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I'd like any bored modeler who's itching for something simple to take a stab at making some blindfolds.


I'm not talking strip-o'-fabric-over-the-eyes (although a normal model would be cool). Something decorative/interesting.


Reference pics ahoy.


Blindfolds that cover the entire head (you could probably start with the Antagonizer's helmet as a base?):

Guild Wars "Iconic" Ritualist - one | two


Cover most of the head: Not entirely worksafe. Left and right.


The basic model. one | two | three (also that hood would be sweet) | four (also that armor/outfit would be cool as well)


I can handle the texture work if you ain't into that.


They're gonna hafta be comformulated (or whatever it's called now), so if anyone can do that then you're useful too.

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