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Need help with ENB (proxy library fun inside)


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Ive done something similar in the past, I used some optionals from K ENB Uber Sharp+Beak-Unbleak. I ended up with some pretty epic screen shots if you're interested.





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those are really gloomy and beautiful shots!

Where is the fog filled one with the mushrooms taken?


you can toggle sweetfx off or on with i think it's either pause or scroll lock, see if you notice a difference.

Yeah mash ups of certain dof, film grains, blue sharps etc produce some amazing things.


The DOF from projectenb/realvision is good. I love the DOF from skyrealism ENB, makes your weapons blurred and adds a subtle blur to a distance in front of you, mind you it kills fps slightly.

DOF is usually contained in enbeffectprepass.fx

(in case you didn't know)

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The mushroom screenshot is in Morrowind, I cannot mention more because moderators have asked us not to and quite frankly, I'm scared I'm being head hunted so I'd rather not give anyone a reason to ban me since I use NMM quite a bit and have heard some horror stories about after being banned people having their mods forcibly removed from their computer (not sure I believe it because that would be illegal but I'm not willing to test it).


I did know about the presspass aspect but thanks anyhow. xD

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So I managed to tweak my ENB quite a but by using 3 separate ENBs. I'm currently using Bleak with options from K ENB (natural sharp) and main folder files from Poupouri. It lets me have my faux AA (film grain), a soft color palate, which really helps make the place even more moody than before and its only at the cost of 50% of my FPS vs the 90% before...now when I'm moving my FPS will spike to 30 and at a stand still it hovers at 12-15 vs the constant 60 I get without ENB.


So this proxy library stuff has become moot...I guess if anyone has additional info to add though it couldn't hurt, I'm sure there are dozens of people who have scoured the internet looking for the answer to my question and have come up empty handed.

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