. Jewel looked back towards this; she seemed a little concerned.
Back on the balcony, Garrus just stood out at everything again. He seemed to have a bit of a startled look on his face. Jane eventually stopped by and approached him. She placed her arms around his neck area and gently held him tight.
FemShep: “You OK? You seem to be coming out here a little more often than usual.”
Garrus: “Mordin…actually believes…that I make a better father figure than Shepard. Even your cousin is nowhere near as good as a fit for this as I am. I just…can’t…believe it…”
She moved up closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
FemShep: “He’s right. You are a better fit for this position than my cousin. You have really shown how much you care about those girls. I wouldn’t think that John would have shown the same kind of compassion that you have.”
Garrus: “I…I guess, but still…better than even your cousin? I’ve never been better at anything than him, so this came as a shock to me.”
FemShep: “No, that’s not true, not at all. There are plenty of things that you can do better than him, even he has admitted that to me a few times.”
Garrus: “Oh, really, like what?”
FemShep: “Well, you understand how the system at the Citadel works better than he does. He has said that he could never get through so much there without your knowhow as well as your experiences from C-Sec. Also, you have been a fast learner when it came to the systems and different gang members of Omega. So much of what he knows came from you. You think that my cousin has become the legend that he is by himself? All of you have clearly downplayed your roles in that. He was never ashamed to admit it. All of you are his friends, each of you bring something that makes him special. Each of you have become a part of him and he couldn’t have been prouder of that.”
Garrus: “Huh, I always thought…we were special because…he chose us.”
Jane shook her head as she pulled herself away from him.
FemShep: “No, that couldn’t be further from the truth. None of you are special because of him, each of you have become part of his team because of what each of you are able to bring. It couldn’t have been any other way. Yes, he is a born leader and yes, he does have that ability to bring people everyone together to fight by his side, but he’s not the only reason why this crew is special. Not anyone could be part of this.”
She leaned closer to the side of his head and whispered to him.
Femshep: “I know that if my cousin was awake right now, even he would say that you are a better fit to be those girls’ care taker then he would ever be. You’ve got this, Garrus. We all trust you with this. My cousin would believe so, too. And so do I.”
Garrus stood by for a bit, processing everything that she had told him. It only took him a brief moment, but he was able to collect himself.
Garrus: “Thank you, Jane. I didn’t think…that I would be in the best position for anything above your cousin, but…yeah, what you’ve told me…it all makes sense. I guess…I didn’t realize…that we would be so much more than just people who fought alongside Commander Shepard, but rather why we fought by his side.”
She pulled away from him again.
FemShep: “Exactly. We all know this.”
She walked back inside. Garrus stayed for a bit to look out towards the balcony.
A little afterwards, both Garrus and Jane returned to the lab. There, the girls were standing with Kirrahe, Ashley and a few others.
Kirrahe: “Ah, there you both are. We were just finishing up with discussing a few things with the girls.”
FemShep: “Um, OK, what did you guys talk about with them?”
Star: “We were discussing with Major Kirrahe about demonstrating our powers, but…”
Aera: “There’s something else that’s been going and he wanted to talk about it with us first.”
Garrus: “What? Why did you include me in this?”
Aera: “Aaaand there he goes again.”
Kirrahe: “Wow, he really is adamant with looking over you.”
Star: “Told you.”
Splash: “We were thinking about asking you, but you were busy with Dr. Solus discussing something. We were worried that you got into another disagreement.”
Garrus: “Um, no, it’s nothing like that, not this time. It’s just…he told me something that I didn’t expect to hear from him…or anyone for that matter. I just needed time to contemplate it, that’s all.”
FemShep: “So, what exactly has been going on?”
Jewel: “Apparently, the Salarians Special Tasks Group regarding the marauders outside. They were asking if we would be OK to help out.”
Flare: “We mentioned that we were more than willing to help out.”
Aera: “But we also mentioned that we need to run it by you first.”
Garrus: “Damn right you should! But…if you girls are dead-set with helping out, then I can’t stop you.”
Aera: “Yeah, you’ve got that right. This is why we’re staying here after all.”
Garrus had an irritated look on his face as he glanced over towards her.
Star: “So, where is this battle taking place? I am so eager to get out there and blast some monsters!!”
Kirrahe: “I’ve already received a report on one of our battlegrounds where my men are struggling a bit. Your intervention will help out with turning the fight back into our favor.”
Aera: “Javik already left a while ago. He said something about at least being a tremendous help before our arrival. I swear, that prothean. 50,000 years clearly did very little to curb his ego.”
Star: “Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get out there already!! Hey, Dr.!! Are you coming out with us!?!”|
Mordin: “Of course, wouldn’t miss this for anything.”
Ashley: “Let’s be careful out there, there’s no telling what could happen.”
Miranda: “We’ll join you to help out however we can.”
Star: “Great! Let’s go!”
They made their way out of the lab.
Much time later, they arrived at a large field at an unknown location on the planet. There, they met up with several other salarians as well as the rest of the crew were sent out to help them. They were fighting off against monsters known as Marauders.
Salarian: “Oh, good, you’re here.”
Star: “Don’t worry, we’ve come to help.”
James: “Heh, I would say we have everything under control, but something tells me that may not be the case sometime sooner or later.”
Jewel: “With dark creatures, that’s usually the case.”
Javik: “Hmph! Let’s hope you’re able to manage against these monsters better than we could.”
Wrex: “Heh, they’re hardly anything like the ones that we fought during the Reaper Invasion, they’re a lot tougher, more durable and probably a lot smarter than them, too.”
Aera: “You would know that better than us.”
Zaeed: “Well, have at it, girls. Show these salarians what you can do.”
Star: “You’ve got it!”
Jewel: “Alright, let’s do this.”
The other girls nodded once. They stood beside each other, readying themselves.
Kasumi: "Here it comes.”
Tali: “This is my favorite part.”
Everyone stood by, waiting in anticipation. From there, the girls were ready to start.
Jewel, Flare, Star, Aera, Splash: “Metamorphose!”
They transformed with everyone standing by, watching. The girls completed their transformation. Kelly, Kirrahe and the salarians stared in awe.
Kirrahe: “Incredible.”
Ashley: “Major, what you just witnessed is something known as a magical girl transformation.”
Kirrahe: “I…that was truly spectacle.”
Kelly: “Wow! A real live magical girl transformation! I never thought I would actually see one.”
Jewel: “There’s no time to waste. Let’s go.”
The girls rushed off into the battlefield.
As they were able to make their way out further, they stopped and stood by one another.
Jewel: “Let’s go, split up and take on different factions.”
The girls rushed off in different directions.
Flare started off with her faction. A few salarians were nearby. She brought up a fire wall to separate them from the Marauders. She stood in front of them and the wall.
Flare: “Leave this to me. Take my word for it, you do not want to stand near this.”
She commenced her fight. She went off blasting her flames at the monsters. Powerful blasts of explosive flames came in direct contact with the monsters, harming them immensely. The crew members stood by as they watched. A few others rushed towards the salarians to pull them to safety. Flare went from blasting them with her fire powers to igniting them. The crew members seemed startled.
Kirahhe: “Whoa, she is fierce with her fire powers.”
Samara: “The pyromancers are known for their fierce attacks. Flare is usually cautious and composed, but when she needs to, she will unleash the full force of her powers.”
Kirahhe: “Indeed, that is needed for this time.”
At one point during the fight, she would unleash small bits of her flares, inserting them into the Marauders, then with a simple gesture, they would burst into flames in a devastating and frightening manner. Everyone who watched this became startled and terrified.
Kasumi: “My goodness! It is apparent that pyromancers have such devastating powers, but wow! When you see it beforehand, it’s almost easy to forget how terrifying they could actually be.”
Garrus: “Flare’s not one to be merciless. But in this case, there is no need for any self-restraint, as Samara has mentioned.”
Kasumi: “Yes, I already knew that. But still, it surprising!”
Around that time, Aera was fighting off her faction. With the use of her wind powers, she could easily dodge any attempts of the Marauders striking a blow on her. She would sometimes blast her gusts at them, sometimes, with a swish of her arms, she would unleash devastating lacerations on them. At one point, another tried to attack her, but dodged with ease as she spun herself around, then struck it from behind with a simple chop along with some gust. She looked over to her side. She would also blast lethal cyclones at other enemies, slicing them to bits. She looked at her side at one point, she looked to her side, then conjured up a small cyclone and jumped into it. One Marauder charged at her but missed. She leaped up at an incredibly high altitude. She then, at great speed, dropped back down, holding out her foot then drop-kicked the monster. With the use of her wind powers, she jumped back up, and flipped off of it, then landed on the ground with one knee down, one hand on the ground, doing an awesome landing pose.
Kirahhe: “Whoa! She’s impressive.”
Tali: “I’ve been told that she always enjoys doing that. She’s an incredible athlete and enjoys aerial sports a lot.”
Nearby, Splash was fighting her faction. She had looked over towards Aera as she did all of this.
Splash: “Not bad, Aera, but I can do some cool tricks, too!”
She then materialized small, circular pools of water from the ground. From there, she shot out from them at the Marauders. Kirahhe was startled by this.
Kirahhe: “Whoa!! Just look at her. She is really wielding the water with such ease.”
Liara: “She is shown to be an expert in her field. She would practice countless times with her water.”
Miranda: “She really does enjoy it. You can tell how much she loves to utilize her powers.”
At that point, she froze the water into solid ice. With this, she shattered the ice and shot ice crystals into them, freezing them and shattering them as well. This also surprised Kirahhe.
Kirahhe: “She’s a cryokinetic, too?”
Mordin: “Naturally, those who are able to wield water can also utilize ice, considering they are of the same substances. Not all aquamancers are able to wield ice, being that they are different from one another for a number of reasons, they are identified as their own element.”
At that time, Star was using her Light abilities on her factions. Unleashing devastating Light attack on them. A few times would unleash violent flashes on them, devastating them with a barrage of severe attacks. She would even hold up her hand, summon forth a massive amount of Light energy and toss it on the ground, which damages them greatly. Such attacks are shown to completely decimate them. Kirahhe also took notice of this.
Kirahhe: “She’s…really powerful! And she doesn’t hold back on the devastating attacks.”
Garrus: “That’s Star for you.”
Mordin: “Indeed, in a fight, she hardly holds back. Takes a lot of enjoyment in obliterating massive amounts of dark monsters with her devastating Light powers.”
Lastly, Jewel is seen in a devastating fight, unleashing different crystal attacks on the Marauders. At one point, holding her hands outward, away from her, she summoned 2 large crystals then rapidly pulled them together and collided them with each other, shattering them both. She then, with a conceited smile, sent off the shards towards the enemies, inserting them into each of the enemies. With another simple gesture, the shards expanded outward in spikes. This caused some lethal devastation on their bodies, destroying them outright.
Kirahhe: “Unbelievable! These girls are lethal in a fight!”
Mordin: “Yes, they have expressed countless times that they would prefer not to kill anyone with their powers. Good on them for doing that, very noble.”
Garrus: “Yeah, best for them to keep it that way. I would hate to have them undergo circumstances in which they would have to kill someone or even a massive amount in that matter.”
Mordin: “As do I.”
Jane is seen standing near Kelly.
FemShep: “You enjoying the show so far, Chambers?”
Kelly: “I’ve got to say…they’re transformation and their powers are such a spectacle to watch. They’re as amazing as they are devastating and lethal.”
At that point, the girls rushed back to each other’s side.
Jewel: “Alright, girls, let’s do this!”
The other girls nodded once. Garrus stood by and watched, almost as though he was anticipating something.
Garrus: “Are they doing what I think they’re doing?”
Mordin: “It appears so.”
Kirahhe: “What is it they’re going to do next?”
Mordin: “A special magical technique known as Convergence.”
Kirahhe: “Convergence?”
Garrus: “Mordin named this technique from some magical girl show. It’s when 2 or more magical beings bring their powers together to unleash a more devastating attack.”
Mordin: “Indeed, the severity and magnitude of this combined power greatly exceeds that of standard attacks of just one being. The results are truly phenomenal.”
With that, the girls charged up their powers, then forged a large orb and shot it into the air above the rest of the Marauders. From there, a devastating barrage of each of their powers rained down on their enemies by massive amounts. They were hit severely; it was almost like a huge slaughter. The girls continued holding up their powers as this barrage continued. Eventually, all of the Marauders were decimated, leaving behind nothing in their wake. Everyone stood by, spellbound and astonished by what they had seen. The girls stood idle, emotionless.
Jewel: “Good work, girls. Another job well done.”
Kirahhe: “Wow, these girls, they’re like…each of them…are like their own personal army. They’ve devastated and destroyed enemies in ways that no one else ever could.”
Mordin: “That’s magical girls for you. They are a lot more powerful than they seem.”
Garrus: "Yeah, I can vouch for that. We have seen them undergo a lot of tough battles. They really are strong.”
Voice: “Major!!”
They looked over and spotted one of the salarians of the Special Tasks Group arrive while helping with another who appeared to have been injured.
Salarian: “He’s been injured during battle. One of those monsters did a number on him.”
Kirahhe: “Oh, no…!! That’s awful!”
Liara: “Is there something that can be done?”
Mordin: “Hmm…how bad is his injury?”
The other salarian was heard moaning.
Salarian: “It looked like he took a bad hit out there. They really struck him hard.”
The girls also took notice of this. However, Flare seemed to have been receiving some stares from her friends for some reason, almost as though they were pleading to her. Flare stood by for a brief moment. She then walked up to the salarian. She kneeled down next to him. Everyone stood by and waited as they didn’t know what to expect.
Liara: “What is…is she…?”
Samara: “Hmm…what could she be up to…?”
She held out her hand and then closed her eyes.
Flare: “Heat of life, ease this one’s ailments.”
With that, her hand glowed, it seemed to be reacting to a particular spot on the side of the salarian’s abdomen. Everyone watched in amazement as she used her power on this salarian. After a brief few moments, she stopped and removed her hand from him. From there, the salarian, hesitating at first, stood back up, although struggled a little to get his bearings, he was able to stand back up. He stood by spellbound for a bit.
Other salarian: “You…you…healed me…”
The first one stood by, stunned for a bit, then looked at Flare.
Salarian: “Are you…can you…?”
Flare: “If you are to ask if I am a healer, yes, I am.”
The 2 salarian were indeed startled, they exchanged brief glances with each other before looking back towards her.
Salarian: “Thank you.”
She smiled with both of her eyes closed. Everyone else stood by, astonished.
Garrus: “Huh. So…she’s a healer?”
Mordin pondered for a bit at this revelation.
Mordin: “Hmm…interesting…She indeed has…a number of…special powers.”
Liara: “Hm, yes, from sensing out magical energies and perceiving visions of the past to reaching into someone to heal their wounds, it is quite amazing.”
Samara: “Yes, she is, without a doubt, quite special.”
Garrus: “Could all of that have been…a result of…all of that special training she had done with her grandfather?”
Mordin: “Perhaps…she is the most spiritual of the girls. Her ability to tap into some unique powers…lots that we can learn from regarding their species, perhaps plenty that even they are unaware of.”
Garrus: “I don’t doubt that one bit. It’s very clear that there’s a lot about themselves they’re oblivious to.”
Mordin: “Yes, and it is up to us to help figure it all out.”
Garrus: “I know, considering that we’re the only ones who are willing to help them through that.”
Liara: "Yes, that is something that is clearly all too apparent.”
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